Duke denies wrongdoing in lacrosse lawsuits

Article here. Excerpt:

'Durham, N.C. — Duke University has denied all allegations made in lawsuits by dozens of former lacrosse players impacted by false rape claims.

More than three dozen players who were never indicted in a 2006 investigation accused the university of fraud, negligence, conspiracy and obstruction of justice.
The university immediately ended the lacrosse team's season and forced the coach to resign, and investigators collected DNA samples from all of the players.
Irving Joyner, a law professor at North Carolina Central University and a close observer of the case, said he believes third-party liability is a major part of the defense. Under that theory, Duke maintains that any wrongdoing was caused by Crystal Mangum and Nifong – two people not connected to Duke in any way.'

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Deputies: False rape claim part of extortion plan

Story here. Excerpt:

'PALM HARBOR - A 19-year-old woman was arrested Wednesday on charges she falsely claimed her father raped her, to win a larger percentage of a sum associated with legal action they were involved in.

Brittany Joy Davis, whose permanent address is in Lake Worth, was charged with extortion. She was being held at the Pinellas County Jail on $10,000 bail.
The plan was for her to claim her father raped her, and then, following his arrest, approach him about a larger portion of the monetary award, Nestor said. Once he agreed to her terms, the plan was for her to drop the rape allegation, Nestor said.'

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Moms killing kids not nearly as rare as we think

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's the headline du jour whenever a horrific case emerges of a mother killing her kids, as Lashanda Armstrong did when she piled her children into her minivan and drove straight into the frigid Hudson River.

Our shock at such stories is, of course, understandable: They seem to go against everything we intuitively feel about the mother-child bond.

But mothers kill their children in this country much more often than most people would realize by simply reading the headlines; by conservative estimates it happens every few days, at least 100 times a year. Experts say more mothers than fathers kill their children under 5 years of age. And some say our reluctance as a society to believe mothers would be capable of killing their offspring is hindering our ability to recognize warning signs, intervene and prevent more tragedies.'

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Is Yale University Sexist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last month, 16 Yale students and recent graduates filed a confidential complaint with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights alleging that in violation of Title IX—which bans sex discrimination in schools—Yale maintains a hostile environment for women that denies them equal access to educational opportunities. The Office for Civil Rights has already begun to investigate. If it finds Yale in violation, the university could lose approximately $500 million in federal funding.

Is the complaint really plausible?

In the classroom, on the athletic fields and elsewhere throughout campus life, women at Yale are prospering. In 2010, female undergraduates outnumbered male undergraduates 2,663 (50.5%) to 2,616 (49.5%). Yale aggressively recruits, promotes and retains female faculty. Four of the university's top eight administration officers are women. The dean of Yale College is a woman. So is the dean for special projects.

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American University derails $300,000 sexual assault prevention grant

Article here. Excerpt:

'The proposed education program would require all new students to attend a seminar and an individualized break-out session on the topics of "healthy relationships, consent, relationship violence, stalking, sexual assault and risks correlated with increased use of drugs and alcohol." Incoming students would also be required to complete surveys about sexual assault at two points during the year. In order to ensure compliance with the policy, students who failed to attend the training or complete the surveys would be blocked from registering for classes for the next semester.

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Did Hamilton College take 'political correctness to the extreme'?

Article here. Excerpt:

'CLINTON — A national free-speech group recently recognized Hamilton College — but not in a positive way.

The college was named a recipient of a 2011 Jefferson Muzzle, a distinction given over the past 20 years to institutions responsible for “affronts to free expression,” according to the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, located in Virginia.

The college took “political correctness to the extreme” by requiring male first-year students to attend a presentation in September called “She Fears You” where men were “asked to acknowledge their complicity in a ‘rape culture’ … and to change their ‘rape supportive’ beliefs and attitudes,” according to the center.

Female freshmen also were required to attend an event — a one act play called “Fresh,” which the Jefferson center characterized as having a theme of acceptance and support.'

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Colorado woman charged with having 'affair' with boy, 15; coroner says boy committed suicide

Story here.

'CANON CITY, Colo. — Authorities say a 15-year-old Colorado boy took his own life after a 30-year-old woman allegedly had a sexual relationship with him.

The Canon City Daily Record reports Brenda Lynette Harding of Canon City was arrested Friday on charges of sexual assault on a child.

An arrest warrant affidavit says Harding was the teen's caregiver last summer and was a friend of the teen's stepmother.

The teen lived Buena Vista and was reported missing April 2 while visiting family in Canon City. His body was found in Canon City on April 4.

The Fremont County coroner ruled he died from an overdose of a painkiller and a muscle relaxant.

Harding was jailed under $15,000 bail. It's unclear if she has a lawyer. No phone number for her could be found.'

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Man Hatred is OK at the University Of New Hampshire

This story dates back to 2005 and think it was posted on MANN. I thought I'd resubmit the story because of the irony Joe Biden chose The University of New Hampshire to make his recent speech about sexual misconduct. Excerpt:

'...Monologues by members of the FAL poked fun at feminist stereotypes and set the tone of an evening of sarcasm and wit.

"Hello, my name is Mary Man-Hating-Is-Fun," one participant said. "I am 23 years old, and I am what a feminist looks like. Ever since I learned to embrace my feminist nature, I found great joy in threatening men's lives, flicking off frat brothers and plotting the patriarchy's death. I hate men because they are men, because I see them for what they are: misogynistic, sexist, oppressive and absurdly pathetic beings who only serve to pollute and contaminate this world with war, abuse, oppression and rape."

Members of the FAL wore scissors around their necks, as members of the audience lightheartedly sang a song about castration.'

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Make Sure Paternity: 'Are You my Daddy?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Omelia Elliott owns a beauty salon on Genesee Street, but her business right next door is a whole different world.

"It would've been funny if you all would've been here at 3 o'clock,” Elliott told YNN. “We watch Maury everyday: 'Are you my daddy?' "

Omelia works with her mother O.J. Rouse at “Make Sure Paternity,” a business with the slogan, “Are you my daddy?”

"People walk in and come in and we swab the child and sometimes the child, then the father,” explained Elliott, “and send that in to a DNA lab."

She said that five to ten people walk into those offices every week. Some go for immigration reasons, verifying a parent-child relationship for permanent residency in the United States. Most people, however, visit the business to prove who a child's real father is.'

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Genital Integrity – Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Royal Dutch Medical Association recently declared that male circumcision is an infringement of a child’s rights to bodily integrity and personal autonomy, that its risks are underplayed, and that to reject all forms of forced female genital cutting while allowing forced male genital cutting is ethically inconsistent. It also analyzes the flawed distinctions made between female genital mutilation and non therapeutic male circumcision, and it finds that “there is growing concern regarding complications, both minor and serious, which can occur as a result of circumcising a child,” from bleeding, infection, meatal stenosis (urethral stricture) and panic attacks to the risk of death. In relation to long term sexual damage, the paper points out that the foreskin is an important erotogenic structure, and that the history of its removal is, “rooted in the desire to control male sexuality”'

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'Swedish women fake rape to claim payouts'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Swedish woman accused of trumping up rape accusations while on holiday in Greece exemplifies a persistant view in the Mediterranean country that Swedish women bring false rape complaints to get payouts from special 'rape insurance'.
One of the reasons given for the case having been dropped was that it had become common for holidaying women, especially Scandinavians, to say that they had been raped during their stay in Greece to claim insurance money upon their return.

Anna resigned to trying to move on with her life.

But she was later contacted by a Greek public prosecution office, which informed her that she was being countersued for making false rape accusation and libel.'

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MLB sees first player on new paternity leave list

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (AP) — Texas Rangers pitcher Colby Lewis is the first player to go on Major League Baseball's paternity leave list.

A player can be on the new list for 24 to 72 hours. Lewis' wife, Jenny, gave birth to daughter Elizabeth Grace on Wednesday in Bakersfield, Calif.

Lewis is expected to rejoin the Rangers on Monday and take his next start Tuesday night at home against the Los Angeles Angels.'

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NY Post: 'How Yale became a sexual cesspool'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Drawing the loudest outcry are a 2006 episode in which frat pledges chanted, "No means yes! Yes means anal!" in front of the Yale Women's Center (a refrain they reprised in 2009), and a 2008 stunt in which frat members posed for a photo in front of the center with a sign proclaiming "We love Yale sluts."

But before you shed a tear for Yale or its feminists, consider the role that both have played in saturating the campus with vulgar sexuality. In an effort to foster "dialogue" and "acceptance" of every possible sexual choice or act, they've drenched students, faculty and administrators in images and vocabulary of graphic sexuality.

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Father forced to fight for parental rights after murder acquittal

Article here. Excerpt:

'Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) – A man cleared of murder by child abuse charges in two criminal trials has found himself in Family Court, and prosecutors say they won't let him live with his own children until he admits his guilt.

The Family Court case against Victor Fakoya was set before the criminal trials. But his attorney says after the first trial ended in a hung jury and Fakoya was acquitted of criminal charges in the second trial, Child Protective Services showed up at his door and told him to get out.

CPS reportedly told Fakoya that he couldn't live with his two daughters until he takes a child abuse class that ends with an admission of guilt.

Meaning, Victor Fakoya could lose his parental rights if he doesn't admit to a crime for which he's been cleared.

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'Sympathetic' judge sentences cancer med-withholding mom to 8 -10 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAWRENCE, Mass. - A Massachusetts woman convicted of attempted murder for withholding cancer medications from her autistic son was sentenced to eight to 10 years in prison.

Kristen LaBrie wept and expressed remorse before a judge announced her punishment Friday in Lawrence Superior Court. She said she misses her son every day.

Authorities say LaBrie stopped filling Jeremy Fraser's cancer medication prescriptions. The boy died in 2009 at age 9. Prosecutors argued that he had an 85 to 90 percent chance of surviving had he received the proper treatment.
Judge Richard Welch said he had sympathy for the "tremendous pressures" LaBrie faced as a single parent raising a severely disabled child. But he said withholding the boy's treatment was "an extended, secretive and calculated act that chills the soul."'

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