B.C. teacher sex trial told of 200 encounters

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Vernon, B.C., elementary school teacher is on trial for allegedly having more than 200 sexual encounters with one of her students.

Deborah Ashton, now 45, was charged in 2008 with invitation to sexual touching, sexual assault and touching for sexual purposes a person under 14 years of age.

The alleged victim was 12 when the purported relationship began in 2003.

Their sexual relations continued for two years and would take place either at her home, where she lived with her husband and two children, or at the boy's home, Crown prosecutor Neil Flanagan told the court Wednesday.'

"relationship"? "relationship"?? "relationship"???!

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British Airways nixes anti-male seating policy

Story here. Excerpt:

'REGULAR Gulliver readers will undoubtedly recall the case of Mirko Fischer, the hedge fund manager from Luxembourg who sued British Airways after it forced him to change seats because of an internal policy that forbade seating adult men next to unaccompanied minors. (Mr Fischer ended up in the position by switching seats with his pregnant wife so that she could look out the window.) Last month, Mr Fischer won his lawsuit against the airline over what my colleague described as "this sexist bit of nonsense," and a court awarded him costs and £750 in damages. (He donated the money to child-protection charities.) Now it seems Mr Fischer has won again. British Airways has changed its policy and will now "ensure that the seating of unaccompanied minors is managed in a safe but non discriminatory manner," a spokesman told the Telegraph.'

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Wikipedia Is Male-Dominated. That Doesn't Mean It's Sexist.

Article here. Excerpt:

'The gender imbalance among Wikipedia contributors is not even news. The Wikimedia study came out in August 2009 and was covered by the Wall Street Journal at that time. In the 17 months (which the Times rounds down to "about a year") that this report has been searing the Times' consciousness, the paper has come up with exactly zero new facts to explain the contributor imbalance. Instead, the paper recycles Women's Studies bromides about a female-hostile society, providing a striking display of contemporary feminism's intellectual decadence.
The idea that these gender imbalances represent gatekeeper bias was demonstrably false even before the Wiki reality check. Any female writer or speaker who is not painfully aware of the many instances in which she has been included in a forum because of her sex is self-deluded. Far from being indifferent—much less hostile—to female representation, every remotely mainstream organization today assiduously seeks to include as many females as possible in its ranks. ...'

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Deputies: Girl lied about being raped

Story here. Excerpt:

'Volusia County deputies are contemplating charges against a 13-year-old girl they say falsely reported she had been raped, they said today.

The teen Tuesday told law officers she was sexually assaulted near Phonetia Drive in DeLand about 9:05 p.m. She said a man approached her from behind while she was walking her dog and dragged her into some woods at knifepoint.

Deputies quickly determined the story was a hoax, they said. The girl had been with a 13-year-old boyfriend, a sheriff's spokesman said.'

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UK: Woman cautioned over false Crowthorne rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 19-year-old called police on 6 November last year reporting she had been attacked in Church Road West in Crowthorne.

Officers began an inquiry but failed to find any evidence to support the claim.

Last week they spoke to the woman again who admitted the claim was false. She was cautioned.'

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Charges filed against woman for false report of rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Albany woman is on her way to jail right now charged with falsely reporting she was raped Wednesday morning.

A manhunt was launched after Jaques Williams reported she was raped at the Superior Creek Lodge Motel on North Slappey.

But just moments ago police charged her with making false statements and false report of a crime.'

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Maryland teacher is charged with choking, punching first-graders

Story here. Excerpt:

'A first-grade teacher at a Silver Spring elementary school was charged with several counts of assault Tuesday, when authorities accused her of choking and, in some cases, punching half the 16 students in her class.

The incidents happened in December, in her class full of 6- and 7-year-old students, Montgomery County police said. None of the students was harmed seriously enough to require medical treatment or show visible injuries, law enforcement officials said.'

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A global conspiracy against St Julian?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Granted, the grounds for the two women’s sex accusations look pretty shaky, and Sweden’s rape laws, widely regarded as the strictest in the world, are deeply problematic. Sweden has an image as a sexually liberated society, but the idea of women’s sexual empowerment has become skewed. In Sweden, it is widely regarded as understandable for a woman to feel assaulted or taken advantage of if she hasn’t given active consent every step of the way during a sexual interaction. This outlook appears to infuse the accounts of the two Swedish women who have accused Assange of sexual molestation and unlawful coercion.'

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Male Baby as Future Rapist Sparks Furor and More

Story here. Excerpt:

'Josh Jasper thought his television commercial, which depicts a baby as a future rapist, would teach viewers about violence prevention.

Instead, thanks to YouTube, the ad has triggered an international firestorm and death threats for the Dubuque man, who heads a nonprofit advocacy group for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.
The ad contrasts a smiling baby with the following script: “He’s tough. He’s strong. He’s aggressive. He’s powerful. He raped his girlfriend. But he wasn’t always this way. What are you teaching your son? …”

Jasper said the ad was intended to make a point that people are not born violent, but are conditioned to be that way. He said donations paid for the commercial, which has aired for nearly a year on televisions in northeast Iowa and parts of Illinois and Wisconsin.'

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Debate fires up over presumption of joint custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'A fundamental change to the very basis on which post-separation parenting is viewed is being urged by some members of the legal and mental-health professions while others fiercely oppose the idea.

In fact, the introduction of a presumption of continued joint custody after separation is a measure that provokes strong opinions on both sides of the argument. Garry Wise of Wise Law Office in Toronto says that bringing in a presumption of joint custody would be an “across-the-board” approach to family law reform that would reduce the number of cases coming before the courts.

“This would be the biggest solution of all. What we do not have is a legally sanctioned culture of joint parenting at the federal level under the Divorce Act or the provincial level. We have an anachronism of a custody/access-based system that evolved one or more generation ago when one parent was at home and one parent was working.'

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The Foundation for Male Studies' 2nd Annual Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward to Solutions

See blog post here. Excerpt:

'Less than two months away, The Foundation for Male Studies' 2nd Annual Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward to Solutions will be unveiled to participants on site as well as through connected computers.

During the past month, the Foundation has been committed to promoting, encouraging and engaging individuals through email blasts, press releases and personal phone calls - to capture as many participants as possible and get them to sign up for our upcoming conference on April 6.

If you have registered for the conference, please accept my sincerest thanks for supporting us. If you haven't, I hope you will consider this consortium of scholars and professionals well worth the small $25.00 participation fee, and will register here.'

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Where are the boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'A common refrain among coeds these days, as college attendance and graduation rates among males are tanking across the nation.

More and more, American teenage boys seem to be falling behind their female peers in educational attainment, causing a gender schism and disrupting the social pecking order. Curiously, the drop in attendance by males seems to correspond to the rate of increase in female-headed single-parent households nationwide. The ultimately more important question might be, Where are the fathers?

In an educational system dominated by women, and with relatively few male role models in the schools, boys start to tune out of school around early adolescence; especially boys whose interests do not center around sports — the only aspect of education with a strong concentration of adult male teachers.'

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'Women Being Nice is Genetic'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recently conducted study has stated that women tend to be generally nice in nature, whereas men have to work towards being more courteous to people. The latest finding might come off to be as unacceptable for half of the people. But, the study by researchers at the University of Edinburgh has stated that people being nice depends on their genes.

Apparently, women happen to be more pro-social and that being nice is already in their system. For the study, around 1,000 pairs of twins were quizzed on topics revolving around how happy they were to perform extra duties at work. Apart from that they were also asked, if they'd pay more for better healthcare.'

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Radical feminism: what it is and why we're afraid of it

Article here. Excerpt:

'So what is radical feminism? Historically, radical feminism was a specific strand of the feminist movement that emerged in Europe and North America in the late 1960s. Distinctive to this strand was its emphasis on the role of male violence against women in the creation and maintenance of gender inequality (as argued by the likes of Susan Brownmiller, Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnon). And while a minority of radical feminists – most infamously Valerie Solanas – were hostile to men, radical feminism was much more instrumental in generating widespread support for campaigns around issues such as rape, domestic violence and sexual harassment.'

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Assange's lawyers want Swedish prosecutor to testify

Article here. Excerpt:

'London (CNN) -- Lawyers for Julian Assange wrapped up their case against his extradition to Sweden on Tuesday and challenged a Swedish prosecutor to "come to London" to defend her handling of the sexual misconduct allegations facing the WikiLeaks founder.

"Today, we have seen a Hamlet without the princess -- a prosecutor who has been ready to feed the media within information, but has been unwilling to come here," Assange attorney Mark Stephens told reporters outside a south London courtroom. Stephens called on Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny to attend the extradition hearing when it resumes Friday and "subject yourself to the cross-examination."'

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