Canada: Common law couples deserve fair shares when separating, top court rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Supreme Court of Canada made it easier today for common law couples who split up to claim a fair share of property or assets they played a substantial role in building.

Ruling unanimously on two cases that involved estranged common law couples, the Court emphasized that when one partner has contributed substantially to a business, property or the success of the other’s career, they should gain a benefit that properly reflects their contribution.

The Court stressed the importance of adopting a flexible approach when it comes to assessing the relative role of each partner and working out a dollar amount that reflects those roles.'

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California Woman Held for Duct-Taping Toddler

Story here. Excerpt:

'HESPERIA, Calif. -- A California woman is under arrest after authorities say she duct-taped her 2-year-old son

San Bernardino County deputies say 19-year-old Danyella Higgins was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of cruelty to a child.

Deputies went to the home of the Hesperia woman after a photo was sent to her friend showing her 2-year-old son with duct tape around his hands, feet and mouth. The recipient called authorities.'

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Please send this complaint to the Australian Press Council -- Deadline is 3 Mar 2011

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Important: The above procedure is based on the Australian Press Council's own guidelines and must be followed for a successful submission.

Please leave a reply so that I may gauge the number of complaints sent.

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American Boy forfeits championship by refusing to wrestle girls in major high school tournament

Link here. Excerpt:

'A standout high school wrestler in the United States has refused to compete against a girl at a major tournament because he says grappling with girls conflicts with his religious beliefs.

Year 10 student Joel Northrup, the son of a church minister, forfeited any chance of becoming champion when he defaulted on his match against year nine student Cassy Herkelman at the Iowa state high school wrestling tournament.

Northrup, who is home-schooled but was wrestling for a local high school, said in a press release that he withdrew because he does not think boys and girls should compete in the sport.

"I have a tremendous amount of respect for Cassy. However, wrestling is a combat sport and it can get violent at times," he said.
It is unfortunate that I have been placed in a situation not seen in most other high school sports in Iowa," he said.'

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Rwanda: Elastrator-like circumcision device being tested

Link here. Excerpt:

'The PrePex system works through a special elastic mechanism that fits closely around an inner ring, trapping the foreskin, which dries up and is removed after a week. A study conducted by the Rwandan Ministries of Defence and Health in 2010 found the device to be safe and effective.

"You don't need a sterile environment, you don't need anaesthetic, you don't need to use an operating theatre," Agnes Binagwaho, permanent secretary in Rwanda's Ministry of Health, told IRIN/PlusNews.

"In Africa, where we lack medical infrastructure, we feel it is the best way to go," she added.

Although cost-effectiveness studies are still under way, Binagwaho said the elimination of factors such as anaesthetic and highly trained staff as well as the gains made by the shorter healing time meant it was likely that the PrePex system would be cheaper than traditional clinical male circumcision.

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U California axes men’s gymnastics and baseball

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men’s NCAA gymnastics will take another hit next year when the University of California at Berkeley eliminates the sport. As it is, only a dozen NCAA teams exist, thanks in large part to the implementation of Title IX. Cal is axing men’s gymnastics (but keeping women’s gymnastics) as a cost-cutting measure; their men’s baseball team is also being cut. It’s a shame that a program that brought us Graham Ackerman is being eliminated, but with the pressures from a slumping economy and Title IX, an NCAA void of men’s gymnastics is the world we live in.'

We've seen numerous cuts to men's sports due to Title IX, but none as significant as this baseball program, a program that's produced numerous major league players.

Notable Berkeley alumni who've made it to the major leagues include former MVP and possible hall of fame inductee Jeff Kent. Current Arizona Diamondback Xavier Nady is another alumnus. Berkeley has also won two national baseball championships.

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Is Science Saturated with Sexism?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In “Understanding Current Causes of Women’s Underrepresentation in Science,” Cornell professors Stephen Ceci and Wendy Williams provide a thorough analysis and discussion of 20 years of data. Their conclusion: When it comes to job interviews, hiring, funding, and publishing, women are treated as well as men and sometimes better. As Williams told Nature, “There are constant and unsupportable allegations that women suffer discrimination in these arenas, and we show conclusively that women do not.” Put another way, the gender-bias empress has no clothes.

For more than a decade, passionate activists in groups such as the American Association of University Women, the National Council for Research on Women, and the Committee on Maximizing the Potential of Women in Academic Science have insisted that women scientists are victims of pervasive sex discrimination, and they have produced a mountain of advocacy research to prove it.

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Push for mandatory paternity testing in Australia

This story in The Australian is interesting. Quote:

'A men's rights group has called for mandatory paternity testing of all babies after government figures revealed almost 600 instances of men compelled to financially support children they did not father.

Since changes to child support laws four years ago, there had been 586 cases of men successfully using DNA testing to show they were not biologically related to children they had been financially supporting, the federal government has revealed to The Australian.

In the overwhelming majority of these cases, the courts have not forced mothers to pay back the money they have received.

Of the 586 cases, only 74 mothers have been told to pay back the money. Those reparations total in excess of $533,000.'

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Discovered this site: and thought it needed sharing. From their History page:

'In October of 1988 the first professional Conference on Male Sexual Victimization was held in Minneapolis. This ground-breaking conference, organized by a few dedicated mental health providers, brought together professionals who wanted to better understand and treat adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. At that time, only limited information could be offered to those who participated. But those present had great enthusiasm and the clear recognition that the conference was a necessary and valuable resource, where professionals could share practical information and ask questions. And it was a safe place for some to acknowledge their own sexual victimization.'

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England: female chaplain sentenced for false rape charge against priest

Story here.

'A female Catholic chaplain at John Henry Newman College in Birmingham, England, has confessed that she fabricated a rape charge against a priest with whom she had worked on an earlier assignment.

Father Patrick Udoma had been ousted from his post as a pastor in Birmingham after Emma Templeton filed rape charges. But when police discovered dozens of text messages on her cell phone that supported the priest’s defense: that they had a short, consensual affair.

A court has sentenced Templeton to 10 months in prison for filing the false charge, but suspended the sentence.'

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False rape report wasted police time, authorities say

Story here. Excerpt:

'HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) - Authorities who accuse a Herndon woman of fabricating a report that she was raped at a Dauphin County shopping center said valuable police time was wasted on the investigation.

Twenty-nine-year-old Amber Adams has admitted to investigators that she was not forced into a car and raped in the parking lot of the Paxton Square Shopping Center on Jan. 29, according to Lower Paxton Township police.

"We had people that just scoured video trying to find the perpetrator's vehicle, hours and hours and hours and hours were spent, not only by us, but by civilians out at the shopping center," Lt. Gary Seefeldt said.'

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Assange Attack on Sweden, Prosecutor May Give Appearance of `Mud Slinging'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Julian Assange’s U.K. lawyers, seeking to block the WikiLeaks founder’s extradition to Sweden on rape claims, may have chosen the wrong tactic by criticizing Swedish justice and labeling the prosecutor behind the case as a “radical feminist,” lawyers say.

Witnesses at hearings last week in London said Swedish rape trials are secretive and portrayed prosecutor Marianne Ny as a “crusader” on gender issues who had a hand in shaping Sweden’s “harsh” rape laws. The tactic may be a sign of desperation and is unlikely to stop Assange’s extradition, said Neill Blundell, a lawyer with Eversheds LLP in London.
“Extreme feminism has taken over more and more” in Swedish society, said Peter Haglund, a defense lawyer who has represented more than 150 accused rapists since 1985. “Men are seen as fundamentally evil.”'

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Teenage female teen lied about jogger attack

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A Twilight fan has admitted lying to police about an assault to hide the vampire-inspired role-playing behind bite marks on her body.

The 15-year-old US teen at first claimed that bruises and bites on her body were caused by someone who attacked her while she was jogging, the Smoking Gun reports.

Her imaginary assailant jumped out of the bushes, knocked her to the ground and tried to remove her shirt.

But the girl, from Marathon in Florida, supposedly was able to fight off the attacker.

When officers determined the jogging attack as described by the teen could not have caused the marks left on her neck and arms, she admitted the story was a fake.'

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V-Day: Valentines and vulgarity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Instead of embracing love this February 14th, feminists have called on us to embrace Vagina Day.

Why have some feminists hijacked Valentine’s Day with disconcerting words like “vagina” and "c***"?
Firstly, many of the monologues are not real:

“Some of the monologues are close to verbatim interviews, some are composite interviews, and with some I just began with the deed of an interview and had a good time” (Ensler 7).

In "The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could," a 16-year-old girl is seduced by a 24-year old woman with vodka and is later raped. The original text states that the victim was a 13-year-old girl who venerated rape: “If it was rape, it was a good rape.”

Moreover, men are portrayed as sex-driven beasts. In “Because He Like to Look at Vaginas,” a guy named Bob is portrayed as one who fixates on vaginas:

“Turned out the Bob loved vaginas. He was a connoisseur” (Ensler 55).

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Dartmouth College sexual assault fictitious, no false report charges to be filed

Story here. Excerpt:

'HANOVER – No one tried to rape a Dartmouth College student in her dormitory room, a police investigation concluded.

Police Chief Nicholas Giaccone, asked if anyone is going to be charged with filing a false police report, said, "Not at this time." He would not release the name of the individual who filed the report but said it was a Dartmouth College student.

For several days, police investigated the report of the alleged sexual assault that was said to have happened about 10:25 p.m. on Sunday when a man entered a student's room, pushed her down and removed her pants. The assailant reportedly fled after the woman kicked and screamed.'

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