Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-05-13 06:36
Article here. Notice the incident cited for the implementation of this new policy. The female student initiated the conflict. Absolutely no mention of any accountability on her part. Excerpt:
'The eight presidents of Dartmouth’s Panhellenic sororities unanimously decided that their houses will boycott all social events held in conjunction with a fraternity in which a member has assaulted a female student if internal adjudication is not taken against the individual in a timely manner, Sigma Delta sorority president Danielle Levin ’12 said in an interview with The Dartmouth. The boycott, which will continue until the fraternity in question internally tries the perpetrator of the assault, was enacted following a violent incident at a fraternity’s physical plant on Saturday, according to Levin.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-05-12 14:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'VIENNA - A Vienna man would rather sit in jail than pay alimony to his ex-wife, hoping it forces a change in state paternity laws.
Monday, Sean Keefe, 37, was sentenced to six months in the North Central Regional Jail for refusing to pay his ex-wife $1,800-a-month court-ordered alimony.
"I didn't kill anybody. I didn't assault anybody. And I didn't steal from anybody and I am going to jail. I am in jail," Keefe said in a YouTube video posted Saturday.
Keefe alleges two years after he divorced his ex-wife, he discovered he was not the father of the couple's youngest son.
"Just before our divorce was finalized I was told I should have a DNA test performed. I was told there was zero-percent chance I was his biological father," he stated on the video. Caroline Keefe, Sean's wife, provided The News and Sentinel copies of the test results.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-05-12 14:06
Article here. Excerpt:
'DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – DNA testing has released hundreds of wrongfully convicted prisoners. It could also exonerate another group – men who’ve been paying child support for children they do not believe are theirs.
Senate Bill 785 would end the relationship, releasing him from child support payments through DNA testing.
Both the House and the Senate passed this bill unanimously. If the govenor signs the bill, it would go into effect immediately.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-05-12 00:43
A new study shows that circumcised men are almost five times more likely to suffer from premature ejaculation. (Tang WS, Khoo EM. Prevalence and correlates of premature ejaculation, J Sex Med 2011)
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-05-12 00:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'...This is not the first time, if there is on thread that runs through this organization’s ads it’s an effort, sometimes subtle, often overt, to disparage men and boys and cast women as superior, physically, mentally and even emotionally.
The Ad Council is known for creating the ads we see on T.V. or hear on the radio known as Public Service Announcements, (PSA’s) that stations run perhaps for free or at a reduced rate, usually to support some social cause that usually would not have the money for an ad campaign on the scale arranged for by the Ad Council. They usually have some ad agency do the creative work based upon their direction or guidance. I’m not sure exactly how much public funds, if any, are involved, either directly or indirectly.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-05-12 00:26
Alert here. Excerpt:
'Fathers and Families’ Shared Parenting bill (H02684) will have its public hearing by the Joint Committee on the Judiciary on Wednesday, May 18 at the State House in Boston. We want your help for this critical hearing. We need you to:
1) Call the members of the Judiciary Committee (as well as your local legislators) and let them know that you support H02684.
The contact info. for all Committee Members is here. To find your own state senator or representative, click here. Tell us how your interactions went by writing to us at'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2011-05-10 22:15
Article here. No, you are not dreaming. This is an IRL nightmare. Excerpt from translation:
'Environmental degradation, financial crisis, the unilateral accumulation of wealth: all the consequences of modern patriarchy - the destruction of a male-dominated society. At least, it seems the German Heide Goettner-Abendroth, one of the central figures of the matriarchy movement, which has been investigating the 1980 female-dominated societies and propagated.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2011-05-10 16:16
I'm not sure how this has not made it on your list! I believe this video was made in poor taste. Any similar depiction of a loving wife being portrayed as an incompetent clown would cause an uproar and most likely end up on "the view." I have sent a letter to the company. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2011-05-10 12:44
Link to press release here.
'It has been bought to our attention that a circumcision event in the Philippines last Saturday has supposedly been approved by Guinness World Records.
Guinness World Records would like to clarify that it does not, under any circumstances, monitor, endorse or recognise this kind of 'record attempt'. The organisers of the event have no approval from Guinness World Records to use its trademarks in connection with this event and any claim to officially recognise this event will be rejected.'
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Submitted by Mr VanHuizen on Tue, 2011-05-10 05:18
This is something that happened recently in my city (Christchurch); a new club opened up called Club 22 (a lot of bars/clubs have been opening since the massive earthquake here) - founded by a 20 year old girl. This particular club decided it would charge $5 entry fee for women and for men a ridiculous $22 to get in - with the claimed intention of apparently "to stop the drunk, stupid boys from ruining other people's enjoyment" and essentially creating a continuous ladies' night out bar.
Here was the original article, noticeably the media doesn't seem to have a problem with this kind of discrimination.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-05-10 01:30
Picture and article here. The original page in Dutch is found here.
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Submitted by MR on Mon, 2011-05-09 12:39
"The petition is coming down in less than a week and we will be short of 1,000 signatures," writes Paul Elam at "A Voice for Men". Elam is asking people to step up and sign if they have not, and to post links to the petition as widely as possible. "An innocent man's life and future are on the line..." writes Elam.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2011-05-08 09:23
When did the building of affordable housing to those in need become a gender issue?
Why am I asking this question you ask? Well on FaceBook today, where I am a fan of Habitat for Humanity, I received a notification about Lowe's sponsored "Women Build week." I followed the link back hoping to find that this idea was initiated by Lowe's as a promotional stunt but instead found an entire division of Habitat devoted to the "women build" program that traced it's history back 20 years. I am surprised and very disappointed to learn that an organization that I have participated with since I was in high school is not as egalitarian as I had presumed.
The Women Build FAQ pages address this issue as such:
"Does Habitat promote feminist issues?
We believe that decent, affordable housing is not a feminist issue. It is a quality of life and basic human dignity issue facing families everywhere.
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Submitted by bikeking8 on Sat, 2011-05-07 16:26
Boycotts and letters may have some marginal effect on media's misandry. However, it seems more and more likely that giving public recognition to marketing departments who don't follow the crowd in this manner might be even more effective in squashing modern culture's affinity for male bashing. Commercials like Pledge's newest spot could be a shining example of how marketing campaigns can deliver effective advertising without male bashing while even displaying *gasp!* gender equality. If the people responsible for that Pledge commercial were given some public support/recognition for gender equality, they'd eat it up. And let's face it, society takes marketing to heart most of the time and sometimes uses it as a template for behavior: "Well in this commercial/movie the girl got her way all the time by having a temper tantrum and screaming - that must be acceptable, right?".
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2011-05-07 07:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'The horrifying part of it all is that, for the most part, fraternity members are allowed to get away with their absurd behavior, with people taking a “boys will be boys” approach to the whole thing while turning a blind eye to the darker assault-driven side of their behavior. People treat the rumors of frat house rape as just that; rumors that shouldn’t really be given much credence.
Rape is very much a part of college life, though, no matter how much we want to ignore it. Studies suggest as many as one in four college-age women are the victims of rape. A full 10% of these rapes are believed to have taken place in fraternity houses. As is typical with rape, however, very little of it gets reported, possibly as low as 10%, and in even fewer cases the perpetrator is ever brought to justice.
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