A note on 'hateful commentary'

The MANN admins list got an email from a reader who said he felt some of the comments left by others here were hateful/vile and he gave some examples. All in all, I agreed with him re those exaamples. Following was my reply:

"Thanks for your note. I agree there are some really hateful and bigoted things in comments on our site. The MANN admins have discussed this issue at length in the past and have concluded that when we start censoring one comment, there is no end to where it goes. We think that as offensive something is, it tarnishes the poster far more than the site itself. This issue has come up a lot before in legal circles on other forums, such as newspaper forums.

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SAVE request "Like"s for their Facebook page

From SAVE: Want to reform state-level DV laws? Visit SAVE’s new Facebook page for the Domestic Violence Legislative Project, and then hit the “Like” button!

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GA Gov. Signs F & F-Inspired Child Custody Bill

Story here. Excerpt:

'At Fathers and Families we receive many letters from divorced or separated military servicemembers with painful but preventable family law problems. Currently, Georgia is one of the few remaining states that has no protections in statute.

To address these problems, Department of Defense Liaisons Office legislative representatives and Fathers and Families legislative representative Michael Robinson worked to introduce Georgia’s SB 112 and HB 282. Both bills largely mirror Fathers and Families’ California AB 2416, which was passed into law last fall. Many months in the making, the bills will help protect military parents’ child custody rights during and after deployments.'

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F&F: Massachusetts Action Alert: Shared Parenting Bill to Be Heard

Alert here. Excerpt:

Fathers and Families’ Shared Parenting bill (H02684) will have its public hearing by the Joint Committee on the Judiciary on Wednesday, May 18 at the State House in Boston. We want your help for this critical hearing. We need you to:

1) Call the members of the Judiciary Committee (as well as your local legislators) and let them know that you support H02684.

The contact info. for all Committee Members is here. To find your own state senator or representative, click here. Tell us how your interactions went by writing to us at FathersandFamilies@FathersandFamilies.org.

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CBS 6 Investigation: Botched circumcisions soar in Central Virginia

Article here. Excerpt:

'RICHMOND,Va— For some it's a cosmetic or health decision. For others, it's a religious covenant.

Regardless of the reason, a majority of baby boys born in the Greater Richmond Area today are being circumcised.

While circumcision is one of the most common procedures performed, a number of things can and do go wrong.

Traci Stevens knew she didn’t want her second baby to go through what her first son did. Stevens says, “My husband said over and over, ‘Something’s wrong.’”

Pediatric urologist Dr. Boyd Winslow confirmed what the Stevens feared, their first son’s circumcision had been done wrong in the hospital and needed to be repeated. To spare their second born, Jonah, the same heartache, the Stevens took him directly to Dr. Winslow a month after he was born. Stevens says, “Jonah didn’t cry one bit when it was done, so I was very happy with that.”'

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"'Our boy problem' a 'disturbing trend' as boys and young men fall behind girls in education"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mortensen released a report Tuesday titled "Economic Change Effects on Men and Implications for the Education of Boys," in which he explains how men have not adapted well to the changing economy.

He points out that women are more likely than men ages 25 to 29 to have a high school diploma, that women are more likely than men to continue going to college after the first year and that there have been more women than men enrolled in college since 1981.

"Mortenson argues that teaching styles and discipline policies cause boys to disengage sooner than girls and drop out at higher rates," Education Week reported, adding that the focus in schools on test preparation and writing disengages boys faster than girls.'

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Woman charged with filing false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 22-year-old woman who accused a co-worker of raping her has been charged with filing a false report of a crime, McDuffie County sheriff's Maj. Ronnie Williamson confirmed Tuesday.

Chelsea Ann Johnson of Dearing told police that Donteveous Coleman, a co-worker at Zaxby's, dragged her into a restroom at the Washington Road restaurant on April 25 and raped her.

Coleman, 27, of Thomson, has been released, Williamson said, but the charge against him has not been formally dropped. That will require court action, Williamson said.
Johnson was arrested Friday and released the next day on a $6,050 bond, Williamson said.'

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Woman pleads guilty to false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'An MCI-Framingham inmate pleaded guilty yesterday in Framingham District Court to filing a false rape report last year in Hopkinton.

Andrea Davio-Michaud, 40, admitted to filing a false police report, but she will not face more jail time.

Judge Martine Carroll sentenced her to six months at MCI-Framingham, to be served concurrently with her existing sentence.
They questioned Davio-Michaud's husband, who told them his wife has falsely claimed being raped at least four other times over the past 15 years, and that she would often injure herself to add credibility to her story, the police report said.

Davio-Michaud confessed to making up the story.'

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Washington Times: Guys got it made? Think again, say advocates

Article here. Excerpt:

'“If just one sex wins, both sexes lose.”

These words, presented Tuesday at an event in Washington sponsored by the Boys Initiative, are intended to start a national conversation aimed at improving the outcomes for American boys and men in school, work, marriage and health.

The figures are stark: Compared to girls, boys are less educated and more medicated. One in five men of prime working age is not working. Men have a life expectancy five years shorter than women. Male suicide rates start out equal to females, but steadily rise over the lifespan.

America ranks No. 1 in the world for the number of men in their 50s and 60s with college degrees, but it ranks only ninth for these degrees among men in their 20s and 30s, Thomas Mortenson, education analyst and board member of the Boys Initiative, said in a report released at the event.

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Australia: Harbour Bridge protest: who is Mick? (Bridge limbe For My Kids? Any time!)

I can't believe that this hasn't been covered here yet. There was a lot of comment (90% positive) on the day but, it has since been ignored. A retrospective article by a major newspaper would seem warranted. Excerpt:

'The disgruntled father whose Sydney Harbour Bridge protest ground half of the city to a halt this morning was almost killed during an alleged bikie shootout last year.

Michael Fox, who went by the name "Mick" on two radio stations today, was caught up in an incident in April 2010 in which a high-ranking Nomads bikie was allegedly murdered.'

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Texas Teacher Allegedly Had Sex With 5 Students

Story here. Excerpt:

'ARLINGTON, Texas -- A suburban North Texas high school teacher has been accused of having sex with five 18-year-old students at her home and was released on bond Monday.

Brittni Nicole Colleps, an English teacher at Kennedale High School, is charged with five counts of having an inappropriate relationship between a student and teacher -- a second-degree felony.

It is a criminal offense for teachers to have sex with a primary or secondary school student, no matter the student's age. A conviction carries a penalty of anywhere from two years to 20 years in prison per count.

The Arlington woman was booked into the city jail after turning herself in Monday morning and posted a $125,000 bond for her release that afternoon, police spokeswoman Tiara Ellis Richard told The Associated Press.'

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SAVE E-lert: Maine Prosecutor Files Motion to Muzzle SAVE

From a SAVE email alert:

Following our May 12 E-lert, SAVE learned that during Thursday's pre-trial hearing in the Filler case, the State of Maine prosecutor filed a motion to impose a gag order on SAVE and other organizations seeking to get the truth out about prosecutor Mary Kellett. Clearly, SAVE's well-subscribed petition, high-profile press conference, and other efforts to publicize the case are proving to be a major irritant to Mary Kellett...and well they should!

The judge viewed the motion as a puny attempt to revoke SAVE's First Amendment rights, and quickly denied the motion. And once again, the methods of prosecutor Mary Kellett and her proxies have been exposed for all to see.

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NIH announce dangerous changes to clinical trial protocols in search for HIV vaccine

Will continue pushing for more circumcision regardless. Link to press release here. Excerpt:

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Australia: 13 New Services to Support Aboriginal Fathers

Link to media release here. Excerpt:

'Minister for Indigenous Health Warren Snowdon today announced stronger and prouder involvement in parenting will be promoted among Aboriginal men at 13 organisations in a new Australian Government initiative.

“The $7.4 million in Strong Fathers Strong Families projects announced today for New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory will enable the rollout of antenatal programs that will engage Aboriginal males and help them prepare for fatherhood.

“Fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other significant male relatives are crucial in the lives of their children. A solid connection to family and culture gives children a great advantage in their early developmental years.'

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Avoiding resentment when she out-earns him

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Dear Carolyn:

What’s your opinion on women who grossly out-earn their partners? I’m a raging feminist yet have difficulty with the fact that I make much more than my boyfriend. He doesn’t have a college degree, so his lifetime salary ceiling is capped. If we ever buy a home together, I’ll have to pay more — but he can fix almost anything. Then I shudder to think “he’s earning his keep.”

How do people avoid resentment? If I made $250,000, I’d care less, but I don’t want to face a lifetime of struggling with bills and never feeling financially secure (especially once we have kids) while dealing with the fact that he can’t contribute equally.'

Carolyn replies:

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