Ban on Circumcision Could Become Law in Santa Monica

Article here. Excerpt:

'SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Circumcising a boy under the age of 18, even for religious reasons, may soon be against the law in Santa Monica.

A proposed ban on circumcision is already on the November ballot in San Francisco.

Now supporters of the MGM Bill, which stands for male genital mutilation, are hoping to do the same in Santa Monica.'

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Texas lawmaker tries to intimidate male colleagues with veiled threats of reprisal

Article here. This is another example of female politicians thrusting themselves and women in the role of victim. As a result, they blame every man who doesn't agree with them. An example of their arrogance is evident when Rep. Senfronia Thompson told the men if they don't stand up for women, they shouldn't show up in the chamber tomorrow. Her comments were met with applause. Excerpt:

'AUSTIN -- A dramatic scene played out on the House floor Thursday when several female state representatives complained of a disrespectful and insensitive attitude toward women in the chamber.

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Underage sex study reveals selective prosecution of boys

Via email: This new study (.pdf file) on statutory rape laws found minor teens are being prosecuted and labeled "sex offenders" for consensual close-in-age sex with each other, and some states only prosecute the boys. For example, in Arizona a 13-YO boy was convicted of having consensual sex with his 15-YO girlfriend. In Texas a 17-YO boy was given 10 yrs in jail for consensual oral sex with a 15-YO girl. Excerpt:

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SAVE: Please thank Dr. Phil for doing show on abusive women

From a SAVE email:

Today, Dr. Phil ran a show on Angry Women, Scared Husbands. Below is the show description from his website:

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$500 Million Obama Administration Program Will Help Kids 'Sit Still' in Kindergarten

Article here. I wonder if this 'early learning initiative' is just an attempt to increase the number of boys taking ADHD drugs in order to assimilate them to an education system that is geared more towards the biological learning style of girls. Excerpt:

'( – Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told on Wednesday that the administration's new $500 million early learning initiative is designed to deal with children from birth onward to prevent such problems as 5-year olds who "can't sit still" in a kindergarten classroom.

“You really need to look at the range of issues, because if a 5-year-old can’t sit still, it is unlikely that they can do well in a kindergarten class, and it has to be the whole range of issues that go into healthy child development,” Sebelius said during a telephone news conference on Wednesday to announce the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge.'

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New DNC Boss Calls GOP 'Anti-Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an emotional assault on the Republicans, new Democratic Party Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz today called the GOP agenda "anti-women" and "a war on women" that will backfire on Republicans in the 2012 election and provide a cushion for President Obama's re-election bid.

"It's just so hard for me to grasp how they could be so anti-women as they are," she said at a breakfast roundtable with reporters.

"The pushback and the guttural reaction from women against the Republican's agenda out of the gate, the war on women that the Republicans have been waging since they took over the House, I think is going to not only restore but possibly helps us exceed the president's margin of victory in the next election," added the popular Florida congresswoman.

The basis of her charge was the recent vote to defund Planned Parenthood and Title 10 funding for clinics that perform abortions.'

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Two New York City Police Officers Acquitted of Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two New York City police officers on Thursday were found not guilty of raping a drunken woman who had been helped into her apartment by the officers while on patrol.

The verdict brings to an end a criminal case that drew outrage across the city when the officers were indicted in 2009, and provides some measure of vindication for the officers, Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata.

The officers were convicted of three counts of official misconduct for entering the woman’s apartment, but the jury found them not guilty of all other charges, including burglary and falsifying business records.

The police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, said on Thursday that the officers would be fired immediately — up till now, they have been suspended with pay.

“The guilty verdicts involved violations of the officers’ oaths of office and as a result warrant immediate termination,” Mr. Kelly said. “Both officers will be terminated today.”'

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Married men earn a third more than their single counterparts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Married men earn nearly one third more than single males because they work harder, new research reveals.

Tying the knot means men get paid seven per cent more than unmarried men even if differences in age, education and experience are taken into account.
Experts say the pay gap could be because men develop a stronger work ethic after they marry.
Results indicate that a lower level of pay satisfaction induces married men to put more effort into their work, which leads to higher wages,’ said academics at the University of Bielefeld in Germany.'

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Who spends the most years in retirement?

Article here, including a graph comparing the retirements of men and women in various countries. Excerpt:

'Early retirement. That's what most people want, unless you're lucky enough to love working. When you have the luxury of retiring early though, why not take advantage? According to OECD estimates for life expectancy and retirement ages, in countries like Mexico, it is common for men to work up to the last year of their lives. On the other hand, women in Austria spend an average of 26 years in retirement.

In the United States the average years in retirement is 10 years for men and 16 years for women (mostly because men typically die earlier)—among the least in the world.'

If you do the math you'll see that men retire later in life and die sooner!

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'Why Marriage Is Dead And Monogamy Is A Mirage'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men of power (and those that want to be like them): If you intend to play Russian Roulette with your life by having unprotected sex with any available vagina, why bring other lives into the wager by making a public commitment to another human being? And women – why do we silently put up with it – while pretending we don’t want the same thing?

Yes, women cheat – but when it happens, you would never know. I bet Jackie Kennedy had a few pool boys and stable grooms stowed away for the hard times when Jack was out banging Marilyn. When Tammy Faye Bakker watched her bible-backed empire crumble to pieces because her husband used church funds to pay off his side piece, I bet she had a pair of strong, young arms to weep into. Men of power create bonds with the most intelligent, charismatic women in the world, who join forces with them because they also want to attain the pinnacle of success. That takes passion and fire. Could that kind of energy just wither away while a wandering man gorges himself on human flesh? I doubt it.

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UK: Women-only sauna sessions at Colchester Leisure World spark row

Article here. Excerpt:

'MEN at Colchester’s Leisure World have called for an end to women-only sauna and spa sessions.

A petition pinned to the wall of male changing rooms calls on Colchester Council to axe two female-only sessions on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings at Aqua Springs.

The spa facilities include a central pool, steam room, saunas, ice cold-pool and a new salt inhalation room.

Gary Reeve, 26, of High Woods, attends the Leisure World gym three or four times a week and said he often used the saunas.

He said: “It’s a bit sexist. Women want equality, so I don’t see why they should get special treatment.”'

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Special-Ed Teacher Admits To Raping 15-Year-Old Boy

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 42-year-old female special-ed teacher in Queens yesterday pleaded guilty in Queens Supreme Court to the third-degree rape of a 15-year-old boy. As punishment, in addition to surrendering her teaching license and registering as a sex offender, the teacher, Christine Williams, is expected to be sentenced to 90 days in jail and ten years probation in July. Williams had sex with the boy (who was not her student) at least twice last year in her Jamaica, Queens, home.'

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MSN: Why women have the upper hand in the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ask any married couple which spouse remembers family birthdays, when the car is due for an oil change and the name of that great restaurant they went to last week, and chances are both will say it's the wife who serves as the pair's memory.

While many a wife may chalk this up to their husband's laziness, remembering detailed information may just be one of the many things that women are naturally better at than men, at least according to a new book called "Man Down: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt that Women are Better Cops, Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers, and Just About Everything Else," by Dan (yep, he's a guy) Abrams, a legal analyst for NBC News and columnist for Men's Health magazine.

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Adultery and the Alpha Woman

Article here. Excerpt:

'Whether her husband and three children would agree with her is doubtful. But then, Erica’s not alone. In fact, she’s just one among a growing band of women who’ve been dubbed the Alpha Adultresses.

These high-earning, successful women are every bit as willing as men to use their power to attract younger lovers for quick flings.

Newspapers are crammed with sex scandals involving powerful men. This past week alone, Dominique Strauss-Kahn — of late the world’s most powerful banker — has been accused of rape, megastar Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted having a love-child with his housekeeper and the scandal surrounding MP Chris Huhne’s past indiscretions continues to rumble on.

However, a new academic study suggests women are inherently no more virtuous than men. It’s just that, in the past, they have lacked the confidence or opportunity to stray.

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Casey Anthony Defense Strategy: Blame Her Dad

Article here. This isn't an uncommon defense for women accused of a crime. Somehow there must be a man to blame while the accused is portrayed as a victim. Excerpt:

'Sexual assault. An accidental drowning. A cover up. That is the explosive defense strategy declared before the jury in opening statements in the sensational Casey Anthony first-degree murder trial.

Anthony, now 25, is accused of killing her daughter Caylee in June 2008, and not reporting her child allegedly missing for 31 days, eventually telling Orlando, Fla., investigators that Caylee had been kidnapped by her baby sitter.
Prosecutors then called George Anthony onto the witness stand, the state’s first witness in this death penalty trial. Immediately, prosecutors had to address for the jury the equally stunning revelation -- according to the defense -- that Casey Anthony was a victim of sexual abuse by her father beginning when she was 8 years old. And, in another bombshell, that Casey’s brother Lee also sexually fondled his sister.

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