Please lodge this anti-circumcision submission with the CDC (Deadline 15 April 2011)

This is a response to the document "Draft Action Plan--A Public Health Action Plan To Combat Antimicrobial Resistance" [Docket No. CDC-2011-0002] (!documentDetail;D=CDC-2011-0002-0001).

The deadline for submissions is 15 April 2011.

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NCFM in 'Cycling News'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sea Otter Classic organizers proposed for the first time in its history a celebration of Ladies Day on April 17, 2011, the final day of its annual multi-day cycling festival including racing, riding, demos and expos in Monterey, California. What they didn't expect was backlash from the National Coalition for Men (NCFM).
NCFM President Harry Crouch was unhappy that men were not included and complained of unequal treatment."Men and boys over the age of 12 had to pay $10 admission," read a statement in an article on the NCFM organization's website.

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NCFM helps the San Diego YMCA to Stop Charging Boys More than Girls for Skateboarding

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of our NCFM members discovered that the YMCA was charging boys more than girls for skateboarding at the YMCA’s skateboard park. Our Secretary Al Rava investigated and we thought it best to send the “Y” a letter.

The YMCA for decades has provided a wide range of beneficial services to the young and old. We felt it would be in their best interests to discontinue such discrimination since it’s illegal in California and they could be sued, which would necessarily mean less money for programs.
Dear Mr. Crouch:

Upon receipt of your letter, the Mission Valley YMCA discontinued promoting its skate park to girls by offering a discounted admission fee. The sole purpose of such discount was to encourage girls to engage in a sport that has long been male dominated. We will find an alternative approach to promote gender equality.'

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Rwanda Chief Justice advocates for men's rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Deputy Chief Gender Monitor in the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), Ramathan Barengayabo, was yesterday sworn in at the Supreme Court.

The swearing in, which was presided over by Chief Justice Aloysia Cyanzayire, also saw the swearing-in of Sam Kanyemera Kaka as a Commissioner in the National Human Rights Commission.

Cyanzayire urged Barengayabo to always strive to promote gender.

"Gender equality is a cross-cutting issue; we should not only promote women's rights, whenever men's rights are violated you should also intervene. What we are targeting is a totally balanced society," Cyanzayire said.'

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India: Female pilot gets bail while male pilots rot in jail

This is just one example of blatant sexism by the Indian judiciary. Excerpt:

'Moving the bail application, the accused stated that she was a 40-year-old unmarried woman who was the only support for her aged parents. Counsel Aggarwal also stated that the women in the country should be given a special status and the accused being an unmarried woman could not be kept in jail.

Allowing the plea, ASJ Bhatnagar said, "Since the accused is a female and she has already joined the investigation and her custodial interrogation is not required... it is hereby ordered that in the event of arrest, the accused be released on bail."'

Like0 Dislike0 article on men and HPV

Link here. Excerpt:

'Half of U.S. Men Infected With HPV, Study Reveals

TUESDAY, March 1 (HealthDay News) -- A new international study finds that half of adult males in the United States and elsewhere may be infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmissible virus linked to cervical cancer and other tumors.

The finding could help public health experts determine the value of widespread HPV vaccination of males, the study authors say.

"The incidence of genital HPV infection in men was high and relatively constant across age groups in Brazil, Mexico and the U.S.A.," concluded Anna R. Giuliano, of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute in Tampa, Fla., and colleagues. "The results from this study provide much needed data about the incidence and clearance of HPV infection in men."

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Government Office ‘falsified' figures on Domestic Violence –Ombudsman finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'South Australia’s Office for Women presented erroneous statistics, such as 95 per cent of domestic violence involves a male perpetrator and a female victim, the ombudsman found. Raw data show that, overall, at least one in three victims are male.

Men’s Health Australia spokesman Greg Andresen said the SA Ombudsman’s report should make the Gillard Government think twice about rolling back the shared parenting reforms introduced to family law by the Howard government —which effectively guarantee fathers some level of access to their children in the event of marital breakdown.
“But the problem is that when governments roll out programs relating to children, what gets rolled out is a program for women, not one that has equal regard for men and women.'

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86% of the victims of female sexual predators aren't believed

An article from The Canadian Children's Rights Council, a non-governmental educational and advocacy organization concerned with Canadian children's human rights and responsibilities, reports on female sex offenders and highlights key features here. Excerpt:

'86% of the victims of female sexual predators aren't believed, so the crimes go unreported and don't get prosecuted.
Finally, there is an alarmingly high rate of sexual abuse by females in the backgrounds of rapists, sex offenders and sexually aggressive men -59% (Petrovich and Templer, 1984), 66% (Groth, 1979) and 80% (Briere and Smiljanich, 1993). A strong case for the need to identify female perpetrators can be found in Table 4, which presents the findings from a study of adolescent sex offenders by O'Brien (1989). Male adolescent sex offenders abused by "females only" chose female victims almost exclusively.'

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Abuse Hysteria in Maine: This Week's Alert

SAVE has sent a letter to District Attorney Carletta M. Bassano calling for the immediate dismissal of the case of State of Maine v. Vladek Filler:

This case represents a bizarre miscarriage of justice that threatens to undermine public respect for law:

  • The allegation of marital rape does not meet the probable-cause standard.
  • Ligia Filler is a proven child abuser.
  • Ligia Filler is a documented false accuser.
  • The Maine Department of Health and Human Services sided with the defendant in a concurrent child custody dispute.
  • Continued prosecution of the case is likely to harm the children.
  • The case has become so tainted with bias that justice can no longer be served.
  • The continued prosecution of this case re-victimizes the true victims of violent crime.
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Time: Obama Administration Takes a Stand on Sexual Violence and Schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Vice President Joe Biden gave a heartfelt, hour-long speech at the University of New Hampshire today. The topic was sexual violence, and the occasion was the unveiling of new guidance to go along with Title IX, the federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination, that spells out responsibilities that all federally-funded schools have when it comes to what Biden called the "dirty, little secret": Women are abused and raped in America, on college campuses and elsewhere.

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Representative expresses fear that legislation could be used to fuel false accusations

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, April 1, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- On March 31, 2011, the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives conducted a voting session (called a "mark up") on H.R. 1232. This bill would prevent a number of federal tax credits and tax deductions from being used for abortion, or for health plans that cover abortion, but contains exceptions for abortions sought in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

During debate, one member of the committee, Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wisconsin), indicated that he opposed the bill in part because it "could lead to some very perverse unintended consequences," specifically, that women would falsely accuse boyfriends or husbands of rape in order to continue to qualify for a tax-subsidized abortion.'

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Former Duke lacrosse accuser arrested for stabbing boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'Crystal Mangum, the woman who famously claimed she was raped by a group of Duke lacrosse players in 2006, has now been accused of stabbing her boyfriend.

The 32-year-old was arrested Sunday morning after reportedly seriously injuring her 46-year-old lover, and was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury.
Since then, Mangum has been convicted of a series of misdemeanors, including charges of child abuse and resisting arrest in December.

Those charges stemmed from a February 2010 incident involving a different boyfriend, in which she was charged with slashing the tires of his car, smashing his windshield and setting a pile of his clothes on fire in his apartment while her children were in the home. The police were also present, having already arrived on the scene.

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Judge allows Duke lacrosse lawsuit to go forward

Article here. Excerpt:

'Three former Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape five years ago can pursue a lawsuit against the ex-county prosecutor and police investigators who handled their case, a federal judge in North Carolina ruled Thursday.

U.S. District Judge James Beaty said in his decision that the players can pursue claims such as malicious prosecution, concealment of evidence and fabrication of false evidence. He dismissed several other accusations, such as intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Richard Emery, an attorney for one of the former players, Reade Seligmann, said they are prepared to vigorously pursue the case.

"The opinion is what I would call, overall, a ringing success for the boys," Emery said. "We're glad that we're moving ahead with the case."'

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UK: David Willetts blames feminism over lack of jobs for working class men

Article here. A counter argument to Willetts statement can be found here. Excerpt:

'The universities minister David Willetts has been criticised after making comments that appear to blame educated working women for the lack of jobs available to aspiring working class men.

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Woman uses 5-year-old son as shield against Taser

Story here.

'A domestic dispute that boiled over at a business led to a woman being arrested for disorderly conduct after she used her son as a shield against being Tasered.

According to Glendale police:

A 36-year-old Milwaukee woman was arrested for disorderly conduct/domestic violence at the service area at Andrew Toyota, 1620 W. Silver Spring Drive, at 12:15 p.m. March 24.

When police arrived, the woman was holding the hand of her 5-year-old son while shaking her finger in the face of her boyfriend, an employee of Andrew, while yelling, “Give me my weed back!” She also wanted her keys back.

The boyfriend, a 28-year-old Milwaukee man, gave her the keys but denied to her and police that he had her $5 bag of marijuana. She struggled with police, refused to give her name and held her son in front of her to avoid being Tasered.

The boyfriend, who is not the 5-year-old’s father, said the two had been living together for three months, but when asked what the woman’s last name was said he wasn’t sure.

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