Efforts to Ban Circumcision Gain Traction in California

Article here. Excerpt:

'SANTA MONICA, Calif. — When a group of activists proposed banning circumcision in San Francisco last fall, many people simply brushed them aside. Even in that liberal seaside city, it seemed implausible that thousands of people would support an effort to outlaw an ancient ritual that Jews and Muslims believe fulfills a commandment issued by God.

But last month, the group collected the more than 7,100 signatures needed to get a measure on the fall ballot that would make it illegal to snip the foreskin of a minor within city limits. Now a similar effort is under way in Santa Monica to get such a measure on the ballot for November 2012.

If the anticircumcision activists (they prefer the term “intactivists”) have their way, cities across the country may be voting on whether to criminalize a practice that is common in many American hospitals. Activists say the measures would protect children from an unnecessary medical procedure, calling it “male genital mutilation.”'

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Project Males symposium June 24 on the Decline of Latino Males in Education

There is still time to sign up & support for this symposium. In addition to focusing on Latino males specifically, this group often presents statistics, data, and new perspectives on the decline of men of all races in college. An acquaintance of mine is on the team spearheading this project, and from what I have seen I know that they are doing a lot of good work. The aims of the group, as cited from their website:

"To explore innovative ways to establish mentoring links between Latino male role models, current UT Latino male students, and younger Latino males within the Austin area and surrounding communities. The Project will be inter-generational, and it will have a strong focus on leadership development, community engagement, and service, all of which research suggest are critical to the academic success and retention of male students of color in both secondary and post-secondary education."

Good minds, and more importantly good hearts, are working on this project. Feel free to lend them your support.

- Gogonostop

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Spanking, DV, and anti-father laws

Article here. Excerpt:

'But now we have rampant fatherlessness, (Mattapan Shootings) and glorify single mothers and feminism.
Now before you get all excited, I’m talking about reasonable punishment, not serious abuse. However, where we draw the line is getting more and more blurred.

In my opinion that line is getting pushed more and more too far to the “teaching” and “time-out” side. A screaming two-year-old is not in a classroom nor is she a lawyer, but I see plenty of folks in the supermarket, church or fancy restaurants addressing them as if they are equals a the Harvard University Debating Society.

Sometimes it’s hard for me to figure out who needs the spanking more, parent or child.

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"The Blue Pimpernel" Reveals How Women´s Shelter In Sweden Works

Translated blog post here. Excerpt:

"Since the early 2000s, I work part time at a shelter in mid-Sweden. And it is part of the task for the job to try to tilt and twist the facts to help women against their ex-men. Most women, indeed virtually all my colleagues and people on the board, are totally unscrupulous and unconscionable, and men openly to make every effort to get former men / cohabiting couple convicted of incest, pedophilia, rape, women and child abuse, plus it is then either nothing morally wrong with the kidnapping of children by fathers sentenced to custody / visitation with."

Original story here.

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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June is Men's Health Month

And the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is here to remind you that your problems are all your own fault. Link here.

'Learn the Facts

When you get a preventive medical test, you’re not just doing it for yourself. You’re doing it for your family and loved ones:

* Men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year and are 22 percent more likely to have neglected their cholesterol tests.
* Men are 28 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for congestive heart failure.
* Men are 32 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for long-term complications of diabetes and are more than twice as likely than women to have a leg or foot amputated due to complications related to diabetes.

* Men are 24 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for pneumonia that could have been prevented by getting an immunization.

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"Accomplished feminist" now executive editor of the NY Times

Well, according to Eleanor Smeal, anyway. You thought the Times had a sort-of-kind-of feminist bent before? Hold onto your hats! Well, we'll see, I guess. In any case, congratulations to Ms. Abramson and good luck to her in her new position. (She has a lot of challenges in front of her getting the Times competitive in a digital -- ie, free -- news age. And indeed, the Times is not alone in this.)

'Statement by Eleanor Smeal, Publisher of Ms. and President of the Feminist Majority:

The selection of Jill Abramson, an accomplished feminist, as executive editor of The New York Times, which is not only the most influential newspaper in the United States, but also the premier online news platform, smashes a barrier to women's achievement in print and digital media.

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Disparate sentencing in Jaycee Dugard case

Story here. He earned every year he got sentenced to and has no business ever getting released from jail. But his wife who is as far as any reasonable person can see as guilty as he is gets only 36 years in jail, which with "good behavior" will probably become something substantially less. Excerpt:

'PLACERVILLE, Calif. -- A serial sex offender was ordered Thursday to spend the rest of his life in prison after the California woman he kidnapped, raped and held captive for 18 years said he and his wife-accomplice had stolen her life.

Victim Jaycee Dugard was 11 when she was abducted by Phillip and Nancy Garrido as her stepfather watched her walk toward a school bus. She gave birth to two daughters fathered by Garrido while he held her in a secret backyard compound.

Garrido, who was on parole for a 1976 rape when Dugard was abducted, pleaded guilty to kidnapping and 13 sexual assault charges, including six counts of rape and seven counts of committing lewd acts captured on video.

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SAVE: 11% Falsely Accused of Abuse, Survey Shows

From SAVE:


Contact: Teri Stoddard, tstoddard-at-saveservices.org

11% Falsely Accused of Abuse, Survey Shows

WASHINGTON / June 2, 2011 – A national survey of 10,000 Americans reveals 11% report they have been falsely accused of abuse. The first-ever survey of its type probed persons’ first-hand experiences with false allegations of child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. The study was commissioned by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a victim advocacy organization.

The survey results headlined a False Allegations Summit, which was held today at the Fairfax Hotel in Washington, DC.

Conducted May 2-4, 2011, the survey also found 15% of respondents personally knew someone who has been falsely accused of abuse. In 81% of the cases the falsely accused person was a male, and in 70% of cases the false alleger was a female. Twenty-six percent of the wrongful accusations were made in the context of a child custody dispute.

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Massachusetts Governor Patrick refuses display of banner honoring fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'What you won’t hear in the media, is now he has kicked fathers again where it hurts. Patrick taking a cue his buddy, also from Chicago, Obama, who denigrated fathers at least on two Father’s Days in the past with his speeches, has really done something truly inexplicable.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has refused a request to hang a banner in the Massachusetts State House honoring fathers this coming Fathers Day.'

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"Missing men" and the job market

Read this carefully and you are bound to note a number of interesting things. Excerpt:

'Longer-term trends are working to keep the participation rate down. The Congressional Budget Office expects the participation rate to fall steadily to 63 percent by 2021 as baby boomers retire.

The share of men 20 and older in the labor force peaked long ago, at 89 percent in 1952. It's been falling ever since and is now under 74 percent.
The share of women working or looking for work, after expanding from the early 1950s through the mid '90s, has plateaued at about 60 percent, where it was in April. The CBO notes that more women with high-income husbands and those with young children have been staying out of the job market.'

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Rihanna shown murdering rapist in music video

Another contrived bit of "entertainment" where a male gets exactly what it deserves. Link to article here. Excerpt:

'Rihanna's new promo for Man Down has come under attack from activists at a TV parents group for graphically depicting the murder of a rapist.

The singer, who was beaten in 2009 by her then-boyfriend Chris Brown, premiered the video on US cable network BET on Tuesday.

In the promo the singer shoots a man at a railway station. A series of flashback images then show her grappling with him outside a nightclub as he tries to attack her.

Rihanna took to Twitter after the premiere to address the "underlying message" of the video, warning young female fans to stay safe and beware of predatory men.
"If Chris Brown shot a woman in his new video and BET premiered it, the world would stop. Rihanna should not get a pass," a PTC representative adds.'

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Police: Mom Charged For Beating Kid Who Ate Her Pot

Story here.

'Tampa, Florida - A Tampa mother is behind bars after beating her one-year-old child for eating her marijuana.

Tampa Police say India Couch, 22, faces drug and felony child abuse charges. Investigators say the child was left unsupervised, found the pot in her mother's purse and ate an undisclosed amount of the drug.

Police said after Couch realized what the child had done, she beat the child with a sandal. They said she also hit the toddler hard enough to leave welts.'

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Reuters: 'Power, sex and conventional wisdom'

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the first public comments on the Schwarzenegger affair came from a prominent woman, former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, who suggested it showed that the United States needed more female politicians. “Another guy guv admits 2 cheating on his wife. Maybe we need more women governors. Guys: keep ur pants zipped,” she tweeted.

The message reflects conventional wisdom – men are more prone to sexual misbehavior and adultery than women. “I’m confident predicting there would be fewer sex scandals if women were in power,” former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers wrote in her 2008 book “Why Women Should Rule the World.”
A study by Dutch researchers comes to a different conclusion – power, not gender, is the main driver of infidelity.

“Power … increases infidelity among women as it does among men,” according to the study, by a team from the universities of Tilburg and Groningen. Its findings suggest that “women in high-power positions are as likely to engage in infidelity than men.”'

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"The sea lion solution to sexual harrassment: keep fewer males around"

Article here. Excerpt:

“Most colonial pinnipeds [fin-footed animals] form extreme clusters of breeding females that cannot be entirely explained by the distribution of sites for reproduction. Avoidance of male harassment has been postulated as an important determinant of reproductive aggregation in this group of mammals. Female gregariousness can reduce harassment by resident males by two mechanisms; directly by the ‘dilution effect’ or indirectly because resident males that defend large female groups are less harassing. In order to investigate the relationship between male harassment and female gregariousness in relation to the size of breeding groups, we analysed the behaviour of dominant males and their females in a breeding colony of Otaria flavescens. Females in large breeding groups received less harassment by resident males due to dilution effects and because males that defended a large group interacted less frequently with females than males with small groups.”

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Christina Hoff Sommers: Feminism by Treaty: Why CEDAW is Still a Bad Idea

Article here. Excerpt:

'On November 18, 2010, a surprisingly large and boisterous crowd gathered in a U.S. Senate chamber to witness new hearings on a decades-old United Nations treaty. Guards had to caution the excited attendees to keep their voices down. Senator Richard Durbin, chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law, requested that another room be opened to accommodate the large gathering of feminist leaders, human-rights activists, lawyers, lobbyists, and journalists. "Women have been waiting for 30 years," said Durbin in his opening statement. "The United States should ratify this treaty without further delay."

The treaty in question — the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) — commits signatory nations not only to eliminating discrimination but also to ensuring women's "full development and advancement" in all areas of public and private life. The document was adopted by the General Assembly and submitted to UN member states in 1979. Since then, nearly every nation has ratified what many now call the "Women's Bill of Rights" or the "Women's Magna Carta." The only holdouts are three Islamic countries (Iran, Sudan, and Somalia), a few Pacific islands — and the United States. "Look at the company we are keeping in refusing to ratify this treaty," said a dismayed Senator Durbin. "We can do better."

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