Mothers struggle against gender gap in schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tammy Mobley's son and daughter both attend college. But while Mobley is equally proud of both children, the Ross resident acknowledges that getting into college was much more difficult for her son than for her daughter.

That's not because her son is any less intelligent or hard-working than her daughter, said Mobley, the co-chairwoman of the Marin Moms of Boys Initiative. She believes his difficulties arose because modern methods of education favor students who can sit still, stay on task and keep track of many assignments at the same time.

In other words, she says, education favors girls.

"I noticed, when my daughter was in the eighth grade and my son was in the sixth, that they were having completely different experiences at school," Mobley said. "Girls have a desire to please. They have no trouble asking for help. And to be successful in school these days, you need to be organized. All of that came easily to my daughter, but was not as natural for either of my sons."

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Woman admits false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

A Braidwood woman, who falsely claimed she was raped and kidnapped last year pleaded guilty Wednesday to disorderly conduct.
Partyka told Manhattan police she was abducted and raped, according to court documents.

She actually got into a fight with her boyfriend at a Manhattan bar and didn’t return home until two days later, when she made the false report to police, according to a spokesman for the state’s attorney’s office.'

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Israel: Fathers file petition against Israel in UNHRC

Article here. Excerpt:

'Five fathers who feel they have been systematically denied their basic human rights by the Israeli authorities and the justice system during long and drawn-out custody battles with the mothers of their children filed a petition with the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday against the State of Israel.

The five individual complaints, which all detail years of court rulings and decisions by the authorities to deny or limit the fathers’ access to their children, were filed collectively by the Coalition for Children and Family Israel (CCF), a non-profit organization that unites several bodies engaged in fighting for father’s rights.

Collectively, the petitions allege that Israel’s family laws and practices violate international conventions, deny men involved in divorce cases their basic human rights and accuse state-run authorities and courts of purposely disengaging fathers from their children.'

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April 6 Male Studies Conference videos

Via email:

With growing failures of males in education, staggering problems within our legal system regarding males, ever-increasing disproportionate suicides of males and continuing marginalization of males, we've never needed your help as much as we do now, to continue our work toward a better future. Our upcoming 2012 conference will tackle many solutions to improving the state of males in our society. And our goal of placing a Chair of Male Studies at a major university is a strong priority. But we need your support. Please consider donating as much as you can to help us. Visit

Meanwhile, all our efforts have paid off - we now have professionally-edited, high-quality videos of our Conference that took place at the Academy of Medicine on April 6. This footage includes the presenters as well as their slides.

As promised, I will continue following up with the presenters to acquire all the responses to your questions during the conference.

Thank you for your patience and consideration, and for staying by our side.

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Presidential Candidate Johnson Tells F & F Activists, Audience That Family Law System ‘Is Ripe for Reform’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A contingent of Fathers and Families’ Election Campaign 2012 activists attended two New Hampshire GOP events over the weekend and asked presidential candidate Gary Johnson, a former two-term governor of New Mexico, about family court reform.

In Nashua on June 5, Johnson told F & F activists Roy Corbeil, a grandfather, and Seth Diamond:

“Anything I could do on the federal level I would do, as president, to address [this] real inequality. I recognize it, having been Governor of New Mexico. It’s a huge issue…the courts rule…usually [if not] always against the fathers…[in these rulings, fathers rights'] are obliterated, they’re nonexistent. I recognize that…I’m open to ideas [on fixing it].”'

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High School Teacher Accused Of Sexting Students

Story here. Excerpt:

'MUNHALL (KDKA) — A Steel Valley high school teacher is accused of sexting her male students.

Many of the messages 29-year-old Jennifer Smith is accused of sending to students are just too graphic to outline.

Police say she asked the five male students to erase the photos and the messages.
Police uncovered a message from the youngest boy in the criminal complaint. Smith allegedly sent him a text that she, “was thinking about him and missed him and that he looked sexy at baseball practice.”

The language grew more explicit, saying she, “wanted to perform oral sex on him after school in her class and have sex with him over her desk.”'

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Woman Pushing to Ban Circumcision in California City Drops Proposal

Article here. Excerpt:

'The proponent of a ballot measure to ban circumcision in a California city has dropped the effort following claims of anti-Semitic themes and imagery, including a comic book that featured a "Monster Mohel."

Jena Troutman, the Santa Monica woman who submitted the proposal to the Santa Monica city clerk last month, said she has withdrawn the measure to prohibit "Genital Cutting of Male Minors." ...

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Australia: Baby killer said she was a 'bad mother'

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who drowned her two-year-old daughter in a Sydney river had thought she was a bad mother and wanted to die with the child, a judge has been told.

After the drowning, the woman asked officers: "Do I get to go to jail soon? I deserve to be locked up forever."

The woman, who suffers from a mental illness, pleaded guilty in the NSW Supreme Court on Wednesday to the manslaughter of her two-year-old daughter in March 2010.
"Help me, help me, I've killed my daughter," she said to a man walking past with a mobile phone. He ignored her and kept going.'

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Australia: Mother put drug in son's bottle: court

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'An Adelaide woman allegedly killed her sick five-year-old son by putting methadone in his cordial bottle, a court has heard.

The 44-year-old woman appeared at the Holden Hill Magistrates court on Wednesday charged with manslaughter and administering prescription medication to the boy.

Police prosecutor Jessica Esplin said the woman's two older sons, aged 15 and 16, had told police their mother had given their younger brother the drug during the night after mother and child had been coughing.

"(The older boy) states that some time during the morning he woke with his mother yelling...(that) his brother was not breathing," she said.'

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Voodoo mom sentenced to 17 years in prison for burning daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'A monster mom tried to soften her tale of setting a six-year-old daughter on fire in a voodoo ritual even as she pleaded guilty to the "barbaric" crime today — but a Queens judge would have none of it as he coaxed the truth from her and then sentenced the woman to 17 years behind bars.

Marie Lauradin, 29, pleaded guilty to assault last month for setting little Frantzcia Saintil on fire in a ritual called "Loa." But in a pre-sentencing report she changed her story, saying she was merely "rubbing [Frantzcia] down with alcohol because she was sick with fever when a nearby candle fell and set her on fire."
"Did you douse your child with accelerant and light her on fire?" the judge said as he began to quiz Lauradin about what happened to the little girl.

"Yes," she said through an interpreter.

"The only demonic presence this child had to worry about was her mother," the judge said, lashing into her.'

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Jilted ex-boyfriend puts up abortion billboard

This story tells of a man who protested the abortion of his child by putting up a billboard. The woman is complaining it's a violation of her right to privacy. The issue I find interesting is not abortion but whether the woman can deny the man his right to express his opinion. Perhaps more interesting are the comments. One issue being discussed is whether men should have any reproductive rights. A lot of man-haters are saying no. Excerpt:

"A New Mexico man's decision to lash out with a billboard ad saying his ex-girlfriend had an abortion against his wishes has touched off a legal debate over free speech and privacy rights.

The sign on Alamogordo's main thoroughfare shows 35-year-old Greg Fultz holding the outline of an infant. The text reads, "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!"

Fultz's ex-girlfriend has taken him to court for harassment and violation of privacy. A domestic court official has recommended the billboard be removed.'

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In Making Campuses Safe for Women, a Travesty of Justice for Men

Article here. Excerpt:

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Widow is raising awareness of the penile cancer which killed her husband

This fine woman is spreading the word about the horrors her poor husband went through when diagnosed with penile cancer. It's true about the lack of support for male cancers here in the UK. A woman gets a pimple on her breast and she's almost mobbed by agencies wanting to support her etc., etc. A man gets penile cancer and he's virtually told 'Oh, it'll have to be chopped off, but here's a leaflet to explain it all...' Excerpt:

'To mark male cancer awareness month Health Wales and Tenovus have joined forces to encourage men to be aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer. In the first of four articles, Health Editor Madeleine Brindley spoke to Wendy Gane about her husband's dying wish to spread the word about penile cancer

MIKE GANE was a private man but he was adamant he wanted his wife of 15 years Wendy to raise awareness of the disease that killed him.

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US: Women behind 95% of Sexual Misconduct in Juvenile Facilities

Translated article here. Article in original Swedish here. Excerpt:

U.S Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report: Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth, 2008-09

- Approximately 95% of all youth reporting staff sexual misconduct said they had been victimized by female staff".'

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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Safeway raising money for prostate cancer during June

Story here. Excerpt:

'Safeway shoppers and employees joined together each year in June to raise money to fund critical research programs aimed at finding a cure for prostate cancer. By making donations when shopping at local stores, the fundraising program is making a huge impact, raising $50 million since it began in 2000.
"Prostate cancer has a 90 percent cure rate. Screenings, early detection and education can save lives," said Safeway Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Steve Burd. "During the month of June we hope to make a difference by not only encouraging screenings, but by raising funds to help find a cure for this disease."'

More info: Supposedly you will see a small sign above the credit card swipe saying that 1 in 6 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and when you check out you will be asked if you want to donate.

Also, last year Safeway raised $11.6 million.

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