Abuse Shelters Not Serving True Victims -- Petition Calls for Accountability

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / April 27, 2011 – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is calling for accountability in domestic violence shelter operations. Abuse shelters have become filled with drug-abusers and homeless persons who have not been physically abused. As a result, true victims are being denied services.

The SAVE petition calls on Rep. Gwen Moore of Wisconsin, co-chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, to require that abuse shelters:

1. Assure real victims get the priority they deserve by requiring evidence of violence or credible proof of imminent violence.
2. Not engage in discriminatory practices.
3. Offer anger management and substance abuse services by qualified staff.
4. Assure a safe and respectful environment for victims and their children.'

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Woman to be charged with making false rape report

Story here.

'A woman is expected to be charged with filing a false report with police after she reported an attempted rape on April 18, Boaz Police Chief Terry Davis said.

The woman allegedly told police the attempted rape occurred on Butler Avenue, where she said she pulled over for a vehicle flashing its headlights at her after she left Walmart.

The investigation is continuing, Davis said, but the woman is expected to be charged with filing the false report because it has been determined the incident did not happen.'

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Turning feminist theory into a visceral rape deterrent

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Africa, your vagina can get spikes for $2. No longer just a revenge dream, this device — called Rape-aXe — was actually distributed for free last year at the World Cup in South Africa. A psychological weapon as well as a physical one, Rape-aXe evokes a terror that was a staple of ancient folklore among cultures as different as the Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese, Polynesians, and Native Americans: teeth down there!

Complete with sharkskin-like barbs that catch onto an invading penis, causing pain and preventing urination, and requiring specialized medical professionals to remove, the Rape-aXe is a real-world application of feminist theory. It's a practical response to the harsh environment in which women around the world conduct their daily lives. While it may not yet be available in the United States, the Rape-aXe is an example of a new, forceful, even primal, phase of the women's rights movement, worth examining as Portland observes its annual Take Back the Night rally.'

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Attractiveness and hirability

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former prom queens and cheerleaders looking for work might want to leave their photos off their resume and their public Facebook profile. According to a new academic study, hiring managers scanning resumes from female job applicants granted more interviews to “plain-looking” women or women who didn’t include a photo with their resume, than they did for attractive women whose resume included a photo.
So what gives? Here’s a hint if you haven’t yet figured it out: Who is typically in charge of screening? Yep, young women. After the survey was complete, the researchers contacted the firms they had sent applications to and determined that 24 of the 25 firms had a female employee between the ages of 23-34 doing the screening. The authors conclude that one of the major factors at play here is that “female jealousy of attractive women in the workplace is a primary reason for the punishment of attractive women.”'

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Action Alert: Gender Studies Lawsuit in London

Article here. Excerpt:

'An egalitarian MRA is bringing a damages claim against an elite university’s Gender Studies department which he attended as a student, but was forced to withdraw from due to the persistantly sexist anti-male nature of the course. His legal claim is based on Sex Discrimination law, Breach of Contract, Misleading Advertising and Misrepresentation – and he is looking for pro bono support from a lawyer or barrister, or assistance from a ‘McKenzie friend’ – someone not necessarily legally qualified, but who can nevertheless offer advisory support and strategy in court.

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F&F: West Virginia Supreme Court: False Allegations of Abuse Can Terminate Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'With any luck, this case will be a harbinger of things to come. Here’s an article about the case (The West Virginia Record, 4/24/11).

By itself, it’s not definitive regarding fathers’ rights in custody matters, but it points a direction in which I suspect courts will go more and more in future cases. In a nutshell, the Supreme Court of West Virginia ruled that false allegations of child abuse can be used to terminate custodial rights.

Now, the reasons the decision doesn’t control fathers’ rights is that it involves grandparents. Likewise, it’s based only in part on their false allegations of abuse. Still, the reasoning is there to give falsely accused parents a leg up in custody cases.'

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The Worst Thing A Woman Can Do In Divorce Proceedings: The Abuse Of Orders of Protection

Article here. Excerpt:

'Orders of Protection are critical to the safety of many. Some people claim that they are simply pieces of paper that mean nothing. Detractors point to horrible stories where people are abused or murdered despite having an order in place.

I disagree–although we only hear of the tragic endings, orders of protection carry an authority that at least some, if not many, abusers grudgingly respect. I believe these orders have saved countless from horrible mistreatment that would otherwise have occurred.

However, it is also an unfortunate truth that because they are incredibly easy to obtain, orders of protection are misused, often against men. And this false practice clogs the system unnecessarily, preventing true victims from having their cases thoroughly examined and depleting victim-assistance resources.

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Dead Suit Walking

Newsweek gleefully asks "Can Manhood Survive the Recession?" Fewer publications enjoy watching and reporting on the decline in the status and fortunes of men more than Newsweek/Time, do they? I'll be so glad when they finally go out of business. Excerpt:

'Two coasts. Two men who can’t find jobs. And one defining moment for the men in the gray flannel suits who used to run this country. Or at least manage it.

Capitalism has always been cruel to its castoffs, but those blessed with a college degree and blue-chip résumé have traditionally escaped the worst of it. In recessions past, they’ve kept their jobs or found new ones as easily as they might hail a cab or board the 5:15 to White Plains. But not this time.

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NFL star player stabbed by wife, undergoes surgery

Story here. Excerpt:

'Miami Dolphins wide receiver Brandon Marshall is recovering in Broward General Hospital after he underwent surgery for stab wound and he is expected to make a full recovery.
The wound was reportedly caused by a woman, but Marshall's agent would only say, "This is a very difficult time for Brandon and family, thankfully he will make a full recovery ... We simply ask that his privacy is respected."

UPDATE: Marshall's wife, Michi Nogami-Marshall, was arrested last night on a domestic violence charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and is currently being held on $75,000 bond.'

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Violent women

Another example of women acting badly--- in this case, beating the bejeesus out of another woman. Note the men in the area do next to nothing to stop it. Why? Fear of being accused of being violent to the attacking women, perhaps? We can only speculate.

When feminists talk about women not being 'inherently violent' or some other such nonsense, this is yet another video you can send to them.

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Teen girl charged as adult in sex attack on disabled boy

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS/WBBM) VALPARAISO, Ind. - April Kuchta, the older of two girls who allegedly held an Indiana boy against his will and sexually assaulted him, will be tried as an adult.

The prosecutor's office filed four felony charges and one misdemeanor Monday against the 16-year-old, reports CBS station WBBM.

The highest level felony Kuchta was charged with - Class A criminal deviate conduct - carries a sentence of between 20 and 50 years, reports the station.

The other felony charges against Kuchta include criminal confinement, sexual battery and intimidation, and misdemeanor battery, the station reports.'

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Pregnant woman sent to jail for lying about being raped

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman has been jailed after she falsely accused her ex-boyfriend of raping her.

Melinda Denham, 25, from Ohio, accused Shannon Hudson of raping her at her father's home after they had broken up and did not own up to the crime until he had spent two months in jail.

On Wednesday, a judge ordered she spend six months in prison, a rarity on a conviction for Ohio's lowest level felony, which usually results in probation.'

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'Angry Men'

I came across this web site and thought I'd share it. Watch the video, you will I am sure get a lot out of it. The amount of baggage that so many men are carrying around even to this day astounds me, and I have heard all kinds of stuff in my day. Whenever someone wonders where a man's anger comes from, the answer is *usually* pretty straightforward: it's somewhere in his past.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation in any way with the owner of the web site. I just thought the video he produced was some damn good $hit.

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F&F: Family courts and underage boys in paternity cases

F&F article here. Excerpt:

"One of the most pernicious injustices in the family court system is the way child support enforcement agencies manhandle underage boys, often manipulating them into signing paternity declarations as minors without parental consent or legal counsel. Thomas Rodriguez (pictured) is one of these young men.

Fathers and Families has helped introduce two paternity fraud bills in the the California legislature this year, one of which (SB 377) will address the injustices faced young men like Thomas. In Thomas’ support letter to Senator Rod Wright (D-Los Angeles), the bill’s author, he explains:

'I am writing to you in support of SB 377, because when I was 17-years-old I was victimized by the problem which the bill addresses.

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Australia: First female convicted of 'defensive homocide' for bashing husband to death

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Victorian grandmother who killed her husband after he constantly demanded kinky sex has been jailed for 11 years.

Eileen Mary Creamer, 53, was the first Victorian woman to be found guilty of defensive homicide.

She bashed her husband David, possibly with a South African tribal stick, before stabbing him in the abdomen during a fight at their Moe home in February 2008.

During her Victorian Supreme Court trial, Creamer said her husband made constant demands for unusual sex that she felt she could not refuse. They included her having sex with other men in front of him.
Justice Coghlan noted that Creamer spent the night with her lover in the days before she killed her husband.'

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