Do fathers know best? 5 ways dads are better parents

Article here. Nice but it could have been a lot better. Still, for the MSN Moms section, not bad. Excerpt:

'Father’s Day is clearly an afterthought on the holiday calendar. Which is too bad, because when push comes to shove, dads are better than moms.

Tacked on at the last minute –- Mother’s Day was officially recognized in 1914, while dads didn’t get an official day until 1972 (proclaimed by Richard Nixon, of all people) -- Father’s Day is the family slacker of the phony holidays created by greeting card companies.

There are lots of pros and cons for either parent, of course, and the margin isn’t big, and there’s lots of credit to go around. And it’s not a competition. But: Let’s say it is! Dads are better. If your mind isn’t so incredibly blown that you need to take some deep breaths and sip some cool water, read on:'

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Right on schedule: a father-shaming article on the cusp of Father's Day

Article here. It's like clockwork. Every year at Father's Day, we have some t**l who fancies himself as a caped crusader and demands that fathers stop being such bad fathers, and for once start being good fathers. Anyone care to give Jeff Pearlman a piece of your mind?

A father's day wish: Dads, wake the hell up!
Excerpt #1: "Really, wake the hell up. Now. I understand that most of you have 9-to-5 jobs, that you leave tired and come home tired and just wanna chill in front of SportsCenter with a bowl of chips. But, seriously, you have no remote idea: Being a stay-at-home parent is exhausting. At the office, you can hide. You can take lunch. You can pretend you're working while scrolling the Internet for Yankees-Blue Jays and, ahem, Lindsay Lohan news."

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Modern fathers face changing roles, says Pew study

Here's an article that summarizes the status of fathers in today's world. Mostly bad news, with one researcher wondering if kids are better off. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON — Nearly half of American dads under 45 this Father's Day say they have at least one child who was born out of wedlock. And the share of fathers living apart from children is more than double what it was not so long ago.

In encouraging news, though, among married fathers, children are said to be getting more attention from both parents at home than ever before.

A Pew Research Center report highlights the changing roles of parents as U.S. marriage rates and traditional family households fall to historic lows.

For example, college-educated men who tend to marry and get better jobs are more involved with their children than lesser-skilled men struggling to get by.

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Woman Raped And Murdered Toddler - Charged With First Degree Murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman allegedly raped and threw her boyfriend's 17-month-old daughter against a blunt object, killing her, it emerged today.

Molly Jane Roe, 24, of Bells, Tennessee, is accused of throwing Maleeya Marie Murley while looking after her.

The toddler was rushed to hospital with a severe brain injury but died several hours after being admitted.

A medical examination also revealed she had been subject to a sexual assault before she died.'

Also covered here.

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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Witch-Hunting Males - 2011

False accusations against males have reached epidemic proportions in America's legal system. The root of the problem stems from gender feminism's political ideology, pushing a misandrist agenda. Here in time for False Accusation Awareness Month is "Witch-Hunting Males 2011 - - - profiteering through false accusations "

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Blatant Anti-Male Bigotry: OK With ABC News

Article here. Excerpt:

'Christiane Amanpour led a jaw-dropping round table discussion on her ABC Sunday morning talk show, as four female guest commentators discussed how the convergence of Former IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn's attempted rape charges and Rep. Anthony Weiner's travails has created a possible tipping point in which the nation will come to the realization of a fact that these women have known all along: women are just plain better than men when it comes to leadership, management, decision-making, and conflict resolution

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UK: "Feminism is so passe. It's the boys who need help now"

Article here. Excerpt:

In the Western world, the feminist argument has been definitively won — and all the silly and, frankly, somewhat pathetic ‘slut walks’ in the world won’t refute that.

As far as I can tell, the new feminism aims to make men share more of the childcare. And, of course, it’s true that children prevent many women from going further in their careers. But it’s also true that it’s usually the woman’s choice. The maternal instinct is so powerful that most mothers want to do a larger share of the childcare.
For years, girls have outstripped boys at school and at university, and more women than men are entering formerly male-dominated professions such as medicine and law. The latest figures show that girls do better than boys at GCSE and in further education — 20 per cent more girls go on to university than boys, and are more likely to get a good degree.

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Dept. of Ed. Regulation will Trigger a Glut of False Allegations

From a SAVE email:

In the name of curbing campus sexual assault, the U.S. Department of Education (DED) now requires all colleges that receive federal funding to use the "preponderance of evidence" standard of proof, instead of the long-accepted "clear and convincing" standard. In addition, the DED regulation forbids charged students from cross-examining their accusers.

Seldom does an issue unite the Left and Right into a single chorus of disbelief and scorn. To date, the DED letter has been the focus of over a dozen critical editorials appearing in both the liberal and conservative media. For example:

Nathaniel Zelinsky: Title IX and the Death of Free Speech at Yale - May 19
Christina Hoff Sommers: In Making Campuses Safe for Women, a Travesty of Justice for Men - June 5
Wendy McElroy: Dumbing Down the Charge of Rape - June 7

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The real cost of Feminism: Fatherless children, poverty, unemployment, crime and taxes

Link here. Excerpt:

'Forty years of unchecked Feminism has achieved Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s goal of “eliminating” clearly defined gender roles that have been in place for thousands of years.

The cost to almost every aspect of our society is staggering.

Women now can get “pit-stop” divorces where husbands and fathers are ejected from the home as swiftly as pit crews remove worn tires from a racing car. New tires are added, the gas tank is filled in a flash, and she’s off again, this time with the kids in tow, leaving fathers in a cloud of dust, unable to see their kids, usually due to a bogus restraining order. She, off to her next conquest never having to worry about paying because it’s daddy’s speed pass she swipes at the pump.

It’s no wonder some 20 million American children are fatherless.

The goals of the Feminist agenda have resulted in discrimination against men and the destruction of the traditional family:

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Norway: Female Pedophiles Cause Children More Harm

Translation in English here. Original Article in Swedish here. Excerpt:

'Women who are sexually abusing children causing their victims more injuries than men. It writes the Norwegian newspaper Bergens time. They quote four researchers at the Psychology Faculty at the University of Bergen, who has written an article about it in the Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association.

Women abuse is similar to those of male sex offenders, writes Bergen's time, but women's abuse often occurs in close relationships, and, therefore, more detrimental to the children.'

News submitted by:

Ulf Andersson

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Australia: DIY Male Health Toolboxes for Men’s Sheds

Link to media release here. Excerpt:

'The Australian Government is funding DIY Male Health Toolboxes to be sent to men’s sheds around the country.

The announcement by the Minister for Indigenous Health, Warren Snowdon, was made as he launched Men’s Health Week with Australian Men’s Shed Association Patron Tim Mathieson in Canberra today.

“These are actual metal toolbox that will contain a combination of health promotion materials featuring resources suitable to a shed environment.

“We know that men don’t always feel comfortable picking up a brochure in public – so these promotion materials such as carpenter’s pencils, tape measures, and magnetic clips will be more subtle and hopefully infiltrate sheds with positive health-related messages.”

Mr Mathieson and Mr Snowdon today joined Brumbies players for free health checks provided by ACT Divisions of General Practice at the Sea Scout’s Men’s Shed in Tuggeranong.

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The Masculinity Conspiracy: chapter 5 now online

Chapter 5 (Fatherhood) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online. This chapter examines how the theme of fatherhood is mobilized in the conspiracy via two books: Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys by Stephen James and David Thomas, and Better Dads, Stronger Sons: How Fathers Can Guide Boys to Become Men of Character by Rick Johnson.

It shows how these books promote fatherhood as being defined by fixed characteristics. It then offers some different ways of thinking about fatherhood in order to counter the conspiracy.

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Tennessee will hear paternity fraud case

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Tennessee Supreme court has agreed to hear a case that could decide whether a man has legal grounds to sue for being duped into supporting a child that turns out to be fathered by someone else.

Legal experts believe it may be the first time for the state’s highest court to decide whether paternity fraud is grounds to sue.

The court could give a man the right to recover some of the expense of caring for the child and win damages for emotional suffering for the paternity fraud. Lawyers say it’s unlikely the man would be able to recover past child-support payments.'

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Death upheld for Kuwait woman for wedding carnage

Story here. Remember this one from a while back? Apparently the ruling has been in appeal for some time and they finally decided on it. You may wonder why I am posting this one. The issue here is that it is so rare that a woman is sentenced to death and that this sentence is upheld, whether this be in a western or another country, that it is positively newsworthy. Men being sentenced to death isn't news, however, it's par for the course. Excerpt:

'KUWAIT CITY (AFP) – Kuwait's supreme court on Sunday upheld a woman's death sentence for setting ablaze her husband's wedding tent, killing 57 women and children.

Nasra Yussef Mohammed al-Enezi, 24, was condemned to death by a lower and appeals courts for the apparent act of revenge against her husband for taking a second wife.
The August 15, 2009 inferno engulfed the women-and-children-only tent in minutes and triggered a stampede. The final death toll was 57, including Saudis and stateless Arabs.

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"Guilty Until Proven Innocent" released

A new documentary has been released about fathers and the (so-called) family court system. The site is here. Caption:

'In his most provocative documentary to date filmmaker Janks Morton turns his lens to the crisis in America's family courts. Utilizing the stories of five men Morton unveils the untold story of how family court processes yield millions of fatherless children. The massive machine of family courts directly impact the lives of nearly one third of our nation's citizens, with little oversight and limits on its enormous power. It is a system riddled with conflicts of interest where the 'best interest of the child' is often an afterthought.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent is the beginning of a necessary national dialogue.'

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