Last statement sent to Sentinel from self-immolation victim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Editor's note: On Thursday morning, June 16, The Sentinel received a "last statement" via mail from a man who insinuated that he planned to set himself on fire in front of the Cheshire County Court House, and an explanation of why he intended to do so. Through further reporting, The Sentinel is confident this is from the victim of Wednesday afternoon's fire, although police have not yet received confirmation of his identity. The 15-page statement is printed in full, except for two redacted items: The names of the man's mother and his three children. Details will be posted as they become available.

Last Statement

by Tom Ball

A man walks up to the main door of the Keene N.H. County Courthouse, douses himself with gasoline and lights a match. And everyone wants to know why.

Apparently the old general was right. Death is not the worst of evil.

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UK: Female Prison Workers Had Sex Parties With Inmates

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two female prison workers have been suspended over claims that they held debauched sex parties with prisoners in their cells.

It is believed the women, one of whom has a young son, took part in a 'swinging circle', regularly swapping their partners who were inmates of the Camp Hill section of HMP Isle of Wight.

It is also alleged that one of the women met an inmate for sex at her house when he was allowed out on day release.'

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) sloppy with numbers, advocating adult circumcision

Some information I came across through subscriptions to HHS and Office of Inspector General (OIG) mailing-lists that may not have been released elsewhere. It would appear that whether in their accounting standards or health statistics, a lax culture with regard to numbers and record-keeping is beginning to encroach on NIAID, and they are seeking to make this laxity the new standard. Please forward to anyone who may be interested in further pursuing or making use of this information.

"Appropriations Funding for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Contract N01-AI-15416 With the University of California at San Francisco Audit (A-03-10-03120)". Link to OIG report: (PDF file, 4.9M)


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Sweden vs. Britain: The Foolish Lead The Blind

Reference here.

Britain´s PM David Cameron:
”Runaway fathers are like drink-drivers”

David Cameron is also the leader of the Conservative Party, Tory.

In Sweden, mothers receive child benefit of 1.050:- SEK/GBP 95/USD 154 per child – each month. Our Primeminister Fredrik Reinfeldt, at that time in 2005 as the leader of the Swedish Conservative Party, Moderaterna, said: ”There are women who are separated from men with alcohol problems who, with this, could be forced to receive half the child benefit in order to finance continued alcohol abuse,” said Reinfeldt.”

The Local – Split child benefit ”unfair to mothers”

The issue of split child benefit is once again on the political agenda in Sweden.

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The President’s Fatherhood Pledge

Site here. Excerpt:

'Why take the President’s Fatherhood Pledge?

Fatherlessness is a growing crisis in America, one that undergirds many of the challenges that families are facing. When dads aren't around, young people are more likely to drop out of school, use drugs, be involved in the criminal justice system, and become young parents themselves.

President Obama grew up without his dad, and has said that being a father is the most important job he has. That's why the President is joining dads from across the nation in a fatherhood pledge – a pledge that we'll do everything we can to be there for our children and for young people whose fathers are not around. When you take the President's Fatherhood Pledge, you'll receive updates, tips and resources from fatherhood organizations, prominent dads and other supporters of responsible fatherhood around the nation.'

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Column: "Irresponsible and selfish" men who "abandon" their children

Here's a column that makes me want to pull my hair out. The writer, Vincent Carroll, completely blames the breakdown of the family and the rise in the number of out-of-wedlock births on fathers. Fathers are simply "abandoning" their families because they're "selfish and irresponsible." Of course, the newspaper picked Father's Day to publish the article. Excerpt:

'Sooner or later, we always seem to give a pass to destructive behavior, so long as the victims are children and they aren't actually abused. If millions of men neglect or abandon their kids, it can't be because they're irresponsible or self-centered, or because they've embraced a large and growing sub-culture that no longer puts the welfare of children first.

No, it must be the economy that made them do it.

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Happy Father's Day to some, Hang Tough to others

At MANN we know this is a joyful day for some readers and a very sad day for others. To those fortunate enough not to have been thrown under the bus of the Nanny State, we hope you enjoy this day. For those who have been given the shaft, hang in there and remember that for each act of injustice done to men/fathers, another man comes over to our cause.

The more the powers that be dish out the abuse, the more resistance they will get.

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Cost to taxpayers of missing fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Poverty is massively greater for children living with a single, divorced or cohabiting parent than with parents who are married to each other. The poverty rate for single parents with children is 37 percent, but only 6 percent for married couples with children.

Marriage breakdown is a double-edged sword. At the same time that it forces government to become the financial provider for millions of children and their caregivers, it also reduces the government's tax receipts to pay for the handouts.

Income tax day now divides us into two almost equal classes: those who pay for government services and freeloaders. In 2009, 47 percent paid no federal income taxes, and the bottom 40 percent receive cash or benefits financed by the 53 percent who do pay income taxes.

Since the federal government created the child-support bureaucracy, the majority of divorces have been initiated by women. They confidently expect that pro-feminist family courts will award them a steady income for which they will never be held accountable.

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Working dads spending more time at the office

Article here. Excerpt:

'As part of its annual Father’s Day survey, CareerBuilder found that today’s dads have reason to celebrate and also plenty to worry about.

According to the survey, 84 percent of working dads who were laid off over the last 12 months say they have already found full-time employment. When dealing with layoffs, this news is about as good as you can get. On the other hand, long hours continue to be problematic when trying to spend quality time with children. The survey finds that 22 percent of working fathers are on the job more than an average of 50 hours per week. Last year this figure was only 19 percent.

The result of these longer workweeks can be seen when 39 percent of working fathers spend two hours or less with their children daily, and for 16 percent it’s one hour or less. These figures are also not surprising when you consider that 20 percent of working fathers bring home work at least three nights each week.'

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Viewpoint: Legal system forces divorced dads out of kids' lives

Essay here. Excerpt:

'It’s often been said that nothing is more American than motherhood, apple pie and Chevrolet. This commonly used phrase reflects the reality that even in an era of inclusion, acceptance and equality in American culture, fatherhood can’t compete with the sanctity of motherhood.

As working moms have scored more and more success in the workplace, gender roles within the family unit have blurred in today’s world. Many dads have enthusiastically jumped headlong into the frenetic pace of family life, deftly handling the rapid-fire schedule and commitments like Barry Sanders weaving through defenders in the backfield: Getting their kids ready for school, working a full day at the office, scurrying home to prepare a quick meal, helping with homework then running off to coach their kids’ sports teams.

While recent years and cultural shifts have allowed some dads to display their skills on the home field, many Michigan children never get the opportunity for their dads to play such a meaningful role in their lives.

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A special Father's Day message from Senator Marco Rubio

Video here. Wow what a breath of fresh air!

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The Incalculable Value of Fatherhood

Link here. Excerpt:

'But the financial cost of those issues pales in comparison to the hurt and anguish it causes in people’s lives. The tears and broken dreams of a family that once was or never was are incalculable. The damage done to children who grow up without a father and all that a father brings (not just in a paycheck) cannot be underestimated. Phyllis Schlafly takes a look at some of these in her recent column.

While the absence of a father usually pulls down his children, his presence usually makes the child infinitely better off. For instance, studies have found that the father’s presence makes a child’s academic success more likely, not just in school but in higher education.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that fathers don’t matter–that families don’t matter, for that matter–remember that research backs up what we already instinctively know: they are invaluable to society.'

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New Danish study: male circumcision causes sexual problems for both sexes‏

Study abstract here.


One-third of the world's men are circumcised, but little is known about possible sexual consequences of male circumcision. In Denmark (∼5% circumcised), we examined associations of male circumcision with a range of sexual measures in both sexes.

Participants in a national health survey (n = 5552) provided information about their own (men) or their spouse's (women) circumcision status and details about their sex lives. Logistic regression-derived odds ratios (ORs) measured associations of circumcision status with sexual experiences and current difficulties with sexual desire, sexual needs fulfilment and sexual functioning.

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REEL Dads: Hollywood’s Father’s Day gift to dads, check out some classic “Great Dad” movies

Link here.

'With all the negative publicity Dad is getting recently, I thought I’d provide something positive for this weekend.

Thanks to the Patriot Ledger and GateHouse News Service here is a list of films you may want to check out on Netfilx. My favorite is To Kill a Mokingbird (1962).

REEL DADS: Films that feature memorable fathers'

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NOW Mute on Obama Calling Congresswoman ‘Cute’

Article here. Excerpt:

'( – Conservative women’s groups see a double standard in the reaction--or lack of it--from the media and liberal feminists to President Barack Obama using terms such as “cute” to describe Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, but said they are not offended by his language.

However, the National Organization of Women has been mute on the matter.

NOW President Terry O’Neill, says spokeswoman Latoya Veal, did not have time to comment on the matter.
“What do you guys think of our new DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz?” the president asked the audience. “We are so thrilled to have her. You want Debbie on your side. She’s a mom, she’s got that cute smile and all that, but she is tough. Don’t mess with Debbie. We are so glad of her leadership.”

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