Washington Times: Men’s ‘apology’ video to women touching, ‘creepy’

Article here. [The video this article refers to is here.] Excerpt:

'An eight-minute video on YouTube in which “conscious men” apologize to the women of the world is drawing tears and praise — as well as verbal brickbats — from around the world.

“The response has been extraordinary,” said Arjuna Ardagh, one of the two men behind the “Dear Woman” video, which had more than 280,000 views a few days after it was posted.

Women have been mostly positive, he said, but there has been “aggressive hatred” from many men.
But many men were shocked out of their La-Z-Boys.*

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Casey Anthony Trial: Cindy Anthony Searched for Chloroform on Computer

Story here. Excerpt:

'Cindy Anthony, the mother of Casey Anthony, testified in an Orlando courtroom this afternoon that she was the one who did computer searches for chloroform, stunning prosecutors who hope to use the searches to link Casey to the alleged premeditated murder of her daughter, Caylee.
Computer analysts have previously testified that someone from the Anthony family home searched under Casey Anthony's profile for things such as "chloroform," "neck breaking" and "household weapons."

Cindy Anthony said today that she searched for "chloroform," "alcohol," "acetone," "peroxide" and "inhalation."'

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7-year-old Boy Drives Car 20 Miles To See Dad

Article here. Excerpt:

'CASEVILLE (WWJ/AP) A 7-year-old Michigan boy who drove a car at high speeds for 20 miles has been charged with unlawful use of a vehicle.
Still in his pajamas, the boy led police on a 50 mile-an-hour chase before he managed to stop the car, driving nearly 20 miles.

“The young man when he was spoken to by the officers said they wanted to see his father,” said Rutkowski. “He was leaving his residence which I believe is somewhere in Sheridan Township and driving nearly 20 miles over to Caseville, in Caseville Township, which is on the western part of our county.”'

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'Anti-feminist' Zurich conference threatens to stir controversy

'Another anti-feminist conference being held in Switzerland this weekend promises to ruffle a few feathers. Last year, a similar gathering caused so much of a flap it had to be moved to a secret location. This time round, the conference set for Zurich features Monika Ebeling, dubbed an “ex-feminist” by the media. Ebeling says she wants to address the “bitterness” between the sexes. WRS’s Jo Fahy explains what all the fuss is about.'

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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Please Help: Debunking the gender wage gap myth

A recent article appeared in the New Zealand Herald here of which Alasdair Thompson, chief executive of the Employers and Manufacturers Association correctly pointed out the gender wage gap is a result of personal choice such as women taking the time to have children. He is currently under attack by those who paint the wage gap as purely discrimination - when there is no evidence for that - particularly by Catherine Delahunty (Green MP) and Helen Kelly (Council of Trade Unions) who are both backing unnecessary amendments to the Equal Pay Act.

So what I want you to do, via Facebook: write a message to Catherine Delahunty (here) and Helen Kelly (here) debunking the gender wage gap in regards to discrimination. Use US data too (e.g. Department of Labor stats*) to show that it has been debunked internationally despite the myth being perpetrated.

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Petition: Expose the Hidden World of Male Victims of Domestic Violence

Petition here. Excerpt:

'* In America, a woman is abused by her male partner EVERY 15 SECONDS.
* In America, a man is abused by his female partner EVERY 15 SECONDS.
* 75% of victims killed by their partners are women...24% are men
* There are hundreds of battered women's shelters in the U.S.
* There are ZERO shelters for abused men. Male victims are redirected to homeless shelters.'

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F & F’s Glenn Sacks Debates Dad-Bashing ‘Married Single Moms’ Survey on MSNBC Live

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'F & F’s Glenn Sacks debated the new dad-bashing ‘Married Single Moms’ survey on MSNBC Live on Friday, June 17.

The survey’s promoters, ForbesWoman.com and TheBump.com, claim in their highly-publicized press release that many mothers feel their husbands do so little that, though married, they’re really like single mothers who have to do all the work.

To watch the debate, click here.

In the show’s opening we’re told that 92% of mothers feel “overwhelmed” and 70% resent their husbands. Alison Bernstein, Senior Editor of TheBump.com, then explained that “even working moms feel like they’re taking the majority of work on their shoulders.”'

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Feds crack down on campus flirting and sex jokes

Article here. Excerpt:

'When I was growing up it was widely believed that colleges and universities were the part of our society with the widest scope for free expression and free speech. In the conformist America of the 1950s, the thinking ran, few people dared to say anything that went beyond a broad consensus. But on campus anyone could say anything he liked.

Today we live in an America with enormous cultural variety in which very few things are considered universally verboten. But on campus it's different. There saying something considerably milder than some of the double entrendres you heard in cable news coverage of the Anthony Weiner scandal can get you into big trouble.

Lukianoff and FIRE have an admirable record of defending students' and faculty members' free speech regardless of their point of view, but anyone familiar with their work knows that the most frequent targets of campus disciplinary groups are male, conservative, religious or some combination thereof.

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Ibbetson: Testosterone vs. Estrogen - Feminists Examine Evil and Good

Article here. Note: When opening the link, you may be presented with an aggressive request to subscribe and no clear way to dismiss the dialog box. The way to get rid of it is to click the link that says you are already a subscriber, then use your browser's Back button to return to the page. Excerpt:

'The current mentality forwarded today is that feminists don’t bash men. That’s just something angry males say when faced with the undeniable logic forwarded by the women’s movements. If you are a reasonable male and wish to avoid an argument you will keep your eyes forward and just nod in agreement. The first problem with such a statement is that it is seldom placed to scrutiny with how feminists truly act. Second, these kinds of propositions are almost always void of half of humanity’s thoughts on the issue. Yep, very few men other than the occasional token male academic feminist get to chime in on the subject.

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Bride arrested for biting husband

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'The 30-year-old bride followed her husband to a nearby hotel where she pushed him and bit his left shoulder.

The fight continued at the couple's home, where she ripped off his shirt and bit him again on his right arm, Broward County Court heard.

Mr Keeler asked Judge John Hurley for leniency, stating his wife may have been drunk at the time of the attack.

"For newlyweds, this is not starting things off on the right foot, for sure," Judge Hurley said.

"I hope this is a small bump in the road and you two can iron it all out and have a nice long life together."'

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Mother 'killed boy over broken TV'

Link to article here. Excerpt:

'A New York woman beat her five-year-old son to death after he broke their television, police allege.

Kim Crawford, 21, was charged with murder after she allegedly smacked her son Jamar on the back and stomach, lacerating his pancreas and intestine in the process, the NY Daily News reported.
The boy vomited and complained of agonising pain for five days before Crawford decided to seek medical help, fearing she would be arrested if she took him to hospital.'

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SAVE: Shock Lingers Over Suicide of Thomas Ball, Falsely Arrested for DV

From SAVE:

Following a 10-year battle to clear his good name, Thomas Ball took his own life on June 15, 2011 in front of the Cheshire County, New Hampshire courthouse. He killed himself by lighting himself on fire. Ball was a 21-year military veteran with no prior history of violence.

The saga began when Ball physically disciplined his child, cutting her lip. CPS warned the mother, Karen Ball, to report the incident to the police, or face a child abuse charge. The police department mistakenly classified the action as "domestic violence" and arrested the man.

With a divorce now imminent, everything seemed to go downhill. Out of a job since 2009 and now facing a jail sentence for falling behind on child support payments, Thomas Ball felt he had run out of options.

An article about this tragic event can be read at


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The War Against Girls

Review here. Excerpt:

'Mara Hvistendahl is worried about girls. Not in any political, moral or cultural sense but as an existential matter. She is right to be. In China, India and numerous other countries (both developing and developed), there are many more men than women, the result of systematic campaigns against baby girls. In "Unnatural Selection," Ms. Hvistendahl reports on this gender imbalance: what it is, how it came to be and what it means for the future.

In nature, 105 boys are born for every 100 girls. This ratio is biologically ironclad. Between 104 and 106 is the normal range, and that's as far as the natural window goes. Any other number is the result of unnatural events.

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CDC and PEPFAR also criticised in new Office of Inspector General (OIG) report

From an OIG mailing-list email I received a few minutes ago.

Could the circumcision-as-HIV/AIDS-preventative lobby be about to implode on itself?

As usual, please forward to anyone who may be able to pursue or make use of this information.

"Review of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Oversight of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Funds for Fiscal Years 2007 Through 2009 (A-04-10-04006)"

http://oig.hhs.gov/oas/reports/region4/41004006.pdf (1.6 MB)


'Our review found that CDC did not always monitor recipients’ use of President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funds in accordance with departmental and other Federal requirements. CDC implements PEPFAR, working with ministries of health and other public health partners to combat HIV/AIDS by strengthening health systems and building sustainable HIV/AIDS programs in more than 75 countries in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. HHS receives PEPFAR funds from the Department of State through a memorandum of agreement.

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Position Vacant - Research Fellow: Gender Equality and Decent Work

Link to posting here. Excerpt:

' * Centre for Work + Life, Magill Campus
* Part time (0.8 FTE), 4 year contract
* Total remuneration package: $80K - $95K pro rata

Put your qualifications and experience into practice by conducting research and providing day-to-day management for the ARC Discovery project ‘From Margins to Mainstream: Gender Equality and Employment Regulation’.

Utilising your excellent research, interpersonal and organisational skills you will plan and oversee research activities, including analysing relevant regulation, case law and policy across Australia, Canada, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and manage project deadlines and stakeholder relationships.

As part of the Work, Gender Equality and Regulation research program at this high performing research centre, you will develop and write high level academic publications, conduct literature searches in multi-disciplinary databases and disseminate project findings in public and stakeholder forums and at academic conferences.

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