Another three-sentence report of a woman killing a man

Article here. In contrast, a story also on that same page of two women caught smuggling drugs takes up six paragraphs. Excerpt:

'About 1:50 a.m. Saturday, a 31-year-old man was found stabbed on Post Avenue. He died shortly after. A 30-year-old woman is in custody in relation to that incident.'

"Incident"? It's just an "incident"? Guess it is if the victim is male and the perp is female.

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IA: Tell Doctors to Put Down the Knife

From an IA Newsletter:


Have you made your voice heard yet?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) all acknowledge that infant circumcision is NOT MEDICALLY NECESSARY, but their members are responsible for nearly all the infant circumcisions performed in the United States.

We need them to acknowledge this ethical disconnect, to recommend that parents leave their sons intact, and to REFUSE TO PERFORM CIRCUMCISIONS.

Send a message to America’s doctors by writing today!

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South African Medical Association denounces infant male circ as illegal and unethical‏

Article here. The South African Medical Association just denounced infant male circumcision as unethical and illegal and expressed "serious concern that not enough scientifically-based evidence was available to confirm that circumcisions prevented HIV contraction and that the public at large was influenced by incorrect and misrepresented information. The committee reiterated its view that it did not support circumcision to prevent HIV transmission." Excerpt:

'(PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA) — The South African Medical Association sent a letter response last week to NOCIRC-SA—the South African chapter of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers— denouncing male infant circumcision as "unethical"and "illegal." The letter was signed by Ms. Ulundia Berhtel, head of the Human Rights, Law & Ethics unit, and Obo Chairperson of the Human Rights, Law & Ethics Committee.

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Via email:

Dear Friends,

If you love the work of Malecare Cancer Support, then tell the world!

You may or may not realize it, but Malecare has grown to become America's largest men's cancer survivor support and advocacy national nonprofit. Malecare is a 13-year-old all volunteer organization, and our mission is to help men and their families make informed decisions about prostate cancer detection and treatment through support, education and advocacy.

You have an exciting opportunity to help Malecare make even more of a difference in our community. GreatNonprofits -- a site like Amazon Book Reviews or TripAdvisor -- is a website where people can share their stories about nonprofits that have touched their lives.

GreatNonprofits is currently conducting a Health Campaign, and if Malecare can get 10 reviews before the end of this week, we can be on their Top-Rated Health Nonprofits List and gain increased visibility to donors.

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Time to ban male circumcision?

Article here. Excerpt:

'San Francisco voters will decide later this year whether, like its female counterpart, male infant circumcision should be outlawed. If passed, article 50 — the "Genital Cutting of Male Minors" — would make it unlawful to circumcise, cut, or mutilate the foreskin, testicles, or penis of another person aged under 18. The bill includes an exemption for cases of medical necessity, but not for custom or ritual, which has profound implications for the many Jews and Muslims who consider it an essential part of their religious or cultural practice.

Unsurprisingly, the bill has attracted considerable controversy. Some regard it as a modern manifestation of western antisemitism, while certain feminist groups consider the idea of comparing male and female genital cutting to be both offensive and unsubstantiated.
According to research, the sexual damage caused by female and male genital cutting can be extensive. ....

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IA: It's Time to Put the International Medical Community on Notice

From an IA Newsletter:

JUNE 2011

Next month, health professionals from across the globe are gathering in Rome for the International AIDS Society’s Annual Conference. Intact America will be there to give a voice to the millions of boys and men around the world who are at risk of being needlessly cut in the name of bogus science. Someone has to speak the truth: circumcision does not prevent AIDS.

With all the media focus on circumcision, we NEED to be prepared for this conference, so we can distribute educational materials to the hundreds of people we’ll be talking to—people who are determining HIV policy around the world.

But we have to get our orders in for the pamphlets, banners, and signs by TOMORROW so they can be printed and shipped in time for the conference.

Make your tax-deductible gift today to help us remind the medical community that circumcision does NOT prevent AIDS!

With your help we can get there!

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Do something, or just say 'boys will be boys'?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Readers don't know why Oregon boys drop out of school or skip college at higher rates than girls. They're not sure why boys get suspended, expelled and labeled with learning disabilities so often, either -- or why metro-area boys were so unlikely this June to be valedictorians.

They have a few theories, though. Mostly, they wish people would stop dodging the topic long enough to brainstorm solutions.

"Most times when I talk to people about this problem, they always think I am portraying women as the villain," said Portland father Kevin Sayre, 50. He doesn't intend to seem sexist when sounding the alarm about boys lagging behind. He just worries that if we continue to ignore or fail boys, more of them will grow into bored and unemployed men.'

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"Cows More Important Than Children in Australia"

News release here. Excerpt:

'On 30th May 2011, the community, media and Government were outraged, when confronted by the cruelty inflicted on Australian cattle in Indonesia, and it brought immediate Government action. Within days a whole industry was closed down and a valuable export trade was stopped in its tracks.

Three days earlier on the 27th May 2011, the Government released the ABS Family Characteristics Survey 2009-10, which indicates that since 1975 almost 24% of Australians have been denied meaningful contact with their biological families, as a result of deep-rooted Family Law policy failure. Yet now one month later, we have still not seen one word in the press and there is not a sign of any community, media or Government outrage.

Instead a deafening silence greets the news of crippling emotional cruelty being inflicted on Australian children and their powerless families. It would appear the health and wellbeing of the nations' cows is much more important than the health and wellbeing of the nation's children and families.'

News submitted by

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Letter to the Editor - Sometimes fathers forced out

Letter here. The Post published my letter about Vincent Carroll's column in which he claimed millions of selfish and irresponsible fathers abandon their children. Here's the letter:

"I’m sorry to hear The Denver Post did not get the memo about the purpose of Father’s Day: to celebrate fathers. Instead, The Post chose to publish a dad-bashing column by Vincent Carroll, who blames “millions” of “irresponsible or self-centered” dads for neglecting or abandoning their children.

Carroll makes no distinction between a father who abandons his children and a father forced out of his children’s lives by a custody ruling favoring mom. As long as we view these two as the same, we will never solve the problem of family breakdown.

Perhaps next Father’s Day, The Post could publish a piece that actually celebrates dads."

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Australia: woman set another alight in shopping precinct

Link to story here. Excerpt:

'A woman allegedly doused another woman in petrol and set her alight in a busy inner-city Perth shopping precinct yesterday afternoon.

The frantic 37-year-old woman was seen running into a toilet block off Rokeby Road, Subiaco, with her clothes on fire.

Emergency services were called to the trendy cafe strip, where they found the woman hiding inside the toilet block nearby.

A police spokesman told ninemsn the woman suffered burns to seven percent of her body and was taken to Royal Perth Hospital in a stable condition.

A woman who was working in a nearby book store told The West Australian newspaper she could smell smoke coming from toilet block.'

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Article labels intactivists as 'bigots'

This column by Vincent Carroll calls those who oppose circumcision "bigots"--basically, anti-Semitic bigots. Carroll posted a father's day column about "selfish and irresponsible" dads who abandon or neglect their kids. About 4 years ago, he wrote a column against a law giving relief to men who were the victims of paternity fraud, saying they were "picky types" who wanted their children to be their own (unlike, I suppose, mothers who are more than happy to take home another mother's child from the hospital). The guy is starting to get on my nerves. Excerpt:

"Who would have thought that circumcision — circumcision, for heaven's sake — would be the next frontier for busybodies determined to impose their choices on the rest of us?

What prompts this musing is an article in Thursday's Denver Post by Diane Carman of the Solutions Health Policy Network reporting that Colorado will soon drop coverage for circumcision under Medicaid. That's fair enough, I suppose, since the procedure is purely discretionary in most cases.

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New campaign will use "manspeak" to help men deal with suicidal thoughts

This article reports on a new program to help men avoid suicide. It states working men are the most likely to take their own lives--a rare admission for an article on suicide, as most state numbers but rarely gender. This seems like a good program. Excerpt:

'If you think it's hard for a guy to ask for directions, then consider how much harder it is to ask for help with suicidal thoughts.

The group most likely to take their own lives is the same demographic least likely to seek out a mental-health professional.

"This is double jeopardy for working-age men," said psychologist Sally Spencer-Thomas, executive director of The Carson J. Spencer Foundation.

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The Top 5 Killers of Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Heart disease is the number one killer of men, claiming the lives of nearly 400,000 fathers, friends, brothers, and sons every year. Often, the difference between life and death is razor thin—remembering to pop an aspirin, not delaying your trip to the E.R.

This week is National Men's Health Week, which was created by Congress in 1994 to raise the awareness of the health threats uniquely facing men. To commemorate, we’ve put together a list of the most popular ways to die as a man in America. Collectively, these diseases kill nearly one million of us annually. And, chances are, your lifestyle or genetic profile puts you at risk for at least one of them.

But, as Jeff Hale learned, our fates are not sealed. If you understand your risks, and learn how to negate them, you can outrun the reaper. Here’s how:'

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The first media reports from the Anti-Feminist Meeting in Winterthur, Switzerland, Saturday, 25th June 2011

Main Page about the Media Reports at The Anti-Feminist Interest Group (IGAF) here

Selected links
Radio Basel
Winterthur:100 participants in the anti-feminism meeting

Anti-feminism meeting remained undisturbed

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Rwandan is first-ever woman convicted of genocide

Article here. Excerpt:

'ARUSHA, Tanzania — The U.N. Court trying suspects of the 1994 Rwanda genocide found a female former government minister and her son guilty of war crimes on Friday and gave both life sentences, marking the first time a woman has been convicted of genocide.

Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, Rwanda's former minister for family and women affairs, and her son, Arsene Ntahobali, a former militia leader, were both found guilty of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, including rape.

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