Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-07-13 06:39
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-07-13 04:10
Artcile here. Excerpt:
'LOS ANGELES — Men who are diagnosed with cancer are more likely to die from the disease than women, due to a higher initial risk and later detection, U.S. government research showed.
The National Cancer Institute study looked at a database of 36 different types of cancer from 1977 to 2006.
It found the highest male-to-female mortality rate ratios for cancers like lip, where 5.5 men died for each woman patient, and esophageal, where 4 men died for each woman patient.
For lung cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women, the research found 2.3 male deaths for each female death.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-07-13 03:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON - (AP) -- An overwhelmingly female jury with little interest in baseball will decide whether former pitching star Roger Clemens lied to Congress when he said he never used performance-enhancing drugs.
The two sides threw out the maximum number of 20 people before the jury of 10 women and two men along with four alternates were seated. The jurors themselves were not told who among them are alternates but they were told to avoid news and sports programs. To keep the panel from encountering the dozens of journalists at the courthouse, the judge told them they will meet off site each day, ride a bus to a back entrance and use nonpublic corridors. They will be served breakfast and lunch in what was once a judge's chambers so they don't have to use the cafeteria where reporters, attorneys and Clemens himself take their meals.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-07-12 22:58
From SAVE via email:
Cue lights and cascading drum roll...SAVE has now released the Partner Violence Reduction Act (PVRA):
After years of discussion and debate, it's now a reality...the Partner Violence Reduction Act will amend the Violence Against Women Act so all victims are served, false accusations stop, and the discrimination comes to an end.
And as luck would have it, the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing tomorrow, Wednesday, July 13, beginning at 10am Eastern time, about the Violence Against Women Act.
One of the featured witnesses will be -- you guessed it -- Dr. Phil of Oprah Winfrey fame! You can watch the live Webcast here:
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-07-12 22:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'A campaigner for fathers rights has started a hunger strike on the Prime Minister's doorstep.
Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) founder Matt O'Connor has started the strike outside the Oxfordshire home of David Cameron and it is expected to last "weeks", a F4J spokeswoman said.
The 44-year-old, from Andover in Hampshire, is demanding that Mr Cameron honours pre-election pledges made to the organisation about ensuring that grandparents have a right to see their grandchildren and for a legal assumption of shared parenting.
He also wants Mr Cameron, a father of three, to retract comments he made to a newspaper describing some dads as "runaways".'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-07-12 22:53
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman was in custody Tuesday for allegedly poisoning her estranged husband, cutting off his penis with a 10-inch kitchen knife and throwing it in the garbage disposal.
Lt. Jeff Nightengale said the crime occurred Monday night at the man's Garden Grove home. According to authorities, this was the first time police have ever been called to the home. No neighbors reported any signs of fighting or screaming.
Catherine Kieu Becker, 48, was booked for aggravated mayhem, false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon, administering a drug with intent to commit a felony, poisoning, and spousal abuse. She was being held at the Orange County Jail.'
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Submitted by MR on Tue, 2011-07-12 21:27
Build public awareness and put pressure on lawmakers by signing the SAVE's petition to enact the Partner Violence Reduction Act . SAVE would like to get 1,000 signatures in the first month, and 3,000 signatures eventually.
The Partner Violence Reduction Act:
1. Gives first priority to real victims and reduces false allegations by constraining definitions and distinguishing between an allegation and a judicial finding of domestic violence.
2. Makes the law gender-inclusive and removes discriminatory policies.
3. Seeks to protect and restore families when the abuse is minor.
4. Removes harmful mandatory arrest, predominant aggressor, and no-drop prosecution policies, thus helping to restore due process.
5. Allows legal assistance to be provided both to the alleged victim and alleged offender.
6. Improves the accountability of domestic violence organizations.
7. Curbs immigration fraud.
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Submitted by Proud_to_be_a_man on Tue, 2011-07-12 18:03
Story here. As usual, reverse the sexes in this story and you can't imagine there being so much hilarity to be had. Excerpt:
'A Russian man who tried to rob a hair salon ended up as the victim when the female shop owner overpowered him, tied him up naked and then used him as a sex slave for three days.
Viktor Jasinski, 32, admitted to police that he had gone to the salon in Meshchovsk, Russia, with the intention of robbing it.
But the tables were turned dramatically when he found himself overcome by owner Olga Zajac, 28, who happened to be a black belt in karate.
She allegedly floored the would-be robber with a single kick.
Then, in a scene reminiscent of Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, police say Zajac dragged the semi-conscious Jasinski to a back room of the salon and tied him up with a hair dryer cable.
She allegedly stripped him naked and, for the next three days, used him as a sex slave to 'teach him a lesson' - force feeding him Viagra to keep the lesson going.'
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Submitted by GaryB on Sun, 2011-07-10 22:04
This guy wanted to dump his girlfriend, but she told him she was pregnant - and, if he didn't marry her, she'd have the baby. Knowing that would mean 18 years of slavery, she told him his only option was to marry her. Amazingly though, a judge actually lets the guy off the hook when he comes to the court and asks for a divorce. And women wonder why guys are avoiding marriage... Excerpt:
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 10:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Unlike Sarah Palin, who has brandished the feminist moniker and spoken of an “emerging conservative feminist identity,” Bachmann told me in an interview Tuesday that she wouldn't call herself a feminist—instead, she simply described herself as “pro-woman and pro-man.” When I pressed her on the matter, the Minnesota congresswoman said she sees herself as an “empowered American.”
Bachmann seemed loath to engage in the kind of girl-power rhetoric utilized by Palin and Hillary Clinton, who both invoked the perennial—and so far unbreakable—presidential glass ceiling.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 08:30
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 06:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'Schools that don't have the money to start new teams for girls, or simply can't recruit enough women to join existing teams, have instead eliminated men's teams to make the numbers work. That means that thousands of would be male athletes have denied the opportunity to play sports because of Title IX.
And that's a sad and unnecessary thing. It surprises no one outside of far left gender studies departments that just about all surveys and data shows that men are more likely than women to express an interest in playing (or watching) sports. And in fact, sports are about the one extracurricular activity that male participation outpaces girls. Women dominate academic teams, student governments, art programs, theater, student newspapers, and just about everything else on college campus. Why then is Title IX only applied to the one area-sports-where men still have an edge?
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 05:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'A bill that is currently in advanced legislation stages would deprive divorcing fathers living in public housing of any rights to their own homes. The bill would transfer all rights to the home to the spouse who has custody of the children – who, in Israel, is the mother in over 90% of divorce custody cases. In some cases, the result would be that a disabled man with no property would be thrown into the street.
Public housing in Israel is granted to a limited number of disadvantaged families that do not possess homes. These include couples in which the husband or wife needs to use a wheelchair for mobility, or has some other serious disability. The homes are rented for very low sums and can be bought after a certain period of time.
In practice, the proposed law would make it possible to deprive a disabled husband of his right to any part of his home, even if the right to reside in that home was granted to the couple based on his disability.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2011-07-09 17:54
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-07-08 20:14
Via email:
"Guilty Until Proven Innocent" Premiers Tuesday, July 26th in Washington, DC
Many who’ve seen Janks Morton’s new documentary GUPI, have positively commented on the film and how it captures the essence of fathers' experiences in family court. From custody issues to child support to access interference to false abuse allegations, the film portrays family court through fathers’ eyes.
You are cordially invited to attend the premier showing of 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' on July 26, 2011 at the Avalon Theater in Washington, DC. If you can’t be there in person you can still participate and help make the evening a tremendous success. Please
read on and learn how you can be part of this history making event. There will be a panel discussion after the film with Janks Morton and several other special guests.
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