Submitted by GaryB on Sun, 2011-07-10 22:04
This guy wanted to dump his girlfriend, but she told him she was pregnant - and, if he didn't marry her, she'd have the baby. Knowing that would mean 18 years of slavery, she told him his only option was to marry her. Amazingly though, a judge actually lets the guy off the hook when he comes to the court and asks for a divorce. And women wonder why guys are avoiding marriage... Excerpt:
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 10:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Unlike Sarah Palin, who has brandished the feminist moniker and spoken of an “emerging conservative feminist identity,” Bachmann told me in an interview Tuesday that she wouldn't call herself a feminist—instead, she simply described herself as “pro-woman and pro-man.” When I pressed her on the matter, the Minnesota congresswoman said she sees herself as an “empowered American.”
Bachmann seemed loath to engage in the kind of girl-power rhetoric utilized by Palin and Hillary Clinton, who both invoked the perennial—and so far unbreakable—presidential glass ceiling.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 08:30
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 06:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'Schools that don't have the money to start new teams for girls, or simply can't recruit enough women to join existing teams, have instead eliminated men's teams to make the numbers work. That means that thousands of would be male athletes have denied the opportunity to play sports because of Title IX.
And that's a sad and unnecessary thing. It surprises no one outside of far left gender studies departments that just about all surveys and data shows that men are more likely than women to express an interest in playing (or watching) sports. And in fact, sports are about the one extracurricular activity that male participation outpaces girls. Women dominate academic teams, student governments, art programs, theater, student newspapers, and just about everything else on college campus. Why then is Title IX only applied to the one area-sports-where men still have an edge?
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-07-10 05:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'A bill that is currently in advanced legislation stages would deprive divorcing fathers living in public housing of any rights to their own homes. The bill would transfer all rights to the home to the spouse who has custody of the children – who, in Israel, is the mother in over 90% of divorce custody cases. In some cases, the result would be that a disabled man with no property would be thrown into the street.
Public housing in Israel is granted to a limited number of disadvantaged families that do not possess homes. These include couples in which the husband or wife needs to use a wheelchair for mobility, or has some other serious disability. The homes are rented for very low sums and can be bought after a certain period of time.
In practice, the proposed law would make it possible to deprive a disabled husband of his right to any part of his home, even if the right to reside in that home was granted to the couple based on his disability.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2011-07-09 17:54
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-07-08 20:14
Via email:
"Guilty Until Proven Innocent" Premiers Tuesday, July 26th in Washington, DC
Many who’ve seen Janks Morton’s new documentary GUPI, have positively commented on the film and how it captures the essence of fathers' experiences in family court. From custody issues to child support to access interference to false abuse allegations, the film portrays family court through fathers’ eyes.
You are cordially invited to attend the premier showing of 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' on July 26, 2011 at the Avalon Theater in Washington, DC. If you can’t be there in person you can still participate and help make the evening a tremendous success. Please
read on and learn how you can be part of this history making event. There will be a panel discussion after the film with Janks Morton and several other special guests.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-07-08 20:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'(CNN) -- You work exhausting hours trying to hold onto your job and provide for your family in a scary economy. When you get home, you help prepare dinner, play with the kids, help with homework, read goodnight books. Then there are chores around the house and, finally, a chance to crash and have a little time with your wife -- unless you had to bring work home. You squeeze in however many hours of sleep you can.
And when you get to work the next morning, what's waiting for you online? A column on by a dad who works from home informing you that he has "been sent here today, on behalf of the stay-at-home mothers of the world" to tell his "fellow pops" that it's time to "wake the hell up."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-07-08 20:04
Story here. Excerpt:
'BOULDER, Colo. – A Boulder woman has been arrested for allegedly killing a cat by blowing heroin smoke into its face, according to Boulder Police.
21-year-old Danielle Blankenship was arrested Tuesday around 11:30 a.m. on charges of cruelty to animals, third degree assault, and domestic violence. She is being held in the Boulder County Jail on $1,500 bond.
Police say they were responding to a domestic violence call in the 1100 block of 30th St. Tuesday morning after Blankenship’s boyfriend called police to report that she hit him in the face.
Police asked if the cat, named Muffin, had been hit or kicked accidently, to which Blankenship told officers that she would never hurt the cat.
Animal control then took the animal to get help at the Humane Society of Boulder Valley where vets began treating it for poisoning.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-07-08 20:03
Petition here. Letter:
On July 5, 2011, at 1:15 pm CST, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first degree murder in the death of her daughter Caylee Anthony. The only charges she now faces are four counts of falsifying police reports, each of which only carries a 1 year prison term. Since she has been in jail since August 2008, she will be out of jail ENTIRELY too soon.
I'm writing to propose that a new law be put into effect making it a felony for a parent, legal guardian, or caretaker to not notify law enforcement of the disappearance of a child within 24 hours, so proper steps can be taken to find that child before it's too late.
This way there will be no more cases like Casey Anthony's in the courts, and no more innocent children will have to go without justice.
The case of Caylee Anthony was tragic, and there is no reason for another case like this one to hit the courts. Let's do what is necessary to prevent another case like this from happening.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-07-08 04:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'Even when the accuser is discovered to be a fraud, such as in the Duke Lacrosse case, the media still for the most part keeps the accuser's identity a secret. And even after the fake-rape discovery, the media still never hounded the fraudulent accuser as they had hounded the accused. And many of these prosecutors who would perp-walk an innocent man will not prosecute a fraudulent accuser, even though the accuser committed perjury, and caused tremendous damage against the accused and their families -- not to mention a tremendous waste of taxpayers' money prosecuting the case. The woman who falsely accused the Duke Lacrosse students was never prosecuted for perjury (and even if she had been, a perjury conviction wouldn't be enough considering she could have imprisoned these innocent men for 15 years of their lives).'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-07-08 02:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'A woman whose false rape allegation led to the shooting deaths of two men was sentenced today to 16 years to life in prison.
Priscilla Ramirez, 21, could have been sentenced to as much as 32 years to life for her convictions on two counts of second-degree murder. Sacramento Superior Court Judge Steve White instead set the 16-year minimum term and said he would leave it up to the state Board of Parole Hearings to determine how long she may serve beyond then, based on her performance in prison.
Ramirez made the false rape allegation to her cousin, Philip Perez Gonzales Jr. The cousin and a friend of his, Michael Lee Armstrong, then went over to the Seavey Circle apartment of her boyfriend, Everett Antonio Taylor, 28, on July 21, 2009, to rough him up. While they were there, Armstrong shot and killed Taylor, 28, and another man, Deshawn Dante Holloway, 35.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-07-08 02:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'In their desperation to avenge all women victims of sexual assault they gleefully seized on highly dubious and probably fabricated rape claims of one (apparently wealthy, according to mysterious bank transfers) African immigrant woman against a rich, powerful white man.
Rushing to judgment before any substantial investigation or trial, and aided and abetted by a New York Police Department and a prosecutor bent on re-election, they recklessly trashed the reputation of one man for their own ideological ends, even making bizarre links with France's burka ban.
In their eyes, Dominique Strauss-Kahn had become the grotesque symbol of all that was rotten in the state of patriarchy (and especially in "sexist" France) and therefore not worthy of the minimum presumption of innocence before proved guilty.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-07-07 23:51
She got one year for each count of making a false statement, sentences served consecutively. However since she has already been locked up for almost four years, guess what? She walks next week. Story here. And guess who's still in jail? Strauss-Khan. He has an accuser, like Casey Anthony, who is a pathological liar, but he nonetheless remains locked up on charges shown at this point to be utterly unbelievable... a nymphotropic Twilight Zone if there ever was one. Excerpt:
'Casey Anthony, acquitted of killing her daughter Caylee, will be released from jail next Wednesday, her attorney told ABC News.
Anthony, 25, was ordered today to remain in jail after Judge Belvin Perry sentenced her to four years in jail and a fine of $4,000 on her conviction of lying to law enforcement officials.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-07-07 23:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has cautioned Ugandans not to consider male circumcision as the remedy and automatic control of HIV/AIDS infection.
He said messages promoting the practice were misguiding and may put the lives of many people in danger since it had not been proven to be scientifically true.
He said if male circumcision was the answer to HIV prevention, then Ugandans who conduct circumcision as a traditional belief or a religious practice would not contract the disease.
He, however, said there is proof that these people had contracted HIV and the disease prevails in their communities.'
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