First-Place Sweep by American Girls at First Google Science Fair - Gender not a factor?

And girls are doing so poorly in math and science? Article here. Note how one of the judges says gender was not a factor but that he was 'secretly very pleased' that all the winners were girls. Gender, not a factor? Excerpt:

'Girls swept all three age categories in the competition, a contrast to generations past when women were largely excluded* from the science world.

“Personally I think that’s amazing, because throughout my entire life, I’ve heard science is a field where men go into,” Ms. Bose said. “It just starts to show you that women are stepping up in science, and I’m excited that I was able to represent maybe just a little bit of that.” She will start her senior year of high school in the fall.

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Dr. Phil's Blooper Shows Need for DV Accreditation

Via email:

Dr. Phillip McGraw, aka "Dr. Phil," was the lead witness at last Wednesday's Senate VAWA hearing. His testimony featured this forehead-slapper: "Domestic violence is now the most common cause of injury to women ages 15 to 44."

But the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey says the leading cause of injuries to women is motor vehicle accidents. Domestic violence is ninth on the list, accounting for a grand total of 2.2% of all injuries to women. (You can see the complete listing here: )

Unfortunately, such wild distortions are commonplace. According to the SAVE report, "Most DV Educational Programs Lack Accuracy, Balance, and Truthfulness," 90% of DV educational and training programs fold, spindle, or otherwise mutilate the truth:

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Why are we afraid of male sexuality?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is there anything good to be said about male sexuality? That might seem a daft question. Apparently it brings a lot of pleasure and excitement to the lives of men and women alike, it's inspired some of the greatest art, music and literature through the ages and has played a fairly substantial role in sustaining our species and populating the planet. Nonetheless you'll need to search very, very hard to find any positive appraisal of male heterosexuality.

Since the era of the permissive society and the mainstreaming of modern feminism, western society has gone a long way towards liberating women's sexuality. Younger women have, to an unprecedented extent, been encouraged to believe they can be as sexual as they like and to experience and express their desires as they wish. Even the age-old proscriptions on female promiscuity have been largely broken down, exemplified by the glorious flowering of the SlutWalk movement.

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The Guardian on The Rape of Men in Congo

A friend of mine sent me this. Excerpt:

Like0 Dislike0 Sex, Lies, Arrogance: What Makes Powerful Men Behave So Badly?

Dated May 19, 2011, we missed this one. Look at the cover of the issue, here. Could it be any more offensive? Hardly a peep of objection that I can see. Heck, no one even seems to have noticed. Excerpt:

'But in any event, the arrest of Strauss-Kahn in New York City for allegedly trying to rape a hotel maid has ignited a fierce debate over sex, law, power and privilege. And it is only just beginning. The night of Strauss-Kahn's arraignment, former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted that the reason his wife Maria Shriver walked out earlier this year was the discovery that he had fathered a child more than a decade ago with a former member of the household staff. The two cases are far apart: only one man was hauled off to jail. But both suggest an abuse of power and a betrayal of trust. And both involve men whose long-standing reputations for behaving badly toward women did not derail their rise to power. Which raises the question: How can it be, in this ostensibly enlightened age, when men and women live and work as peers and are schooled regularly in what conduct is acceptable and what is actionable, that anyone with so little judgment, so little honor, could rise to such heights?

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A Feminist Economist Speaks Out: Deficits are a Grrrl’s Best Friend

Article here. Excerpt:

'Listen up, sisters! Deficit hawks will eat your lunch, your kids, your jobs and your retirement. An economy without a deficit is like a fish without water. Reducing the U.S. federal deficit will make unemployment and poverty worse–way worse. And that means that women’s economic condition will deteriorate even further. Today’s deficit hawks (and way too many Democrats are flying with this flock), fundamentally and deliberately misinform by insisting on a fictional symmetry between private sector (household and corporate) bookkeeping and the U.S. federal debt.
The mantra that “the budget must be balanced” is a throwback to the 19th century, originating from the same outmoded economic thinking that justifies women’s lower wages.

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Putting together a sports team of winners? Men need not apply

Article here. Excerpt:

'If I was asked to assemble a team of American athletes to compete against similarly composed teams from the rest of the world in any sport, the most important decision would be the easiest.

I would take a team of women.

I would take our women not only because Title IX has empowered them into a huge advantage over the rest of the world, but also because they consistently win in ways that our men sometimes neglect or ignore.
Go ahead, pull my man card. This is as plain as the grit in Abby Wambach's stare, and anyone who watches both men's and women's sports knows it.
Men often complain about misfortune, women often figure out a way around it. Men sometimes take shortcuts, women make the extra pass.'

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Austin Scott's lawsuit over false rape claim is tossed by federal judges

Article here. Excerpt:

'A federal judge issued a ruling Monday dismissing former Penn State University and Parkland High School running back Austin Scott's civil lawsuit against police, prosecutors and his accuser in a 2007 rape case.

The lawsuit claimed that Scott was the victim of conspiracy and malicious prosecution when he was charged with rape in October 2007. The lawsuit, which sought $150 million in damages, also claimed that authorities knew about Desiree Minder's questionable credibility and withheld that information.

While the federal claims were dismissed, Scott's lawyer, Benjamin Lichtman, said he might bring the case to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. There are also several state claims, such as false arrest and malicious prosecution, that U.S. District Judge William W. Caldwell refused to address and dismissed without prejudice.'

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Beauty salon is ‘sexist’ claims bodybuilder

Article here. Excerpt:

'HE HAS the bulging biceps and the glistening bronze tan.

But Hampshire bodybuilder Andrew Blohm got a shock when he tried to indulge himself in a bit more of the personal beauty treatment.

The 5ft 6in bodybuilder wanted to look his best for the Solent City Bodybuilding Competition but claims he is the victim of sexism when a beauty salon refused to serve him.

He said: “I just wanted a facial and to stick my feet in a bowl of fish. They gave me all the details about the treatment but I was then told I could not have them done because I was a man.”'

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Electronic tagging could help fight violence against women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Experts confirm that Turkey is seeing a rise in the number of violent attacks against women by men, and women's rights groups suggest that one measure in the prevention of such violence could be the electronic monitoring of known abusers.

Although new laws and public awareness campaigns against domestic violence are being extensively employed, Turkey has so far failed to effectively address this seemingly growing problem.

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Please lodge this anti-circumcision submission with the Peace Corps (Deadline 25 July 2011)

This is a reply to the document “Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals” [ Docket ID: PC-2011-0009] (!documentDetail;D=PC-2011-0009-0001 ).


Copy and paste the text below and email to with the subject heading "Response to Docket ID: PC-2011-0009":

"Dear Denora Miller

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Facebook Poster on Sexual Assault Has Navy Revamping Its Message

Article here. Excerpt:

'A controversial posting on the U.S. Navy's Facebook page meant to raise awareness on sexual assault prevention has followers asking, "Is this some kind of joke?"

The Navy says it's for real.
Facebook followers seemed stunned and at times offended by the obvious nature of the tips. The comment page is overflowing with followers who have harsh words for the Navy, many questioning its judgment.
The poster was not actually the brainchild of the Navy, but of a feminist blog called TumblinFeminist, whose most recent entry states, "I honestly feel as though you can not by definition be a feminist and be a Christian, unless you are a bad Christian- or a bad feminist. Christianity is inherently and undeniably sexist among countless other things."'

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Woman charged with severing husband's penis gets mental evaluation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Garden Grove woman charged with cutting off her husband's penis is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation Thursday at the Orange County Jail.

Catherine Kieu Becker appeared in court Wednesday but did not enter a plea. The evaluation is fairly common in cases involving a unusually violent crime like this one.

"Given the nature of the offense, it's standard operating procedure," said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case was ongoing, said the couple had argued earlier in the day and that the wife was angry at the husband over a relationship. Police said that when they confronted the woman, she said her husband "deserved it."'

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Geena Davis Lobbies for Bill to Improve Image of Women in Media

Article here. Excerpt:

'Academy Award winning actress Geena Davis joined Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) and Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D- WI) on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to introduce a bill that would support efforts to improve the image of girls and women in the media.

“I am proud to join with Sen. Hagan and Rep. Baldwin to promote gender equality and positive portrayals of women and girls in the media,” Davis said in a statement. “What children see affects their attitudes toward male and female roles and impacts the value they place on girls and women in society. The Healthy Media for Youth Act will help ensure we are creating a positive media environment for all our children.”

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PHS “Tuskegee/Guatemala” HIV/AIDS STD Study redux 2011

Via email. Very long, of greatest interest to people and organizations focused on anti-circ measures, but still of interest to all MRAs. As follows:

PHS “Tuskegee/Guatemala” HIV/AIDS STD Study redux 2011

Accurate clinical outcomes require scientific data that meet the highest standards for research bioethics. Unfortunately (see attached): PHS (ASH: Dr. Koh), NIH (Drs. Collins, Kington, Star), and CDC (Drs. Frieden, Arias, Fenton) do not appear to understand what these standards entail as to “publication bias”, nor is there an adequate oversight/enforcement mechanism or Standard/PHS Code of Research Bioethics Conduct (Nicholas Steneck) as it pertains to “publication bias” adversely impacting reliability of all outcomes research based on federally funded science. Please review this PHS violative research bioethics conduct and refer for corrective Action as CDC considers “universal” circumcision in the U.S. (,2933,541970,00.html) and DHHS/USAID/UNAIDS implements universal circumcision in Africa.

As you are aware, the recently convened President Commission on Bioethics ( was tasked with reviewing evidence of global violative research bioethics conduct. I am contacting you in response to President Obama’s tasking of the President’s Commission on Bioethics to review this ongoing case of PHS global violative research bioethics conduct which has disparate impact/treatment in persons of African descent:

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