'Loving The Talk'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I always agree with Sharon Osbourne, who is English and outrageous. Lately they were discussing the second Lorena Bobbit case in the USA but it’s a woman with a different, difficult name. Anyway this woman cut off her husband’s organ and (learning from Lorena who threw it out of her car window thus her husband could retrieve it and a surgeon sew it back) threw it down her garbage disposal unit. In the USA every sink comes with a garbage disposal unit, which liquifies whatever you throw down it and you turn on the running water. Now let’s see if there’s a doctor who can sew a liquified thing back on!

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UK push for girl power on Boards of Directors

Article here. Excerpt:

'LONDON - The UK government published a code of conduct drawn up by executive-search firms aimed at boosting the number of women on company boards, including a recommendation that 30 per cent of candidates be female.

“When presenting their long lists, search firms should ensure that at least 30 per cent of the candidates are women — and, if not, should explicitly justify to the client why they are convinced there are no other qualified female options,” according to the voluntary guidelines announced on Friday by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in London.

Nineteen leading headhunting firms have pledged to sign up to the code for future boardroom appointments, the BIS said. Among the signatories are Korn/Ferry Whitehead Mann, the UK arm of Korn/Ferry International.

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'Well, excuse us as we objectify men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In relation to the issue, my friend Lourisse informs me that she’s delighted to say that HBO has finally started exercising their right to feature male frontal nudity, a move she considers long overdue since the network is known for an extensive liberal serving of exposed women’s breasts and other lewd sexual content. We toast to the progressive move of HBO’s genitalia-on-air, followed by a collective promise to one day achieve our goal of being able to objectify men, just as they do to women.
At this point in time, and especially in this society, we all agree that it’s about time women have equal rights to objectify men. Not to say that the objectification of the human body and sexuality is by any means correct — it’s just that we’ve seen women over and over again being misrepresented and exploited on public advertisements, and for the first time Bench is actually giving us women that equal right to ogle at men and make them feel like fine pieces of meat.'

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Bryant Gumbel sees a women’s sports double standard

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the wake of the U.S. women’s soccer team losing the World Cup final to Japan last weekend, Bryant Gumbel of HBO Sports asked: “Can we stop coddling women in sports? Are we now so fearful of being labelled sexist that we can’t objectively assess the efforts of female athletes?”

Most [male] American reporters did adopt the ‘Gee, they-kick-the-ball-pretty-well-for-girls’ approach, dodging serious criticism of the U.S. players dropping the WC Final. Others followed Mitch Albom of the Detroit Free Press, extolling the high calibre of the tournament, saying he’s now a convert to women’s soccer. Few besides Gumbel ripped the team for allowing the underdog Japanese to win - a distinction they shared with Japan’s other victims, it might be added.

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The Noble Lie, Feminist Style

Article here. Excerpt:

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Sharon Osbourne: “I Hope Homme’s Penis Falls Off!”

Article here. This dates back to 2007 but I'm noticing a trend.

'Sharon Osbourne has let rip on Queens Of The Stone Age frontman Josh Homme, saying that she hopes his manhood drops off and gets eaten by, am, his mum.

Sharona vicious tirade, which well bring you more of in a second, follows Hommes remark about Ozzfest, the festival run by Mr Osbourne, aka Ozzy.

The QOTSA man said that he'd never play the festival again because They treat bands like sh*t.

In response, Sharon raised the bar on bad taste, and wished him the following: "I hope he gets syphilis and dies, Sharon cheerfully told Blender magazine. "I hope his dick fu*king falls off so his mother can eat it."


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Mother fed alcohol to four-year-old and 10-month-old children

Link here. Excerpt:

'A mother allegedly let her four-year old son chug a bottle of beer and fed her 10-month-old daughter booze in a Connecticut playground.

Juliette Dunn, 29, has been charged with two counts of risk of injury to a child and two counts second-degree assault after a neighbour saw her in the playground and complained to police on June 28, the Connecticut Post reports.

A 33-year-old woman who was with Ms Dunn in the playground, Lisa Jefferson, was arrested on the same charges.

The children were taken to Bridgeport Hospital where they both tested positive for alcohol. The baby girl also tested positive for cocaine.

Witnesses told police they had seen Ms Jefferson hand the beer to her friend's son and order him to scull it, calling him an "alcoholic" when he finished.'

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Climate Change Could Hurt Teen Girls The Most

Article here. Excerpt:

'LONDON (AlertNet) - At the intersection of two of the world's most vulnerable groups – children and women - adolescent girls may end up bearing the biggest burden of climate change impacts, according to a new report.

In times of economic hardship - often caused by droughts, floods or other natural disasters - girls regularly suffer from a lack educational opportunities, sexual violence, and early and forced marriages, all consequences of what the report calls “the double jeopardy brought on by gender and age.”

While recent research shows that women and children deserve special attention in climate change legislation, “girls often fall out between both camps,” according to Kanwal Ahluwalia, a co-author of the study and an expert in gender-equality policy with Plan UK, a children’s charity.

In many countries, women’s relatively stifled freedoms put them in harm’s way when it comes to climate change, she said.'

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Got apology? Milk board cans 'sexist' campaign

Article here. Not quite a win-- the prevailing idea is that the sexism is directed against women when it is in fact directed against both sexes while making men out to be buffoons and helpless dolts. Excerpt:

'California milk producers have yanked a widely criticized ad campaign that poked fun at premenstrual syndrome and the way men supposedly suffer from the monthly cycles of their wives and girlfriends.

"Over the past couple of weeks, regrettably, some people found our campaign about milk and PMS to be outrageous and misguided — and we apologize to those we offended," the California Milk Processor Board says on its website. "Others thought it funny and educational. It has opened up a topic that affects women, of course, but also relationships."

Instead of abandoning the campaign completely, the milk producers are extending it by seeking to capitalize on the controversy surrounding it. They’ve put up a new website titled "got discussion?" featuring pro and con views and inviting people to join the discussion.

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Is Prison Better for Black Men's Health?

Article here. A federal office dedicated to men's health is long overdue. Excerpt:

'Public health researchers from Vanderbilt University studied death patterns among prisoners and found that Black men in prison die at much lower rates than Black men who are not in prison.

In the American Journal of Epidemiology, the authors wrote:

"Based on the relatively poor health of incarcerated populations and the high mortality rates seen after release, one might predict that inmates would also suffer from high mortality while incarcerated. A recent Bureau of Justice Statistics report, however, showed that while incarcerated, inmates aged 15–64 years experience 19 percent lower mortality than comparably aged controls in the general population; among Blacks, mortality for prisoners is 43 percent lower than age-adjusted mortality for the general Black population."

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Stop the Presses: Rep. Poe Calls for Gender-Neutral VAWA

Via email:

This news just hit the street...Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) has just called for making the Violence Against Women Act gender neutral.

According to a Washington Times article, Congressman Poe "says he would now support re-writing the legislation as gender neutral....I'm open to changing the name. Domestic Violence Act. I like that phrase."

The article goes on to note, "Mr. Poe also supports replacing the word 'woman' in the legislation to a non-gender specific term like 'person' or 'men and women' or 'men or women.'"

We urge each person reading this Elert to contact Rep. Poe's office right away at 202-225-6565 and express your support for making VAWA gender-inclusive.

SAVE's Partner Violence Reducation Act calls for all provisions of VAWA, including its name, to be made sex-neutral. Rep. Poe is the first national lawmaker to speak out publicly in support of such a change.

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No felony charge for woman, 61 accused of 'groping a TSA agent's left breast'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 61-year-old woman who was been arrested for groping a female Transportation Security Administration agent's breast will not face felony charges.

An Arizona district attorney has decided to turn the case of Yukari Miyamae - who allegedly violently groped a TSA agent's breast in a Phoenix airport - over to city prosecutors.

Ms Miyamae was at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix flying home to Colorado when she allegedly grabbed the agent's 'left breast through her clothing, squeezing and twisting it with both hands without the victim's permission,' according to police.'

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Sharon Osbourne demonstrates innate(?) female misandry on The Talk

Commentary here.                                           

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Male bashing on TV must stop

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’m getting tired of TV depicting men as small-minded, beer-drinking, softball-playing, girl-ogling, knuckle-dragging oafs who can’t do anything for themselves.

More and more, ad agencies, the companies that hire them and the networks are depicting men and dads who can’t function in society without help. And while we need help from the women in our lives from time to time, there are plenty of high functioning guys in real life who hold down jobs, who make excellent decisions and who don’t waste their days playing video games and sitting on their couch eating salami sandwiches.'

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Forbes: Feminism Can’t Divorce Its Debt To Capitalism

Article here. Excerpt:

'While feminism today spans the political spectrum, its most radical proponents were spawned by the same cultural Marxism covered here previously. Feminism ostensibly focused on promoting women, but in practice attacked the traditional family through the sexual revolution, abortion on demand and no-fault divorce. None of which elevates women.

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