Obama, Planned Parenthood and Obamacare

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Black American birth rate is below that of sustainability, that means if the domestic Black birth rate does not change, and it is likely to decline, American Blacks will be extinct. ...

The scourge of fatherlessness in America, particularly in the inner-city and among blacks has not been helped by Obama’s disparagement of men and fathers and his often repeated glorification of single motherhood. Obama’s repeated bashing of men, especially black men, accusing them of abandoning their children while at the same time his policies actually encourage single parent homes and reward mothers who eject fathers from the home and thus from the lives of their children.'

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Why Cross-Examination Rights Matter in Campus Sexual Harassment Cases under Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'As part of its broader attack on safeguards against false accusations, the federal Education Department is urging colleges to strip students and faculty of the right to cross-examine their accusers in disciplinary proceedings over alleged sexual harassment. In an April 4 letter from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali, the Education Department said that it “strongly discourages schools from allowing the parties personally to question or cross-examine each other during the hearing.”

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Video: Weiner Scandal: A Victory for Women Leaders?

Video here. Article excerpt:

'"Often women are seen as more honest, more sincere, as harder working," Clarke said. "This may be an opportunity for more women to step into those positions."

ABC's Claire Shipman, co-author of "Womenomics", says there are numerous studies that show that a company with more women in senior positions will be more profitable.

"In every decision, diversity leads to better decisions," Shipman said. "In other words, a group of all white men are not going to reach the best decision."'

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Opinion: Why Lagarde should be IMF chief: Women make better leaders, sans Weiner-like libido

Article here. Excerpt:

'During an appearance last fall on ABC's "This Week" and following tough talk on fiscal austerity and the evils of budget deficits, Lagarde dove headlong into the squishy topic of gender leadership. Her cardinal thesis: Women are better leaders than men. “We don’t necessarily project our own egos into cutting a deal, [getting] our point across, convincing people, reducing them to…a partner lost in the process.”

Then with a hint of mettle she cut to the chase: “We inject less libido, less testosterone.”
Lagarde’s gender braggadocio is supported by empirical data. Leadership studies consistently show women outperform men in the key area of decision-making: They tend to use a more democratic, participative style, while men take a more autocratic, directive approach. These studies conclude that women’s traditional approach to negotiation, mediation, facilitation, and communication is more effective than men’s traditional insistence on power and control.'

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Have you lost your faith in men?

Link to "article" here. Excerpt:

'Perhaps it's just me but is anyone else losing faith in men? Is your confidence that your relationship will endure, unmarred by infidelity, for the rest of your life, rapidly diminishing? Anyone else starting to think that maybe it's only a matter of time until it happens to you?

Amid the latest reports of Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child, debauchery seems to be the flavour of our current new stories with male politicians, business leaders, sporting stars, celebrities and members of the armed forces at the centre of the storm.
Tiger Woods reportedly had at least nine mistresses, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his cabinet have allegedly treated their country's political system as one big bachelor party, Ricky Nixon (the most recent football personality to grace our media) still has a lot of explaining to do and countless other public figures have had their reputations tarnished by some form of sexual indiscretion.'

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Push leads to twenty five story fall that kills man

Woman Accused of Pushing Husband from 25th Floor Window. Is it possible for a smaller woman to push a 6'4" military man to his death? Police are saying this is a premeditated crime. The prior restraining order the male victim took out shows he had concerns about his safety.

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Warrant: Teens tied up, smothered foster mom

Article here. There could be an alternate explanation about what happened here since the girls are not yet in custody/have been found. Possibly the mother was killed and they were kidnapped? Without the actual girls apprehended/found, it's hard to say. In any case keep an eye on this one, I am sure developments will follow. Innocent 'til proven guilty, or at least until found.

'ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Arrest documents say two 15-year-old girls accused of killing their foster mom in New Mexico put her in a chokehold, tied her hands and feet and then smothered her with a pillow.

Fifty-three-year-old Evelyn Miranda was found dead Wednesday in San Patricio.

The Albuquerque Journal reports a neighbor heard strange noises at about 4 a.m. He went to check his livestock and noticed lights were on at Miranda's home and her van was missing.

The neighbor told Lincoln County authorities he knocked on the door but got no answer so he went inside, where he found the woman's body on a bed.

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Police warn of teen girls committing strong arm robberies

Article here. Funny, I wonder why the picture they are using is of a man trying to snatch a purse from a woman rather than a girl trying to rob another girl, or at least something looking like that? Excerpt:

'CHICAGO Police have issued a community alert on the Southwest Side warning residents of strong arm robberies committed by two 16-year-old girls.

The first robbery happened on May 27 about 3:20 p.m. in the 5800 block of South Troy, police said. A 15-year-old girl was approached and the teens grabbed a gold necklace from her.

In the second robbery, which happened in the 5500 block of South Mozart, a 15-year-old girl was robbed of a gold chain and a gold heart ring, police said.'

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Two women accused of threatening to accuse man of rape if he didn't give them car

Article here. These felons got released on their on recognizance. It is vital that men and boys in this area of the state watch out for these criminals and don't fall prey to them. Excerpt:

'POTSDAM -- Two Potsdam women are accused of threatening to falsely accuse a man of rape if he didn't give them a car.

Village police say that Christine L. Laraby, 45, and Miranda L. Laraby, 17, threatened a man that they would report to police that he had physically abused and raped Miranda Laraby if he did not sign over his vehicle to the defendants with a note saying that they had paid him $500 cash for it.

Police say the defendants subsequently took possession of the man's 1997 Subaru Legacy.'

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Why Men Are Prey To Investment Fraud

Rarely do you see a video like this one. It speaks the plain truth about a topic not much discussed. Especially in this day and age, it can be easy to start seeing dollar signs when a smooth talker comes along. Don't let yourself fall victim to another Bernie Madoff type of scam artist just because society expects you to be Richie Rich in grown-up duds.

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Russell Crowe on circumcision: 'barbaric and stupid'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Russell Crowe caused a Twitter row this morning when he declared circumcision was 'barbaric and stupid'.
The Oscar winner, who is currently on holiday in Italy, staunchly defended his viewpoint as he was bombarded with both criticism and praise by his followers.
He finally attempted to finish the row by reiterating his views: 'I will always stand for the perfection of babies, I will always believe in God, not man's interpretation of what God requires.

'Last of it, if you feel it is your right to cut things off your babies please unfollow and f**k off, I'll take attentive parenting over barbarism.''

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Gov. Deval Patrick: Still Snubbing Dad

Blog posting here. Excerpt:

'"With little more than a week to go before Father’s Day the Patrick administration’s lead officials still refuse to give the ok to a Father’s Day banner at the State House. The latest excuse according to those who have called his State House office is that the banner did not meet the ‘standards’ required. In fact, we were told the banner and the Father’s Day message was fine by John Billera, head of the Bureau of State Office Buildings, but that The Fatherhood Coalition was ‘political’ and political signs are banned. Nothing could be further from the truth as both the organization (a non-profit not allowed to engage in political activities), and the Father’s Day message are anything but political. Gov. Patrick’s refusal to honor fathers is thus inexplicable.
Gov. Patrick's number is 1 888 870-7770 or 617 725-4005. Inquiries are best directed to Mr. Mo Cowan, chief of staff.'

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The invisible domestic violence – against men

Article here. Excerpt:

'If the empirical research is correct in suggesting that between a quarter and half of all domestic violence victims are men, a question follows: why has women's domestic violence towards men been unreported for so long, and what has changed in the last five years to make it more visible?

One reason may be the feminist movement. Feminism took up the cause of domestic abuse of women in the 1970s, with the world's first women's refuge being opened by Erin Pizzey in 1971. Feminism understood domestic violence as the natural extension of men's patriarchal attitudes towards women, leading men to feel they had the right to control their partners, using violence if necessary. Feminists campaigned successfully to bring the issue into the public arena, thereby securing resources to establish services to help victims. This activism and advocacy led to governmental and public acceptance that "domestic violence" was synonymous with violence against women.'

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Mothers struggle against gender gap in schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tammy Mobley's son and daughter both attend college. But while Mobley is equally proud of both children, the Ross resident acknowledges that getting into college was much more difficult for her son than for her daughter.

That's not because her son is any less intelligent or hard-working than her daughter, said Mobley, the co-chairwoman of the Marin Moms of Boys Initiative. She believes his difficulties arose because modern methods of education favor students who can sit still, stay on task and keep track of many assignments at the same time.

In other words, she says, education favors girls.

"I noticed, when my daughter was in the eighth grade and my son was in the sixth, that they were having completely different experiences at school," Mobley said. "Girls have a desire to please. They have no trouble asking for help. And to be successful in school these days, you need to be organized. All of that came easily to my daughter, but was not as natural for either of my sons."

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Woman admits false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

A Braidwood woman, who falsely claimed she was raped and kidnapped last year pleaded guilty Wednesday to disorderly conduct.
Partyka told Manhattan police she was abducted and raped, according to court documents.

She actually got into a fight with her boyfriend at a Manhattan bar and didn’t return home until two days later, when she made the false report to police, according to a spokesman for the state’s attorney’s office.'

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