Submitted by Broadsword on Fri, 2011-07-29 14:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'A woman battling her amputee ex-husband for the lion's share of his £500,000 compensation has won the right to more than half his money in a landmark ruling. The Appeal Court declared that her needs and those of their children were more important than those of the disabled man.
Lord Justice Thorpe ruled that the money Kevin Mansfield received in 1998 after losing a leg in a road smash - five years before he met his former wife Cathryn - ought to be 'available to all his family' and that the needs of his ex-wife and their four-year-old twins were 'primary' and outweighed his own.
Mr Mansfield, 41, now faces having to sell his home, a specially adapted bungalow in Chelmsford, Essex - to meet the court's order that he pay £285,000 to 37-year-old Cathryn, so she can buy a new home for herself and their two children.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-07-29 00:10
Via email:
Intact America was in Rome last week for the annual International AIDS Society Conference (IAS 2011). We spoke with hundreds of key influencers and policy makers, sharing the critical message that circumcision does not prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.
It’s critical that UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) stop supporting mass circumcisions, and accept the fact that there are other, better ways to fight the HIV epidemic. We’ve created a petition to help them get that message.
Will you make your voice heard, and sign our petition today?
We need your help to make sure that UNAIDS and WHO get the message that the mass practice of circumcision is an unethical and dangerous distraction in the battle against HIV and AIDS.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-07-29 00:04
Review here. As expected, not entirely favorable. You can always contact them with your feedback or of course, post a comment to the reviewer's blog. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Geredeth on Thu, 2011-07-28 06:16
Story here. Another story about a horrific practice, but once again just reading the comments between this and the problem in the same country, with the same people, but dealing with males... and the stark contrast in replies. Since this very horrific practice deals with females, it is bad and the government should get involved. If it involves chopping off pieces of male anatomy, or many other issues such as being hunted down and your family harmed because you don't want that anatomy damaged, then it is fun and games. One important part: "Now, charities have embarked on campaigns to educate mothers in Cameroon that sex education -- not breast ironing -- is the solution to ending teenage pregnancy." But to stop males from being affected by sex at a young age, education isn't needed, surgery is. Excerpt:
'(CNN) -- Every morning before school, nine-year-old Terisia Techu would undergo a painful procedure. Her mother would take a burning hot pestle straight out of a fire and use it to press her breasts.
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Submitted by Kratch on Thu, 2011-07-28 00:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'What do David Copperfield, Michael Flatley, the Duke lacrosse team, the four Hofstra students, Rene Angelil (Celine Dion’s manager-husband), Rick Pitino, Kobe Bryant, KBR/Halliburton and Julian Assange have in common? All were accused off rape, and will, in all likelihood, be remembered for that association, regardless of what ultimately happens (Assange's case is ongoing; none of the cases have led to a conviction). It is time for a modest reform in rape jurisprudence; the accused should be granted anonymity unless and until found guilty.
Ray Donovan, Reagan’s treasury secretary, after he was acquitted of trumped-up corruption charges, famously asked: "Where do I go to get my reputation back?" Before Dominique Strauss-Kahn knocks on that door, the short answer is: Nowhere, not possible, it is a permanent stain. President of France? Forget it. Even the French cringe at a man with a damaged reputation representing their country.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2011-07-27 21:54
Article here.
Is your guy a pig?
Is your guy does not host you? Are you tired of that he never grows up? We can help you bring order to the relationship.
Is your boyfriend, self-absorbed, jealous, a miser or a real Casanova? Or do you have other small or major troubles in the relationship that it's time to grab?
Help us help you! Now you can bring order to your relationship and at the same time be part of an exciting television adventure. Do not miss out, sign up today. Do you know anyone else who also fits the description, you can also tell about her / him.'
News submitted by
Ulf Andersson
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Submitted by fondueguy on Wed, 2011-07-27 07:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'The researchers, led by Ruth Yasemin Erol, MSc, tested how five personality traits —openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism —affect self-esteem. In addition, they looked at subjects’ sense of life mastery, risk-taking tendencies, gender, ethnicity, health and income.
“The converging evidence on gender similarity in self-esteem is important because false beliefs in gender differences in self-esteem may carry substantial costs,” Erol said. “For example, parents, teachers and counselors may overlook self-esteem problems in male adolescents and young men because of the widespread belief that men have higher self-esteem than women have.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-07-26 22:31
Via email:
Abuse shelters in Washington DC currently have a 3-month wait-period, and most likely, this is true of shelters across the country. The cause of the problem can be traced back to expanding definitions and lack of requirements for proof of abuse.
The PVRA limits the definition of domestic violence to "felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence," so victims of physical violence don't have to take a number and wait their turn.
Abused men who look for help are often turned away, and in some cases arrested. Most shelters only accept female clients. Some shelters that claim to give hotel vouchers to abused men, do not.
The PVRA makes the law gender-inclusive and removes discriminatory policies.
The Partner Violence Reduction Act (PVRA) offers hope to physical abuse victims by:
- Promoting proven abuse-reduction strategies
- Tightening definitions, so real victims aren't put on waiting lists
- Allowing partner reconciliation when the abuse is minor, keeping more families together
- Ending gender discrimination
If you haven't done so yet, sign the petition:
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-07-26 22:27
Blog entry here. Excerpt:
'Gary Johnson, a former two-term Republican Governor of New Mexico and current presidential candidate, met with Fathers and Families Board Chairman Ned Holstein, MD, MS in Manchester, New Hampshire on Thursday, July 21.
Governor Johnson made his support for family court reform clear when responding to questions from F & F activists at several campaign events. At one, Johnson told F & F activists Roy Corbeil and Seth Diamond, “[Family court] is an area that is really ripe for reform…I understand this issue and have researched hundreds of these cases.”
As Governor, Johnson set aside one afternoon per month to spend five minutes with any resident of New Mexico who wanted to meet with him. Many who came to see him were fathers who had been treated unfairly in the family courts. He told Holstein, “family court injustices are one of the great injustices of our time.”'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2011-07-26 12:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'Not surprisingly, usually the person who has custody of the child-mothers -86% is receiving the information from school, while another part remains outside. Not that there is no regulation about it but, as reported associations of parents divorced, is not fulfilled and the circular was referred to before is no longer in charge.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2011-07-25 23:37
SAVE press release here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON, July 25, 2011 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a national victim-advocacy organization, is charging that Dr. Phillip McGraw, a TV personality known to many as Dr. Phil, made claims at a recent Senate committee hearing that were "reckless and false."
During his testimony, Dr. McGraw made repeated statements about violence against women, but glossed over the widespread problem of abuse against men. McGraw made a number of claims that were flatly wrong, SAVE alleges.
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Submitted by xtrnl on Mon, 2011-07-25 23:34
How refreshing! The page is here. Kudos to whoever made this in response to the sickening support pages for Catherine Kieu. Description:
'This woman cut off her husband's penis and throws it down garbage disposal. They were going through divorce. Want to read more? Go to
She should be given life jail sentence for what she did. She's an animal and should be treated as such!'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2011-07-25 20:31
Came across this blog entry and thought it may make a good resource especially if fleshed out. The blog author is looking for suggested additions, so go for it if you have one!
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-07-25 15:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 25-year-old man, Abid Pervaiz, was brought to Jinnah hospital at 1pm on Thursday with severe genital mutilation wounds. Doctors on duty said it was a miracle that the man had survived despite severe bleeding.
According to Mehmoodabad police station’s duty officer SI Mohammad Azeem, Abid hails from Sukkur and was living in Mehmoodabad No. 5 with some distant relatives. He was divorced, but began communicating with his ex-wife again.
The couple decided to meet again and hired a room at the Royal City hotel, where the woman allegedly laced fruit juice with some sleeping pills. When Abid drowsily woke up, he discovered that his penis had been cut off. Azeem says although Abid was still in a state of shock, doctors have somehow managed to save his life.
“Abid told me that before he passed out completely, he heard his former wife speaking to someone on the phone, saying that she had carried out her plan,” the officer says.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-07-25 15:19
Article here. Excerpt:
'Dwight Johnson’s son cannot play in a state-sanctioned volleyball tournament because he is a boy. The Colorado State High School Activities Association refuses to sanction a volleyball tournament for boys, even though it sanctions one for girls. Johnson, of Colorado Springs, is suing the U.S. Department of Education, claiming that federal efforts to protect girls have backfired on boys and caused them a lack of equal protection as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.'
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