"What's with Indian Men?": An objectionable sexist, anti-men TV show

Just watched a program called "What's with Indian Men?" on Fox History & Entertainment. It's a highly sexist and anti-men show. Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=188546051185179

Two females, Indrani Das Gupta and Sugandha Garg, vent their personal sexist bias against men. It reinforces the stereotype against men. I have lodged a complaint against the show to the Indian Broadcasting Foundation. I strongly encourage you to do so. The link for the online complaint form is http://ibfindia.com/onlineform.php

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Maine continues witch-hunt of innocent man

Paul Elam at "A Voice for Men" writes:

"[Vladek] Filler was exonerated of the false rape charges against him. He was, however, convicted falsely of assaulting his estranged wife, Ligia Filler, by putting a bruise on her arm. The court has scheduled Vladek’s sentencing hearing for August 10, 2011, at 9 am at Hancock County Superior Court in Maine, despite clear evidence that the assault conviction was based on fraud."

"We need people to demand justice for Vladek and his children – not more abuse and imprisonment."

"Respectful emails for Judge Robert Murray of the Hancock County Superior Court, who is presiding over the case, can be sent to free.vladek@gmail.com They will be forwarded to his office."

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The Masculinity Conspiracy: chapter 7 now online

Chapter 7 (Spirituality) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online:

This chapter examines how spirituality is mobilized in the conspiracy via two books: No More Christian Nice Guy: When Being Nice—Instead of Good—Hurts Men, Women and Children by Paul Coughlin, and The Hidden Spirituality of Men: Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine by Matthew Fox.

It shows how these books promote masculine spirituality as being defined by fixed characteristics. It then offers some different ways of thinking about spirituality in order to counter the conspiracy.

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President Obama to Announce Reverse Boot Camp for Vets Entering Workforce

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the Obama administration prepares to withdraw the remaining US troops from Iraq by the end of this year, the White House projects over one million service members will be returning to civilian life and entering the workforce between 2011 and 2016. The White House wants to be sure these troops are given the opportunities for advancement and prepared for the challenges ahead.

President Obama will announce several steps to prepare veterans for their return Friday, including a proposal for career readiness training before they retire from the military--a sort of reverse boot camp. "The present structure of the military really requires intensive training on the front end, weeks of boot camp," one administration official said Thursday. "But one of the things we're finding is that there's not as much effort on the back end as those service members are separating and preparing to enter the work force."'

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Financial Incentives Drive Mississippi Child Support Enforcement

Article here. Excerpt:

'Child support collections in Mississippi have increased by 61 percent over the past 8 years due to increasingly aggressive enforcement tactics and an incentive program that rewards coming after men.

Oh, and if you can’t pay because you’re unemployed, then "get a job."

The Clarion-Ledger reports Mississippi’s Division of Child Support Enforcement collected $314 million in fiscal 2011 compared to $195 million in fiscal 2003.

The difference of $119 million over a span of just 8 years is largely contributed to increased enforcement and financial incentives.

Though it received praise for its cost efficiency in 2002, the paper reports, the state’s Division of Child Support Enforcement lost an estimated $1.14 million through penalties and reduced incentive awards by failing to meet minimum federal standards in other areas: establishing support orders and determining paternity.'

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56 Who’s-The-Daddy Cases Heard In 3 Hours

Article here. Excerpt:

'For this wasn’t the set of the Maury Show. This was the latest episode of “Paternity Thursday,” a real-life drama played out in rapid-fire segments in the fluorescent-lit Courtroom 3A at 235 Church St.

It’s a weekly mini-series in which Family Support Magistrate David Dee hears the so-called “paternity docket,” anywhere from 30 to 60 cases that try to establish who the father is and how much he should pay in child support.

From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. this past Thursday, Dee plowed through 56 cases, of which Parker’s case was No. 19. As Dee moved briskly through the cases, the atmosphere was subdued. The courtroom decorum was broken only by the chatter of children squirming on uncomfortable benches and the babble of toddlers perched on their mothers’ hips as their fate was decided. Unlike in popular culture scenes filled with outbursts and hysteria, these mothers and putative fathers glided past one another in stony silence with barely a nod of recognition.

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Businessman who fought off false sex harassment claims hits out at 'spongers who want an easy bung'

Article here. Excerpt:

A multi-millionaire businessman awarded record costs after a former employee claimed he sexually harassed her today suggested she was 'a sponger' who needed 'to be taught a lesson'.

Tim Watts, chairman of recruitment agency Pertemps, was awarded £100,000 in costs after Debbie Smith made false claims of sexual harassment, discrimination and victimisation.

He declared: 'These vexatious spongers have to be taught a lesson. And she has been... big time.'

Today he spoke of his delight and called for changes to the employment tribunal system in Britain, which he said meant employers were increasingly seen as guilty until proven innocent. He was awarded a record £100,000 in costs - the previous highest sum is believed to be £67,000. Mr Watts, who said he had only met Ms Smith three times, said: 'She is a very silly lady. I don't think it's my right to send a message to her, but, and I hope this doesn't sound peculiar, she probably needs help.'

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One day's news in Britain


"A crazed woman ran over her boyfriend twice leaving him brain damaged because she thought he'd cheated her at a computer game."

(sentenced to ELEVEN MONTHS!!!)



"A cleaner battered a vulnerable pensioner to death after befriending him to get her hands on his £250,000 fortune, a court heard yesterday.

"Ann Browning, 54, bewitched Bill Williamson, persuading the lonely 82-year-old to part with thousands of pounds, buy her a car and shower her with gifts, it was claimed.

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NYC to spend $127M on minority programs for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (AP) — New York City will spend $127 million in public and private funds on programs designed to help young black and Latino men.

Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg will kick in $30 million from his foundation and hedge fund manager George Soros will match that amount, according to the mayor's office. The remaining $67.5 million will be paid by the city.

The Young Men's Initiative was first reported by The New York Times on Wednesday. The mayor's office called it the nation's "boldest and most comprehensive effort to tackle the broad disparities slowing the advancement of black and Latino young men" in a statement.

It will include job placement, fatherhood classes and training for probation officers and school staff on how to help the young men get ahead. More than a dozen city agencies will be involved.'

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Russia: Woman kept father chained in yard

Link here. Excerpt:

'A woman and her husband have been detained in southern Russia after they kept the woman's 70-year-old father on a chain in their yard for four days.

The couple "tied him to a tree with a metal chain in their yard and kept him there from July 28 to August 1," the Investigative Committee said in a statement.
The man's daughter, 41, "had grown tired of taking care of the blind and deaf man and simply took him out into the yard and chained him up," the Life News website reported, adding that the couple's children were witnesses.'

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BMA loses £4bn discrimination case over NHS widowers’ pensions

Article here. Excerpt:

'The British Medical Association has lost its legal challenge on NHS widowers’ pensions which could have cost the government more than £4bn.

The High Court ruled today that the preferential treatment of widows over widowers in relation to pension payments was "objectively and reasonably justified".

The test case, backed by the BMA, was brought by Iain Cockburn - the widower of Clare Boothroyd, a Warwickshire GP who died of cancer in 2007.

Boothroyd paid into the NHS scheme for 24 years - but widower Cockburn receives £3,200 a year less than he would were he the widow of a male scheme member.

This is because current legislation dictates that service prior to 5 April 1988 is not counted for the purposes of calculating widowers' pensions.

Lawyers for Mr Cockburn argued this amounted to unlawful discrimination that was "blatant" and "as direct as it gets" (PP Online, 15 July).

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Men need not apply: Program reserving contracts for women only warrants constitutional challenge

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued a solicitation for a contract to provide support services at Fort Detrick in Maryland. Nothing unusual there, except that the contract reflects a new Obama administration program to restrict competition on the basis of gender.

The solicitation explains, “This procurement is set aside for Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) firms only.” No one but women need apply. The WOSB program is a federal contracting preference that hurts male African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans or American Indians in exactly the same way white men are hurt.

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"Advocates for Youth" leaves out male DV victims

Came across this email from a group called Advocates for Youth. Some of the topics discussed in it have been mentioned here on MANN already. Please take a minute and *politely* contact AFY and ask them to take the gender-blinders off and include males (after all, they are young at some point as well) as imperatively in their campaigns as they do females. Email follows:

We have some GREAT news to share.

Earlier this week, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that starting in August 2012, all new health insurance plans will be required to cover contraception at no cost — including condoms, birth control pills, contraceptive shots, and IUDs. This means that co-payments, which have long been a barrier to many women accessing contraception, will no longer be an issue for women with health insurance!

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Fathers' Advocates Move to Repeal the Massachusetts Domestic Abuse Law

PRESS RELEASE-Aug. 3, 2011


Boston - Members of The Fatherhood Coalition submitted an Initiative Petition to the Mass. Attorney General's office to remove the Massachusetts 209A restraining order law and restore due process rights.

According to Joe Ureneck, chairman for the group, the current restraining order system, misused and abused, is destroying families.

There is not one independent scientific study that the current law has met the desired effect of protecting men and women who truly need help, Ureneck said. Petitioners believe the law unjustly throws fathers out of children’s lives and created a more violent society as all studies demonstrate that when children grow up without a father in the home, they grow up to be more violent teens and adults, both men and women.

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F&F: Victory! Peter Spitz Reunited With Son After Outrageous Family Court Injustice

Article here. Excerpt:

'In one of the most outrageous injustices of our time, Peter Spitz (pictured right) was separated from his son and almost lost custody of him after his ex-wife shot him in the face and murdered his mother.

Fathers and Families advised Peter, helped him get legal counsel, and also publicized his case, and we are pleased to announce that Peter has now won full custody of his seven-year-old son.

Special credit and thanks goes to talented Colorado family law attorney Brett Martin (pictured below), who took on Spitz’s case and won a decisive victory–the court decision is here.

We also thank Fathers and Families Board Member Robert Franklin, Esq., who covered this case extensively and helped to advise Peter–his write-up of the new decision is below.'

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