Sentencing disparities in child-sex-assault cases point to double standard

This story reports on the double-standard of sentencing for men convicted of assault on a child and women convicted of the same offense. Many of these stories involve teacher/student relationships, though not all. Excerpt:

"Women in Colorado convicted of sexually assaulting a child in their care are far less likely to go to prison than men sentenced for the same crime.

A Denver Post analysis of sentencing data provided by the Colorado Judicial Branch shows that of the 2,128 men convicted of sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust from 2006 through 2010, more than 50 percent were sent to prison.

Of the 79 women convicted of the same felony offense, 38 percent went to prison. A little more than 39 percent of female defendants in that same period — 31 — were put on intensive supervised probation. Less than 35 percent of men were given the same sentence.

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Strauss-Kahn accuser mulls dropping case for money: report

Article here. Excerpt:

'(Reuters) - Lawyers for the woman who accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault have explored a deal in which they would scuttle the criminal case in exchange for a monetary settlement in the civil lawsuit, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

The woman's lawyer, Kenneth Thompson, strongly denied the report, which the Journal sourced to unidentified people briefed on the matter.

The report comes ahead of Tuesday's scheduled court hearing in which Strauss-Kahn, once seen as a leading contender to be the next president of France, was due to appear before a judge for the first time since he was freed from house arrest on July 1.'

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College Rape Accusations and the Presumption of Male Guilt

Article here. Excerpt:

'OCR's new interpretation of Title IX "strongly discourages" universities from permitting the accused "to question or cross-examine the accuser" during the hearing. In addition, if universities provide an appeals process, it must be available to both parties—which subjects the accused to double jeopardy.

Most egregiously, OCR requires universities to render judgment using "a preponderance of the evidence" standard. This means that in a rape case, a campus disciplinary board of faculty, administrators and perhaps students serves as both judge and jury. Few if any of these judges are likely to have professional competence in fact-gathering, evidence analysis or judicial procedure. Yet to deliver a verdict of guilty, they need only believe that the accused is more likely than not to have committed the crime.

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Americans Think Women Need College More Than Men Do

Article here. Excerpt:

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"The Flipside Of Feminism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Author Suzanne Venker, a Warson Woods resident recently transplanted from Kirkwood, has some words of advice for freshmen co-eds entering college in a few weeks: Stay away from the women's studies classes.
Venker's book and her outspoken commentary have garnered plenty of kudos from the likes of Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, David Limbaugh and more. She has appeared before the conservative Heritage Foundation and is scheduled for an appearance on "Fox & Friends," a morning show on Rupert Murdoch's cable television news channel.

"I advise college students to read about successful women, not about all this victimhood," said Venker. "My favorite thing to do is to speak to college audiences to give them a different view from what they get from their professors.

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'How to create a feminist future'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Brittany Lester Sent Disturbing Child Abuse Images to Father of Child

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brittany Lester is another example of fine parenting coming from the state that brought you Casey Anthony. It seems that she wanted to use imagery to make her threats seem more realistic when she was angry at the father of her child. Fortunately, her baby's daddy has more sense than her, and he turned her in to police.

Sources say Brittany Lester, a 20-year-old out of St. Petersburg, sent disturbing images of her baby via text message to the father of the child. The father of the abused infant, Donald Callaway, had just dropped the 1-month-old infant off at the hotel in which Lester resides. Sources say she was recently kicked out of her mother's home and had to live in the motel with her children. Who wants to take a stab at why her mother threw her rear-end out on the street? It probably has something to do with the way she acts.'

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Peace College alums protest college's plan to admit male students

Article here. Excerpt:

'About 200 Peace College alumni and their families tossed roses into the college's fountain Sunday to protest the administration's surprise plans to admit male students and rename the institution.

Security at the private college just north of downtown Raleigh did not allow reporters to attend the protest, but the group could be observed from the college's front gate, The Raleigh News & Observer reported. They sang the school's alma mater, heard a speech from one of the organizers, and then tossed their roses into the fountain.

They finished with a loud cheer, then marched to the front gates to meet with reporters. A security guard worked at the lock at the gates for several minutes before getting them to open and let the protesters through.

"We're here because a travesty has happened at our college," said Jamie Averette Mitchell, who graduated in 2000 and now lives in Zebulon.'

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Feminists Hate Everything Masculine

Article here. Excerpt:

'I hope that one of the results of my new book The Flipside of Feminism will be to show the American people that the feminist movement was never about equality. It was always about interchangability, and when the facts of human nature are too overwhelming to make men and women interchangeable, feminists are determined to get rid of anything that is truly masculine.

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South Carolina Dares Feds to Deny Medicaid Coverage to Male Breast Cancer Patient

Article here. Excerpt:

'South Carolina health officials announced Friday that they will cover a local construction worker's breast cancer treatment under Medicaid even though federal guidelines exclude him because he is a man.

The decision effectively dares the federal Medicaid office to reject the claims for his treatment, and it sets up a potential showdown between state and federal officials.

But until then, South Carolina said it will cover Raymond Johnson -- a 26-year-old man who discovered he had breast cancer last month. His unsuccessful efforts to apply for Medicaid coverage have drawn national attention.

Tony Keck, director of the South Carolina Department Health and Human Services, said it is "in the best interest" that Johnson be deemed eligible for the program.'

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UK: A-levels: Boys close the gap on girls in key subjects

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys have dramatically closed the performance gap between them and girls as a result of knuckling down to exams because of the recession, yesterday's A-level results show.

Exam boards officers said they had heeded calls to study subjects like maths and science to get ahead in the search for for jobs.

Figures show that girls are at level-pegging in the percentage of A* grades they have notched up – with 8.2 per cent being awarded the top grade pass. Last year girls were 0.4 per ahead of boys.

Andrew Hall, chief executive of the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, the country's biggest exam board, said boys had "recognised the challenge of A* grades" as a growing number of universities insisted on all candidates having at least one top grade pass.'

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Australia: Sex bias claims by men rise

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sex discrimination complaints made by men have outnumbered those from women for the first time, according to figures compiled by the State's Equal Opportunity Commission.

The EOC recorded a surge in the number of sex discrimination allegations last financial year, with men responsible for lodging more than half of them.

Equal Opportunity Commissioner Yvonne Henderson said studies of the complaints indicated that men were becoming more aware of the treatment dished out to them by employers and service providers.

The majority of male complaints related to sex discrimination in the workplace, with the next biggest category relating to entry to premises.

"We have received complaints from men who feel discriminated against because they have been denied entry to bars for wearing attire similar to women," Ms Henderson said.
Sue Price, spokeswoman for the national group Men's Rights Agency, said she was not surprised by the increase in complaints by men and described it as a "sign of the times".

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Female wrestlers' discrimination claims rejected

Article here. Excerpt:

'SACRAMENTO, Calif.—A judge has rejected the discrimination claims of three female wrestlers at the University of California, Davis, who had to compete against men of the same weight class in order to make the team.

U.S. District Judge Frank Damrell concluded Wednesday that university officials did not violate Title IX, the federal law banning sex discrimination in college sports, or the Constitution's equal protection clause in their treatment of the women.
He also noted that the women, Arezou Mansourian, Lauren Mancuso and Christine Wing-Si Ng, were given the opportunity to compete for the men's team in 2001 but either declined or did not make it on the squad.

"Plaintiffs were not cut from the men's team because of their sex," the judge wrote. "Rather, plaintiffs were cut ... because, like the other male student-athletes that did not make the roster, they could not compete at the Division I, Pac-10 level in intercollegiate men's wrestling."'

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Mom jailed for false child abuse story against ex

Story here.

'SARASOTA, Fla. -- Three southwest Florida residents have been charged with falsely reporting child abuse to the state hotline.

Lisa Ann Schinnow was arrested Tuesday after officials say the 48-year-old woman called in three separate reports alleging her ex-husband was abusing their son. DCF found no evidence of abuse and believe Schinnow made the allegations because of the custody arrangement.

Taiwandra Burks and Stacey Hendry were also arrested last week for making false child abuse reports after DCF investigated claims that a child was being sexually abused. The agency found no evidence of abuse.

Falsely reporting child abuse is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Each report is a separate violation.

DCF stressed falser reports waste time and resources for investigators busy with thousands of legitimate cases.'

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Senator Wright Meets with F & F's CA Leaders; F & F Supporter Forces TX AG’s Office to Apologize to Son

Newsletter here. Excerpt:

'California Senator Rod Wright (pictured) and his legislative director Stan DiOrio held a phone conference with two dozen of Fathers and Families’ California leaders on Wednesday.

Beginning in 1996, Senator Wright has taken up the cause of family court reform and fought to bring justice to a very unjust system. He sponsored four family court reform bills last year, all of which passed and were signed by Governor Schwarzenegger, and he’s introduced three more this year. Last December we gave him our “California Senator of the Year Award 2010.”

Both Wright and DiOrio praised Fathers and Families’ work and said that we’ve helped change the political balance of power on family court issues in Sacramento. However, they both made it clear that there is much more to be done, and they want to see F & F continue to grow and build its organizational strength.'

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