American Heart Association: Take Action for the Women Close to Your Heart

Another Men's health concern hijacked. Link here.

'Help Advance the HEART for Women Act in the Senate!

Help us improve the prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of our nation’s No. 1 killer of women by taking action! The HEART for Women Act was just introduced in the Senate and we need your help to build support for this important bill. Send a quick message urging your Senators to become co-sponsors today!

Dear Member of Congress:

As a constituent and an advocate with the American Heart Association, I am writing today to ask you to take a stand against the No. 1 killer of women in the U.S. by co-sponsoring the HEART for Women Act.

The Heart disease Education, Research and Analysis, and Treatment (HEART) for Women Act would:

• Make sure that healthcare data reported to the federal government is classified by gender, race and ethnicity.

• Require the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary to submit an annual report to Congress on the quality of and access to care for women with CVD.

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Casey Anthony (found) not guilty of murder

In case you couldn't see it coming, read it here. It should come as no surprise. Excerpt:

'Casey Anthony is not guilty of first-degree murder in the killing of her two-year-old daughter Caylee Marie.

After deliberating for less than 11 hours over two days, a 12-member jury decided this afternoon that prosecutors did not prove Casey Anthony was guilty of capital murder in the death of the toddler.
The verdict means 25-year-old Casey Anthony was found not guilty of all charges except for four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer.

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A Gillibrand Campaign: More Women in Politics

Article here. Excerpt:

'For decades, women in elective office felt compelled to blur the distinctions between them and men: presenting themselves as tough and able while largely concealing their softer qualities. But like many political women of her generation, Ms. Gillibrand feels no such constraints, regularly talking about the demands she faces as a mother and a wife.

In fact, Ms. Gillibrand goes a step further, arguing that an infusion of women into the political system would go a long way toward changing the tone in Congress, a male-dominated world of fiercely clashing egos.

“We tend to be more results-oriented and less concerned with getting the credit,” Ms. Gillibrand explained. “The female approach is more conciliatory and less combative. We tend to use a more civil tone.”

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The Masculinity Conspiracy: Chapter 6 now online

Chapter 6 (Archetypes) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online. This chapter examines how archetypes are mobilized in the conspiracy via two books: Iron John: A Book About Men by Robert Bly, and King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette. It shows how these books promote archetypes as being defined by fixed characteristics. It then offers some different ways of thinking about archetypes in order to counter the conspiracy.

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VAWA Joe may be out as VP-- but in as Sec'y of State

Keep your eye on this one. If he becomes the next SoS (assuming a) Obama wins re-election and b) what is considered in this article actually happens), then I-VAWA will undoubtedly become a major priority for the second Obama term. SAVE and MRAs in general will then have their work cut out for them, as if we don't already. Excerpt:

'A Prominent Republican is joining a prominent Democrat in predicting that Gov. Cuomo will become President Obama's running mate for vice president next year.

Former New York GOP boss William Powers, credited with playing a key role in electing Rudy Giuliani mayor and George Pataki governor, was effusive in his praise of Cuomo's successes in the just-ended legislative session, and in his prediction of the freshman governor's political future.
"I don't think there's any doubt Obama is going to pick him as his running mate. The president is in trouble and [Vice President Joseph] Biden doesn't bring anything to his ticket.

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Ending the Alimony Guessing Game

Article here. How about getting rid of alimony altogether, or is that too rad an idea? Excerpt:

'FAMILY law reform is gaining momentum in New York State: last month lawmakers legalized same-sex marriage, while last year they adopted no-fault divorce, allowing couples to end a marriage without a demonstration of wrongdoing. In separate legislation adopted at the same time, New York also became one of the few states to adopt a formula for setting certain alimony awards, making them fairer and predictable. The rest of the country should do the same.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, former spouses pay around $9 billion in alimony each year. The amounts and payment schedules are usually decided by family court judges using a list of factors, including the length of the marriage, the ages and health of the spouses, their financial situations, their earning potential and their contributions to the marriage, financial and otherwise.

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Nine years later, writer to file charge against Strauss-Khan

Story here. Nine years later. Amazing timing. Excerpt:

'PARIS (Reuters) - A French writer will file a legal complaint against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Tuesday alleging that he tried to rape her during an incident nine years ago, her lawyer told Reuters Monday.

The move comes just as a U.S. case against Strauss-Kahn on charges of attempted rape and sexual assault of a hotel maid seems close to collapse after prosecutors acknowledged she had lied under oath and changed her story.

The turnabout in the New York case has prompted some calls for the former Socialist finance minister to make a political comeback in France.

Lawyer David Koubbi said the complaint by Tristane Banon, 32, would relate to an incident that took place when she went to interview Strauss-Kahn, a former French finance minister, in an apartment in Paris. She was 22 at the time.

"Tristane Banon will file a complaint Tuesday for attempted rape in Paris," Koubbi said.

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Men’s Matters has returned after a 4-month break

Via email:

Men’s Matters has returned after a 4 month break due to political matters. Listen online at 93.7 Express FM (Listen Again) at: Although the June edition went out live on 28th June, the Feb. one is what is available at the moment. To hear it, click on the Mens Matters icon and then again when it is in the window. The show lasts about 45 minutes.

The February edition:

· A discussion with a man who lost his daughter to his abusive ex-partner. He will be giving his views on the devastating effect on fatherlessness
· Comments on Women and Trust
· Comedy sketch: Ali G vs Naomi Wolf
· Idris Francis critic of Association of Chief Police Officers
· The UK coalition government’s betrayal of men through the imposition of Go Orders – direct influence by feminists or not?

James Williams
Men’s Matters
Express FM

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7 reasons why women cheat

Article here. Not that much different from why men cheat, are they? And, women are no less likely to cheat than men, according to this other article. Excerpt:

'You’ve probably heard that men cheat for physical reasons, women for emotional reasons. Sure, there’s some truth to that, but when we asked real women around the country to share why they strayed from their boyfriends, we learned they had a whole host of explanations — from bad kissing to sheer revenge. Read on for the truth about why women have given in to temptation.

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"Imperfect accusers common in sex assault cases"

Article here. And the race is on (not too surprisingly, found on to question the credibility of those questioning the credibility of the accuser in the Strauss-Khan case. Next of course is an effort to question the questioning of the questioning. Try to keep up. Only way not to get so confused in the shuffle is to stick to facts: she was lying about when and where she was after the alleged attack, and was caught discussing the ways she hoped to make money off the accusation with a boyfriend who was in jail for moving dope. And still, some doubt the doubters? This is called 'nymphotropism in action' for those looking for a phrase to describe it. Excerpt:

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NY Maid may have been hooker; case against IMF Chief unravels; another false rape charge?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I agree that Dominque Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the International Monetary Fund is a scumbag, politically and probably personally as well.

However, in terms of the recent charges against him, the worst thing he may be guilty of is not choosing the right escort agency.

The New York Post has the story here: Maid cleaning up as ‘hooker’

For me the case gave off a stench that even the greenest rookie detective could smell. I know through my years as a detective and security consultant to a top hotel chain, that that big red “S” does not stand for “Sheraton”, (rather a more familiar three-letter word starting with “S” and ending with “x”) and hotels and hookers go together like coffee and cigarettes, usually with red lipstick found on the butts.

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The sacrifices of America's Founding Fathers

On this Independence Day week-end here in the US, many feminists would still have us believe that the Founding Fathers of the United States were simply "privileged oppressor white males" who decided paying taxes was too much to bear and for this reason started a hugely-destructive war all so they could live in continued comfort but without paying taxes. The truth is much different. Their reasons were laid out in the Declaration of Independence, so if anyone bothers to read it, they can find the reasons there. Now what happened to the Founding Fathers after the war started, that is another matter. Most people have no idea.

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The No-Baby Boom

Article here. No mention of other factors, such as fear of divorce. Excerpt:

'Considering the state of the economy, it should come as no surprise that the ranks of the child-free are exploding. The Department of Agriculture reports that the average cost for a middle-income two-parent family to support a kid through high school is $286,050 (it's nearly half a million dollars for couples in higher tax brackets). ... Unless you're among the less than 2 percent of Americans who farm for a living and might conceivably rely on offspring for free labor, children have gone from being an economic asset to an economic liability.

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Sharon Osbourne would 'chop' Arnold Schwarzenegger's penis off

Article here. A male celebrity making 'humorous' comments about savagely mutilating a woman would soon find himself persona non grata. I LOATHE the way certain women seem to think that male genitals are virtually disposable! To be destroyed at a whim. They seem to think that emasculation is no big deal. Excerpt:

'Sharon Osbourne would 'chop' Arnold Schwarzenegger's penis off if he were her husband.

The 58-year-old TV star has claimed the former Governor of California ' who fathered a son with his employee Mildred Baena 13 years ago, despite being married to Maria Shriver ' should be more respectful to his family and says she would have removed his manhood and forced Mildred to clean it up.
"I would have chopped his willy (penis) off. Arnie's willy would have been down the disposal unit spinning around, that's where it'd be - and I'd make her clean it up. That mop would have been wrapped around her head."'

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UK: Lawyer's fiancee 'did not tell family of heart attack'

Link here. Excerpt:

'The fiancée of a wealthy UK lawyer did not tell his family he had died of a heart attack, because she claimed he had wanted to keep his death secret, a court has heard.

The family of Owen Davies, 45, went four months without knowing he had died in Paris after his Belgian fiancée Natalie de Vleeschauwer allegedly gave them the impression he was still alive, the Daily Mail reported.

"Not this year. There’s a problem. I will explain later," a message sent from Mr Davies' phone replied.
Ms de Vleeschauwer has also refused to disclose the location of Mr Davies' ashes.'

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