Light a Blue Bulb for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, September 2011


This year, let’s take prostate cancer awareness building into our own hands. Light a Blue Bulb every night (or, for a few nights) during September.

Too often, we look to nonprofits, government agencies and corporations to lead our advocacy efforts…and, sometimes, we are deeply disappointed. This year, our national prostate cancer nonprofit, Malecare, asks us to take personal responsibility and build advocacy from the grass roots, up. So, please do the simple task of getting a blue bulb and lighting it where your neighbors might see it. Get ready for your neighbors to ask you, “why the blue bulb?” Proudly express your desire that all men and women become more aware about prostate cancer.

Get a blue bulb at your local hardware store or online at or or dig one out from your party box. Set it in your porch light or a lamp by a window. And, simply, light it for a few hours, or all night.

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Schools 'failing generation of teenage boys' as the GCSE gender gap is at its widest

Article here. Excerpt:

Schools were today accused of failing a generation of teenage boys as record exam results revealed the gender gap is wider than ever. One in four entries from girls scored an A*, while fewer than one in five of those from boys were awarded the top grade - the biggest gap since the A* was introduced in 1994.

Education experts warned the "alarming" trend is leaving boys without the necessary skills to get the most out of life. The starkest difference was in English, with 73 per cent of girls getting an A* to C grade compared with 59 per cent of boys.
Girls are moving to traditionally male science subjects at a faster rate than boys, helping to fuel a massive increase in the popularity of physics, chemistry and biology.

The most worrying trend was the increasing gap between the results of boys and girls, said Professor Alan Smithers, director of the centre for education and employment research at the University of Buckingham.

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SAVE: Remove Campus Policy that Strips Men of the Presumption of Innocence

From SAVE:

On April 4, the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights ordered every university that accepts federal funds to use a "preponderance (51%) of evidence" standard in evaluating allegations of sexual offense.

Campus procedures are not criminal ones, so the accused do not enjoy Constitutional protections. Now, jilted lovers can ruin the lives of teachers and students with false allegations of rape.

Two units of the prestigious American Association of University Professors have spoken out against this new policy:

1. Gregory F. Scholtz, Director of the Department of Academic Freedom, Tenure, and Governance

2. Ann E. Green, Chair of the AAUP's Committee on Women in the Academic Profession and AAUP President Cary Nelson

And this past Sunday the Wall Street Journal published a searing editorial, charging, "In short, universities are institutionalizing a presumption of guilt in sexual assault cases" (

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New UK feminist group pledges cuts backlash

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist activists launching a new group in London today promised a series of "creative, bold actions" to challenge inequality.

UK Feminista will offer training in campaigning and direct action, with its first monthly meeting due on Saturday, August 27.

"We think it's time for some action," said a spokeswoman. "Public sector cuts are undermining women's economic independence.

"Services for victims of rape and domestic violence are being slashed. A pernicious rise in sexual exploitation is expected in the capital when the Olympics kick off. And abortion rights are under attack.

"Day in, day out, women's rights are being ignored, sidelined and restricted. Enough is enough."

About 500 people attended the group's "suffragette school" in Birmingham over the weekend, where activities included learning how to behave when arrested.'

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Feminists Have a Tantrum

Article here. Excerpt:

'The feminists are having another tantrum. The New York chapter of the National Organization for Women and the New York Civil Liberties Union are squealing about a 64-page decision in a workplace, class-action suit brought by their friends in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The feminists are so accustomed to having their gender doctrines prevail in the courts, in the bureaucracy, in the media and in academia that they can't deal with being told the truth, i.e., that their notions don't make sense and are unfair to others, especially employers, husbands and fathers.

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Allegations against WNBA star include assault and menacing

Article here. Excerpt:

'L.A. Sparks rookie Jantel Lavender -- the #5 overall pick in the 2011 WNBA Draft -- allegedly kneed her ex-BF in the junk so hard, his groin area was "throbbing from the pain" ... this according to legal docs obtained by TMZ.

According to court papers filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Lavender's ex Adam Ashley obtained a temporary restraining order against the 6'4" athlete two weeks ago ... claiming he's been "in hiding" ever since a July 5 altercation where Lavender allegedly grabbed a knife and threatened to kill him.

In the docs, Ashley also says Lavender "grabbed my head and slammed it into the wall. She grabbed my neck and was choking me."

Ashley claims it wasn't the first time Lavender got violent with him -- alleging she also tried to choke him during a fight in June. During that altercation, Ashley claims, "While I was grabbing for her hands she kneed me in the growing [SIC] area. My private area was throbbing from the pain."

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Baby Tossed From 4th Floor on Life Support, Mother Arrested

Article here. Excerpt:

'ORANGE, Calif. (KTLA) -- A mother accused of tossing her 7-month-old baby from the fourth story of a parking structure is set to be arraigned Wednesday as the child clings to life.

Noe Medina, Jr. was found in extremely critical condition after falling from the fourth floor of the parking structure at Children's Hospital in Orange around 6:20 p.m. Monday, according to Orange Police.

The baby, who wears a helmet for medical reasons, did not appear to be wearing the helmet at the time, police said. He remained on life support Wednesday morning.

Hermosillo's husband, Noe Medina, says his wife was hospitalized in May for depression and was not allowed to be alone with the baby.

Medina says Hermosillo grabbed the baby Monday while he was watching the couple's two other children at a home in La Habra.

He was not immediately aware of what had happened, but called police to report them missing.

Family members also say Hermosillo went to therapy for the first time Monday.'

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Boys believe discussing problems is a waste of time and weird, says study

Article here. Excerpt:

'COLUMBIA, Mo. — Boys don't discuss their problems because they feel it's a waste of time, says a new study from the University of Missouri.

"For years, psychologists have insisted that boys and men would like to talk about their problems but are held back by fears of embarrassment or appearing weak," said Amanda J. Rose, associate professor of psychological sciences in the university's College of Arts and Sciences.

When researchers asked young people about how talking about their problems would make them feel, boys responded that they didn't see talking about problems to be a useful activity, the study says. Boys didn't express angst or distress about discussing problems any more than girls.

"An implication is that parents should encourage their children to adopt a middle ground when discussing problems," Rose said. "For boys, it would be helpful to explain that, at least for some problems, some of the time, talking about their problems is not a waste of time."

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SAVE: Academia Rebels Against the Presumption of Guilt for Men

SAVE press release:


Contact: Wendy McElroy,


WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 / U.S. Newswire / -- Stop Abusive and Violent Environments is calling on the U.S. Department of Education to rescind a controversial directive. The new DED rule forces persons to abandon their due process rights to get an education. Such persons are considered “guilty until proven innocent” whenever an on-campus sexual accusation occurs.

On April 4, the DED Office of Civil Rights instructed every university that accepts federal funds to use a “preponderance (51%) of evidence” standard in evaluating allegations of sexual offense, including rape. An accuser only needs to 'tip the scales' for a professor or student to be found “guilty.”

But the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is now objecting. The group wants sexual accusations to be judged by a higher standard than traffic courts use for parking tickets.

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‘Hot Sauce’ Mom Convicted of Child Abuse

Story here. Excerpt:

'Jessica Beagley, the 36-year-old Alaska mother who forced her 7-year-old son to ingest hot sauce and take a cold shower as punishment for allegedly lying about various transgressions at school, has been convicted of misdemeanor child abuse.

Beagley’s case has stirred up a debate about when parental discipline crosses the line into illegality.

She was charged with a crime after she sent a video of the hot sauce/cold shower punishment to the Dr. Phil show and later appeared on the program. The mother of six argued in court that she had to resort to a serious punishment method, because her son, adopted from Russia, suffered from a disorder that made him prone to misbehave.

After deliberating for a day, the jury convicted Beagley of misdemeanor child abuse, the Anchorage Daily News reports. She faces up to a year in prison and is due to be sentenced Monday.

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F&F: Holstein Weighs in on Craig v. Hodge Paternity Fraud Case in Nashville Tennessean

Article here. Excerpt:

'“’The appeals court could have found a reason to award damages to Chad if it cared to, but it didn’t,’ said Dr. Ned Holstein, a physician and founder of Boston-based family court reform organization Fathers and Families. ‘This father is deserving of being made whole based on the deception he has suffered and the harm to him.’”

Brandon Gee of the Nashville Tennessean wrote a detailed piece concerning a paternity fraud case currently before the Tennessee Supreme Court. The case pits duped dad Chad Craig against Tina Marie Hodge, the mother of a son who she told Craig was his.'

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Mom coached daughter to lie about sexual abuse to win custody battle

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former jockey and racehorse trainer at the centre of a child custody scandal lied that her former boyfriend was a paedophile, a High Court judge said yesterday.

Vicky Haigh made up the allegations and even coached her seven-year-old daughter to repeat the claims, he added.

Sir Nicholas Wall, the country’s most senior family judge, said that Miss Haigh should be named and shamed and her former partner, David Tune, freed from the false smear that he is a child abuser.'

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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UK: Shock as woman is charged over 'false rape claim'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who claimed she was raped in front of her two young children in Co Armagh has been charged with wasting police time and perverting the course of justice.

The charges relate to an incident in March where a 24-year-old woman told police she was raped in a park in Bessbrook, Co Armagh.

She told police she was attacked by a man walking his dog as she approached an area known as the Bridge in Derramore Woods.'

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Sexual assault hurts everyone

Article here. Excerpt:

“I do think it’s quite fabulous,” Sharon Osbourne declared on a recent episode of CBS’s “The Talk.”

But she wasn’t commenting on makeup, books, or typical talk show fodder. She was applauding a California woman who cut off her husband’s penis and put it in the garbage disposal.

The five co-hosts giggled and speculated, even going so far as to reenact the scene at the sink and discuss whether he may have “deserved it.”

These women are paid to act like eighth grade girls around the lockers at lunchtime, but typically I don’t even mind their childish demeanors. Do as you please, CBS, but stick to new recipes and fall clothing lines.
Making jokes about a man who had his genitals cut off is offensive, too. If five men sat around a table on a national news network, laughing about the violent abuse of a woman, outrage would ensue.

However, when women applaud a female perpetrator, it’s no longer about abuse. Suddenly, women are fighting for that mythical empowerment and retribution they’ve deserved for years.

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NASA's girls-only science camp

Article here. Excerpt:

'GREENCASTLE, Pa. — At the age of 12, Abigail Marconi might be too young to be a rocket scientist.

But give her a few years, and it could be her career of choice.

The seventh-grader at Greencastle-Antrim Middle School recently spent a week as a participant in NASA’s SISTER program — the Summer Institute of Science, Technology, Engineering and Research.

Held each year at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., the purpose of the five-day program is to provide opportunities for middle school girls to explore nontraditional career fields while working with research scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

Limited to 30 girls, Abigail said she applied for a spot in the program in mid-April.'

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