Please lodge this anti-circumcision submission with the Peace Corps (Deadline 25 July 2011)

This is a reply to the document “Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals” [ Docket ID: PC-2011-0009] (!documentDetail;D=PC-2011-0009-0001 ).


Copy and paste the text below and email to with the subject heading "Response to Docket ID: PC-2011-0009":

"Dear Denora Miller

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Facebook Poster on Sexual Assault Has Navy Revamping Its Message

Article here. Excerpt:

'A controversial posting on the U.S. Navy's Facebook page meant to raise awareness on sexual assault prevention has followers asking, "Is this some kind of joke?"

The Navy says it's for real.
Facebook followers seemed stunned and at times offended by the obvious nature of the tips. The comment page is overflowing with followers who have harsh words for the Navy, many questioning its judgment.
The poster was not actually the brainchild of the Navy, but of a feminist blog called TumblinFeminist, whose most recent entry states, "I honestly feel as though you can not by definition be a feminist and be a Christian, unless you are a bad Christian- or a bad feminist. Christianity is inherently and undeniably sexist among countless other things."'

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Woman charged with severing husband's penis gets mental evaluation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Garden Grove woman charged with cutting off her husband's penis is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation Thursday at the Orange County Jail.

Catherine Kieu Becker appeared in court Wednesday but did not enter a plea. The evaluation is fairly common in cases involving a unusually violent crime like this one.

"Given the nature of the offense, it's standard operating procedure," said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case was ongoing, said the couple had argued earlier in the day and that the wife was angry at the husband over a relationship. Police said that when they confronted the woman, she said her husband "deserved it."'

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Geena Davis Lobbies for Bill to Improve Image of Women in Media

Article here. Excerpt:

'Academy Award winning actress Geena Davis joined Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) and Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D- WI) on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to introduce a bill that would support efforts to improve the image of girls and women in the media.

“I am proud to join with Sen. Hagan and Rep. Baldwin to promote gender equality and positive portrayals of women and girls in the media,” Davis said in a statement. “What children see affects their attitudes toward male and female roles and impacts the value they place on girls and women in society. The Healthy Media for Youth Act will help ensure we are creating a positive media environment for all our children.”

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PHS “Tuskegee/Guatemala” HIV/AIDS STD Study redux 2011

Via email. Very long, of greatest interest to people and organizations focused on anti-circ measures, but still of interest to all MRAs. As follows:

PHS “Tuskegee/Guatemala” HIV/AIDS STD Study redux 2011

Accurate clinical outcomes require scientific data that meet the highest standards for research bioethics. Unfortunately (see attached): PHS (ASH: Dr. Koh), NIH (Drs. Collins, Kington, Star), and CDC (Drs. Frieden, Arias, Fenton) do not appear to understand what these standards entail as to “publication bias”, nor is there an adequate oversight/enforcement mechanism or Standard/PHS Code of Research Bioethics Conduct (Nicholas Steneck) as it pertains to “publication bias” adversely impacting reliability of all outcomes research based on federally funded science. Please review this PHS violative research bioethics conduct and refer for corrective Action as CDC considers “universal” circumcision in the U.S. (,2933,541970,00.html) and DHHS/USAID/UNAIDS implements universal circumcision in Africa.

As you are aware, the recently convened President Commission on Bioethics ( was tasked with reviewing evidence of global violative research bioethics conduct. I am contacting you in response to President Obama’s tasking of the President’s Commission on Bioethics to review this ongoing case of PHS global violative research bioethics conduct which has disparate impact/treatment in persons of African descent:

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U.S. Navy posts feminist-produced poster advising sailors ‘don’t assault people’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A poster about sexual assault displayed on the U.S. Navy’s Facebook page is causing quite a stir. Titled “Sexual Assault Prevention Tips,” the poster advises readers not to assault anyone.

“When you see somebody walking by themselves, leave them alone!” it reads. “If you pull over to help someone with car problems, remember not to assault them!”

The poster doesn’t stop there.

“USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public,” the poster continues. “Don’t forget, you can’t have sex with somebody unless they are awake!”'

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Woman Attacks Female Judge In Court

Video report here. A woman defendant physically attacks a female judge. So why is this unusual? Her husband had asked the court to issue a domestic violence order against her for his protection. I think he got it.

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Germaine Greer: If men want to play men-only games, let them

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are ineligible for membership of Royal St George’s Golf Club, where this year’s Open Championship is being held. As a feminist, I should be outraged at this example of male misogyny.

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TV show "The Talk" - Talk News: Woman Cuts Off Husband's Private Part

Video here*. Do you even know this hatred towards men is being aired on national television?

What's Men's Activism doing about it?

*Update: CBS has taken their clip off-line. This is of course because they are too cowardly to show the world what sleaze-bags they are. But we know what sleaze-bags they are and they cannot hide from us, so here is another place you can find the disgusting clip. (The first 4:45 of the clip is commentary; the actual offensive material starts at that point.)
Update 2: With this update I point you to another YT clip from A Voice For Men radio with the offending scene as well as some outstanding commentary. Listen and learn about how hundreds of these mutilations go on every year and are largely unpublicized.

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Casey Anthony plans to appeal convictions for lying

Article here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla (Reuters) - Casey Anthony will appeal her convictions on four charges of lying to detectives who investigated the disappearance and death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, a notice filed on Friday by her attorneys said.

A Florida jury acquitted 25-year-old Anthony earlier this month of killing Caylee, whose skeletal remains were found in woods near the Anthony family home after a five-month search.

Anthony was convicted of misdemeanor charges of lying to detectives searching for her then-missing daughter in 2008. Among other lies, Anthony said she left Caylee with a nanny named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez at an Orlando apartment complex.

Anthony was sentenced to the maximum of four years in jail on four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. She will be released on Sunday, less than two weeks after her sentencing date after credit for time served awaiting trial and good behavior.'

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New milk ads risk the wrath of women with 'Everything I Do Is Wrong' campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'The firm behind the famous 'Got Milk' campaign has risked the wrath of millions - by claiming it is men who suffer the most from premenstrual syndrome.

From August billboard ads commissioned by the California Milk Processor Board will appear across the state as part of their new 'Everything I Do Is Wrong' promotion.

Each show confused men holding cartons of milk accompanied by tag lines such as ‘I'm sorry I listened to what you said and NOT what you meant,’ or ‘I apologize for not reading between the RIGHT lines.’
The board's executive director, Steve James, said the internet, radio and billboard campaign is meant to encourage open conversations between men and women about an awkward subject.

‘It was certainly not meant to be offensive,’ he insisted. ‘None of the humour is aimed at women. The humour is aimed at how clueless men are in dealing with emotional situations. All of the humour is built around men's cluelessness,’ he added.'

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Woman 'humiliated' by failing riot police test wins up to £30k

Article here. Excerpt:

'For 30 years it has been used to test the fitness of officers who police riots and other outbreaks of serious public disorder.

The so-called 'shield run' involves officers covering a distance of 500 metres in less than two minutes, 45 seconds while wearing full riot gear and carrying a shield.

But when Inspector Diane Bamber, 51, failed to meet the time limit, she claimed she had been left humiliated.

She brought a sex and age discrimination case against her force, Greater Manchester Police, and now stands to win up to £30,000 after an employment tribunal ruled in her favour.

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Another study (Korea): circumcision damages sexuality‏

Study here. Excerpt:

There were no significant differences in sexual drive, erection, ejaculation, and ejaculation latency time between circumcised and uncircumcised men. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after circumcision in 48% of the respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure. Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents but was easier in 37%. About 6% answered that their sex lives improved, while 20% reported a worse sex life after circumcision.

There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.'

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Action Alert: Opponents of Shared Parenting Fire Back at F & F in Boston Globe Sunday Magazine

Alert here. Excerpt:

'The Boston Globe Sunday Magazine ran a feature interview (pictured, right) with Fathers and Families’ Board Chairman and founder Ned Holstein, M.D., M.S. on Father’s Day.

In the piece — Fighting dad (6/18/11) — Holstein discussed our shared parenting bill H02684, which has been endorsed by nearly a third of the Massachusetts legislature. Holstein explained:

Women’s groups are also against [the bill], but they can’t turn out a crowd on this issue. The public understands this is good for children…Judges still award [physical] custody to mothers by default; fathers still see their children every other weekend and maybe Tuesday nights. It’s a cookie-cutter solution that has outlived its usefulness.

The consequences of this, Holstein noted, include:

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Penis Assault Highlights Domestic Violence Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A California woman is in jail, accused of drugging her husband and cutting off his penis.
This sort of attack is notable more for its severity than its rarity. Wives and girlfriends abuse and assault their partners far more often than people realize, but the genitals are rarely targeted. The most infamous penis attacker was Lorena Bobbitt, who severed her husband John’s penis with a knife in 1993.

Despite popular belief, studies have shown that men and women are equal-opportunity domestic abusers. Women assault men almost as often as men assault women when you look at actual numbers of incidences regardless of severity. Men, however, usually cause greater injury than women do because they are often physically stronger.

Female abusers often use weapons or drugs to assist in the attacks. In this case, Becker allegedly used both drugs and a kitchen knife to assault her husband.

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