The Unknown History of Misandry

Site here. Excerpt:

This, the 100th post to the blog named “The Unknown History of MISANDRY,” serves as an introduction to the ongoing project. The blog consists mainly of illustrated historical news stories (mostly from the first half of the 20th century) which reveal the little known facts of how misandry and anti-misandry were viewed by the US public the preceding the era of cultural marxism that took over public discourse in the 1970s – an event which precipitated a barrage of pseudo-scholarship that has filled our heads with false statistics, historical disinformation, facile half-truths, ideological generalizations unsupported by factual evidence, all derived from a myriad of sophistic discourses.

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Women, swearing and the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- It's not every day you read about one top-level executive asking another where his balls are. But in the end, former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz lived up to her reputation for "salty language" and candid management style.

Since Bartz's very public departure from Yahoo last week, her penchant for blunt, profane language have become recurring themes in discussions of her career, driving conversation about what women can and can't be in the workplace.

"It stands out because it's not expected," said Deborah Tannen, a linguistics professor at Georgetown University and author of "You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation."

"We always take notice of what's unexpected and women are still not expected to curse, so when they do, its noticed more."

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"If You've Got It, Charge for It": The Feminism 2.0 Manifesto

Article here. Excerpt:

'In her new book Erotic Capital, Hakim says sex appeal is our most valuable asset and we should deploy it without shame. It went on sale this week, and it’s required reading for anyone under 35.
Like money, you can be born with it, and like friends, you can work on getting more of it. It provides measurable and significant advantages to people who have it, just like being tall.

Women have a lot more of it than men, but men want more sex than women do, a global phenomenon Hakim calls the “male sex deficit.” That means erotic capital is a valuable asset in high demand and short supply. (“Male sexuality is worthless, because of excess supply at zero cost.”)'

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Unable to pay child support, poor parents land behind bars

On MSNBC, no less! Article here. Excerpt:

'It may not be a crime to be poor, but it can land you behind bars if you also are behind on your child-support payments.

Thousands of so-called “deadbeat” parents are jailed each year in the U.S. after failing to pay court-ordered child support — the vast majority of them for withholding or hiding money out of spite or a feeling that they’ve been unfairly gouged by the courts.

But in what might seem like an un-American plot twist from a Charles Dickens’ novel, advocates for the poor say, some parents are wrongly being locked away without any regard for their ability to pay — sometimes without the benefit of legal representation.
“Languishing in jail for weeks, months, and sometimes over a year, these parents share one trait … besides their poverty: They went to jail without ever talking to an attorney,” according to the lawsuit filed by the nonprofit Southern Center of Human Rights in Atlanta.

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Mom Glues 2-YO Daughter's Hands to Wall Then Beats Her

Story here. Excerpt:

'Joselyn Cedillo, 2, was on life support with multiple internal injuries at a Dallas hospital Thursday, The Dallas Morning News reported. A hospital spokeswoman told The Associated Press she had no information on the girl Friday.

The newspaper, citing police records, said glue and paint were stuck to Joselyn's palms, and that skin had torn away in places.

Joselyn's mother, Elizabeth Escalona, was crying and hysterical when she called her own mother Wednesday morning from her Dallas apartment, according to police records. The records show that when the grandmother arrived at the apartment, her granddaughter was unconscious on the floor. She took her to the hospital.

One of the girl's brothers said their mother kicked the child in the stomach and beat her with a belt and shoe, according to police records.'

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Sue Black: the greatest threat to women in the workplace since Jack the Ripper

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, legendary ball-buster Carol Bartz was dismissed from her position as CEO of troubled Internet giant Yahoo!. Carol Bartz was ousted because she is a potty-mouthed bully who failed to meet the expectations placed on her, despite being given free rein at the company to indulge in her favourite pastimes of firings before breakfast and impaling men on skewers in the courtyards of Sunnyvale.

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Tech Industry Needs Female Quotas Now

Article here. Excerpt:

'So, a woman at the top of her game has been unceremoniously kicked out of her job - she's not the first and surely won't be the last. Carol Bartz, until this week CEO of Yahoo, has been fired by the company board. She received the news via a phone call from the Chair of the Yahoo board. Charming.

Does this have anything to do with the fact that Carol Bartz is a woman? If she were a man would this have ended the same way? Would enforced quotas for women on boards have helped this situation in any way? I believe that they would.

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Death Tolls Expected: Female Firefighters in Sweden Not Required To Meet The Standards

Source 1:
Physical demands on firefighters reduced Excerpt:

"Few women can handle the test

Since 2003 the SRSA has trained 880 firefighters on the program protection against accidents, SMO. Of them, one hundred were women. A follow-up have shown that 30-50 percent of the female students could not handle the physical aspects of employment tests for emergency services."

Source 2: Feminism in the fire department can now reap life Excerpt:

"Now comes what many of us have been waiting for.

The background is that the Swedish gender hysteria has driven a situation where the physical demands on firefighters lowered to make it easier for women to become firefighters."

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UK: Labour sisters to oust men in women-only session at party conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men will be banned from a session of this year's Labour Party conference in what is described as an "uprising" by female members. Ed Miliband, in his first conference as leader, will be the only man allowed into the auditorium in Liverpool to address the "What Women Want" meeting.
Presiding over the event will be the party's most senior women, including the deputy leader, Harriet Harman, the Shadow Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, the Labour leader in the Lords, Baroness Royall, and the Shadow Attorney General, Baroness Scotland.

The move is likely to be controversial among some members who believe that the party's policy development should not be drawn up along gender lines, but that all members should have a say. There will be formal resolutions based on suggestions from female members, who are being invited to the platform to put their case on education, childcare, the economy and the NHS, as well as party rules.

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Boy discovered dead in squalid conditions; mother 'being investigated'

Article here. Shouldn't that read 'under arrest'? And pinning it on 'social isolation'? How about 'child abuse through neglect'? Oh yes, we are dealing with a mom here, not a dad. Sorry, my mistake. Excerpt:

'BERWYN, Ill. (WLS) - The death of a 14-year-old suburban boy discovered living in squalid conditions Thursday afternoon has prompted state officials to warn about the dangers of “social isolation” and a lack of community response. The teen’s mother is being investigated by the Illinois Dept. of Children and Family Services and three of his siblings were removed from the home, authorities said.

Matthew Degner of 2834 Lombard Ave. in Berwyn was pronounced dead at MacNeal Hospital in Berwyn at 4:39 p.m. Thursday, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office.

An autopsy Friday determined Degner died of bronchopneumonia and his death was ruled natural, according to the medical examiner’s office.

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'Mental health for men' section on Women's Health government web site

"Source: Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Mental health helps us face the challenges in our life, makes us feel comfortable, supports our physical health, and more. But day-to-day stress and difficult times can wear down our mental health. Major changes like losing a job, the death of a loved one, going off to combat, or coming out as gay can be especially hard. And even happy times — like becoming a father — can take a toll on your emotions.

Today, we know a lot more about ways to promote mental health. Try some simple steps, like making sure to get enough sleep, getting social support, exercising, and finding healthy ways to cope when you feel stressed.

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National Education Association Endorses Feminist Goals

Article here. Excerpt:

'The annual convention of the National Education Association in Chicago this year again passed a bunch of feminist resolutions. For example, Resolution I-61 again put the NEA on record as endorsing the long-dead Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The ERA was debated for ten years, 1972 to 1982 and rejected by the American people, but the NEA is trying to resurrect it. The NEA urges its affiliates to continue to support ratification of this amendment.

The NEA supports full funding for the Women’s Educational Equity Act. That’s a feminist boondoggle to funnel taxpayers’ money into radical feminist organizations. The NEA endorses the use of non-sexist language. That means rewriting textbooks to censor out so-called sexist words like man, woman, husband, wife, boy, girl, and even he and she.

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Colleges Forced to Redefine Speech and Assault Codes, Destroy Civil Liberties

Article here. Excerpt:

'Take, for example, Stanford University. Once Stanford got OCR's letter, it changed the standard of evidence during a student's case from "beyond a reasonable doubt" (say, 98-99 percent certainty) to the "preponderance" standard.

'You might not be surprised to learn that the student was found guilty. You might be surprised, though, about the training materials provided to jurors in sexual assault cases at Stanford. These instruct jurors that being "persuasive and logical" is a sign of guilt, that they should be "very, very cautious in accepting a man's claim that he has been wrongly accused of abuse or violence," and that maintaining neutrality is equivalent to siding with the accused.

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Study Finds Sex Differences in Mental Illness

Link to press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON—When it comes to mental illness, the sexes are different: Women are more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression, while men tend toward substance abuse or antisocial disorders, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.
The authors cited previous research that found women suffer more than men from depression, because “women ruminate more frequently than men, focusing repetitively on their negative emotions and problems rather than engaging in more active problem solving.”
Past research also indicated that women report more neuroticism and more frequent stressful life events than men do before the onset of a disorder, indicating that environmental stressors may also contribute to internalizing, the report said.'

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Shrink4Men Radio with Dr Tara J. Palmatier Debuts on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 9pm EST

Article here.

Shrink4Men Radio will begin on the AVfM Radio channel this coming Monday, September 12, 2011 at 9pm EST.

Please call in if you’re able to catch the show live with questions, comments or whatever happens to be on your mind.

Shrink4Men - for men who are recovering from relationships with abusive women and the non-abusive family and friends who love them.

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