Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-09-22 00:19
Story here. Excerpt:
'Soccer authorities in Turkey may have hit on the perfect solution for unruly fans: Ladies Night!
The Turkish Football Federation had planned to make Istanbul favorite Fenerbahce play two games in an empty stadium after fans invaded the pitch after a friendly against Ukraine's Shakhtar Donetsk during the summer, according to a Turkish Weekly report.
But new rules say those games will be open only to women and children under age 12, National Turk reports. Admission is free.*
The policy got its first test Tuesday night in Istanbul, as 45,000 women and children turned out to watch Fenerbahce and Manisaspor face off in the Turkish Super League.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 21:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'NEW YORK, Sept. 21, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Last night at NYU'sskirball Center audience members gave an overwhelming victory to the team defending the proposition "Men Are Finished." According to the final votes, Dan Abrams and Hanna Rosin convinced 46% of the audience to change their minds over the course of the evening, winning the Oxford style debate by a landslide (See full numbers below). Their argument: as a result of a changing economy and shifting cultural values, men, who were once seen as the dominant sex, are now in a deep slide to number two status.
The resolution was opposed by Christina Hoff Sommers and David Zinczenko, who argued that men still hold more political and economic power, and that, although women have caught up or surpassed men in some regards, this does not mean that men as a whole, are finished.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 17:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'A B.C. man who was abandoned as a teenager is being sued by his elderly mother for parental support.
Ken Anderson, 47, has been fighting a lawsuit by his mother, Shirley Anderson, 73, since 2000.
Shirley, who has not had a relationship with Ken or his two siblings for decades, is asking for $750 per month in support from each of them.
A rarely used section of B.C.'s Family Relations Act says adult children are responsible for legally supporting parents who are "dependent on a child because of age, illness, infirmity or economic circumstances."
The B.C. Law Institute recommended repealing the section in a 2007 report.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 17:31
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sabina Amiga, Trudi Seely and Anna Tierney open the doors (and plump the sofa cushions) of their women-only therapy clinic, Woman to Woman, next Monday. According to Seely "there is a trend for this kind of clinic in America", but surprisingly, Woman to Woman will be the first private practice of its kind in central London that is not semi-charity-funded.
A former lawyer, a novelist and a businesswoman, who all retrained as psychotherapists, the trio hope to make therapy more accessible and acceptable for women like them.
"There is quite a shortage of therapy in general for people who can't afford to pay, so the NHS is very limited on who gets seen and there are long waiting lists," says Tierney.
"So career women and high fliers wouldn't be taken on by charitable organisations because they're earning too much," explains Amiga.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 17:28
Story here. Excerpt:
'JENNINGS, La. — A Lake Arthur teenager has been ordered to serve two years of probation after she pleaded guilty Sept. 7 in state court to falsely accusing a police officer of raping her.
The American Press reports ( ) 18-year-old Meghan Franks must serve 90 days in the parish jail and pay fines totaling $1,140 plus court costs.
District Attorney Michael Cassidy says all fines and costs must be paid within the first 18 months of probation.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 17:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'A South Carolina woman was charged by Fayetteville Police with making false statements in a Sept. 10 incident that occurred at the home of her boyfriend in Fayetteville. The woman told officers her boyfriend had raped her but was later arrested for making false statements during an interview with female detectives.
Fayetteville Police spokesman Steve Crawshaw said 40-year-old Angella Caprice Miller, of Hopkins, S.C., was charged with making false statements and writings after an incident that police reports said involved her boyfriend, a Fayetteville resident.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 17:25
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 19-year-old Orange County woman was arrested early Monday, accused of wasting more than a dozen deputies' time as they investigated her false reports of assault, burglary and attempted rape.
Amanda Angelero called 911 about 7:10 a.m. Monday from a pay phone outside a closed Mobile station near the intersection of Valencia College Lane and Goldenrod Road, an arrest report states.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 17:23
Story here. Excerpt:
'Rebecca Howard, of Prince of Wales Terrace, pleaded guilty at Channel Magistrates Court in Folkestone on August 18 and was sentenced last week to four months imprisonment, suspended for two years.
She was also ordered to carry out 200 hours unpaid work and pay £1,000 compensation to Kent Police. She will be the subject of a supervision order for 12 months.
Howard falsely claimed that two men had bundled her into a car before driving her to a car park in Walmer where one of the men raped her in the early hours of Sunday, February 6.
A detailed police investigation into the alleged rape proved the offence had never occurred and Howard later admitted this.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-09-20 00:24
Article here. Excerpt:
'These men from various walks of life have one thing in common — all were accused of domestic violence and were subsequently acquitted. Now, they’ve formed a group that advises other men how to fight the charge.
They are doctors, lawyers, IT professionals. They are demanding a ministry for men’s welfare on the lines of those for women & child development and environment and forests. They are men with standing in society who have lost in love and landed in court after being accused of domestic violence under IPC section 498, pertaining to domestic violence.
Now acquitted of the domestic violence charge, 25 of them have come together to form the city’s first Men’s Rights Association, thanks to the initiative taken by software engineer Atit Rajpara. The Association now advises other men fighting domestic violence charges with tips and tricks to come through unscathed.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-09-20 00:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Iraqi war veteran Randy Miller was jailed for three months after he was unable to pay his child support because he lost his job--despite having faithfully paid his support for 10 years previously. Veteran Lance Hendrix was jailed after he fell behind on child support when he couldn't find work after serving in the army. MSNBC recently reported that both are plaintiffs in a new class-action lawsuit designed to force states to provide legal representation for low-income non-custodial parents facing jail for inability to pay child support.
Our organization sees many fathers like Miller and Hendrix who have lost their jobs or suffered significant drops in this terrible economy. Because it is difficult for fathers to get their child support orders modified downward, many decent, loving fathers are being jailed because they can’t keep up with their child support obligations.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-09-19 23:38
Article here. Here in the US, women have a higher literacy rate, are the majority of college students, have superior health care, are the minority of unemployed citizens, and are less likely to become homeless. I'm not sure what they mean by conflicts, but men make up the overwhelming majority of war time casualties. Sexual violence? Forced male circumcision is a form of sexual violence. Feminists speak about increased productivity if women were represented in higher numbers through out different industries, yet I hear no one mention education. Women make up the majority of school teachers, one would think increasing the number of male teachers would improve the education system. Excerpt:
'Prominent female politicians including US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff joined voices Monday to demand a greater global political role for women.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2011-09-19 16:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'When the war began, recruitment was massive and enthusiastic as millions of young men responded to Lord Kitchener’s poster appeal: ‘Your country needs you’. But not every man rushed to join the colours, so girls brandishing white feathers were organised by a retired sailor, Admiral Charles Fitzgerald, to shame ‘slackers’ into joining up
The first foray of his Order of the White Feather was on the seafront at Folkestone, where 30 of the women pounced on any man not in uniform.
‘Are you deaf or indifferent to your country’s needs?’ the girls demanded to know, before reminding the men that British soldiers were fighting and dying while they took their leisure.
‘Here’s a gift for a brave soldier,’ they said sarcastically as they handed out the feathers. Fuelled by newspaper reports, the movement quickly spread.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-09-19 05:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'No boys allowed! Jimmy Cao, a 16-year-old senior, is not allowed to play on the Hillsborough High School girls field hockey team, even though there’s no team for boys. Letting boys play on girls teams could eliminate opportunities for female athletes, according to New Jersey’s governing body for high school athletics. Title IX, however, does permit girls to play on boys teams — including contact sports such as wrestling or hockey — if there’s no team for girls.
Laura Pappano, co-author of “Playing With the Boys: Why Separate Is Not Equal,” played field hockey in high school and at Yale. She spoke to editorial writer Julie O’Connor about why she believes it would be good for the girls on this team, and female athletes in general, to let Cao play.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2011-09-19 00:43
Article here. A web search has turned up as his email address, but it is likely to be read by a member of his staff rather than him. Still, it'll at least get read by someone there. Excerpt:
'There's a way that few people know about that can save millions of lives at next to no cost. That is voluntary medical male circumcision. The bottom line is that it reduces transmission of HIV by 60% in men, the greatest benefits accruing in developing nations that are hardest hit by the epidemic. The World Health Organisation (WHO), UNAIDS and PEPFAR are leading the world in scaling-up circumcision efforts as part of the fight against AIDS.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-09-18 17:35
Article here. Excerpt:
'Reporting from Sacramento— Drastically redefining incarceration in California, prison officials are about to start releasing thousands of female inmates who have children to serve the remainder of their sentences at home.
The move, which could affect nearly half the women held in state facilities, will help California meet a court-imposed deadline to make space in its chronically overcrowded prisons. The policy could be extended to male inmates in the near future, administrators said Monday.
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