UK: Dead boy 'left to rot in cellar for two years'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother-of-eight allegedly lived with the dead body of her three-year-old boy decomposing in the cellar of her home in northern England for up to two years.

Amanda Hutton, 41, was taken into custody after police made the grim discovery on Thursday, having been called to the house in Bradford by a concerned neighbour, the Daily Mail reports
Hutton, a single mother who was known to social services, also has two grown-up children aged 22 and 20 who had moved out of home.

One of the elder brothers, Tariq Khan, said he had no idea that his baby brother had died.'

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CDC Considers Vaccinating Boys, Not Just Girls, for HPV

Article here. Excerpt:

'Immunizing half the population isn't forceful enough against widespread virus, expert says.

U.S. health authorities now recommend that girls and young women be vaccinated against human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease that is a known cause of cervical cancer, but that recommendation does not extend to boys and young men.

At least for now.

A debate that's been simmering over whether males also should be vaccinated for human papillomavirus, or HPV, could be resolved in October at a meeting of a key advisory committee of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said CDC spokesman Tom Skinner.

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Stress the 'Human' in HPV, One Man Suggests

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fred Wyand has been in a prime spot to watch the evolution of the public health response to human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Since 2003, Wyand has served as editor of HPV News, a bimonthly newsletter published by the American Social Health Association. The newsletter has been around since the 1990s.

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Catherine Kieu pleads not guilty in penis slicing

Story here. $1,000,000 bail. I applaud the prosecutor and judge for taking this very seriously. Unfortunately, none of the charges include domestic abuse. I suspect there'll be a battered wife defense but I don't see that working because her husband was the one who filed for divorce. The trial should be very interesting because her defense attorney will find some way to portray her as a victim.

'WESTMINSTER, Calif. — A California woman has pleaded not guilty to cutting off her estranged husband's penis and running it through a garbage disposal.

Catherine Kieu entered the plea in Orange County Superior Court Friday to charges of torture and aggravated mayhem with sentencing enhancements for great bodily injury and use of a knife.

If convicted of all counts, she could face life in prison without parole. She's being held on $1 million bail.

Authorities say Kieu spiked her 60-year-old husband's tofu dinner on July 11, then tied his hands and feet to the bed after he went to lie down. Authorities say Kieu cut off his penis as he woke.

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Census: Recession takes big toll on young adults

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON (AP) -- Young adults are the recession's lost generation.

In record numbers, they're struggling to find work, shunning long-distance moves to live with mom and dad, delaying marriage and raising kids out of wedlock, if they're becoming parents at all. The unemployment rate for them is the highest since World War II, and they risk living in poverty more than others - nearly 1 in 5.
Young males who lacked a college degree were most likely to lose jobs due to reduced demand for blue-collar jobs in construction, manufacturing and transportation during the downturn. Among teenagers, employment was less than 30 percent.
Opting to stay put, roughly 5.9 million Americans 25-34 last year lived with their parents, an increase of 25 percent from before the recession. Driven by a record 1 in 5 young men who doubled up in households, men are now nearly twice as likely as women to live with their parents.

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SAVE: VAWA Bankrolls the Dissolution of the American Family

From SAVE: The federal Violence Against Women Act is more about breaking up families than stopping partner abuse. That’s the main conclusion of 6 years of ongoing research to analyze the effects of VAWA on our communities and families.

And no surprise, the real victims of partner violence are hopping mad, saying VAWA has created a “broken system that is in dire need of repair” -- see

Today SAVE unveiled a series of reforms:

1. Give priority for services to persons with evidence of physical violence
2. Cut back on false allegations
3. Remove harmful policies like mandatory arrest

Additional policy changes are laid out in our proposed Partner Violence Reduction Act:

Family break-up is the number one engine of an expanding welfare state. So policy changes that reduce false accusations and promote partner reconciliation will save substantial sums of money and reduce the federal deficit.

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Interview with man suing gender studies department for sexism

Tom Martin, the man suing the Gender Institute at The London School of Economics for teaching sex discrimination against men, appeared on A Voice for Men Radio on Wednesday to discuss some of the anti-male academic practice he alleges took place at LSE, and, Mr Martin suggests, across a broad range of other academic fields too.

The radio interview is conducted by men's rights activists (MRAs) Paul Elam, and John the Other (JTO) - Tom also fields calls from listeners.

The show is archived at:

(The interview with Tom Martin begins 36:30 minutes into the show)

The story has been covered by The Evening Standard, The Guardian (x4), The West End Extra, Forbes Magazine, and many websites - these links all available at too - including a contact email for Mr Martin.

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Not a rape culture, just a PC one

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let’s make this perfectly clear: there is no rape culture at Yale.

If Yale had a rape culture, there would be students and faculty speaking in favor of rape. Rape would be a common practice; it would be routine to hear someone talking about raping or being raped by someone last weekend. People would discuss what styles or methods of rape they prefer. Obviously, the existence of a rape culture is a farcical idea. These things just don’t happen at Yale.

There are isolated incidents of rape, and that is surely a severe problem. Beyond the physical harm the victim suffers, rape erodes trust. Like any crime, it arouses fear.

Rape falls somewhere on a wide spectrum between murder and robbery. The number of people who commit rape is a tiny percentage of the population at large. The vast majority of people are not criminals.

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U.S. Girl Dropout Crisis

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girls are overlooked when it comes to tracking the school dropout crisis in cities and towns across our country. Overlooking the problems that threaten the education of girls makes this crisis far more critical. Even though every state, even individual schools, counts dropout rates differently, estimates show the nationwide toll of dropping out:

• 50% Native American girls
• 4-in-10 black female students
• nearly 4-in-10 Latinas

Absenteeism, often triggered by feeling unsafe at school, can lead to dropping out completely.

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Ohio mother charged with raping infant son

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Ohio woman is accused of raping her 10-month-old son, videotaping it and sending it to her Michigan boyfriend.

Ashley N. Jessup, 24, was indicted in Columbus on Thursday on two counts of rape, one count of child endangerment and one count of pandering sexually-oriented material involving a minor.

Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O'Brien says the rape charge could land her life in prison.

O'Brien tells The Columbus Dispatch ( ) that Jessup emailed the videos to her boyfriend in Battle Creek, Mich., where his ex-girlfriend discovered them and contacted police.

Jessup is being held in the Franklin County Correctional Center in lieu of $1 million bond. Court documents do not list an attorney for Jessup.'

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Woman Faces Charges in Horrific Child Abuse Case

(Warning: Graphic Content)

Story here. Excerpt:

'GILBERT, Ariz. - A Gilbert woman is accused of sexual conduct with a minor -- her 10-year-old adopted son.

According to police, the victim told them that his 39-year-old mother bound his hands and feet, forced dog excrement into his mouth and duct taped it shut.

The victim added that she burned his penis with a lighter, then sodomized him repeatedly with a toothbrush. Police say there was another incident where Jennifer Barnes repeatedly burned the victim's penis with a curling iron. In both cases, the victim bled.

During a physical exam, it was discovered that the child had large scars on his pelvic area and legs, consistent with healed burns. He also had three distinct scars, consistent with his disclosure of being sodomized.
She was arrested and faces sexual conduct with a minor and child abuse charges. She remains in custody without bond.'

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Penis hack killing: woman refused bail

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman accused of murdering her ex-lover after drugging him and mutilating his genitals has been formally denied bail in a Sydney court.

Jian Chen, 48, is charged with one count of causing grievous bodily harm with intent to murder and one count of murder.

She is accused of using sleeping pills to spike the soup she gave her former partner at her North Ryde home on February 9
Once Mr Peng was asleep, Chen allegedly bound his hands and feet and stabbed him a number of times in the neck and groin, before cutting his penis and scrotum.

"An attempt to castrate him had taken place," said police facts.

"The victim also had lacerations to the left side of his groin and his penis had been scalped."'

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Debra Lafave Asks Judge to Reduce Probation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Florida middle school teacher who pleaded guilty to having sex with a 14-year-old student in a high-profile case is reportedly back in court Thursday to ask a judge to reduce her probation.

Debra Lafave, 31, a former teacher at Angelo L. Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace, Fla., pleaded guilty in 2005 to having sex with a 14-year-old boy in the summer of 2004, when Lafave was 23-years-old.

The case never went to trial because the victim's mother did not want her son to testify, fearing his identity would become public.

Lafave agreed in a last-minute plea deal to three years of house arrest followed by seven years of probation. But a lawyer for the woman is asking a judge Thursday to reduce her probation by four years, arguing that Lafave -- now a mother of twins -- is a responsible adult, according to the station.

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Ireland: 'International Day of the Girl'

Article here. Excerpt:

'CHILDRENS’ CHARITY PLAN Ireland has called for September 22 to be declared the International Day of the Girl in order to focus the world’s attention on the importance of girls’ rights.

Today’s report found that fathers, brothers and husbands play an essential role in creating true gender equality.

However, gender equality is good for boys too, highlights Plan Ireland’s 2011 ‘Because I am a Girl: The State of the World’s Girls‘ report.'


Column: Men need to help with gender equality – but it’s good for them too

'On the domestic front, fathers could stand back a little bit and see what they can do to break down such gender stereotypes. Could they help more with household chores or caring for the younger children? By doing so, these small changes can give an example to their sons and lead to a new breed of male.'

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'Class Warfare' and Gender Politics in Massachusetts

Article here. Excerpt:

'How might gender politics interact with economic anxieties and class conflicts in a race between Warren and Brown? For years, conventional wisdom has held that female candidates fare relatively well when "it's the economy stupid," and not crime or national security. Traditionally women were presumed to be more honest and compassionate than men and accustomed to balancing budgets. Traditionally, female candidates have exploited feminine stereotypes in advancing themselves and items on a feminist agenda, notably suffrage. (Government is "enlarged housekeeping," Jane Addams once said.) But the extreme, atypical economic crisis currently confronting voters can't simply be said to require better housekeeping; deficit reduction is not an exercise in compassion, and neither honesty nor compassion seem highly valued today, as male and female Republicans alike run as un-compassionate conservatives and self-styled mama grizzlies revel in ruthlessness.'

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