SAVE Press Release re Biden's 'The View' Appearance

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Sept. 28, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Despite calls to address the growing epidemic of abusive teenage girls, Vice President Biden glossed over the problem during his Tuesday appearance on ABC's The View. Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is calling on the Vice President to remove the veil of silence that envelops the problem.

Surveys now show high school girls are more likely than boys to engage in physical violence with their dating partners. But VP Biden only spoke of girls as victims and never mentioned them as possible perpetrators. Host Whoopi Goldberg even asked the Vice President a direct question about the reality of dating violence, but Biden did not respond to the question:

"And will you just also remind people, remind the women that the way to get a man's attention is not to hit him? Do not hit him. (applause) Because this is something violence in itself, is something we need to teach kids is not to perpetrate on each other. No?"

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SAVE Alert: Outrage: Biden Blew it on The View

Vice President Biden joined the ladies of The View (ABC) yesterday, to discuss teen dating violence and sexual assault. The picture he painted of dating violence was so inaccurate and so bizarre, yes, we're outraged!

Now we need to set him straight!

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 10% of high school girls, compared to only 9% of boys, have engaged in dating violence in the previous year. So SAVE sent VP Biden a letter, asking him to address the growing problem of dating violence by teen girls:

Unfortunately, Biden not only ignored our letter, he falsely portrayed teen dating violence as only done by boys, to girls. See the video here: - then click on the Tues. September 27 button.

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'False' rape claims hit DSK's global mission

Article here. Excerpt:

'ALLEGING "false" sexual assault claims had hampered his efforts to right the global economy, former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn yesterday claimed immunity from prosecution.

Criminal charges were dropped last month when prosecutors lost faith in the credibility of the hotel maid alleging assault, Nafissatou Diallo, but she is pursuing her civil case for undisclosed monetary damages from Mr Strauss-Kahn, once a presidential hopeful in France.

Mr Strauss-Kahn's lawyers claim it is irrelevant that he was no longer head of the IMF when Ms Diallo filed her civil case on August 8, saying: "Mr Strauss-Kahn's absolute immunity persisted until he was able to leave the United States."

Mr Strauss-Kahn went on the attack, accusing Ms Diallo of imperilling his efforts, at the helm of the IMF, to rescue the world economy at a crucial time after the financial crisis.

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Repeal MGL 209A (so-called ‘Abuse Prevention’ law) Campaign Underway

The effort to repeal the draconian Massachusetts 209A law is on track after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ordered the Mass. Attorney General’s office to allow the initiative petition supported by The Fatherhood Coalition ( to proceed.

Under the so-called ‘domestic violence’ law many individuals are separated from their children, thrown out of their homes, forced into the court system and even incarcerated for non-violent acts and for charges without any merit. Due process rights are ignored under a law which presumes a person is guilty before any crime is committed.

The most benign actions, even unintentional ones, are considered criminal by a law destructive to normal healthy relationships within families.

The nationwide travesty of 'abuse prevention' laws began in Massachusetts in 1978.

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Massachusetts Sets Limits on Alimony

Article here. Excerpt:

'BOSTON—Alimony isn't forever in Massachusetts anymore.

The state abolished most lifetime spousal support Monday, joining several states where alimony payments have come under scrutiny as payers argue they are struggling in the rocky economy

Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick signed a measure that generally ends alimony when the payer reaches retirement age or when the recipient begins living with a romantic partner.

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Australia: Right to fight - Women on the front line in five years

Article here. Excerpt:

'WOMEN will be able to serve in any frontline combat role within five years after a historic change by the Government. Federal Defence Minister Stephen Smith said cabinet approved the change during a meeting yesterday.

"This is a change which has the strong support from the chief of the defence force," he said today.

Currently 93 per cent of Australian Defence Force (ADF) positions were open to women.

The other seven per cent excluded women "simply on the basis of sex", Mr Smith said.

These included jobs such as mine disposal divers, air force defence guards and infantry and artillery frontline positions.

These jobs make up 17 per cent of employment opportunities in the ADF.

Mr Smith said the discrimination would be removed over five years in a "careful and methodical" way.

The first implementation report would go to the Government in the first quarter of 2012.

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SAVE Alert: VP Biden Needs to Address Female Teen Violence on 'The View'

Tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011) Vice President Joseph Biden will make an appearance on ABC's talk show The View to discuss teen dating violence -- and we're asking you to contact the White House to make sure VP Biden gets his facts straight!

We would like VP Biden to emphasize these three critical facts during his appearance on The View:

  1. Teenage girls are now more likely than males to be the initiators of dating partner violence.
  2. Female abusers need help, not a cold shoulder.
  3. The problem of dating violence against boys needs to be highlighted.

This morning SAVE sent a letter to VP Biden asking him to address these 3 issues:

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Title IX gender quotas may hurt high school sports next

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fall sports season is in full swing for New Jersey high schools. But for many students, this may be the last year they play if supporters of Title IX gender quotas get their way in American high schools.

Last November, the Washington, D.C.-based National Women’s Law Center filed federal complaints against 12 school districts. The charge? Because the gender balance of male and female athletes did not exactly mirror the overall population of the student body, the school districts were discriminating. This numbers game assumed that boys and girls have identical interests in identical numbers.
With few options to address those complainants, schools must make the numbers work. They will have little choice but to eliminate male teams or significantly slash their rosters. As many as 1.3 million male high school athletes nationwide could be permanently sidelined — although that would not create any opportunities for female high school athletes.

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Cleared of Rape but Lacking Full Exoneration

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mr. Haynesworth, then 18 and never in trouble with the law, had been mistakenly identified by the victim as her assailant. He was arrested on suspicion of having committed five rapes and assaults in his neighborhood, and was tried for four of them. He was convicted in three and sentenced to 84 years in prison.

DNA has since proved that he did not commit two of the rapes he was tried for. The DNA from those two cases pointed to another man, in prison for having committed multiple rapes in the same neighborhood that occurred after Mr. Haynesworth’s arrest. That man, Leon Davis, who identified himself to victims as “the Black Ninja,” is serving multiple life terms plus 100 years.

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How To Teach Boys To Be Feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a young man:

  • Teach them that “feminism” means promoting women’s rights and interests.
  • Discuss how being a feminist does not mean women hate men or that women think men are the enemy.
  • Teach them that by taking a role in feminism they will be helping everyone, not just women.
  • Teach them that because they are at the top of society’s hierarchy, they have a responsibility and an ability to be part of social change and justice for everyone.
  • Simply talk to them and use probing questions when teachable moments arise. Allow them to reach their own conclusions.'
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    UK: Dead boy 'left to rot in cellar for two years'

    Story here. Excerpt:

    'A mother-of-eight allegedly lived with the dead body of her three-year-old boy decomposing in the cellar of her home in northern England for up to two years.

    Amanda Hutton, 41, was taken into custody after police made the grim discovery on Thursday, having been called to the house in Bradford by a concerned neighbour, the Daily Mail reports
    Hutton, a single mother who was known to social services, also has two grown-up children aged 22 and 20 who had moved out of home.

    One of the elder brothers, Tariq Khan, said he had no idea that his baby brother had died.'

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    CDC Considers Vaccinating Boys, Not Just Girls, for HPV

    Article here. Excerpt:

    'Immunizing half the population isn't forceful enough against widespread virus, expert says.

    U.S. health authorities now recommend that girls and young women be vaccinated against human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease that is a known cause of cervical cancer, but that recommendation does not extend to boys and young men.

    At least for now.

    A debate that's been simmering over whether males also should be vaccinated for human papillomavirus, or HPV, could be resolved in October at a meeting of a key advisory committee of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said CDC spokesman Tom Skinner.

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    Stress the 'Human' in HPV, One Man Suggests

    Article here. Excerpt:

    'Fred Wyand has been in a prime spot to watch the evolution of the public health response to human papillomavirus, or HPV.

    Since 2003, Wyand has served as editor of HPV News, a bimonthly newsletter published by the American Social Health Association. The newsletter has been around since the 1990s.

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    Catherine Kieu pleads not guilty in penis slicing

    Story here. $1,000,000 bail. I applaud the prosecutor and judge for taking this very seriously. Unfortunately, none of the charges include domestic abuse. I suspect there'll be a battered wife defense but I don't see that working because her husband was the one who filed for divorce. The trial should be very interesting because her defense attorney will find some way to portray her as a victim.

    'WESTMINSTER, Calif. — A California woman has pleaded not guilty to cutting off her estranged husband's penis and running it through a garbage disposal.

    Catherine Kieu entered the plea in Orange County Superior Court Friday to charges of torture and aggravated mayhem with sentencing enhancements for great bodily injury and use of a knife.

    If convicted of all counts, she could face life in prison without parole. She's being held on $1 million bail.

    Authorities say Kieu spiked her 60-year-old husband's tofu dinner on July 11, then tied his hands and feet to the bed after he went to lie down. Authorities say Kieu cut off his penis as he woke.

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    Census: Recession takes big toll on young adults

    Article here. Excerpt:

    'WASHINGTON (AP) -- Young adults are the recession's lost generation.

    In record numbers, they're struggling to find work, shunning long-distance moves to live with mom and dad, delaying marriage and raising kids out of wedlock, if they're becoming parents at all. The unemployment rate for them is the highest since World War II, and they risk living in poverty more than others - nearly 1 in 5.
    Young males who lacked a college degree were most likely to lose jobs due to reduced demand for blue-collar jobs in construction, manufacturing and transportation during the downturn. Among teenagers, employment was less than 30 percent.
    Opting to stay put, roughly 5.9 million Americans 25-34 last year lived with their parents, an increase of 25 percent from before the recession. Driven by a record 1 in 5 young men who doubled up in households, men are now nearly twice as likely as women to live with their parents.

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