Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-10-07 00:35
Story here. Excerpt:
'NASHUA – A woman violated bail by contacting her alleged victim in a domestic assault case, police say.
Katrina Russell, 28, of 108½ Ash St., tried to induce the male victim not to cooperate in upcoming court proceedings against her, police said. Russell also allegedly threatened to harm the victim if he contacted police.
Russell was arrested Tuesday in Springfield, Vt., on a warrant from Nashua police. She was held at the Southern State Correctional Facility until police officers from Nashua traveled to Vermont to take her into custody, police said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-10-07 00:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'Former Secretary of Education William Bennett has taken time out from his busy day to notice men, and he doesn’t like what he sees. Here’s his article (CNN, 10/4/11).
It’s not a good piece for a former Secretary of Education. That’s because it’s short on facts and logic, and does its best to contradict itself. In short, if Bennett had turned this in as a composition exercise in, say, 10th grade, I’d give him a D.
The only reason his grade isn’t lower is that he does get some facts right. He notices that men’s status in society has declined significantly since the 50s, 60s and 70s.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-10-07 00:01
A Congressional Briefing on the Effects of Domestic Violence on Children has been scheduled for this coming Wednesday, Oct. 12 in Washington DC. The event is hosted by Makers of Memories and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).
As you can see to the side, the image they chose to promote the briefing shows a man, presumably a father, yelling at a small girl who is cowering in the corner. And no surprise, the websites of Makers of Memories and the NCADV are brimming with gender-biased information.
SAVE supports evidence-based efforts to address young victims of family violence. These are the facts that need to be highlighted:
1. Women are at least as likely as men to engage in intimate partner violence. One national survey found mothers are twice as likely as fathers to engage in severe marital violence. [i]
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Submitted by mens_issues on Thu, 2011-10-06 00:25
The latest misandrist "man up" article on CNN, this time by William Bennett. Excerpt:
'(CNN) -- For the first time in history, women are better educated, more ambitious and arguably more successful than men.
Now, society has rightly celebrated the ascension of one sex. We said, "You go girl," and they went. We celebrate the ascension of women but what will we do about what appears to be the very real decline of the other sex?
The data does not bode well for men. In 1970, men earned 60% of all college degrees. In 1980, the figure fell to 50%, by 2006 it was 43%. Women now surpass men in college degrees by almost three to two. Women's earnings grew 44% in real dollars from 1970 to 2007, compared with 6% growth for men.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-10-05 22:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'An Oklahoma nurse arrested on charges of having sex with a 13-year-old boy is back behind bars - for slipping him a love note wrapped in a burrito.
"Hey Babe, I love you forever," Amy Blose, 37, penned to the schoolchild before asking his 15-year-old female friend to deliver it, RadarOnline reported.
In April, Blose was charged with three counts of rape, three counts of forcible oral sodomy, one count of lewd or indecent acts to a child under 16 and one count of performing lewd acts in the presence of a child under 16.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-10-05 20:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'Relationships between women are often fraught with drama and pain, especially the ones between mothers and daughters. But no one's story is as awful as Mary Kathlyn Ogdoc's. The young mom lost her 2-year-old daughter last year after her own mother tossed her from a mall skywalk in Virginia.
Apparently, this grandmother had a reason for murdering her toddler granddaughter in such a cruel and horrific way. She hated her son-in-law who impregnated her daughter out of wedlock when she was 19. Oh and this: She felt the little girl came between her and her daughter.
I am going out on a limb to say what actually came between her and her daughter is the fact that she is a RAGING PSYCHO. It's unconscionable that she could even think that is a good "reason" to murder a child. And the worst part is her defense team is trying to prove she is insane.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-10-04 22:54
Press release here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON, Oct. 4, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is calling on President Obama to correct false information in the Domestic Violence Proclamation he issued Monday. At a time when victims are demanding accuracy and accountability, the declaration features misleading statements and inaccurate facts, according to SAVE.
The presidential proclamation, issued for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, makes the claim that "One in four women and one in 13 men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime." But multiple studies show that men and women abuse each other at similar rates.
The Center for Disease Control's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey reveals males are being victimized at a higher rate than females: 10 percent of teenage males versus 9 percent of teenage females report dating violence. In the American Journal of Public Health, a second CDC study of young adults revealed a dramatic gap for one-way violence: in 71 percent of cases, females were the aggressors.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-10-04 22:50
False allegations of abuse harm the innocent, rob true victims of needed services, and undermine the workings of justice. In May, SAVE conducted the first nationwide phone survey about this vexing problem, with 11% of respondents saying they had been falsely accused of domestic violence, child abuse or sexual assault.
To confirm the numbers, last month we repeated the survey, again calling over 10,000 persons on their landline phones. With both surveys combined; we can now report that about one in 10 persons have been falsely accused of abuse.
Other highlights from our surveys:
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2011-10-04 16:39
“Husband Poisoning By Wholesale,” “Women Formed Club To Kill Husbands,” “Exterminating Husbands,” “A New Business; Husband Poisoning On A Scale of a Commercial Enterprise,” “How Wives Gained Power by Mass-Murder of Husbands.” Such newspaper headlines as these popped up with alarming regularity in American newspapers from the 1880s to the end of the 1930s. With the exception for the story of the notorious “Arsenic Incorporated” case of 1939 in Philadelphia – with its gruesome 200-plus body count – all these sensational reports were of European husband-killing covens.
Apart from a few of the more than twenty cases now rediscovered and presented to the public in The Unknown History of Misandry, these crimes are completely lost to the official historical record (there is no taxpayer-funded army of university researchers working tirelessly to dig up the truth about misandry).
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2011-10-04 11:26
Article here. I wonder if these results will be as quickly accepted as circumcision studies done in Africa. Excerpt:
'Hormonal contraception may make it easier for HIV to spread between heterosexual sex partners, according to a new study conducted in Africa.
Women in the study who used hormonal contraception had double the risk of acquiring HIV or transmitting it to their male partners as those who did not use hormonal contraception.
While hormonal conception includes both oral contraception and injectable forms of birth control, the findings were most pronounced for women using injectables, like Depo-Provera, the study said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-10-04 01:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Perugia, Italy (CNN) -- In a ruling read to a tension-filled courtroom, an Italian jury on Monday cleared Amanda Knox of murder and other charges, nearly four years after she was arrested on suspicion of having killed her roommate in this picturesque Italian university town.
There was an audible gasp in the courtroom as the verdict was read, then an eruption of emotion, prompting the judge to call for silence. Knox herself was nearly hysterical, according to CNN's Matthew Chance, and had to be assisted out of the courtroom by two people.
The jury evidently believed Knox's impassioned final statement to the court, delivered in a voice trembling with emotion.
"I am not what they say I am -- perverse, violent. ... I haven't murdered. I haven't raped. I haven't stolen," Knox said in the most important speech of her life. Her co-defendant, Raffaele Sollecito, was also cleared of involvement in the 2007 death of Meredith Kercher, a British exchange student and Knox's roommate in Perugia.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-10-04 01:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'More males may get throat cancer from having oral sex with women than from smoking as the result of a virus linked to the malignancy, a study suggests.
Researchers examined 271 throat-tumor samples collected over 20 years ending in 2004 and found that the percentage of oral cancer linked to the human papillomavirus, or HPV, surged to 72 percent from about 16 percent, according to a report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. By 2020, the virus-linked throat tumors -- which mostly affected men -- will become more common than HPV-caused cervical cancer, the report found.
HPV is known for infecting genitals. The finding that it can spread to the throat and cause cancer may increase pressure on Merck & Co., the second-largest U.S. drugmaker, to conduct large-scale trials to see if its vaccine Gardasil, which wards off cervical cancer in women, also prevents HPV throat infections, said Maura Gillison, an oncologist at Ohio State University and study senior author.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2011-10-03 00:21
Story here.
'Police say a singer known for his 1990 chart-topping love song was hauled off a Massachusetts stage and arrested on charges of owing $420,000 in unpaid child support.
Steven Bernard Hill of Las Vegas was arrested Friday night at the MassMutual Center, where he was performing on tour.
Hill performs as Stevie B and is best known for the song "Because I Love You (The Postman Song)." It reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts in late 1990.
Springfield police Sgt. John M. Delaney tells the Springfield Republican that Hill was surprised by the arrest and concerned that he might miss a weekend show in Providence, Rhode Island.
Hill is scheduled to be arraigned Monday. He couldn't be reached for comment Sunday. Police didn't know if he had an attorney.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-10-02 22:53
Story here. Excerpt:
'It's not a sight you see every day.
Courageous men took off their comfortable shoes and sported red high heels Saturday morning for the "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" international men's march in Central Falls.
The march kicked off at the high school on Summer Street in an effort to show solidarity and support to end violence against women and bring an end to sexual assault, rape and gender violence.
One in four women will experience gender violence in her lifetime.
"This violence does not just affect women. Men are hurt and angered when women they care about are raped or abused. And the same violence that targets women also targets men because rape isn't about sex, it's about power, control and violence," said Nancy Rafi, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Crisis Assistance Center.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-10-02 19:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sethi's survey found that 58% of men feel more confidence toward their money and finances, compared to 44% of women. Females also feel more anxiety toward finances (33%) than men (18%). This may account for why 28% of the male respondents reported to always negotiating their salary, compared to only 19% of women respondents. Men also believe that the pay of women compared to men is equal, at a rate of 47% to 18% of women. More than 80% of women said they feel the pay is less.
Men also spend more of their money on technology and electronics at a rate of 54% to 23%. Female respondents spent more on travel--43% compared to 33% of men.'
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