County awarded $300,000 to improve girls' health

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thurston County Public Health and Social Services has been awarded a $300,000 grant by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health. Funding will be used to offer the Girls Circle program to middle-school age girls and continue efforts of the Thurston Coalition for Women's Health.

The YWCA of Olympia is taking the lead in bringing the science-based Girls Circle prevention program to Thurston County. Research shows that Girls Circle reduces alcohol use, improves the ability of girls to form healthier bonds with others and promotes academic achievement.
If Thurston County meets performance expectations, an additional four years of grant funding is possible.'

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Downsized and Downtrodden, Men Are the New Women on TV

Article here. Excerpt:

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Please lodge this anti-circumcision response with the U.S. Office of Human Research Protections

This is a response to the document "Human Subjects Research Protections: Enhancing Protections for Research Subjects and Reducing Burden, Delay, and Ambiguity for Investigators" [ Docket ID: HHS-OPHS-2011-0005] (!documentDetail;D=HHS-OPHS-2011-0005-0001 ).

The deadline for submissions is 26 October 2011.

This submission can be made by anybody from any country around the world.


Download and save the document from the following link (Click 'Download Now', Wait for the counter to reach zero and click 'Download file now'):

Go to the following submission page:!submitComment;D=HHS-OPHS-2011-0005-0001

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Low Number of Male Teachers Affects Youth

Article here. Excerpt:

'Greensboro, NC -- Education experts say that a lower salary and stereotypes are to blame for a shortage of male teachers across the Piedmont Triad.

Bill Budusky is a Pre-Kindergarten teacher at Hunter Elementary School in Greensboro.

Budusky is one of only six male teachers out of 75.

The father of two said having male teachers in schools is important because they serve as positive role models for boys.

"Male teachers are absolutely necessary especially in a school like Hunter Elementary. You have some students who may be at risk that may have some needs in their backgrounds in their daily lives where a positive role model is missing," explained Budusky.'

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Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women

Make sure you check out the PSA on the home page. I'm not sure what to make of it.

'The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women is a national non profit founded in 2000 in Harmony, Maine. Our agency was established to compliment the traditional domestic violence shelter programs that specialize in services for women abused by their male intimate partners. We specialize in offering supportive services to men abused by their female intimate partners. However, all who call us, whether they are male or female in a heterosexual or same sex abusive relationship are offered the same respect and support because no one deserves to be abused.'

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F&F: Obama Misstates Facts on Domestic Violence in New DV Awareness Month Proclamation

Article here. Excerpt:

'In President Obama’s new proclamation “National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 2011” he misstates several key facts on men, women, and domestic violence. Harvard-trained public health specialist Ned Holstein, MD, MS explains:

“Obama tells us that ‘One in four women and one in thirteen men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime.’ In reality, over 200 studies have found that women initiate at least as much violence against their male partners as vice versa. Obama’s 3.25 ratio is actually 1-1. And men comprise about a third of domestic violence injuries and deaths.”

The most recent large scale study of DV, published in the American Journal of Public Health, surveyed 11,000 men and women and found that, according to both men’s and women’s accounts, 50% of the violence in their relationships was reciprocal (involving both parties). In those cases, the women were more likely to have been the first to strike. Moreover, when the violence was one-sided, both women and men said that women were the perpetrators about 70% of the time.

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'Scared' Boys Refuse to Play Teen Girl in High School Football Game

Article here. Excerpt:

'You'd think earning a spot as the first and only girl on your high school's football team would be the hard part. But Mina Johnson just can't catch a break. She sat out the Southampton Academy game last week because the boys from Northeast Academy refused to play against a girl.

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Walmart Associates and Feminist Groups to announce partnership to create better working conditions for women

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Oct 04, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- On Wednesday at 10:00 AM national groups that advocate for women will join Walmart Associates to announce a partnership to call on Walmart to be a better employer for women. Walmart Associates, with representatives from the National Organization for Women (NOW), National Partnership for Women and Families, Family Values at Work will discuss how they plan to challenge Walmart to become a place of opportunity for women. Several other prominent national groups will also join in this partnership.

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'Leave the sexist card out of the Scott Brown race, please'

Article here. Excerpt:

'During last week’s Democratic debate, when questioned how she put herself through school, Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren responded: “I didn’t take my clothes off” (referring, of course, to Scott Brown’s salacious 1982 Cosmopolitan pictorial, the proceeds of which apparently helped him pay for his education at Tufts University). Everyone laughed and all was merry. A couple days later, when asked during an interview by a WZLX disc jockey for a response to Warren’s jab, Brown responded: “Thank God.” Cue the insanity.

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Man Stabbed In Scrotum With Hypodermic Needle

Story here.

'In the month’s most wince-producing assault, a Kansas man was stabbed in the scrotum with a hypodermic needle, which broke off inside the 39-year-old victim’s body.

According to a Wichita Police Department report, the victim told cops that the stabbing occurred during an argument with the needle wielder. Cops believe that the attacker is a female acquaintance--or girlfriend--of the man with the punctured scrotum.

Investigators reported that the victim, who was not cooperative, was admitted to St. Francis Hospital for surgery. A CAT scan “showed part of needle broke off inside scrotum,” the report noted.

Police have made no arrests in connection with last Wednesday’s stabbing, which has been classified as aggravated assault, a felony.'

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SAVE: Domestic Violence Doesn't Discriminate

Video here.

Compliments of Terri Stoddard via Wendy McElroy's Face Book page.

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Petition For A Men's Section At The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post is an extensive online news site which contains sections for top stories, political news, sports, technology, entertainment and other common categories. There is also a section just for women, as well as for parents, divorcees, latinos, blacks, GLBTs... but, noticeably absent, there's no section for men. The purpose of this petition is to gather signatures in support of adding a men's section to the Huffington Post, which like the other specialized sections will offer news and articles written largely by members of it's target audience (namely: men) for that same audience. Once a reasonable number of signatures have been gathered, this petition will be presented to the editors of the AOL/Huffpo. The creator of this petition would like to further state that the focus of the proposed men's section should be substantial, relevant and informative content on important issues such as paternity, men's rights and issues, legal and political content relevant to men, and so on... not a vapid collection of articles about "babes, beer and gadgets".

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CDC executive arrested for child molestation, bestiality

Story here. Just a lovely pair, these two. Excerpt:

'A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official was arrested Sunday and charged with two counts of child molestation and bestiality for sexual acts involving a 6-year-old boy.

According to a DeKalb County criminal warrant obtained Sunday, Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey's boyfriend, Thomas Westerman, was also arrested on two counts of child molestation. Westerman works for the CDC as a night watchman, his LinkedIn profile states. The pair, who live together in Decatur, surrendered to authorities Sunday afternoon, said DeKalb police spokeswoman Pamela Kunz.

Lindsey, 44, serves as the deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office at the CDC, according to her biography on the agency's website. The Emory University graduate, who's been with the CDC since 1999, was formerly a senior health scientist responsible for overseeing a $1.5 billion fiscal allocation process for terrorism preparedness.

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National Let Your Boy Be a Girl Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let's have a new holiday -- National Let Your Boy Be a Girl Day -- that lets boys be, well, girls for a day. That's right. I said it out loud. In a national forum. Online, where it will NEVER die.

Because every other day of the year they have to make sure they are NOT girls. Because if a boy acts like a girl the national press gets involved, the jihadists that weaponize their sons will crush us, and the rate of the sun's gradual extinction will speed up exponentially.

Of course, girls get to act like boys everyday, so they don't need a holiday. A girl's imagination and life would be a pretty barren place if she didn't learn from an early age how to empathize with being a boy. For instance, girls get to:

  • Cross-dress everyday
  • Grow their hair as long or as short as they want and decorate it
  • Indulge in imaginative cross-gendered play. Girls love male superheroes, idolize boy book protagonists, and on Halloween can buy boy stuff from the most popular catalogs, in case they want to be just regular firefighters and not sexy firefighters.
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Misguided feminism trumps prep academy

Letter here.

'Feminists are protesting the sexual discrimination of a male-only school which was proposed because males are failing so frequently in our female-oriented school system.

Did anyone hear feminists protest the sexual discrimination when a Violence Against Women Act was passed by the federal government, even though men experience at least one and a half times as many crimes of violence as women do? Whoops, I forgot that it was National Organization for Women that led the push to create this biased legislation.

And where were the feminists' objections to the sexual discrimination resulting from the state and federal Women's Health Initiatives to foster women's health. No such Initiatives are available for men, even though on average men die over five years younger than women do, are affected by most major diseases five years earlier than women are, and commit suicide about four times as often as women do, to name a few of men's health disadvantages.

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