SAVE: Domestic Violence Doesn't Discriminate

Video here.

Compliments of Terri Stoddard via Wendy McElroy's Face Book page.

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Petition For A Men's Section At The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post is an extensive online news site which contains sections for top stories, political news, sports, technology, entertainment and other common categories. There is also a section just for women, as well as for parents, divorcees, latinos, blacks, GLBTs... but, noticeably absent, there's no section for men. The purpose of this petition is to gather signatures in support of adding a men's section to the Huffington Post, which like the other specialized sections will offer news and articles written largely by members of it's target audience (namely: men) for that same audience. Once a reasonable number of signatures have been gathered, this petition will be presented to the editors of the AOL/Huffpo. The creator of this petition would like to further state that the focus of the proposed men's section should be substantial, relevant and informative content on important issues such as paternity, men's rights and issues, legal and political content relevant to men, and so on... not a vapid collection of articles about "babes, beer and gadgets".

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CDC executive arrested for child molestation, bestiality

Story here. Just a lovely pair, these two. Excerpt:

'A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official was arrested Sunday and charged with two counts of child molestation and bestiality for sexual acts involving a 6-year-old boy.

According to a DeKalb County criminal warrant obtained Sunday, Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey's boyfriend, Thomas Westerman, was also arrested on two counts of child molestation. Westerman works for the CDC as a night watchman, his LinkedIn profile states. The pair, who live together in Decatur, surrendered to authorities Sunday afternoon, said DeKalb police spokeswoman Pamela Kunz.

Lindsey, 44, serves as the deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office at the CDC, according to her biography on the agency's website. The Emory University graduate, who's been with the CDC since 1999, was formerly a senior health scientist responsible for overseeing a $1.5 billion fiscal allocation process for terrorism preparedness.

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National Let Your Boy Be a Girl Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let's have a new holiday -- National Let Your Boy Be a Girl Day -- that lets boys be, well, girls for a day. That's right. I said it out loud. In a national forum. Online, where it will NEVER die.

Because every other day of the year they have to make sure they are NOT girls. Because if a boy acts like a girl the national press gets involved, the jihadists that weaponize their sons will crush us, and the rate of the sun's gradual extinction will speed up exponentially.

Of course, girls get to act like boys everyday, so they don't need a holiday. A girl's imagination and life would be a pretty barren place if she didn't learn from an early age how to empathize with being a boy. For instance, girls get to:

  • Cross-dress everyday
  • Grow their hair as long or as short as they want and decorate it
  • Indulge in imaginative cross-gendered play. Girls love male superheroes, idolize boy book protagonists, and on Halloween can buy boy stuff from the most popular catalogs, in case they want to be just regular firefighters and not sexy firefighters.
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Misguided feminism trumps prep academy

Letter here.

'Feminists are protesting the sexual discrimination of a male-only school which was proposed because males are failing so frequently in our female-oriented school system.

Did anyone hear feminists protest the sexual discrimination when a Violence Against Women Act was passed by the federal government, even though men experience at least one and a half times as many crimes of violence as women do? Whoops, I forgot that it was National Organization for Women that led the push to create this biased legislation.

And where were the feminists' objections to the sexual discrimination resulting from the state and federal Women's Health Initiatives to foster women's health. No such Initiatives are available for men, even though on average men die over five years younger than women do, are affected by most major diseases five years earlier than women are, and commit suicide about four times as often as women do, to name a few of men's health disadvantages.

Like0 Dislike0 PSA testing is at risk

Via email:

The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has prepared a draft recommendation against prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer. While not binding, primary care doctors usually follow USPTF guideline. Insurance companies have already begun discussions about ceasing psa test coverage.

The psa test has limitations, as well as benefits. This is no doubt that we need a better test, and we need treatments that don't put men at risk for impotence and incontinence. But, psa testing is what we have, today, in 2011and, likely, all that we will have for next few years.

I have been quoted in the N Y Times and other outlets about this. And, Malecare will be collaborating with our brother prostate cancer organizations to create an appropriate response from our community. But, we need to know what you think!

Please tell us how PSA testing affected your life. Go to and post a few sentences or paragraphs. You can post your thoughts with your name or anonymously. Without your voice, we are nothing.

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Lott: Invisible Men

Article here. Wouldn't having female advocacy groups and no equivalent for men be a Title IX violation? Excerpt:

'Female Dartmouth students have access to more support than their male peers. Female advocacy groups at Dartmouth include Women in Business, the Society of Women’s Engineers, Women in Leadership and the Women in Science Program, which provides faculty mentors and paid internships to freshmen women. Link Up pairs first-year women with senior mentors. It’s unfair that men do not have similar opportunities for mentoring or support.

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Man Falsely Accused of Attempted Rape Says Life Is Ruined

Article here.

A Bartlett man is free after being falsely accused of attempted rape
Police say the victim admitted that she made up the story
Maher Garada says his business in Bartlett is now suffering

(Memphis 10/6/2011)-A Bartlett man says his reputation has been ruined and life destroyed by woman who falsely accused him of a crime.

Maher Garada was arrested last week and charged with attempted rape.

He was released from jail several days later after police discovered Angela Poindexter, made up the entire story.

But Garada says the damage has already been done.'

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Call for men accused of rape to be anonymous

Story here. Excerpt:

'Men accused of rape should have their identities kept secret, according to a leading lawyer in Jersey.

Currently the victim of any sexual crime is kept anonymous, but the identity of the accused is revealed.

This has led to cases nationally and locally where men who were later proved innocent in court were victimised by members of the public.

The alleged victim's identity is protected by law, mainly so that the victim feels confident in giving evidence.

But if it is a false allegation, labelling an innocent man a rapist can have a detrimental effect on his life.

Hazel Jury, from Victim Support, explained: "We'd like to make it as easy as possible for people to come forward with that allegation, but obviously on the other hand if it proves to be a false allegation - and that does happen from time to time - that in itself is very unjust and can have a devastating effect on that person's life, anyone who's been accused of anything that can be unjust and unfair it will resonate with them."'

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Charged with filing false rape claim, Memphis woman waives preliminary hearing

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who police say filed a false attempted rape claim against a Bartlett man waived her preliminary hearing this morning and was held for the action of the Shelby County grand jury.

Angela Poindexter’s bond was set at $25,000 — almost equal to the $30,000 bond under which Maher Garada, the man she accused of trying to assault her, was held for six days.

Poindexter, of Memphis, has been in custody since she acknowledged Tuesday that her claim about Garada, 50, ripping her clothes and trying to assault her was false
In court this morning, prosecutor David Lakin sought the same $30,000 bond for Poindexter, saying it was only fair since Garada was held on that amount.

Municipal Judge Freeman Marr noted that bonds were not set as punishment, but as a way to assure the defendant would return to court.'

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Mail: Why do today's soppy men act like toddlers who need to be mollycoddled?

Sheesh, this demeaning misandrist garbage never stops. First William Bennett, then this piece of garbage from the Daily Mail Online. Excerpt:

'Like the original Madonna and child, the young woman on the Tube has her beloved draped around her, his head nestling on her shoulder.

As he snoozes, she texts idly with one hand, while the other absent-mindedly strokes his arm, soothingly, maternally. But this is no serene scene of mother and son — this is a couple. A couple of adults.

If you are forced to use public transport, you see them all the time. Soppy young blokes in skinny jeans, hair artfully arranged to mimic a guinea pig in a hurricane, being mollycoddled by a domineering, post-Spice Girls vixen who, if figures released last week are correct, also earns more than him.
No one’s saying everyone should conform to a gender stereotype, or that men should be ‘dissing’ their women like some caricature of male aggression.

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Domestic violence strikes men; woman works in memory of slain brother

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are not the only victims of domestic violence.

Lisa Moore knows this from personal, painful experience.

Her brother, 45-year-old Randy Ferguson, was shot to death by his wife five years ago, bringing a terrible end to years of constant verbal and emotional abuse.

"I watched my brother suffer in shame for years," Moore said. "It was hard for me. I introduced my brother to her. They seemed to have it all together in the beginning, but I quickly learned I had made the biggest mistake of my life. ... She was controlling, manipulative and jealous."

And violent.

Although physically half her husband's imposing size, Angela Ferguson's relentless harassment psychologically and emotionally reduced the man to nothing, Moore recalled. Beaten down, his self-esteem crushed, he watched all his hopes for salvaging his marriage crash in dust, smoke and ruins.

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Fiji: 'Child abuse on the rise' -- and men are warned (exclusively) to stop it

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE Fiji Women's Crisis Centre is concerned at the increasing rate of child abuse cases in the west.

According to centre officials, a total of 17 incidents have been recorded so far this year compared to 11 registered at the end of last year.

Centre co-ordinator Shamima Ali urged members of the public, especially men, to be responsible and to respect children.

"Any child who is being abused sexually or otherwise is required to contact the centre or the police," Ms Ali said.

"People should support women and children who are in this situation. And men, please, change your abusive behaviour and treat women and girls as equal human beings and respect them."'

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An Abused Wife? Or an Executioner?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The murder trial of Barbara Sheehan, the Queens school secretary who shot her husband with 11 bullets, often bears the hallmarks of a dysfunctional wake.
Jacquelyn C. Campbell, an expert witness on domestic violence from Johns Hopkins University, likened an abused woman to a dog who receives a shock every time it tries to leave a cage, eventually remaining frozen in place, even when the cage door is left opened.
But the Queens prosecutor, Debra Pomodore, attacked the syndrome as little more than “pseudoscience” embraced by the defendant out of desperation to stay out of prison. Moreover, Ms. Pomodore, an assistant district attorney, argued, being abused was not an excuse for an open season on killing men; of the nearly four million women abused each year by their husbands in the United States, only 500 to 600 killed them, she said.

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Barbara Sheehan and the Battered Women's Defense: When Killing is Legal

Article here. Excerpt:

'Michael Dowd, Sheehan's lawyer, has made a career of defending women who kill their tormentors. In a 1991 paper discussing the battered women's defense, he wrote about the difficulties of surmounting the skepticism that women in such cases face.

"The denial of the equality of women in cultures which perceive such treatment as both acceptable and lawful is essential to the existence of domestic violence," Dowd wrote. "This denial is the cornerstone of men's violence against women and ultimately operates to deny battered women a fair trial when they are successful in fighting back against their abusers."
It is not easy for battered women to obtain such verdicts. The fact that the defendant remained in the relationship, rather than fleeing or seeking help, can work against her. Prosecutors will often ask whether the defendant reported the abuse or told anybody.'

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