UK: Burnley woman jailed for making false rape claim

Story here. I wonder why the picture of the false rape accuser is distorted? Are they trying to protect her identity? Excerpt:

'A 20-YEAR-OLD Burnley woman has been jailed for falsely accusing her former boyfriend of rape.

Keeley Horrocks, of Grant Street, admitted perverting the course of justice at Bolton Crown Court and was sentenced to two years in prison.

The court heard that at 5-15 p.m. on January 3rd last year, Horrocks called police to report she had been raped in Rochdale.

Officers attended and took an initial account from Horrocks. Later that evening she had a full medical examination at a referral centre. Over the next few days, Horrocks was video interviewed by trained officers, and gave a lengthy and detailed account of her ordeal – all of which proved false.'

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Cleveland man awarded $1.5 million after false rape charge

Article here. Excerpt:

'ELYRIA — A Cleveland man was awarded $1.5 million in damages yesterday against a Sheffield Township couple who falsely accused him of rape.

Joseph Melendez was arrested by Lorain County sheriff deputies on Sept. 24, 2010, after a Fleming Avenue woman said he put a knife to her throat and tried to rape her and was chased and threatened by her husband.

However, Melendez passed a polygraph test and an independent witness said Melendez was set up, according to his attorney Larry Zuckerman.

Melendez sued James and Gabrielle Bracken in November 2010. Lorain County Common Pleas Judge Christopher Rothgery decided in his favor.
The couple was charged with making false statements to police and filing false police reports.'

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SAVE: Tell Senator Leahy: Accredit New Teen Dating Violence Prevention Programs

From SAVE:

It was recently announced that the upcoming Senate version of VAWA will include a new teen dating violence prevention focus. SAVE encourages evidence-based programs for children and teens. When done right, youth in families with abuse can be taught to break the cycle of violence.

The key words here are "When done right." This SAVE report shows Most DV Educational Programs Lack Accuracy, Balance, and Truthfulness ( On average, only 10% of DV "education" is correct.

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F&F: NYC Event: Join Discussion with Director of Classic Divorce/Child Custody Movie 'Kramer vs. Kramer'

F&F announcement here. Excerpt:

'Perhaps the most famous and enduring movie about divorce and child custody is Kramer vs. Kramer (1979). Fathers and Families’ New York City members have a great chance to see this stunning divorce-related drama and discuss it with the film’s director, three time Academy Award Winning Director, Screenwriter and Producer Robert Benton, and novelist Avery Corman, author of the book Kramer vs. Kramer, this Wednesday (October 19) at 7:00 PM.

This event, hosted by Fordham Law School’s Forum on Law, Culture & Society, will be held at the James B.M. McNally Amphitheater at 140 West 62nd Street, New York, NY, 10023 (near Lincoln Center).'

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Example of great results from men's rights protest in San Diego for battered men

From Marc A.:

Summary: A few years ago NCFM and others picketed outside the the San Diego Domestic Violence Council's event to protest their neglect of male victims and female perpetrators. Back then, the silhouettes of dead victims pictured below and in the link above were only of females murdered by their partners. The link also has pics of the protest. Now, as you can see from the pics of NCFM at the recent San Diego “Hope in the Park” Domestic Violence Prevention Month, two of the five silhouettes represent male victims murdered by their partners, including female partners. Thank you NCFM! And thank you Dr. Dawn Griffith, President of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council, Kent Peters, Director of Catholic Social Ministries, and Chesley Blevins of the County Office of Crime Prevention, for doing what is right.

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Judge storms out of child cruelty trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'A English teen mother who left her baby with irreparable brain damage after repeated beatings prompted a judge to storm out of his courtroom in anger.

Judge Anthony Russell had to step out of Preston Crown Court for 15 minutes so he would not jail Kayleigh Searle, 19, out of rage, the Daily Mail reports.

Searle has been jailed for eight years after a series of violent beatings of her three-month-old son Thomas left him blind, severely disabled and in considerable pain.
"It is almost unimaginable that a mother could have inflicted such injuries on her own child, and furthermore shown no remorse at all," he said.

"Your conduct throughout the inquiry and the case have shown you to be completely heartless — you appear to lack even the basic humanity."'

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Biden Continues to Warn of Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Isn't Passed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today, Biden reiterated his warning at an event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.“The other thing I’ve heard from my friends who oppose this – this whole jobs bill and this – that this is just temporary," Biden said. "Well let me tell you, it’s not temporary when that 911 call comes in and a woman’s being raped if a cop shows up in time to prevent the rape, it’s not temporary to that woman. It’s not temporary to the guy whose store is being held up and a gun is being pointed to his head. If a cop shows up and he’s not killed, that’s not temporary to that store owner. Give me a break, temporary! I wish these guys that thought it was temporary, I wish they had some notion what it’s like to be on the other side of a gun or a 200 pound man standing over you telling you to submit. Folks, it matters. It matters!”

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Woman tries to cut her sleeping husband's head off with power saw

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman has been accused of trying to saw her sleeping husband's head off with a power saw.

Police were called to Hoyt Avenue in Everett, Washington, on Friday, and found the unnamed 36-year-old still alive but his head and neck covered in bloody cuts. When officers arrived at the family residence they allegedly heard the husband screaming at his wife: 'It was you, it was you - you tried to cut my head off. You're going to jail.'
Yesterday the woman, also unidentified, appeared in court on a charge of domestic violence assault and a judge ordered her bail to be kept at $250,000 (£158,000).

When interviewed by police the 43-year-old insisted that she had grabbed the power saw in the dead of night as she thought she heard an intruder escape from her daughter's window.

However, sergeant Robert Goetz indicated that there was no sign of a break-in - a child lock prevented the window in the child's room from opening more than a few inches.

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Teacher Accused of Choking First Graders in Court

Story here. Excerpt:

'A trial is set to begin Monday for a Montgomery County teacher, accused of punching and choking several of her first grade students.

Susan Burke, 36, was arrested in February, after nine of her first grade students at Greencastle Elementary School claimed they were abused. According to investigators, Burke allegedly choked, kicked, punched and scratched children in her class.
Police interviewed all of the students in Burke's class, and their investigation revealed eight more victims, all ages 6 or 7, police said. In addition to being choked, some students also reported being kicked, punched, scratched or squeezed on the arms, police said. Additional students reported witnessing the attacks, police said.'

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Florida woman, 19, gets life prison term for fatal ambush

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla (Reuters) - A 19-year-old Florida woman was sentenced to life in prison on Monday for the brutal murder of a teenager who was lured by text message to a fatal ambush, prosecutors said.

The woman, Charlie Kay Ely, was found guilty in September of first-degree murder in the death of 15-year-old Seath Tyler Jackson, who was beaten, shot and burned in April in Summerfield, northwest of Orlando.

Four other defendants, who ranged in age from 15 to 20 at the time of their arrests, remain in jail awaiting trial on first-degree murder charges, prosecutors in Ocala said.'

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Mom Charged with Stabbing Teen Sean Hines to Death

Story here. Excerpt:

'MANHATTAN — An Upper West Side mom was charged with stabbing her teenage son — a quiet kid who loved to skateboard — to death in their apartment, police said.

Yvonne Hines, 52, was hit with a manslaughter rap for stabbing Sean Hines, 18, in the leg just before midnight Saturday at their home on West 92nd Street and Columbus Avenue, according to cops.

"That boy was a nice boy, going to school," said Alberto Walters, 76, a resident for 34 years. "Never talked to anybody...It's a shame."

Neighbors said that Sean loved to skateboard and had recently graduated from high school.

When police arrived, the suspect, who has two sealed arrests, came to the door with a bloody sponge, according to Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.
Sources said there was a history of domestic incidents at the apartment, including allegations of assault and child abuse. The details of the allegations were not immediately clear.

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Georgia woman sentenced to more than 11 years for human trafficking

Story here. Excerpt:

'ATLANTA - Bidemi Bello will spend the next 11 years in a U.S. prison. After that she will be deported back to her native Nigeria, her luxe life in suburban Atlanta decidedly finished.

Bello, 42, was convicted for bringing two Nigerian women to the United States and forcing them to work in her plush home as slaves. U.S. District Judge William Duffey Jr. sentenced her to 140 months in jail Thursday.

Bello apologized to her two victims, present in the Atlanta courtroom to hear firsthand their abuser's punishment. Bello also apologized to her prosecutors, said U.S. Attorney Susan Coppedge.

"We are very pleased with the sentence," she said. "I think it fits the facts of the case."

Those facts amounted to "shocking modern-day slavery," said Brock Nicholson, the special agent in charge of immigration and homeland security investigations in Atlanta.

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Mother: I was drunk when Missouri infant disappeared

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- The mother of Lisa Irwin, an 11-month old Missouri girl missing for nearly two weeks, said in an interview she was drunk the night the infant disappeared.

Deborah Bradley made the admission during an NBC interview, portions of which were aired Monday on "Today."

She also said she last saw Lisa at 6:40 p.m. October 3, when she put the girl to bed, not at 10:30 p.m., as initially believed.

Lisa was reported missing at 4 a.m. October 4, after Lisa's father, Jeremy Irwin, came home from work to find the door unlocked, lights on and a window that had been tampered with at the family's Kansas City home.

Bradley told NBC she is afraid she will be arrested. Police have accused her of killing Lisa, she said, and told her that she failed a lie detector test, with deception indicated when she was asked where Lisa was.'

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Woman allegedly stabs boyfriend after he refuses to buy her beer

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAS CRUCES - A Las Cruces woman was jailed after allegedly stabbing her boyfriend for not buying her another 40-ounce bottle of beer.

Doña Ana Sheriff's Deputies were called to the 9500 block of Butterfield Blvd. at around 5:30 p.m. Thursday after Alexa Monet Rodriguez, 22, allegedly became enraged at her boyfriend and stabbed him in the arm with a 14-inch stainless steel knife, according to sheriff's office spokeswoman Kelly Jameson.

Rodriguez had also allegedly thrown a 3-pound weight at her boyfriend so hard it got lodged in the wall, then struck him in the back with a TV tray and a chair, Jameson said. After the alleged stabbing, Rodriguez allegedly threw the knife at the victim and fled.'

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Controversial Therapy for Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions

Article here. Excerpt:

'A lesbian couple in California who say their 11-year-old son Tommy who wants to be a girl named Tammy are giving their child hormone blockers that delay the onset of puberty -- so that he can have more time that he can have more time to decide if he wants to change his gender.

The couple’s supporters say the Hormone Blocking Therapy has only minor side effects and is appropriate for a child who is unsure of his gender. "This is definitely a changing landscape for transgender youth," said Joel Baum, director of education and training for Gender Spectrum, a California-based non-profit group. "This is about giving kids and their families the opportunity to make the right decision."

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