Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2011-10-26 16:32
From an Office on Women's Health mailing list email:
'Free Training Available For Quick Health Data Online
The Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health is pleased to announce the availability of free training for the online health statistics system, Quick Health Data Online. The system contains data on demographics, mortality, reproductive and maternal health, disease incidence, and access to care at the county level for all states and territories; additionally, data are included on prevention, violence, and mental health at the state level. To the extent possible, data are provided by race, ethnicity, and gender, and where applicable/available, by age. Also, the system incorporates graphing and mapping features so that the data of interest can be used directly as tables, graphs/chart, and maps.Please join us for a free training session!
Quick Health Data Online 101
QHDO 101 will provide an overview on health indicators available, preparing custom queries, and generating tables, graphs, and basic maps.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-10-26 15:32
Story here. Excerpt:
'CHARLESTON, S.C. — A South Carolina mother who told police her son killed three family members and himself has been charged with quadruple murder because she wanted their life insurance money, police said on Tuesday.
Susan Diane Hendricks, 48, was charged with the murder of her two sons, Matthew, 23, and Marshall, 20, her ex-husband Mark Hendricks, 52, and her stepmother, Linda Burns, who was in her mid-60s, police said.
Family members told police that Hendricks' motive was life insurance money. Hendricks was the beneficiary of multiple life insurance policies taken out by the victims, according to a police report.
Police said Hendricks killed the victims with a handgun that she kept in her night stand.
Pickens County Sheriff David Stone called it "a horrendous act of evil."
In 2006, Hendricks shot Doyle "Brian" Teague dead, telling police he had entered her home uninvited and threatened someone. Police determined she had acted in self-defense.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-10-25 19:56
Article here. No mention of girls getting vaccinated in part to prevent them from spreading the sexually transmitted virus to boys. Excerpt:
'A government panel wants young boys as well as girls to get the controversial HPV vaccine, in part to prevent them from spreading the sexually transmitted virus to girls.
The HPV vaccine has been recommended for young girls to protect them against cervical cancer and genital warts for the last five years. But the vaccine has been slow to catch on — only about a third of adolescent girls have gotten all three shots.
Experts say the HPV vaccine could protect boys against genital warts and some kinds of cancers. But they also say vaccinating 11- and 12-year old boys could help prevent them from spreading the human papillomavirus to girls.
There are two vaccines against HPV, but Tuesday's vote applies only to Merck & Co.'s Gardasil, which costs $130 a dose. The other vaccine wasn't tested for males.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-10-25 04:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'Domestic violence against men is a story that is rarely told. Their stories will not be readily posted in the headlines or shown on the evening news, simply because women are normally the ones reporting the abuse, not men. According to some statistics in 2008 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that 11.5 men reported being abused by their mates.
While conducting research for this article I discovered that there was much more information available on domestic violence against women than that of men. This would be expected and for a number of reasons.
Many men refuse to report domestic violence for fear of embarrassment, ridicule and that no one will believe them. Society says that men are supposed to be the stronger sex, not the weaker. Men are also afraid of mistakenly being viewed as the perpetrator and being hauled off to jail. When men do decide to call the police to report the abuse, they may be wrongfully locked up when the police arrive.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-10-25 04:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'"Rape and domestic violence are thought of as women's issues," Calhoun County District Judge John Hallacy said Thursday. "But whose issue is it really? It's the one's who are committing the crime. Why are we as men ignoring the issue because it is our gender which is committing it."
About 95 percent of domestic violence cases are committed by men, officials said, and yet the problem, along with sexual assault, is considered an issue for women.
Hallacy said fathers and sons should have discussions about domestic violence and men should be role models in their treatment of women.
"My son asked me, 'What is domestic violence?' and it is uncomfortable but it's a conversation we need to have with our sons," he said. "They ask the question, 'why?' and why do men harm a woman who they are in a relationship with and who they love."'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2011-10-25 04:22
Link here. Excerpt:
'In 2002, the World Health Organization estimated that 150 million girls and 75 million boys worldwide experienced sexual violence before the age of 18. Research shows that consequences of the sexual violence epidemic in children include increased risk of contracting HIV, as well as myriad debilitating mental health problems that affect social behaviors, education opportunity, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.
The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) acknowledges the importance of addressing sexual violence against girls as a global epidemic that connects directly to the spread of HIV/AIDS and is proud to collaborate with a groundbreaking partnership called Together for Girls. Together for Girls was launched in September 2009 at the annual meeting for the Clinton Global Initiative as a movement to end sexual violence.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2011-10-24 21:28
Story here.
'HELENA - A Helena man who was shot to death Thursday morning was denied an order of protection last month and filed for divorce two days before his estranged wife was charged with killing him.
The Independent Record reports 48-year-old Joseph Andrew Gable asked District Judge Dorothy McCarter for a temporary order of protection from Michelle Coller Gable on Sept. 20, alleging she was stalking him.
He said Michelle Gable had entered his apartment and started a confrontation in which she threw a laptop computer down the stairs.
McCarter denied the request, writing: "No personal danger or threat involved."
Michelle Gable is charged with two counts of deliberate homicide in the death of her husband and his female acquaintance at his apartment.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-10-24 19:24
Article here. Excerpt:
'A MUM has been ordered to repay child support to a man she claimed was her son's father after he found he could not conceive.
The man spent nine years believing the child was his after what he says was a "one-night stand".
He told a court he believed the mother had manipulated the situation.
The woman has now been ordered to repay the $3730 he paid in child support.
The couple, who cannot be identified, met on the internet in late 2000 and had a brief rendezvous in 2001.
They lived in different states.
The woman claimed she believed he was the only person who could have been the dad.
She had him sign a statutory declaration stating he was the father so she could receive the family tax benefit.
But the man discovered last year, while trying to conceive a child with his new partner, that he was "physiologically incapable of conceiving a child".'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-10-24 19:14
Article here. Excerpt:
'So go the lyrics to Kelly Clarkson recent Top 20 hit, “Mr. Know It All,” the lead single from her fifth studio album, “Stronger,” which dropped on Oct. 21. Another song on the album, “Einstein,” has a chorus that goes “I may not be Einstein/But I know dumb plus dumb equals you.”
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-10-24 17:21
Article here.
*63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) -- 5 times the average.
*90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes -- 32 times the average.
*85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes -- 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
*80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes -- 14 times the average. (Justice and Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
*71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes -- 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)
*75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes – 10 times the average. (Rainbows for All God’s Children)
*70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Sept. 1988)
*85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes -- 20 times the average. (Fulton Co. Dept. of Correction)
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-10-24 17:03
Article here. Excerpt:
'Some 9 per cent of all rape allegations made to the gardai are false, according to research conducted for the state prosecutor’s office.
However, Director of Public Prosecutions James Hamilton said that, despite the research, his own experience of dealing with rape cases did not bear the findings out. ‘‘One of our studies suggested that it was as high as 9 per cent, but in my experience, it wouldn’t be anywhere near that high," Hamilton told The Sunday Business Post.
Hamilton, who retires next month after 12 years as the DPP, defended the handling by his office of rape complaints, including cases of historical clerical abuse. ‘‘One of the interesting statistics is that our overall conviction rate, comparing the number of convictions with the number of complaints made, is pretty well the same as in theUK,’’Hamilton said.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2011-10-24 15:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men, revealing what appears to be a significant acquisition vector. Researchers Dan Bollinger and Robert S. Van Howe, M.D., M.S., FAAP found a strong association between circumcision and ED in their survey of 300 men (OR = 4.53, p=.0058). What other studies support this finding and what could be an underlying cause?
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2011-10-23 21:27
Story here. Excerpt:
'SACHSE, Texas (AP) — Police say they believe a mother in suburban Dallas fatally shot her 7-year-old son and then killed herself on Friday as police waited outside with her estranged husband, who was there to pick up the child after receiving court-ordered custody.
Sachse police say the father had been given sole custody of the boy after an acrimonious and drawn-out divorce. Police Chief Dennis Veach told The Dallas Morning News that a "third party" had asked police to be present when the father, who lives in Murphy, came to pick up his son (
"I think there was some thought that there would be a problem with the transfer," Veach said. "There was no expectation of this level of violence, by the third party who called us, or anyone."
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Submitted by Broadsword on Sat, 2011-10-22 19:35
Article here. Excerpt:
'Adolph Cameron, head of the Jamaican Teachers' Association, said many boys perform poorly because their fear that appearing studious undermines their masculinity.
He claimed that many youngsters turn to a so-called “hustle culture” to make money, rather than chasing careers built on academic achievement and hard work. Mr Cameron warned that the attitude was affecting the academic standards of Afro-Caribbean boys both in Jamaica and in Britain.
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2011-10-22 18:13
Essay here. Excerpt:
'It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month and a fresh pile of dead bodies reminds us that women and children are not worth very much in this country.
Many women have resorted to suicide because unequal justice is so out of control in this country, especially in Family Court, where judges often get it wrong because some “expert” wrote a report finding a child’s allegation of abuse to be false. While bad parents sometimes use their children for tactical gain during divorce proceedings, studies show that false allegations are exceedingly rare and that the real problem is abusive men winning custody when they don’t deserve it.
The American legal system has failed women and children for so long, violence against them has become the tolerated norm. It’s time to give up the romantic notion that we can create stable families by ignoring children’s desperate cries for help, and that we can stop sexual and domestic violence with “treatment” and restraining orders.
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