UK: Study says 9% of rape claims ‘false’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some 9 per cent of all rape allegations made to the gardai are false, according to research conducted for the state prosecutor’s office.

However, Director of Public Prosecutions James Hamilton said that, despite the research, his own experience of dealing with rape cases did not bear the findings out. ‘‘One of our studies suggested that it was as high as 9 per cent, but in my experience, it wouldn’t be anywhere near that high," Hamilton told The Sunday Business Post.

Hamilton, who retires next month after 12 years as the DPP, defended the handling by his office of rape complaints, including cases of historical clerical abuse. ‘‘One of the interesting statistics is that our overall conviction rate, comparing the number of convictions with the number of complaints made, is pretty well the same as in theUK,’’Hamilton said.

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Acquisition of Erectile Dysfunction from Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men, revealing what appears to be a significant acquisition vector. Researchers Dan Bollinger and Robert S. Van Howe, M.D., M.S., FAAP found a strong association between circumcision and ED in their survey of 300 men (OR = 4.53, p=.0058). What other studies support this finding and what could be an underlying cause?

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Police believe Texas mom fatally shot son, self

Story here. Excerpt:

'SACHSE, Texas (AP) — Police say they believe a mother in suburban Dallas fatally shot her 7-year-old son and then killed herself on Friday as police waited outside with her estranged husband, who was there to pick up the child after receiving court-ordered custody.

Sachse police say the father had been given sole custody of the boy after an acrimonious and drawn-out divorce. Police Chief Dennis Veach told The Dallas Morning News that a "third party" had asked police to be present when the father, who lives in Murphy, came to pick up his son (

"I think there was some thought that there would be a problem with the transfer," Veach said. "There was no expectation of this level of violence, by the third party who called us, or anyone."

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UK: Black schoolboys underachieving because 'academic success is seen as gay'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Adolph Cameron, head of the Jamaican Teachers' Association, said many boys perform poorly because their fear that appearing studious undermines their masculinity.

He claimed that many youngsters turn to a so-called “hustle culture” to make money, rather than chasing careers built on academic achievement and hard work. Mr Cameron warned that the attitude was affecting the academic standards of Afro-Caribbean boys both in Jamaica and in Britain.

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Wendy J. Murphy: America’s shameful un-equal protection clause

Essay here. Excerpt:

'It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month and a fresh pile of dead bodies reminds us that women and children are not worth very much in this country.
Many women have resorted to suicide because unequal justice is so out of control in this country, especially in Family Court, where judges often get it wrong because some “expert” wrote a report finding a child’s allegation of abuse to be false. While bad parents sometimes use their children for tactical gain during divorce proceedings, studies show that false allegations are exceedingly rare and that the real problem is abusive men winning custody when they don’t deserve it.

The American legal system has failed women and children for so long, violence against them has become the tolerated norm. It’s time to give up the romantic notion that we can create stable families by ignoring children’s desperate cries for help, and that we can stop sexual and domestic violence with “treatment” and restraining orders.

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McDonald's cashier claims self-defense after brutal attack on female customers with metal bar

Story here. Excerpt:

'A McDonald's cashier who swapped Happy Meals for jail fare after an ugly fast-food fight says he was goaded by a foul-mouthed customer who threatened to cut him up.

Rayon McIntosh, in an exclusive Rikers Island interview with the Daily News, said yesterday that he only smacked the woman and her friend with a metal bar after they jumped the counter and attacked him.

The first patron "started getting really aggressive," said McIntosh, giving his version of the brawl for the first time.

One of the women became outraged when McIntosh checked to see if the bill was genuine, as required by store policy.
The woman then spat at McIntosh, threatening to "cut me up," the fast food employee said. "Then she came over the counter and slaps me."

When the second woman jumped the counter to join in, McIntosh said his instinct for self-preservation kicked into high gear.

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VAWA - Critically important that we get this message out

From SAVE:

Leahy’s Draft VAWA Bill is a Stinker

Sen. Patrick Leahy is currently circulating a draft of the Violence Against Women Act. Even though SAVE representatives repeatedly met with Sen. Leahy’s staff over the last 2 years, and even though the staffer seemed sympathetic to our concerns, the draft VAWA totally, completely, 100% misses the mark. These are the reasons the draft bill is Dead on Arrival:

Nothing to make sure real victims get priority – see summary:

-Zero attention to false allegations.
-Nothing to rein in DV lies.
-Nada to address mandatory arrest.
-No attempt to make VAWA gender-neutral.

Worse, the bill will take the Dept. of Education’s directive on sexual assault on campus and turn the “preponderance of evidence” standard into statutory law – see page 69 of the draft bill:

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Woman Severed Husband's Penis

This story here has been covered here on MANN already. I am running this article though to point up the tone and attitude of the author. She is basically saying that sometimes, it's OK to cut off your husband's penis while he sleeps, citing two possible reasons: suspected infidelity and unemployment. Imagine such an article written by a man justifying an equivalent assault on his sleeping wife for the same reasons? Excerpt:

'A penis is without a home after his wife was fed-up and done with his nonsense. Hey, maybe some of you men should read this and snap into shape, right? You never know when you might just push your significant other so far that she, uhm, cuts you off.

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MSNBC: 'And sometimes the gentleman drops off his hat'

Check out this video. Apparently Rachael Maddow thinks men are idiots. She conducts a sarcastic tutorial trying to teach men how reproduction works. The segment is called --"The Man Caves Not-Too-Upsetting Guide To Down There Parts." Notice how she speaks in a condensing and simplistic tone. It reminds me of a parent teaching a 3 year old how to tie their shoes. You might want to fast forward to 4:18. The beginning is just political rhetoric.

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IA Update on Recent Conference

From an IA email:

I’m writing to let you know that our attendance at this year’s American Academy of Pediatrics conference in Boston was a tremendous success.

Thanks to your support, we were able to place our Open Letter in the Boston Globe, as well as an ad in the daily conference newspaper. Hundreds of pediatricians stopped by our booth—some to ask questions and offer their support, others to debate, and still others to get educational materials for themselves and their patients.

Visit our website to see our Conference Report, which includes photos of the team—Georganne Chapin, Marilyn Milos, Amy Callan, and Dan Bollinger.

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Mom pleads guilty to feeding kids beer, cocaine

Story here. Excerpt:

'BRIDGEPORT, Connecticut — A Connecticut mother has pleaded guilty to charges that she forced her 4-year-old son to drink beer and gave her 10-month-old daughter beer and cocaine.

The Connecticut Post reports Juliette Dunn, of Bridgeport, pleaded guilty Wednesday to risk of injury to a child under the Alford Doctrine, where the defendant doesn't agree to the facts but agrees the state has enough evidence to win a conviction.

A companion, 33-year-old Lisa Jefferson, pleaded guilty to the same charges.
The warrant also stated that Dunn admitted to giving her son a bottle of beer every day, the TV station reported, and that when questioned by a social worker, the child was able to list off brands he liked and ones he didn't.

The children were turned over to the Department of Children and Families after 29-year-old Dunn's arrest. Custody hasn't been decided.'

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Swedish Court Convicts 23 Women over Child Porn

Story here. Excerpt:

'While the world has gone used to seeing men get convicted over child pornography, a Swedish court has convicted 23 women over the despicable crime this time, proving that child abuse and sexual offenses are not exclusive to men, although the ring leader of these women is a man.

The ringleader in this case is 43-year-old Lars Skoglund, who distributed a considerable amount of pornographic material featuring children to the 23 women. He was convicted of aggravated child pornography and sentenced to one year in prison.

The Falun district court in central Sweden convicted the women and ordered them to pay fines ranging from $370 to $2658.

The 23 women, aged between 38 and 70, met Skoglund over the internet. He convinced the women to take his pornographic material and sell it for profit.'

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One in 10 Falsely Accused of Abuse: Survey

'WASHINGTON, Oct 17, 2011 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- One in 10 adults has been falsely accused of domestic violence, child abuse, or sexual assault, according to a survey conducted by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE). The survey also found a strong disparity between the number of males and females falsely accused: more than three quarters of all false accusations are levied against men. Nearly seven in 10 false accusers are female.

The survey is the first of its kind to be undertaken, and uncovers distressing trends within the American abuse-reduction system.

Child abuse is the commonest false charge -- about twice as many people have been falsely accused of child abuse as of domestic violence or sexual assault. In over one quarter of cases, the false allegations were made in a child custody case.

"Each year, millions of innocent Americans are falsely accused of abuse," explains SAVE spokesman Philip W. Cook. "These false allegations can strip persons of their assets, harm their families, and ruin their lives."

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Don't Believe the Hype, College Educated Women Are Still Getting Married

Article here. Excerpt:

Every so often, the media dusts off and replays some version of the story that marriage is dead, a casualty of women’s empowerment and dramatic economic shifts. These stories generally shed as much light on the nation’s media class as they do on the real story of America’s family troubles. There’s no better example than Kate Bolick’s much-discussed Atlantic magazine cover story, “All the Single Ladies.”.

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You're Invited - Engaging Males in Stopping Violence Against Women Regional Town Halls - October 25-29, 2011

Uhm, no thank you. Link here. From an Office on Womens Health mailing-list email:

'Vice President Joe Biden's commitment to ending violence against women has been unwavering. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that he authored has reshaped the way the United States responds to domestic violence and sexual assault by enhancing law enforcement practices, improving the criminal justice system, and creating a network of services for victims.
In response to the Vice President's call to action and youth initiative, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development are collaborating to hold ten regional town hall events throughout the country during the last week of October 2011 on the topic of Engaging Men in Ending Violence Against Women.'

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