How Social Security redistributes money from men to women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Social Security benefits are doled out according to a progressive formula, meaning that lower earners receive a bigger fraction of their lifetime earnings than higher earners in an attempt to address income inequality. But a new study shows that the wage gap between men and women wipes out a lot of that redistribution when you look at benefits received per household, rather than per individual. In other words, the gender wage gap makes Social Security benefit system a lot less progressive than it might seem, essentially redistributing funds from higher-earning men to lower-earning women. Here’s what Alan L. Gustman, Thomas L. Steinmeier and Nahid Tabatabai say in their new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper:

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'Complaining for our rights'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Perhaps this is why I was so shocked — and yes, slightly horrified — by claims made by a men’s rights organization.

Of all the ludicrous ideas that work their way into reality, never once did it occur to me that men would claim to be discriminated against.

There has been quite a bit of buzz around campus in regard to the Men’s Rights Movement Group at ASU. This organization is focused on protecting men’s rights on campus and eliminating male discrimination.

After reading the “key priorities” listed on their website, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was looking at a sort of satirical piece or “Saturday Night Live” skit. Some bizarre goals included, “Eliminate all institutional and social gender-based discrimination, including ‘Ladies nights’ at bars.”

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Title IX Causes Inequity

Article here. Excerpt:

'While Title IX's goals are admirable, it has not worked out in practice as it was meant to. Its implementation dictated that colleges had to balance the numbers of female and male athletes to mirror the student population at their institutions. In theory, it was as simple as creating more female sports teams to even out the number of scholarship athletes between the two genders. But in practice, many males suffered as a result of this legislation.

Male athletes from all over the country were told that their sports would be cut and they would have to provide an education for themselves. Young men who had dreamt of playing a sport in college, many of whom could not pay for an education if it weren't for their full-ride scholarships, were left out to dry.

That isn't equality, but a ludicrous attempt to justify more discrimination. Not one critic of Title IX will argue that creating more athletic opportunities for women is a bad thing. But discriminating against males to fill a quota for athletic departments is just as wrong as exclusion.'

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Wikipedia edits Men's Rights section

Article here. Excerpt:

'Earlier this year, we learned that men greatly outnumbered women among Wikipedia editors. But now the site's article on men's rights has been through a controversial edit, and some men are calling Wikipedia "feminist propaganda."

The trouble seems to have began late last month, when editors, including one Kevin Gorman, began rewriting Wikipedia's Men's rights page. Gorman explained the rationale for his edits thus:

I'm not going to be removing these completely, but will also be looking to repair:

Any section where MRA positions are presented as mainstream positions, or sections where most of the section is talking about MRA positions [...]

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Woman guilty of trying to burn husband to death during nap

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. — A Florida woman was convicted of trying to murder her husband by setting the couple's bedroom on fire while he napped, in one of two suspected attempts to kill him, authorities said on Saturday.

Kimberly Boone, 46, who investigators believe tried twice over four months to kill Robert Boone for his life insurance money, was convicted of attempted murder and arson, a spokesman for the Seminole County Jail booking center said. She is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 5. A jury deliberated four hours on Friday before issuing the verdict.

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Australia: Queensland's Minister for women - men should "end their violence against women and children and other men"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Queensland's Minister for Women has criticised Bob Katter over his views on domestic violence, after the independent MP said overcrowding in homes was to blame for the social problem.

Karen Struthers said Mr Katter was oversimplifying the problem and called on the federal independent MP to show leadership on the issue.

"Mr Katter in his leadership role should be calling on men to take responsibility for their violence and end their violence against women and children andother men," she told ABC Radio.'

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Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally

Story here. Excerpt:

'MANCHESTER - A city woman is accused of pimping a 16-year-old girl she met in Victory Park during the Occupy NH demonstrations.

Justina Jensen, 23, of 341 Hanover St., is charged with felony prostitution. Police allege Jensen met a teen at the local protest, which is an offshoot of Occupy Wall Street, and used the Internet to arrange a first liaison for the girl with a man who turned out to be an undercover police officer.

Police said the teen's mother called them Thursday about noon to say her daughter was missing and that her photograph had been posted on a website advertising adult party entertainment.

The missing teen was found inside Jensen's third-floor apartment. Court documents show the teenage girl told police that Jensen had taken her photo and posted it on the website and said Jensen was going to start training her to be a prostitute, with her first customer scheduled to be “Mad Mike.”

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Ohio Gym Teacher Jailed for Sex With Students

Story here. Guilty on 16 counts of sexual battery and she gets... 4 years in jail, eligible for parole in six months. A sentencing disparity? Nahhh, none here! Sure. It's so outrageous that it's even gotten press time. Now it has to be pretty bad for that to happen. Excerpt:

'A popular Ohio high school gym teacher has been sentenced to four years in jail after a judge rejected her insanity defense and convicted her on 16 counts of sexual battery for sleeping with several of her former students.

Stacy Schuler, a former gym and health teacher, had sex with five former students, some of whom were football players, at the school in suburban Cincinnati, where she taught since 2000. During her trial, which ended Thursday, Schuler's lawyers defended her actions with explanations ranging from her vegan diet, the use of the antidepressants, blackouts from alcohol and even irritable bowel syndrome, claiming it rendered her unable to determine right from wrong.

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Conference Report: "Law, Human Rights, and Non-Therapeutic Interventions on Children"

Via email from Steven Svoboda. This report can also be downloaded here.

I participated in a conference organized by the UK-based Genital Autonomy organization and by the University of Keele. The conference, entitled "Law, Human Rights, and Non-Therapeutic Interventions on Children," was held on August 31-September 1 at the University of Keele in Keele, UK.

Genital autonomy refers to the principle that all minors--male, female, and intersex alike--should be protected from genital cutting that is not medically necessary. The conference organizers, including David Smith of Genital Autonomy and Michael Thomson of the University of Keele, used a very creative approach to the conference, bringing together a mix of, on the one hand, intactivists, and on the other hand, academics and officials whose interests and inclinations align somewhat with ours but who are mostly not associated with intactivism.

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Objecting to the proposed change in the definition of 'Rape'

Via email from a reader:

Here is a way to send the FBI a letter through a feminist site. I wrote asking that the definition of rape not include when a woman is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Here is my letter. I wrote both men. Feel free to use it (though it does have a couple grammatical errors) if you want others to also write in. Thanks.

"Dear Mr. Mueller,

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"Abortion Hurts Men" Campaign Continuing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Between new billboards and new public speakers, it's becoming more clear that the next wave of the anti-choice war is to recruit men to talk their partners out of abortions.

“…[T]his study adds new depth to our understanding of this neglected population. The recurring meaning of abortion for the men in this study was that of profound loss and a common reaction to that loss was anger. The men experienced significant, multiple losses related to relationships with their partners, their masculine identify, their self of self-esteem or self-worth, and fatherhood. For some men, the abortion raised issues related to disappointment in their own fathers as well as to perceptions of themselves as fathers. For all of the men, abortion entailed a much more complex loss than has generally been recognized.”

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Are Dad Bloggers Attacking Father Stereotypes or Windmills?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Am I implying the “dumb dad” shtick and other negative stereotypes don’t exists? Not at all. However, pointing to the demigod-like fathers of the 50’s as the gold standard for pop culture paternity is a poor argument for demanding a modern reboot. In a sense, these depictions of infallible fathers were the least realistic of them all. Furthermore, to say that TV dads have only declined since is a faulty assumption too because for every bad dad shown over the ensuing decades, a good one can be found to counter it. Even today, for every Tony Soprano and Peter Griffin, there’s a Don Draper and Homer Simpson (Gasp! That’s right, Draper and Simpson. Ask me why in LA.)

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Is there a double standard between male and female sex offenders?

Article here. Excerpt:

'CINCINNATI, OH (FOX19) - There is the public perception that women sexual offenders seem to get more sympathy than if the sexual offender is a man.

Attorney Lisa Wells says the Stacey Schuler case is a prime example.

"There is a bias in this case and it is of course based on gender. If we were talking about a male teacher here it'd be that he needs to go to prison and for a very long time," said Wells.

Stacey Schuler faced up to 18 years in prison, but only got four years and could be out in as little as six months.

"If we were talking about female victims there would be all kinds of backlash about it, but since these are male athletic students who are generally assumed to be popular, who have good GPAs and are going to college, we look at her and say they weren't that scarred so there's definitely bias in her favor." said Wells.'

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"no girls allowed…"

Article here. Excerpt:

'… It takes an almost monumental amount of effort to help my son secure a place in his life where he can just be boy. I realize that as I single mother I can not replace the absence of his father and fatherly influences so I don’t even try.

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Absent fathers are fuelling drug addiction, anti-social behaviour and crime among young people, says charity report

Article here. Excerpt:

'Absentee fathers are driving high levels of addition, anti-social behaviour and crime, a new report has revealed. Children growing up in fatherless families are turning to self-harm as well as criminal activity, fuelled by their sense of abandonment and lack of self-esteem.
Many of the youngsters interviewed for the Dad and Me report, which was commissioned by charity Addaction, said they had sought affirmation and affection from gang membership and turned to drugs to numb the pain.

The fatherless young people were found to be almost 70 per cent more likely to take drugs and 76 per cent more likely to turn to crime.

The report says: ‘Young people are struggling to find a sense of purpose within their families, schools, and community , and believe that peers provide them with what they need.

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