Who Is the Woman Who Says Justin Bieber Is Her Baby's Daddy?

Article here. Excerpt:

'San Diego native Mariah Yeater alleges Justin Bieber impregnated her backstage at a concert a year ago when she was 19 and he was 16.

Beiber through his rep has denied the charge, saying it was “sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory and demonstrably false claims. We will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations."

So who exactly is the woman who has turned Bieber Town upside down?

According to the court documents she filed to seek a paternity test and child support from Bieber, Yeater, 20, was on food stamps when she acquired front row tickets to Bieber’s Los Angeles concert last year, and was subsequently plucked from the crowd by security to meet the star backstage.
Under California law, Yeater may also be admitting to be a statutory rapist, having allegedly had intercourse with a minor. Yeater claims to be 19 and the time of the alleged incident, while Bieber was only 16.

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UK: The generation of young women drowning in debt as figures show insolvencies among under 35s soar

Article here. Excerpt:

'Half of Britons being plunged into insolvency are women, the highest proportion since records began, a report revealed yesterday.

It predicts official figures, which will be published tomorrow, will show women account for nearly 50 per cent of all insolvencies in England and Wales for the first time in history.

Experts say they fear it is proof that women have paid the biggest price for the recession, with hundreds of thousands losing their jobs.

More than one million women in Britain are unemployed, with numbers growing by around 500 a day, amid warnings of worse to come.

Many women who do have a job are frustrated because they have been forced into part-time work, which is typically badly paid.

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Females worse in technical tests due to lack of interest

Article here. Excerpt:

'Researchers at the University of Iowa found that the difference in performance in technical tests wasn't related to intelligence - and it had no impact on job performance.

Young women simply aren't interested in the tests, but can adapt to the same skills if required for a job.
He found that at all intelligence levels women score lower on technical aptitude than men at the same intelligence level.

Schmidt suggests this difference stems from sex differences in interest in technical pursuits.

He warns, also that using technical aptitude tests as part of a general intelligence test may cause women to do worse.

He suggests that teachers should ensure that technical tests are not a part of general intelligence tests - as these yield distorted results.

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Letter to the Editor: Many men victims of abuse as well

Letter here. Excerpt:

'As an organization that works with male victims of domestic violence, we would like to respond to the article, "Men called to fight abuse" (Oct. 21). The article incorrectly states that 95 percent of domestic violence is committed by men.

That figure is not supported by any current, reliable source. Even crime data from the Department of Justice, which is unreliable because men report it less than women, now shows about 25-30 percent of the victims are men.'

The original article submitted to MANN on 10/15/2011:
Men are called to fight abuse

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On YouTube: "Feminism is the WORST thing to happen to women" (Suzanne Venker's NPR interview)

Video here. "Feminism is the worst thing to happen to women", says Suzanne Venker in her best-selling book "The Flipside of Feminism". (Uploaded by MensRightsVideos on Aug 3, 2011)

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Houston Murder-for-Hire: Mistress Testifies at Alleged Hit Man's Trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Houston woman who has confessed to hiring a hit man to murder her lover's wife testified at the alleged killer's trial that she gave him $15,000 in cash and told him where and when to gun down the woman.

Michelle Gaiser told the jury how she arranged to have Houston socialite Yvonne Stern murdered in her car while it was parked in the lot of her apartment building. The mistress of Yvonne Stern's husband, millionaire attorney Jeffrey Stern, spent the entire day on the stand, sobbing nearly the entire time.

"I made a horrible mistake, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel ashamed of what I have done," Gaiser, taking the stand in her jail jumpsuit, told the court.

Jeffrey Stern has been indicted on solicitation of capital murder charges, while five other people, including Gaiser, have been charged in the plot. Prosecutors are presenting a case that Gaier plotted with Jeffrey Stern to pay alleged hit man Damien Flores to shoot his wife.'

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Who Are Herman Cain's Accusers?

Article here. Excerpt:

'A third woman considered filing a workplace complaint against Herman Cain at the National Restaurant Association over what was termed aggressive and unwanted behavior, with invitations to his corporate apartment, according to a report in the Associated Press. Meanwhile, a radio host in Iowa said that the candidate had made "awkward" and "inappropriate" comments to staffers at the station during a visit earlier this year.

Cain has already denounced the two previous allegations of sexual harassment against him as false, and suggested at least one of the women was a poor worker. But an ABC News investigation found that both women are highly respected professionals who have gone on to successful careers in and around government.

One woman in Maryland has worked for years as a public spokesperson for various agencies of the federal government.

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Yet another Cain accuser surfaces

Article here. Suddenly, after all this time, this woman finds his behavior disturbing enough to talk about -- to the press, and anonymously -- years after the fact. Incredible timing. And her actual complaint? Read about it. Why did it not bother her so much as to discuss it back then (all the way back in last century, actually) but suddenly it does now? I want to be clear here, I am not taking political sides in the matter of Republicans v. Democrats in the 2012 election (though like all taxpayers ought to, I do vote). This is about character assassination against men done for political or other reasons by using accusations of sexual or sexually-related misconduct of one kind or another. It makes it hard to be credible when one lodges such a complaint only after a particular man has become prominent or wealthy. The farther away in time after the alleged act has occurred that one has a problem with, the harder it is to take the accusation seriously. Finally, add the level of severity of the alleged offense. An invitation to one's apartment?

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Israel: Men's retirement age higher than women's, attempt to raise women's blocked

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Knesset Labor, Welfare and Health Committee, chaired by MK Haim Katz (Likud), today unanimously approved for its first reading a bill that states the retirement age for women age will not be later than 62, against the position of the Ministry of Finance.

On the basis of the bill proposed by Katz and MK Ilan Gilon (Meretz), the current situation will remain unchanged, and women will be able to apply for early payment of their old age pensions from the age of 62, based on means tests.

Katz said, "Precisely at a time of social protest, the Ministry of Finance is trying to harm hundreds of thousands of women for no reason."

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Rights group says that Moroccan women are also guilty of harassment

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the number of Moroccan women subjected to sexual harassment increases and women’s rights organizations call for taking measures against culprits, the Moroccan Network for the Rights of Men (Réseau Marocain pour la Défense des Droits des Hommes – RMDDH) announced that women are not the only victims of sexual harassment.

The number of men harassed by women is still lower than that of women harassed by men, but that does not mean the phenomenon does not exist, said Abdul Fattah Bahjaji, RMDDH president.

“Cases of women harassing men usually occur in the workplace where the woman is in a more senior position, or with drivers and janitors,” he told Al Arabiya. “The man is usually dismissed from his job if he does not comply.”

Commenting on the demonstration women rights organizations are planning to stage in two weeks to protest harassment, Bahjaji stressed that the harassment of women is a demeaning and violent act and that it should be curbed.

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Defending Military Parents’ Child Custody Rights: F & F Helps Embattled Nurse in CO Supreme Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers and Families and its legislative representative Michael Robinson have been at the forefront of the fight to protect military servicemembers’ often tenuous child custody rights. We’ve successfully worked to pass military parent legislation in dozens of states, including Ohio, Georgia, California, Indiana, Nevada, and Arizona in the past 18 months. In the coming weeks, we will be reporting on cases where military parents have used this legislation to protect their loving bonds with their children. To see an updated chart of military parent legislation nationwide, click here or on the image.

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Babysitter gets lifetime probation for 'sexual relationship' with teen boy who committed suicide

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Colorado woman whose whirlwind sexual relationship with a teen boy she babysat ended in the boy's suicide got tossed in jail and hit with a probation stint that could last a while.

Brenda Harding, 30, of Canon City, pleaded guilty to a charge of sexual assault on a child. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail in addition to 10 years to life on probation, KRDO reported.

She began hooking up with 15-year-old Tristen Hagen, of Buena Vista, Colo. while working as his caregiver.

The terms of her sentence forbid her from having contact with anyone under the age of 18 until a risk assessment is completed - a ruling that includes her own two children. She also must register as a sex offender.

Hagen committed suicide in April after Harding ended the relationship at the urging of the teen's father, who had begun to suspect they were involved in hanky panky. He died of a drug overdose.'

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Swedish Gender Politics and the Assange case

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brita Sundberg-Weitman, a Swedish lawyer, retired judge and distinguished jurist, spoke of Sweden’s gender politics and the Assange case at the February Hearing:

"Outsiders will not be aware of the role gender plays in politics in Sweden. In recent years, elements of the Social Democrat Party, including one of the complainants who is a well-known and aspiring Social Democrat politician and her lawyer, Mr Borgström, and some public officials like Ms Ny have taken the lead in amending Swedish law so as to try to make it more favourable to women. This has become a matter of political debate, but at a legal level, although some reforms have been welcome, there is a concern that others are actually producing unfairness and discrimination against men."

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Assange loses appeal against extradition order

Article here. Excerpt:

'WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has lost his appeal against extradition to Sweden, where prosecutors want to question him about sexual assault allegations.

Two judges at the High Court in London rejected the 40-year-old Australian's arguments that his extradition would be unlawful.

They ruled the Swedish arrest warrant stands and Mr Assange should face questioning over the allegations made by two former volunteers of his WikiLeaks organisation.

Mr Assange showed no emotion as the result was read out and outside court he said the European arrest warrant under which he has been held was too restrictive.

"It prevents UK courts from considering the facts of a case, as judges have made clear here today," he said.'

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Movember: Get your mustache on and raise money for prostate cancer

Article here.

'Movember is a movement that started in Australia in 2003 that has men all across the globe growing mustaches for a good cause - to raise money and awareness for men's health issues. It reached the United States' shores in 2006.

But there are actual rules for the event, set forth by the nonprofit group.

First of all, the man must start the month of November clean-shaven. Secondly, throughout the month the 'stache must be kept nicely shaped. No touching of the side burns to the 'stache (beard), no joining the mustache to chin hair (goatee).

The goal is raise money and awareness of men's health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men. The money each man raises is donated to programs run directly by the Movember group, plus the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LiveStrong.

The month was kicked off with the fifth annual "Stache Bash," held by the American Mustache Institute in Chicago.

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