Sweden: Discrimination Against Men - An Expensive Ideological Prestige Loss for the National Police Board

Mr. Pär Ström have previously reported about the firefighter Simon Wallmark, who was discriminated because he was male and caucasian. Simon was represented by The Center For Justice, and was awarded 100 000 SEK in damages.

Now, The Center For Justice have filed three lawsuits against the National Police Board for discriminating men at the try-outs for the Police Academy. This can be an expensive ideological prestige loss for the National Police Board, as more than one hundred lawsuits are expected in total, according to the 7.30 PM News (Rapport) on the National Broadcasting Television in Sweden (SVT).

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Kevin Powell: Joe Paterno, Herman Cain, Men, Sex, and Power

Article here. Excerpt:

'The bottom line is that our notions of manhood are totally and embarrassingly out of control, and some of us have got to stand up and say enough, that we've got to redefine what it is to be a man, even as we, myself included, are unfailingly forthright about our shortcomings and our failures as men, and how some of us have even engaged in the behaviors splashed across the national news this year alone.

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Penn State and child sexual abuse: Men-as-only-predators machine up and running

I have already seen it in action. It has shown up in articles written by people who assume that only men can be sexual predators and that if women had known about this or other similar situations, they would have certainly handled it differently. On the contrary, at least one female authority figure in recent news does not seem to care too much about what happens to male victims of sexual abuse when the abuser is female.

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Closing the Girl Gap in Science

Article here. Excerpt:

'At most colleges and universities, women outnumber men — at 57 percent nationally. But Southern finds itself among a smattering of campuses with a few too many good men: women make up just 44 percent of undergraduates. And over all, only about 30 percent of Southern’s students in STEM fields — science, technology, engineering and math — are women.

Flanking the cheer camp director at an evening pep rally last summer, two university recruiters tossed out beach balls and pumped up Justin Bieber’s “Baby,” whipping an already raucous crowd into a frenzy of gleeful shrieking. They passed out raffle prizes to the girls who had diligently completed “Saluki V.I.P.” information cards. Within 24 hours, the office of admissions had created for each an individualized Web page so recruiters could keep in touch, encouraging the girls to visit Carbondale and, ultimately, apply for admission.

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'The Easiest Lie'

Article here. Excerpt:

'When one parent wants to take unfair advantage in a divorce or custody case, all that is needed is a claim of domestic violence and the wheels are set in motion. A Domestic Violence Restraining Order is issued and the court will automatically suspend parental rights of the accused. These orders are meant to be a protective measure by the courts. They are to prevent truly violent people from harming innocents and fathers who are truly guilty of domestic violence or child abuse should be viewed as criminals and treated as such.

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Letter: 'Men are cast as buffoons today'

Letter to the Editor here.

'Thirty years ago, I left the Middle East region for many reasons, and one of them was the "male chauvinism" aspect imbedded in the culture. I always knew that it was neither right nor fair for all the mothers, sisters and wives living under that kind of prejudice. Now looking back, when I first arrived to the United States, the initial decade seemed promising in many ways. However, as years went by, I started noticing a change. Today, there isn't a day that goes by without seeing a TV commercial that demotes the male image and his role in society. You see husbands depicted as if they are clueless, guys oblivious to the knowledge of operating household gadgets, fathers ridiculed in front of the kids while the mother is portrayed as calm, cool and collected, besides other commercials where the father is totally absent from the family.

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'The Bro Code'

Essay here. Excerpt:

'The Bro Code is founded on three cultural mandates: Entitlement, Silence and Protection. Entitlement is rooted in the ideas of male superiority; men are in control at all times and in all situations, and always exhibit the perfect example of perfect manhood. It is also gives men the right to regain those things given up to society.

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Woman bites 2 people in convenience store

A bizarre story, to say the least. Really weird:

'DENVER - On Monday night, a woman went into a convenience store in the 4600 block of Tower Road, sexually assaulted a customer and then bit him and a clerk on the neck.

"I was in shock! Did she really just bite me?" Alice Gonzalez, who was bitten in the strange incident, said. "I could feel her teeth."
"She latches on to my neck through my hoodie, cause I had a blue hoodie on," Gonzalez explained.

The clerk showed 9Wants to Know investigator Jeremy Jojola the marks on her still swollen neck.
According to Denver Police, the yet unidentified woman walked into the Barn Store around 10:30 p.m., groped the customer and bit him on the neck. The woman then allegedly went up to the clerk, asked for a hug and proceeded to bite the woman on the neck too.'

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Australia: Woman rapes four boys and escapes jail due to 'low self-esteem'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Laura O'Donnell, 20, pleaded guilty and was convicted in the County Court of four counts of sexual penetration of a child under 16 and five counts of committing an indecent act with a child under 16.

Court documents reveal she plied the boys, aged 12, 15, and two aged 14, with alcohol on three separate occasions. The first two involved one victim and the third, all four.

Documents show O'Donnell, who had trained to be a childcare worker, assaulted the boys while drunk between February and June last year in Ballarat .

Judge Sue Pullen wholly suspended O'Donnell's two-year, five-month sentence and placed her on an 18-month community-based order despite her previously breaching a similar order for an attempted robbery.
The judge attributed her offending to a troubled background, low self-esteem and alcohol abuse.

Crime Victims Support Association president Noel McNamara said the sentence was a disgrace.

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First Lady Announces Pledge to Hire 100K Veterans and Military Spouses by 2014

Article here. You just know I am going to post the first comment, don't you? Excerpt:

'First lady Michelle Obama announced today that U.S. business has pledged to hire 100,000 veterans and military spouses by 2014, and she made a personal vow not to rest until all of the country’s 859,000 unemployed veterans have gainful employment.

“Now I have to say I am excited to be here because this is a big day. This is unprecedented,” Obama said in a keynote address to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today. “America has your back. Today, America’s businesses have stepped forward with pledges to hire 100,000 veterans and military spouses by 2014. That’s right, 100,000.”

Today’s pledge supports the “Joining Forces” initiative that Obama and Jill Biden, the vice president’s wife, launched earlier this year.

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Women Voters Buoy Obama’s 2012 Hopes

As if you needed a news story... read it here. As Gomer Pyle would say, "sur-prise, sur-prise, sur-prise!" Actually, Gomer, no, not really. Excerpt:

'With persistent economic woes gripping much of the electorate, President Obama today pivots his re-election pitch towards women voters, who backed his candidacy enthusiastically in 2008 and may prove more influential in 2012.

In an address before the National Women’s Law Center, Obama will celebrate the role of women in the civil rights movement and the steps he’s taken to keep their spirit alive, organizers say.

But despite advancements in gender equality under Obama — including the appointment of two women to the Supreme Court and enactment of a health care overhaul that provides insurance parity and free preventive care services for women — polls show he and Democrats face a difficult path towards rekindling active political support in the months ahead.

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"The Case Against Justin Bieber"

Article here. Excerpt:

'So if it’s statutory rape, what happens to Yeater?

I’ll tell you what Justin Bieber would say: I think this is much-ado-about-nothing. What was it, 30 seconds? If he says it didn’t happen but she can prove it, it will be a statutory rape—so she’ll get a suspended sentence, therapy, community service, or it’s not that way and she made it up, and then it’ll be a restraining order against her. But at this point in time, it’s Justin Bieber saying it didn’t happen, and I’m sure there are things going on behind the scenes to get her out of the media and a deal that way, so the question is how far she’s willing to go and what’s her price tag. It’s a chess game at this point in time.'

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"Female veterans carry special war baggage"

Article here. Excerpt:

'For these women, spending time at war brings special complexities and conflicts, because in war, expectations for hypermasculine behavior are more extreme than at any other time. (This is true to some extent whether the soldier is serving in a provisions unit or as a mechanic.) Indeed, the association of the military with hypermasculinity makes it harder for men as well as women to figure out what to do with their tenderness, vulnerability, moral conflicts and spirituality.

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UK: Dads by deception

Article here. Excerpt:

'The email sent to Jack Goodchild this summer was short and to the point. Jack recalls: ‘Basically, it said: “I’m pregnant, it’s yours — but don’t worry, you won’t be having any involvement and we won’t be seeing each other any more.” 

It had been written by Tess, his on-off girlfriend of several months. And now it was all over. Having learned she was expecting his child, Tess apparently wanted nothing more to do with the father.

Moreover, the 41-year-old London businessman soon learned that this seemed to have been his lover’s plan all along. ‘I telephoned her straight away, as anyone would after receiving an email like that, to find out what was going on,’ he says.

‘I thought maybe there was some misunderstanding; that because we hadn’t talked about anything serious like starting a family, she assumed I wouldn’t be interested in the baby.

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The End of Men Means the End of Women, Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'New data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows the percentage of men between the ages of 25 and 34 living at home rose from 14 percent in 2005 to 19 percent in 2011. Women, on the other hand, are doing just fine. Not only do they dominate today’s college campuses, they have little trouble staying away from mom and dad’s place. That’s because women are flourishing in the workforce while men are not. Writers and pundits blame this phenomenon on the economy, but the trend reflects a much larger sociological problem. America is in the midst of a sea change: Never before has it been more difficult for men and women to find their way to one another, settle in for the long haul, and build strong families together.

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