Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-11-15 19:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'Should volunteer dads be allowed to take girls to the bathroom at a preschool? One mom said no, and her response has ignited a controversy.
Jenna Myers Karuvinidis runs a parenting blog that's been featured on CBS Chicago in the past. Late last month, she took to her blog to protest a policy at her daughter's preschool: parents have to volunteer on a regular basis, and volunteers' duties include taking kids to the bathroom. Dads volunteer too, which means that "while I'm at home kicking it up over laundry, my daughter is a mile away MAYBE having some dude I've never met cleaning her butt." She continued,
"99% of sexual predators are men, only 1% are women and girls are over twice as likely as boys to be sexually abused.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-11-15 19:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'Today, at the Royal College of Midwives annual conference, Ann Milton, the public health minister, will claim many fathers feel “uninformed and unwelcome” when it comes to maternity care.
Her answer? To “encourage” men to sleep in maternity wards on fold-down beds, so not only will they feel wanted but it will also ease the burden on midwives.
I will need at least two hands to count the number of reasons why that screams “bad idea”. The report also recommends maternity wards “should provide men’s lifestyle magazines to make fathers feel comfortable”.
Comfortable? Why should they be comfortable? Does any woman, in the first few hours/days of motherhood feel comfortable?
One hospital is even arranging ante-natal classes so they don’t clash with men’s office hours or football matches.
Hang on, it’s not about them! For once, equality doesn't come into it. Women have babies, men don’t. And if men feel that maternity wards aren't “comfortable” places for them, then guess what?
They probably shouldn't be there.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-11-15 17:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'For starters, as I'm sure has already been stated by others, part of what's troubling about the case is that if the gender roles were reversed and a nineteen-year-old man had impregnated a sixteen-year-old girl I don't think everyone would have initially treated the matter as a boys-will-be-boys like joke.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2011-11-15 16:24
Story here. Excerpt:
'The 22-year-old--for some unexplained reason--turned on her boyfriend, biting him on the arm and tearing off his shirt. Darrell Page, 40, explained to a cop that Edgell “wanted a burger from McDonald’s,” so they drove to the restaurant--only to discover at the drive-thru window that the eatery “had stopped serving hamburgers and was now only serving breakfast.” Edgell, he added, “got upset because she did not want breakfast and only wanted a cheeseburger.”
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2011-11-15 09:03
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-11-15 01:43
Only men cover up or enable things like child sexual abuse? Article here. Excerpt:
'FOX 29 News has uncovered a link between Sandusky's charity, The Second Mile, and the judge presiding over his case.
Prosecutors say Sandusky met his victims through Second Mile and Sandusky's foundation for at-risk kids.
We poured through the charity's donation records from 2009 and found that the judge who handled his preliminary arraignment gave Second Mile somewhere between $500 and $1,000 and has volunteered with the group. That's the same judge who released Sandusky on $100,000 unsecured bail.
That means Magisterial District Justice Linda Leslie Dutchcot required Sandusky to just sign his name on a piece of paper, and he was set free. There was no leg monitor, and no big bail. Prosecutors had asked for a half-million dollars at least.
FOX 29's Steve Keeley spoke early Monday morning with state Rep. Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery County), who said, "These details have got to be reviewed."
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2011-11-15 01:25
Press release here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As a result of criticism from Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) and other groups, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has dropped the controversial "preponderance of evidence" standard from his proposed Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization bill. "Because of the feedback he has received concerning this proposal, he does not plan to include it in the bill he later will introduce," according to Erica Chabot, spokeswoman for the Senate Judiciary Committee (1).
Language in the draft bill would have required federally funded universities to apply a lower standard of proof — a 51% "preponderance" of evidence rather than the usual "clear and convincing" evidence — in cases of alleged sexual assault or domestic violence.
SAVE is thankful that the Senator decided to drop this section from his proposed bill, but other parts of the measure still contain troubling civil rights concerns:
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2011-11-14 13:28
Young female drama students in Gothenburg execute a man in a promotional video.
"SCUM GBG (GBG is short for Gothenburg), consists of a group of self-confident, free spirited, cool, indepedent women-women. The group was formed during drama studies at the University of Gothenburg. The show SCUM was the final project for the group and was played for the first time in June 2009".
Video on YouTube
News submitted by
Ulf Andersson
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Submitted by redwoodwriter on Mon, 2011-11-14 06:39
Link here. Quotes:
"Sex work an acceptable job option for 1/3 of Berlin college students (29.2% in Paris, 18.5% in Kiev). In a scientific study by "Studienkolleggs zu Berlin", that will be presented Wednesday to the Brandenburg Academy of Science..."
"Human Stupidity Analysis
It seems to us that heterosexual men would have restricted earning opportunities. We are surprised about the openness to prostitution and sex work, compared to the main stream media hysteria, especially in the United States."
Editorial Remark:
Of course the reason why heterosexual men would have restricted earning opportunities in this area is because heterosexual women would never patronize them (especially in the United States). This is because the sex for money exchange must go in the opposite direction.
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Submitted by GaryB on Mon, 2011-11-14 03:50
This story is amazing - it appears in the Sydney Morning Herald, but relates to the US. It appears that women have been paying to have their husbands entrapped in a DUI sting - and then using that to have them disadvantaged in court when it comes to child access. Excerpt:
'A man who once worked for Butler had blown the whistle. He told authorities Butler arranged for men to be arrested for drink-driving at the behest of their ex-wives and their divorce lawyers - and that entrapment was only one of many alleged misdeeds.
Butler, 49, a former police officer, was arrested in February. In addition to setting up at least five DUIs, he sold drugs for law enforcement officers and helped them open and operate a brothel, collecting and delivering the profits, according to prosecutors and a statement Butler gave them after his arrest.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2011-11-13 23:45
Mr. Pär Ström have previously reported about the firefighter Simon Wallmark, who was discriminated because he was male and caucasian. Simon was represented by The Center For Justice, and was awarded 100 000 SEK in damages.
Now, The Center For Justice have filed three lawsuits against the National Police Board for discriminating men at the try-outs for the Police Academy. This can be an expensive ideological prestige loss for the National Police Board, as more than one hundred lawsuits are expected in total, according to the 7.30 PM News (Rapport) on the National Broadcasting Television in Sweden (SVT).
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2011-11-13 21:54
Article here. Excerpt:
'The bottom line is that our notions of manhood are totally and embarrassingly out of control, and some of us have got to stand up and say enough, that we've got to redefine what it is to be a man, even as we, myself included, are unfailingly forthright about our shortcomings and our failures as men, and how some of us have even engaged in the behaviors splashed across the national news this year alone.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2011-11-13 19:21
I have already seen it in action. It has shown up in articles written by people who assume that only men can be sexual predators and that if women had known about this or other similar situations, they would have certainly handled it differently. On the contrary, at least one female authority figure in recent news does not seem to care too much about what happens to male victims of sexual abuse when the abuser is female.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2011-11-13 01:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'At most colleges and universities, women outnumber men — at 57 percent nationally. But Southern finds itself among a smattering of campuses with a few too many good men: women make up just 44 percent of undergraduates. And over all, only about 30 percent of Southern’s students in STEM fields — science, technology, engineering and math — are women.
Flanking the cheer camp director at an evening pep rally last summer, two university recruiters tossed out beach balls and pumped up Justin Bieber’s “Baby,” whipping an already raucous crowd into a frenzy of gleeful shrieking. They passed out raffle prizes to the girls who had diligently completed “Saluki V.I.P.” information cards. Within 24 hours, the office of admissions had created for each an individualized Web page so recruiters could keep in touch, encouraging the girls to visit Carbondale and, ultimately, apply for admission.
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2011-11-12 23:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'When one parent wants to take unfair advantage in a divorce or custody case, all that is needed is a claim of domestic violence and the wheels are set in motion. A Domestic Violence Restraining Order is issued and the court will automatically suspend parental rights of the accused. These orders are meant to be a protective measure by the courts. They are to prevent truly violent people from harming innocents and fathers who are truly guilty of domestic violence or child abuse should be viewed as criminals and treated as such.
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