57% of paternity tests in Wales UK show named man is not father

Article here. Apparently there's a whole lot of paternity fraud going on in Wales. Excerpt:

'ALMOST six out of 10 Welsh men who take a paternity test turn out not to be the biological father.

Private DNA testing service BioClinics, which runs a clinic in Cardiff, found that a staggering 57% of hundreds of analysed paternity tests conducted in Wales were negative.

Dr Nichola McChrystal, the company’s director, said: “I was not particularly surprised by these results but I think some people will be. There are serious medical implications to not knowing the identity of your biological parents. There are also serious emotional factors.”
Dr McChrystal said there were many reasons why people got the DNA testing done and results were often a shock to people who had not even considered their child’s paternity.

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IA announces creation of Intact America Blog

Via an IA email:

I’ve got something to say.

Anybody who knows me knows I’m outspoken and passionate about ending infant circumcision. I have written about it extensively, I speak with the media every chance I get, and I talk with friends, colleagues, and my own family about it all the time.

But I need a regular forum for conversing with YOU, the supporters of Intact America. I need to talk with you when a conversation with a pediatrician makes me cringe. I need a bullhorn when a new article in a major medical journal breaks my heart with its misguided promotion of circumcision. I need a platform for shining a spotlight on the victories we see and hear about day after day.

So we've launched the Intact America blog. Through the blog and your comments, I hope to explore new ways of framing our discussion with others, and increasing the pressure on the perpetrators and practitioners of infant and childhood circumcision to cease and desist.

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SAVE: We're on a Roll, but Many Civil Rights Violations Still Remain

It's time for high-fives and, "Congratulations on a job well done!"

Your calls and emails have caused Senator Patrick Leahy to remove the Dept. of Education's (DED) new sexual assault policy from his draft of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). See: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20111111/NEWS03/111111020/Leahy-scraps-provision-upcoming-bill-following-complaints Great job! Enjoy that sweet smell of success.

One down, many more to go...

Unfortunately, Sexual Assault was not the only section of VAWA with civil rights violations. Sen. Leahy's draft:

  • Continues funding mandatory arrest policies.
  • Provides legal assistance to accusers, yet not for the accused.
  • Perpetuates sex-based discrimination through biased predominant aggressor policies.
  • Doesn't distinguish between those making allegations and those with probable-cause evidence.
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Wendy McElroy: "Equality of Opportunity, Not of Outcome"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Quebec Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette wants to force corporations, parent Crown corporations and some financial institutions to have their boards of directors include at least 40 per cent women. She is reintroducing a private member’s bill into the Senate to remedy what she views as proof positive of discrimination against women. (A Financial Post survey found that women comprised 14 per cent of directors at the 500 largest corporations in 2009.)

Critics of Ms. Hervieux-Payette’s plan will bristle at further extending government into private sector decisions. They will point accusingly to the decline in productivity that would result from business decisions based on gender, not merit. Braver voices may even whisper that it is women who are currently privileged under law; it is men who are falling behind.

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Teacher Accused Of Making Students Rub Her Feet

Article here. Excerpt:

'LEXINGTON, S.C. -- Lexington County School District Three is investigating after a first-grader complained about having to rub her teacher's feet.

A district representative said the district has launched a full investigation, appropriate action has been taken and the situation has been rectified. But that's not nearly enough for some parents.

"She admitted to the children rubbing her feet," said Brenda Norris. "Just the thought of it... They immediately sent her home, but she's back there today."

Norris is far from satisfied after her 6-year-old granddaughter, who is in first grade, came home from Batesburg-Leesville Primary School last Wednesday to said she was "tired of rubbing her teacher's feet."'

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Are Male Bathroom Helpers A Threat To Kids’ Safety?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Should volunteer dads be allowed to take girls to the bathroom at a preschool? One mom said no, and her response has ignited a controversy.

Jenna Myers Karuvinidis runs a parenting blog that's been featured on CBS Chicago in the past. Late last month, she took to her blog to protest a policy at her daughter's preschool: parents have to volunteer on a regular basis, and volunteers' duties include taking kids to the bathroom. Dads volunteer too, which means that "while I'm at home kicking it up over laundry, my daughter is a mile away MAYBE having some dude I've never met cleaning her butt." She continued,

"99% of sexual predators are men, only 1% are women and girls are over twice as likely as boys to be sexually abused.

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'Fathers are not much use during childbirth'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today, at the Royal College of Midwives annual conference, Ann Milton, the public health minister, will claim many fathers feel “uninformed and unwelcome” when it comes to maternity care.

Her answer? To “encourage” men to sleep in maternity wards on fold-down beds, so not only will they feel wanted but it will also ease the burden on midwives.

I will need at least two hands to count the number of reasons why that screams “bad idea”. The report also recommends maternity wards “should provide men’s lifestyle magazines to make fathers feel comfortable”.

Comfortable? Why should they be comfortable? Does any woman, in the first few hours/days of motherhood feel comfortable?

One hospital is even arranging ante-natal classes so they don’t clash with men’s office hours or football matches.

Hang on, it’s not about them! For once, equality doesn't come into it. Women have babies, men don’t. And if men feel that maternity wards aren't “comfortable” places for them, then guess what?

They probably shouldn't be there.'

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What Justin Bieber and Gold Diggers Can Teach Us About Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'For starters, as I'm sure has already been stated by others, part of what's troubling about the case is that if the gender roles were reversed and a nineteen-year-old man had impregnated a sixteen-year-old girl I don't think everyone would have initially treated the matter as a boys-will-be-boys like joke.

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Woman charged only with disorderly conduct after assaulting her boyfriend because McDonald's wouldn't sell her a cheeseburger

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 22-year-old--for some unexplained reason--turned on her boyfriend, biting him on the arm and tearing off his shirt. Darrell Page, 40, explained to a cop that Edgell “wanted a burger from McDonald’s,” so they drove to the restaurant--only to discover at the drive-thru window that the eatery “had stopped serving hamburgers and was now only serving breakfast.” Edgell, he added, “got upset because she did not want breakfast and only wanted a cheeseburger.”

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Please lodge anti-circumcision submissions with the CDC (Deadline 21 November 2011)

This is a response to the document "Public Health Service Guideline for Reducing Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Through Solid Organ Transplantation" [regulations.gov Docket ID: CDC-2011-0011] ( http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=CDC-2011-0011-0001 ).

The deadline for submissions is 21 November 2011.

This submission can be made by anybody from any country around the world.


Download and save the document from the following link (Click 'Download Now', then click 'Slow download', Wait for the counter to reach zero and click 'Download file now'):


Go to the following regulations.gov submission page:


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Judge who ordered Sandusky's release without bond was volunteer with his 'charity'

Only men cover up or enable things like child sexual abuse? Article here. Excerpt:

'FOX 29 News has uncovered a link between Sandusky's charity, The Second Mile, and the judge presiding over his case.

Prosecutors say Sandusky met his victims through Second Mile and Sandusky's foundation for at-risk kids.

We poured through the charity's donation records from 2009 and found that the judge who handled his preliminary arraignment gave Second Mile somewhere between $500 and $1,000 and has volunteered with the group. That's the same judge who released Sandusky on $100,000 unsecured bail.

That means Magisterial District Justice Linda Leslie Dutchcot required Sandusky to just sign his name on a piece of paper, and he was set free. There was no leg monitor, and no big bail. Prosecutors had asked for a half-million dollars at least.

FOX 29's Steve Keeley spoke early Monday morning with state Rep. Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery County), who said, "These details have got to be reviewed."

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Senator Drops Controversial VAWA Campus Sex Provision, But Civil Rights Violations Remain

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As a result of criticism from Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) and other groups, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has dropped the controversial "preponderance of evidence" standard from his proposed Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization bill. "Because of the feedback he has received concerning this proposal, he does not plan to include it in the bill he later will introduce," according to Erica Chabot, spokeswoman for the Senate Judiciary Committee (1).

Language in the draft bill would have required federally funded universities to apply a lower standard of proof — a 51% "preponderance" of evidence rather than the usual "clear and convincing" evidence — in cases of alleged sexual assault or domestic violence.

SAVE is thankful that the Senator decided to drop this section from his proposed bill, but other parts of the measure still contain troubling civil rights concerns:

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Sweden: "SCUM having fun!" - by depicting the murder of a man because he is a man

Young female drama students in Gothenburg execute a man in a promotional video.

"SCUM GBG (GBG is short for Gothenburg), consists of a group of self-confident, free spirited, cool, indepedent women-women. The group was formed during drama studies at the University of Gothenburg. The show SCUM was the final project for the group and was played for the first time in June 2009".

Video on YouTube

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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Branenburg Academy of Sciences releases surprising study on college students' attitudes on 'sex work'

Link here. Quotes:

"Sex work an acceptable job option for 1/3 of Berlin college students (29.2% in Paris, 18.5% in Kiev). In a scientific study by "Studienkolleggs zu Berlin", that will be presented Wednesday to the Brandenburg Academy of Science..."
"Human Stupidity Analysis
It seems to us that heterosexual men would have restricted earning opportunities. We are surprised about the openness to prostitution and sex work, compared to the main stream media hysteria, especially in the United States."

Editorial Remark:

Of course the reason why heterosexual men would have restricted earning opportunities in this area is because heterosexual women would never patronize them (especially in the United States). This is because the sex for money exchange must go in the opposite direction.

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Australia: Women pay to get men caught DUI - and kicked out of their parental rights

This story is amazing - it appears in the Sydney Morning Herald, but relates to the US. It appears that women have been paying to have their husbands entrapped in a DUI sting - and then using that to have them disadvantaged in court when it comes to child access. Excerpt:

'A man who once worked for Butler had blown the whistle. He told authorities Butler arranged for men to be arrested for drink-driving at the behest of their ex-wives and their divorce lawyers - and that entrapment was only one of many alleged misdeeds.

Butler, 49, a former police officer, was arrested in February. In addition to setting up at least five DUIs, he sold drugs for law enforcement officers and helped them open and operate a brothel, collecting and delivering the profits, according to prosecutors and a statement Butler gave them after his arrest.

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