"One man's modest plea for womankind’s right to nonviolence"

Article here. Excerpt:

'While men's attitudes are difficult to gauge, The VicHealth National Survey on Community Attitudes to Violence against Women 2009 found that 22% of men believed that rates of violence were equal between men and women and just under two-thirds of Australian men would describe violence against women as a "common" problem; alarming figures that hint at a wider scepticism about the clear contrasts between victimisation and perpetration rates in Australia.

Some simply do not trust the appalling national and state statistics that have either remained unchanged over the years or risen in some areas. Every time a journalist dares publish a figure that slightly widens the lens to better view the full horrifying scope of the issue, the internet comment backlash is merciless.

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Man Says Ex-Girlfriend Stole His Sperm to Create Kids

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK – A New York man was stunned to find out that his four-year-old twins were not an accidental pregnancy after all -- but that his desperate girlfriend secretly stashed away his sperm and used it for an in-vitro procedure, he charges in a lawsuit.

Joseph Pressil, 36, was not planning on having children with Anetria Burnett, with whom he was in a relationship for six months in 2007, he said.

So she took matters into her own hands, he told the New York Post, in order to remain in his Texas house and make a legal bid for half of his possessions.

"A gold digger is an understatement. She was trying to get community property and alimony. She's ruthless," he said.

Now, Pressil is suing Burnett in Texas for custody of their sons.

"This is more than a nightmare -- it's a horror story," he told the Post.

Pressil, a telecommunications manager, said he hooked up with Burnett, 34, when he lived in Texas -- and was a little surprised when she announced she was pregnant.

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Philadelphia Woman Accused of Fatally Crushing Boyfriend With Car

Story here.

'PHILADELPHIA -- Police in Philadelphia said a woman fatally crushed her boyfriend with a car early Sunday following an argument.

The incident occurred at around 2:00 a.m. local time in the city's Grays Ferry neighborhood after the couple was arguing inside the car, WPVI-TV reported.

When the man got out, his girlfriend struck him with the car and pushed him into the side of a home.

He was crushed by the impact and pronounced dead at the scene, police said.

The woman was arrested at the scene and was facing several criminal charges Sunday.

Police have not yet identified the man or woman, according to WPVI.'

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"Glitch" in prosecutors' presentation of Greenwich Village McDonald's Incident obscures some footage

Article here. Excerpt:

'Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Gerald Lebovits ruled that there was probable cause to hold McIntosh in custody while prosecutors take more time to present his felony case to a grand jury, which they are generally required to do within five days of an arrest, in order to keep the suspect in custody.

Video of the incident, which rapidly spread online, was played in court, but the excerpt did not include the moment as the women jumped over the counter. Prosecutors blamed the missing footage on a glitch in the recording.'

Hmmmm...the version of the video available online at http://www.helpfreerayonmcintosh.org/ does not suffer from this "glitch."

Something's fishy, no?

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Woman who attacked McDonald's worker -- and became a "victim" of his self-defense -- arrested over another incident

Article here. Yep, that's Rachel Edwards, who along with accomplice Denise Darbeau attacked employee Rayon McIntosh at a Greenwich Village McDonald's. One of them slapped him and then jumped over the counter, pursuing and cornering him. He grabbed a pan cleaning utensil, dubbed a "metal bar" or "pipe" by the media to defend himself, and was arrested on felony assault charges. Excerpt:

'A Brooklyn woman caught on tape getting beat up in a Greenwich Village McDonald's has been busted for harassing her cousin, court papers show.

Rachel Edwards, 24, was blamed for sparking the fast food fight after she and a friend cursed out a worker and leaped over the counter last month.

She was arrested for trespassing for that incident and busted a day later for allegedly displaying the same potty mouth in a series of calls and text messages sent to Allison Belmosa.'

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'Building better men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Travis Jones is determined to show the community that nice guys don't finish last.

Jones has been hired by the Hailey-based Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to lead a new project aimed at engaging men and boys in violence prevention efforts. The program is specifically designed to mobilize men and boys so they are inspired to take action against sexist violence and bullying.

According to statistics, more than 90 percent of violence against men and women is committed by men.

The Engaging Men and Boys project received startup funds from several local foundations and a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice's Violence Against Women Office. The grant is overseen by the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence.'

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UK: Domestic violence team working with men to change the cycle of destruction

Article here. Excerpt:

'‘Are you violent or abusive?

Do you have problems managing your temper?

Do you frighten people you care about?’

These are the questions the Janus Project, Sheffield’s only programme which works with men to stop their abuse of women, asks of those who walk voluntarily through its doors wanting help.

But the most important one is this: ‘Do you want to change?’

“That desire is essential if we are to break the cycle of abuse,” says Senior Therapist and Intervention Programme Coordinator Jozef Sen.

Janus, which gets around 20 enquiries a month, gives long-term support. Men are urged to stay for at least a year and after one to one therapy using anger management techniques, are encouraged to meet in a weekly group to help each other to change their violent or abusive behaviour.'

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Brooklyn teacher Claudia Tillery charged with raping boy

Article here. Let us remember that she is innocent until proven guilty of course. It is interesting that the article includes the word 'statutory', though. Is the article implying that if the boy WAS raped, it could only have been on statutory grounds? Excerpt:

'A female New York City school teacher has been charged with raping a statutory rape [sic] of a male student and plying him with drugs and alcohol, police said Wednesday.
The victim is a sixth-grader at Middle School 35, the Stephen Decatur School, in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, where Tillery began teaching in 1996, officials said. The boy, now 14, had been having a sexual relationship with Tillery for two years but ended it and came forward Nov.22.'

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Australian Parliament Rolls Back Children’s Rights to Their Dad

Article here. Excerpt:

'The long-anticipated roll-back of children’s rights in Australia has happened. The Australian Parliament has passed the bill aimed at scuttling the 2006 amendments to the Family Law Act that promised children greater access to their fathers.

The Howard government’s modest attempt at making shared parenting the rule in Australia was met with a firestorm of protest from anti-father forces across the country. Lacking any comprehensive data for their claim, they nevertheless argued that the 2006 reforms endangered children. That of course was premised on the notion that fathers are uniquely harmful to children. The fact that, in Australia as in the United States, mothers commit more abuse and neglect of children than do fathers is a concept the anti-dad crowd preferred to ignore. They shouted to the skies their narrative of paternal violence, irrespective of known science.

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Do women really get a better deal than men in UK?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ironically enough, the idea came from a woman.

For years, Swayne O'Pie had been writing and lecturing about what he feels is feminism's corrosive effect on society.

Then, one day, his then girlfriend said: "Why don't you put all your notes together in a book."

And so was born the 456 pages of Why Britain Hates Men: Exposing Feminism, which he has just self-published.

He got the bit between his teeth around 20 years ago when he became a single parent and started counselling dads who were struggling to get access to their children.

As he brought up his own three kids, he encouraged fathers around the country to stand up for their rights, and was involved in a number of Fathers 4 Justice demonstrations.

That began a mission to prove his controversial point that men are now the put-upon underdogs in life.'

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Bob McCoskrie: Why I won't be wearing the White Ribbon - New Zealand

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence is not a gender issue, writes Bob McCoskrie, national director of Family First NZ.

I won't be wearing a white ribbon on Friday. Don't get me wrong - I would be the first in line to condemn violence against women, and the first to be held to account for my own actions.

But the well-intentioned White Ribbon Campaign, according to the website, is led by the Families Commission which supports a "suite of family violence initiatives" including the It's Not OK campaign, the Family Violence Clearinghouse and the Family Violence Statistics report.

If we're serious about reducing family violence, we need to open both eyes - and tell the truth.

The website says "Violence is endemic within New Zealand. One in three women are victims of violence from a partner". The first part is right - the second misrepresents the facts.'

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New Verizon DV Campaign Uses Same Worn Sterotypes and Half-Truths

Here is a Verizon sponsored video depicting the stereotypical domestic violence bias. Please write in and call as well to express your dissatisfaction and ask them to make the necessary corrections. My letter is included here in for reference. We all must act, not just complain. Thank you. (Saveservices.org alerted me to this)

Mr. Bob Varettoni
Executive Director, Media Relations

My letter:

Dear Mr. Varettoni,

I want to commend you and Verizon for forming a hotline for those who are victims of domestic violence. However, the video that I watched and statements that I read were highly inaccurate and very gender biased. It does not portray what is actually occurring with domestic violence.

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SAVE E-lert: Giving Thanks

Via a SAVE email:

During this season of gratitude we realize that all of the things SAVE is thankful for are due to your efforts.

We want you to know how much we appreciate your calls and emails to legislators. We want to thank you for your generous donations. And we want to honor all of the volunteers who have joined the Domestic Violence Legislative Project (DVLP), the Countering Abuse Misinformation Project (CAMP), and Campaign 2012.

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"In Praise of Idleness", revisited

From In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell:

"If the ordinary wage-earner worked four hours a day, there would be enough for everybody and no unemployment -- assuming a certain very moderate amount of sensible organization. This idea shocks the well-to-do, because they are convinced that the poor would not know how to use so much leisure. In America men often work long hours even when they are well off; such men, naturally, are indignant at the idea of leisure for wage-earners, except as the grim punishment of unemployment; in fact, they dislike leisure even for their sons. Oddly enough, while they wish their sons to work so hard as to have no time to be civilized, they do not mind their wives and daughters having no work at all. the snobbish admiration of uselessness, which, in an aristocratic society, extends to both sexes, is, under a plutocracy, confined to women; this, however, does not make it any more in agreement with common sense.

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With Boys on Girls Swim Team, NYT's Support for Gender Equity Takes a Sudden Dive

Article here. Excerpt:

'After years of hailing the federal Title IX ruling that mandates equal opportunity for women in school athletics (and resulted in some schools shutting down marginal boys sports like wrestling), and for the inclusion of women on boys teams, the Times now turns around and sympathizes with girls who want boys to be barred from competing with them, despite the right of boys to compete apparently enshrined in the constitution of the true-blue liberal state of Massachusetts.

'Sarah Hooper, a senior at Needham High who is the fourth-fastest female entrant, finds the situation difficult to swallow.

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