UN Calls on Israel to Cancel 'Tender Years' Clause

Article here. I guess Hillary Clinton forgot to mention this when she was criticizing Israel for their unfair treatment of women. Excerpt:

'The United Nations' Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has determined that Israel discriminates against divorced fathers and has called upon Israel to cancel the Tender Years Clause that grants automatic custody over children in divorce cases to their mothers. Israel is said to be the last country in the world not to have canceled the clause.

In the concluding remarks of meetings held in Geneva in November and December, the committee wrote that:

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Canada: Children’s group wants tougher ID regulations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Creating a fake identity for a child is far too easy, according to a national non-profit group fighting to change Canadian and provincial laws and regulations.

The Canadian Children’s Rights Council wants mandatory paternity tests at birth so both parents are identified immediately. Such a measure would go a long way to eliminating paternal fraud and identity fraud, said Grant Wilson, the council’s president.

He has followed the story of Patricia O’Byrne, who was arrested in Victoria in connection with an Ontario parental abduction case from 1993. She had been living under the name Pamela Whelan. Her daughter, Sigourney Teresa Chisholm, was raised in Victoria and known as Thea Whelan.

The Victoria school district has a long-form birth certificate that states Theadora Gloria Whelan was born on Feb. 18, 1992, in Toronto. The space for the father’s name on the document is left blank, which is where a large part of where the problem stems from, Wilson said.

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Woman sentenced for false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who lied this summer about being raped by two men behind a bookstore at a busy shopping center pleaded no contest on Monday, Dec. 5, to a charge of initiating a false police report.

Danielle Elizabeth Hayes, 35, of Gresham must serve two years of probation, perform 150 hours of community service, pay $3,000 in restitution to the Gresham Police Department for police overtime costs associated with the investigation and continue with her mental health treatment, according to the sentence imposed by Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Christopher Marshall.

Hayes also has 30 days to write letters of apology to the police department and to the citizens of Gresham

Her false rape report sparked fear throughout East Multnomah County in late July when she claimed that two men grabbed her in broad daylight as she was getting into her minivan next to Borders bookstore, pulled her dress over her head and raped her in the 600 block of Northwest 12th Street.'

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UK: Dad blasts 'attention seeking' daughter after she's jailed for two false rape claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'A YOUNG mum who made two false rape allegations in 10 months was jailed yesterday.

Twisted Dorothy Russell, 20, admitted falsely accusing an ex-boyfriend of raping her - while awaiting sentence for lying to police that another man had assaulted her and threatened rape.

Yesterday, she was jailed for six months after a sheriff told her that her lies had risked the freedom of innocent men and undermined real rape victims.

After the hearing, mum-of-one Russell's despairing father said he believed his daughter committed the crimes because "she likes being the centre of attention".'

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Women Are Aggressors in Household Violence Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'We now know that women-on-women aggression is far from rare and that women are often the initiators of male-female aggression. Surveys of U.S. households have found rates of wife-to-husband violence "remarkably similar" to those of husband-to-wife violence. And an early cross-cultural survey did not find that men were significantly more aggressive than women.

Aggression, as opposed to anger, conveys an intent to hurt or harm and can be expressed physically, verbally or by withdrawing. There is general agreement that men exhibit higher levels of physical aggression than women, but the differences are small to moderate. After a thorough review of the literature on who initiates violence in couples, Murray Straus, of the University of New Hampshire, reports: "It is painful to have to recognize the high rate of domestic assaults by women. All six major studies which have investigated this topic found that women initiate violence in a large proportion of the cases."'

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Australia: Gold Coast abduction claim withdrawn

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Queensland schoolgirl who claimed she fought off a would-be abductor by kicking him in the groin has withdrawn her allegations, Nine News understands.

The girl said she kicked the man in the genitals when he tried to drag her into his white Holden Commodore.
"Daniel Morcombe's parents came to visit her school last week so she knew what to do in that sort of situation," her mother said.

Last month Bruce and Denise Morcombe were named Queensland's Australians of the Year for their work as child protection advocates after their son Daniel, 13, was abducted on the Sunshine Coast eight years ago.'

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Pitts: Media coverage does pretty young white women no favors

Article here. I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Pitts, but he gets it right on this one. Excerpt:

'Another white woman has turned up missing. And, as predictably happens in such cases, television news has gone into overdrive, CNN, ABC, NBC providing breathless updates of Michelle Parker's disappearance, how she was last seen the day she appeared on "The People's Court," suing her former fiance, who is now the prime suspect in her kidnapping.

This story unfolds in the wake of similar media fixations on Laci Peterson, Elizabeth Smart, JonBenet Ramsey, Jennifer "Runaway Bride" Wilbanks, Chandra Levy, Lori Hacking, Robyn Gardner, Natalee Holloway, all of them young, female, white, pretty -- and imperiled. There is, should it need saying, a naked bias in the media's obsession with white women in danger to the exclusion of pretty much every other cohort of the American demographic.'

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Ex-McDonald's cook who whacked two women says he's going to sue fast-food eatery

Article here. Excerpt:

'“My life was in danger,” McIntosh told the Daily News. “Females do murder men. . . . I displayed a lot of patience. I was in fear for my life.”

Cell phone video of the ugly smackdown at the W. Third St. franchise shows McIntosh striking the women with a 3-foot steel pole, fracturing one woman’s skull.

McIntosh was arrested on felony assault charges and tossed in a Rikers Island jail for seven weeks.

A Manhattan grand jury refused to indict him, forcing prosecutors to drop the charges and release him Friday night.'

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Kim Kardashian: Domestic Abuser?

Article here. Excerpt:

'People are horrified over the episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashian's in which Kim Kardashian takes a closed fist swing at husband Kris Humphries. Despite the entire scenario being caught on camera, many viewers are still wondering -- is this domestic violence?

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Boy, 9, Suspended from School for Sexual Harassment After Calling Teacher 'Cute'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 9-year-old boy North Carolina boy was suspended for calling a teacher “cute,” WSOCTV.com reports.

The boy’s mother, Chiquita Lockett, said the principal of Brookside Elementary in Gastonia called her after the incident to say the comment was a form of “sexual harassment.”

"It's not like he went up to the woman and tried to grab her or touch her in a sexual way," Lockett said. "So why would he be suspended for two days?”

According to the station, a district spokeswoman said she could not go into detail, but said the boy was suspended for "inappropriate behavior" after making "inappropriate statements."

The district's Code of Conduct doesn't list "inappropriate behavior," but says "disruption of school" is punishable by five days of out-of-school suspension.'

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NCFM protest at Verizon on Dec. 10 at 2:00 PM in Santa Monica, CA

For Immediate Release

Los Angeles - 12/4/11 - The National Coalition For Men's (NCFM) Los Angeles chapter will be protesting and handing out flyers on Saturday, 12/10/11 at 2:00 PM outside Verizon at 2530 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, corner of Wilshire & 26th St., against Verizon's sexist, anti-father ads that depict all domestic violence as committed by men and fathers against women, and that says among children who witness it, the girls grow up to be victims while the boys grow up to be abusers. See it here: http://www.multivu.com/mnr/52044-verizon-foundation-national-domestic-hotline-video-launch-monsters

The following flyer will be distributed, which was created by SAVE, a national organization that is organizing similar protests nationwide this week against the Verizon ad: http://www.saveservices.org/wp-content/uploads/Verizon-Monster-Video-flyer-FINAL.pdf

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6 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Article here. Excerpt:

'When it comes to their health, says Dr. Holt, guys are notorious for doing too little, too late. As men, we’re told to play through the pain, tough it out, shake it off, and suck it up. There are a dozen other variations of the same message, and they’re all code for: Ignore your symptoms.

And why not? What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right?

Here’s the problem: Things kill us all the time. Even when we're young. In fact, guys between the ages of 20 and 40 are twice as likely to die as women, says Dr. Holt.

Most of us, I'd hope, would call a doctor if we were struck by blinding head pain, suddenly couldn't feel one side of our body, or, frankly, noticed fist-size bumps emerging from our foreheads. But some symptoms aren't so obviously dire. We asked writer Allen St. John to put together a list of surprising symptoms you should never ignore. ...

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Cops: Charlie Sheen's ex-wife arrested for assault, drugs

Story here. Keep in mind this is the same woman who accused Charlie Sheen of domestic abuse.

'Authorities said officers arrested Mueller at a nightclub after a woman reported being assaulted by her.

Mueller posted $11,000 bond and was released from custody. She was scheduled in court Dec. 19.

Aspen police spokeswoman Blair Weyer says additional details are not immediately available.

Her attorney, Yale Galanter, had no comment.

Sheen and Mueller divorced earlier this year, citing Christmas Day 2009 as the day of their breakup.

Charlie Sheen was arrested in Aspen on that day on suspicion of assaulting Mueller.

He completed his probation in that case last November.'

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Hillary Clinton criticism sparks Israeli anger

Article here. It seems Mrs. Clinton conveniently forgot to mention Israeli men have a higher legal retirement age. Excerpt:

'Israeli ministers reacted angrily on Sunday after local media quoted U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as saying she feared for the future of Israel’s democracy and the rights of women in the Jewish state.

Clinton’s remarks, reportedly made Saturday behind closed doors at the Saban Forum in Washington, made headlines in most Israeli newspapers, which reported them without explaining how they obtained the comments.

Top-selling Yediot Aharonot said Clinton had expressed concern about a slew of “anti-democratic” bills proposed by right-wing members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

And the newspaper said Clinton had described shock at hearing that some buses in Jerusalem were gender segregated and some religious Israeli soldiers refused to attend events where women would sing.

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Dad bashed wife to death after she killed son

Story here. Excerpt:

'A US father who bashed his mentally ill wife to death with a torch after she strangled their son and tried to kill their daughter has been jailed 30 years for manslaughter.

Christopher Smeltzer, 39, arrived at his New Hampshire home on November 7, 2010, to find his four-year-old son strangled to death and his seven-year-old daughter hanging off her bed with a scarf tied around her neck, Fox News reports.

His wife, Mara Pappalardo, was in the process of trying to kill herself, Rockingham Superior Court heard.

"I am mad and sad that my daddy killed my mommy and brother Mason," Mercey said on a tape recording played in court.

"Please keep him in jail for the rest of his life."
Smeltzer's charge was changed from second-degree manslaughter to manslaughter by provocation because of the traumatic scene he would have walked into.'

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