Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2011-12-09 20:49
Article here. Excerpt:
'Some mornings, going through my email is just part of my usual routine. Then, other mornings, like today, someone sends an email that elicits a huge smile and just makes my whole day.
Ben Vonderheide aka Daddy Justice, is a relentless men’s and father’s rights activist. He and his video camera have been holding corrupt public officials and the corrupt family court system and its minions accountable for almost a decade.
The woman who assaults Mr. Vonderheide in the above video is Lisalyn R. Jacobs. Ms. Jacobs is the current vice president for government relations of Legal Momentum, NOW attorney and one of the individuals responsible for implementing the highly discriminatory and unconstitutional VAWA legislation. ...
Ms. Jacobs believes violence against women and girls is wrong. Her actions, however, seem to indicate that female perpetrated violence against men is right and acceptable and the Orwellian belief that some humans are more equal than others.
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Submitted by Proud_to_be_a_man on Fri, 2011-12-09 20:38
Apologies to those who have trouble with Welsh place names!
This is one of those 'reverse the genders and imagine the different sentence' situations:
'A woman who battered her boyfriend unconscious in his sleep with a golf club and locked him in a derelict farmhouse for days has been given a 12-month suspended jail term.
"Nathan Yates, 37, suffered a fractured skull and broken nose in the attack at his home in Llanddewi Brefi, Ceredigion.
Laura Jones, from the same village, admitted grievous bodily harm.
The 45-year-old's sentence was suspended for two years and she was also placed on an 18-month supervision order and required to do 200 hours community service.'
He'd have got at least 5 years for this kind of crime. She got the pu$$y pass. Surprise surprise...
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-12-09 02:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'Marketing campaigns funded by high-profile companies drill the message home with slick and costly media ads. That the message is misleading, biased and sexist is rarely noted and virtually always ignored when it is noted.
The latest, and perhaps the most outrageous example of this kind of extreme misandry is the Verizon Foundation’s new, widely distributed video entitled “Monsters,” which portrays the average American home as a secret chamber of horrors, in which a pleasant façade hides terrified mothers and children, stalked by the shadowy figure of the family “monster,” the husband and father. It is chilling to watch; any woman or child ignorant of the actual facts around domestic violence would walk away from it convinced that that they were in imminent peril, and that at any moment their beloved husband or father might transmogrify before their eyes into a veritable Mr Hyde.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-12-09 02:35
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 12-year-old girl whose mother shot and critically wounded her before killing herself made several cryptic posts on Facebook during a nearly seven-hour hostage ordeal at the Texas Department of Health and Human Services office in Laredo.
Rachelle Grimmer, 38, pulled a gun on the welfare office supervisor, Roberto Reyes, and her two children out of her frustration at being denied food stamps. The office's other employees were able to safely evacuate the building, according to the San Antonio Express.
But at midnight -- shortly after Grimmer hung up on police -- three shots were fired, causing the police to storm the building.
Rachelle Grimmer was pronounced dead at the scene, while Ramie and her brother, Timothy, 10, suffered critical head wounds and were transported to University Hospital in San Antonio, according to the San Antonio Express.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-12-09 02:26
From Marc A.:
The FBI is expanding its definition of "rape" to include male victims and anal or oral penetration.
The change goes from: “Carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will" to "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
Good move, FBI, even though the article somehow forgets to mention the inclusion of male victims. But one thing they seem to have omitted is penetration of the urethra. That may be one of the ways Stephen Hawking was raped by his wife, who apparently also broke his wrist, blackened his eyes, let him slip under the bathwater, let water into his tracheotomy site in his throat, and denied him his urine bottle. (Story here.)
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-12-08 19:23
Most of you are aware of Verizon's latest Dad-Bashing commercial, Monster but do you remember this Dad-Bashing commercial from several years ago, and the effort Glenn Sacks led to have the ad pulled.
Dad-Bashing is apparently nothing new for Verizon. It appears to be a pattern. Is this really the business model Verizon wants to project to its customers and potential customers? If so, why?
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-12-08 17:03
Story here. Excerpt:
'Jesua Tatad is said to have scalded her former spouse as he slept and then beat him with a baseball bat.
Even though they were divorced, the 39-year-old shared the same home with the victi, who suffered 60 per cent burns.
Prosecutors said Tatad waited until her ex was asleep before pouring a full pan of boiling water over his body.
As he leapt up in pain she was waiting with a baseball bat and allegedly clubbed him in the head.
Police said the husband was able to escape and flagged down a passing security guard outside his home in Daly City, California.
An ambulance rushed the man to San Francisco General Hospital where he was admitted in critical condition.
San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said the victim is unable to speak due to his injuries.
He said Tatad wasn’t cooking anything prior to the incident and deliberately boiled the water for the attack.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-12-08 16:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Unfortunately, ramping up to implement circumcision has been slow. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced that 1 million circumcisions have been performed over the last 4 years, three-quarters funded by the U.S. government. This is just 4% of the number of circumcisions needed in sub-Saharan Africa. This seems disappointing. It has been four years since randomized controlled trials definitively showed that circumcision can reduce HIV transmission by 60%. And at $75 or so per procedure, circumcision is one of the great bargains in the fight against HIV/AIDS. As many cynics have observed, if there were an HIV/AIDS vaccine as effective as circumcision, we would have been celebrating wildly and intensely pushing its production and distribution. Why has circumcision been treated differently? Why has it taken so long to ramp up circumcision?'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-12-08 16:22
Story here. Excerpt:
'In the Gulf region, where gender restrictions keep the majority of educated women at home, an airline company has come up with a unique formula to encourage a female workforce within its ranks.
Eithad Airways has opened an all-female customer call center in the university city of Al Ain, about two hours east of its main office at Abu Dhabi International Airport, the New York Times reported.
The call center opened in March 2011 with 80 workers and, since then, the staff has more than doubled, according to the newspaper.
“They’re more comfortable, and their families are more comfortable,” Samia Barj, manager of the center reportedly said, in reference to cultural mores that keep women from mingling with men who are not related.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2011-12-08 16:16
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Chicago lawyer well-known locally for his "fathers' rights" advertising has taken on a celebrity case ... for a mom who says teen singer Justin Bieber is the father of her baby boy.
Although Mariah Yeater has dismissed without prejudice her San Diego Superior Court suit against Bieber, it could be refiled at any time, her attorney, Jeffery M. Leving, told the Associated Press.
Bieber, who denies that he could be the father, has reportedly agreed to take a paternity test and the suit has been put on hold while both sides wait for the result.
"We are trying to settle this matter out of court with Bieber's camp." said Leving, adding: "It's better that it's handled out of court which is in the best interests of everybody,"' [sic]
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-12-08 03:15
Sory here. Excerpt:
'Only a man can be proceeded against and punished for adultery, but the wife cannot be, even as an abettor, the Supreme Court has ruled.
A Bench of Justices Aftab Alam and R.M. Lodha said, “Section 497 of the Indian Penal Code [which deals with adultery] is currently under criticism from certain quarters for showing a strong gender bias, for it makes the position of a married woman almost as a property of her husband. But in terms of the law as it stands, it is evident from a plain reading of the Section that only a man can be proceeded against and punished for … adultery. Indeed, the Section provides expressly that the wife cannot be punished even as an abettor.”
Kalyani appealed against an Andhra Pradesh High Court judgment that dismissed her petition against registration of a case for adultery under Section 497 of the IPC and wrongful restraint under Section 341 of the IPC by another woman, Sailaja, who alleged that her husband was in an illicit relationship with her.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-12-08 03:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'You can’t make this stuff up~
Lisalyn R. Jacobs charged and arraigned today for assaulting Ben Vonderheide, aka. Daddy Justice At a VAWA Hearing in the Senate Building in Washington D.C. Another one bites the dust.
Do your job VAWA people and stop supporting and defending false accusations or you will be exposed and go down one by one.
See the assault caught on tape...' (at
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-12-08 02:08
Story here. Excerpt:
'RICHMOND, VA (WTVR) - The day is finally here and Thomas Haynesworth can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The wait for a full exoneration is over.
A panel of judges from the Virginia Court of Appeals has decided the 46-year-old Richmond man is not a rapist and he’s not a criminal. It acknowledged Haynesworth’s record should be wiped clean.
“Today justice is finally served for Thomas. God has been merciful and I’m so thankful” said an emotional Ken Cuccinelli during a Tuesday afternoon news conference.
He told a packed auditorium that his job as Attorney General is not just to convict people, but rather it’s to seek justice.
Cuccinelli formally apologized to Haynesworth. He said the mistake that led him to be imprisoned for 27 years was just that, a mistake.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-12-08 02:04
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-12-07 20:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'Think most of the misogyny on MTV comes from men? Guess again, says a new study of the network’s shows, which finds women engage in a whopping 88 percent of the shows’ sexual dialogue, insult each other much more than the men, and offer themselves up in positive portrayals only when they’re talking about physical appearance and their ability to bounce back from getting ridiculed.
Television watchdog group The Parents Television Council (PTC) releases its jaw-dropping report “Reality of MTV: Gender Portrayals on Reality TV” on Wednesday, and got an exclusive first look at its findings.
Here are their bombshell findings:
-- Only 24 percent of what females said about themselves was positive across all shows combined.
-- Positive dialogue between females focused on their appearance, sense of accomplishment and emotional resilience.
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