Why do people blindly support Johnny Depp? I’ll tell you why

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'“If she was scared to death, why didn’t she leave?” asked everyone’s favourite Hollywood heartthrob-turned-bad-boy Johnny Depp in court.

He was talking, of course, about his ex-wife Amber Heard, who he is suing for libel in the US over an article she wrote for the Washington Post in 2018. During her testimony, the actress has accused Depp of physical and sexual abuse.

If Depp’s phrase feels familiar, that’s because it is: survivors, families of victims and domestic abuse campaigners have worked tirelessly to stop society using such victim-blaming tropes. Instead of asking a woman why she didn’t escape abuse, ask the man why he abused her in the first place. That would be a good place to start.'

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Believe all women? Even Amber Heard? The Johnny Depp lawsuit raises questions about our approach to assault allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yes, of course, allegations of abuse, be they sexual or otherwise, should be taken incredibly seriously. However, the reflexive call to “believe women” requires a complete suspension of critical thinking. Moreover, the call asks us to assume that the person accused, almost always a man, is guilty. It also asks us to assume, implicitly or otherwise, that all the accusers (usually women) are honest.

Which brings us back to Heard. There is reason to believe that she has been less than honest, and there’s reason to believe that she has lied about Depp.'

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Feminist author: Stay-at-home moms breed ‘worse, more sexist’ men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Controversial feminist author Jill Filipovic is preaching the “overwhelmingly negative consequences” of stay-at-home moms — and social media watchdogs are coming for her.

Filipovic, 38, detailed her stance that these mothers create “worse, more sexist” men — and women who are “psychologically and emotionally worse off” — in a now-viral Twitter thread published on Tuesday.
Filipovic noted that families that are set up in a more traditional sense — a k a, per her thread, the “carer/earner nuclear family model” — is a historical oddity “that is tremendously isolating and often financially devastating for the carer (almost always a woman).”

“It also reinforces the gendered division of labor, which ripples out to all women,” she continued. She then recommended a “robust social welfare state” instead of “paying mothers a small stipend.'”'

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Assaulting our Boys: The Campaign to Demonize Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'It has become increasingly clear that there is an assault on masculinity. The assault is more than the sum of toxic terms and ideological narratives aimed at undermining a particular sex. The actions are exercised in policy exploitations that clearly violate equal protections and undermine the ability of boys and men to contribute fully to society.

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Military Drafts Loom Over Europe Thanks to Russia

Article here. Excerpt:

'Europe's first war between more-or-less peer powers in over 70 years upsets a lot of assumptions. Not least of them is the belief, or maybe just hope, that the brief and pleasant interlude of relative peace among powerful nations was here to stay. In broad terms, as I've written elsewhere, much of the world is back on a war footing, expanding military budgets and cementing defensive alliances. But renewed fears also offer governments that fear international dangers or just want an excuse to regiment their societies an opportunity to revive the unfortunate and previously fading practice of conscription.
In the United States, some lawmakers tout mandatory service for all as a pathway to equity, which it might be if by "equity" you mean "shared loss of freedom."

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“Kill All Men”: Modern Feminism and its Current Rhetoric

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s still so much to be done, but if we zeroed in on modern feminism, there’s almost a willful ignorance of real world issues: men suck, and women are awesome. For decades now, modern feminism has climbed higher and higher into its own ivory tower. Mini-movements like #killallmen, rejecting masculinity, and misandry have come to represent the face of modern feminism, and all the momentum for real gender progress has been lost.

The momentum of feminism has fizzled out, as it only appeals to women; but how will radicalizing women about their oppression change anything, if the world is still a man’s world?

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White male athletes should kneel for abortion rights — it’s not like they’d get blackballed

Article here. Excerpt:

'If men can drop to one knee to propose to a woman, white male athletes that claim to care about women’s rights shouldn’t have a problem doing it again for abortion rights.

According to Politico, for the first time in which anyone can remember, a draft decision from the Supreme Court has been leaked, as the court that Trump and his hateful followers packed while he was in office (one seat stolen I might add) is reportedly set to overturn Roe v. Wade, sending a woman’s right to choose back to the states. Despite the Orgasm Gap, men in this country love trying to control and govern women’s bodies, as if the statistics haven’t already proven that so many of them don’t know what to do with a woman’s body.

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UK: Woman avoids jail for 'wicked' false rape claim against innocent man

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Bangor woman who made a "wicked" false claim that she'd been raped in a shopping centre avoided an immediate jail term.

Chantelle Clarke, from Pinehill Road, appeared at Downpatrick Crown Court sitting in Belfast, where she was handed a 12-month prison sentence which was suspended for two years.

It emerged the man she claimed raped her in the toilets of the Flagship Shopping Centre in Bangor had "suffered dreadfully" as a result of her lies - including having to move house.

A barrister for 22-year old Clarke said she had expressed remorse for the consequences of her actions and the impact it had has on the man she falsely accused.'

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Not OK: Average man rates his mental health just 6 out of 10, feels down 3 times a week

Article here. Excerpt:

'Millions of men may be putting up a brave front, but they’re not doing as well as you may think. A new survey finds the average man feels down three times a week. The poll of 2,000 men also finds the average respondent only rates their mental health a six out of 10.

However, those as young as 18 say it’s closer to five out of 10.

Dealing with a physical health condition (26%), poor eating habits (20%), and pressures at work (20%) are among the reasons men say they’re struggling with their mental well-being over the last 12 months. Others claim not being in a relationship, lifestyle changes such as the breakdown of a marriage, and scrolling through social media can affect their general well-being as well.'

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Biden Disinformation Chief Nina Jankowicz Sang About Sex Fantasy with Dead Harry Potter

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jankowicz, the radical left-winger heading up the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, or “Ministry of Truth,” was apparently a huge Harry Potter fan — enough to create a band with her friend Lauren Fairweather in the 2000s. According to Spotify, the albums came out in 2007 and 2008, meaning Jankowicz was presumably 18 when the first album dropped.

Videos have begun to circulate on social media, purportedly featuring the voice of Jankowicz and her bandmate belting out questionable lyrics. However, a brief search on the music streaming platform on Spotify shows a variety of releases from the duo, with lyrics featuring the two singing out fantasies including dead child sex with Harry Potter and secretly catching “peep shows” in bathrooms.

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Johnny Depp Deserves an Apology: The Missing Equality Between Men’s and Women’s Allegations of Abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amber Heard is the poster child of court misogyny. Her allegations of domestic abuse towards Johnny Depp, which he countered with abusive records and allegations of his own, cumulated in a lawsuit from each of them against the other. As Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard progresses in court, the media coverage of the events discussed by both parties reveal a troubling picture of what it means to be a battered man in America, evident in both the public’s reaction and Heard’s own flippancy.

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Biden’s Disinformation Chief Nina Jankowicz: Online Mockery of Kamala Harris a Threat to Democracy and National Security

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Platforms and governments aren’t doing enough,” she wrote on social media. “It’s time to act. Our national security and democracy are at stake.”

Jankowicz argued that Congress should create new laws to block mockery of women online, citing the volume of “gender disinformation” used to criticize Harris.

“Congress should reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and include provisions against online gender-based harassment,” Jankowicz wrote in a WIRED article highlighting the “abusive content” sent on social media to women in public life.'

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Twitter exec suggests Elon Musk, other critics are misogynists

Article here. Excerpt:

'A top Twitter executive has suggested that many of the platform’s critics — including soon-to-be owner Elon Musk, who ripped the firm’s top female lawyer over her censorship of the New York Post — are merely misogynists.

Lara Cohen, Twitter’s global head of partners, went on the attack hours after Musk singled out the site’s lead lawyer, Vijaya Gadde, over what he called the “obviously incredibly inappropriate” ban of The Post’s exclusive reporting on Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings.

She also shared messages of support for Leslie Berland, the company’s chief marketing officer who was caught in leaked audio suggesting that Musk’s plans for free speech put them in “a very difficult position.”'

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'Get rid of toxic masculinity out of policing': New Bellevue police chief recruits women, numbers are up

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Bellevue Chief's blunt talk of police problems includes a phrase not many men utter.

"We've got to get rid of this toxic masculinity out of policing," Clary said.

Toxic masculinity came to mind when he heard departments would not hire women over fears sexual harassment claims would go up.

"Masculinity is one piece of the puzzle but in policing I would argue, historically, it's been-- allowed to take too much of the space," said Clary.'

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Enrollment plummets at Washington’s colleges, especially among men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Community and technical colleges experienced a combined 24% drop between fall 2019 and fall 2021. Public four-year institutions saw a collective drop in undergraduates of nearly 7% during that time period, with some schools’ losses double or even triple that. Roughly 60,000 fewer students, in all, enrolled.

What happened, of course, was COVID-19, though education leaders are still untangling the reasons the pandemic kept students away. As colleges scramble for ways to boost their numbers, they are facing hard truths about higher education in this state — namely, lukewarm enthusiasm and a gender gap that has women outnumbering men at virtually every institution. At Lower Columbia College in Longview, for instance, the share of male students fell from 31% to 28% during the first year of the pandemic.'

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