SAVE: Verizon Foundation: Abuse Deniers

Thanks to all of your calls, emails, and protests across the country, Verizon has taken down the Monster video. The gender-biased video portrayed men as abusive monsters, boys as potential abusive monsters, and only women and girls as victims.

Activists across the United States and Canada went to their local Verizon stores to raise awareness about the video. Read about one California protest here:

Unfortunately, Verizon remains a hotbed of gender-biased misinformation, such as its Pinocchio-like claim that 'domestic violence is the single greatest cause of injury to women ages 15-44':

We are asking on you to continue to call, email and protest at Verizon stores until this information is replaced with balanced information.

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Pro-Male Affirmative Action?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Australia: Pregnant woman assaulted toddler, court told

Story here. Excerpt:

'Detective-Senior Constable Adam Pawsey told the court that on November 27 the woman allegedly threw her two-year-old daughter against a brick wall more than three times, then punched and kicked her while she lay paralysed on the floor.

She took the child to hospital three days later after force-feeding her soft food because she was unable to feed herself, Det Sen Const Pawsey said.

He said the toddler remained paralysed on her right side and CT scans showed permanent brain damage.
The woman's other two children have been placed by the Department of Human Services into the care of relatives but their father has full access, Sgt Pawsey said.

The woman, who is 32 weeks pregnant, is charged with intentionally causing serious injury.'

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Study: Nearly 1 in 5 women reportedly raped

Article here. Excerpt:

'A government survey of rape and domestic violence released Wednesday affirmed that sexual violence against women remains endemic in the United States and in some instances may be far more common than previously thought.

Nearly 1 in 5 women surveyed said they had been raped or had experienced an attempted rape at some point, and 1 in 4 reported being beaten by an intimate partner. In Florida, nearly 1.3 million women (17.1 percent) say that have been raped at some time in their lives.

"That almost 1 in 5 women have been raped in their lifetime is very striking," said Linda Degutis, director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which conducted the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey.'

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Casey Anthony Teams With TV Producer to Shop $750,000 Interview Special (Exclusive)

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Los Angeles-based TV producer is shopping the first interview with Casey Anthony, who was acquitted in July of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony.

The Hollywood Reporter has learned that Scott Sternberg and his Scott Sternberg Productions have been quietly pitching a no-holds-bared interview with Anthony, who has been lying low since being released July 17 after nearly three years in a Florida jail.

Multiple sources say Sternberg is asking between $500,000 and $750,000 to deliver Anthony, a hefty license fee to be sure. According to sources with knowledge of the proposal, networks can choose the interviewer and Scott Sternberg Productions would co-produce the program. But so far, multiple cable networks have declined. Spokespeople for Discovery Communications' TLC and ID confirmed that the networks have passed on the project. A&E Networks, which includes Lifetime and A&E, also has passed, says a spokesperson.'

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NY Times: They Call It the Reverse Gender Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'For starters, young women today — and not just in the United States — are moving quickly to close the pay gap, or in some cases have closed it already.

They are marrying later and later, or not marrying at all. They no longer need husbands to have children, or want no children (40 percent of births in the United States each year are now to single women).

Women are ahead of men in education (last year, 55 percent of U.S. college graduates were female). And a study shows that in most U.S. cities, single, childless women under 30 are making an average of 8 percent more money than their male counterparts, with Atlanta and Miami in the lead at 20 percent

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HHS and the White House Fatherhood Initiative honors local DC fathers

Link here. Excerpt:

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New Hotel Trend: Women-Only Rooms

Story here.

'(Newser) – In the new trend among high-end hotels, men need not apply. The ritzy Dukes in London is the latest to experiment with women-only rooms, notes Katy Holland at Aol. The idea is to cater to single females or women traveling in groups, and the no-boys-allowed rule applies even to the hotel staff that caters to the rooms. The Naumi in Singapore and Premier in New York City have similar offers, though a Denmark government agency recently ordered the Bella Sky in Copenhagen to stop offering women-only floors.'

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Woman, 66, Shoots Estranged Son-in-Law Over Custody Dispute

Video here. Story here. Excerpt:

'A 66-year-old grandmother is under arrest after police say she shot her estranged son-in-law because of an ongoing custody battle he and her daughter were having over the pair's young son.

The victim, Salvatore Miglino of Boca Raton, had his cell phone recording the entire time, and the audio was key to the investigation of the Wednesday shooting in Broward County, Fla.

The incident unfolded when Miglino, 39, went to pick up his 3-year-old son for a scheduled visit. His mother-in-law, Cheryl Hepner, stood outside the home with the toddler's pillow and bag.

"According to him, when he asked for the things, she instead pulled out a handgun and starts firing shots," according to Dani Moschella, a spokeswoman for the Broward County Sheriff's Office.'

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MarketWatch commentator devolves into male bashing

Here is an article in MarketWatch by Paul B. Farrell that starts with some predictions for the 2010s decade, then devolves into irrational male bashing. Excerpt (page 2):

'2020. America’s first woman president, patriarchal dominance is dead
By the end of the decade, it is finally obvious that patriarchy — male dominance of leadership roles in philosophy, economics, politics and culture throughout history — has failed our civilization, bringing the world to the brink of total destruction.

Why do male leaders consistently fail us? Jeremy Grantham brilliantly captured that fundamental flaw in our nation’s character a few years ago: Male leaders are actually quite emotional, myopic and “impatient ... management types who focus on what they are doing this quarter or this annual budget.” But true leadership “requires more people with a historical perspective who are more thoughtful and more right-brained.”

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Toy signs changed after Hamleys accused of sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Instead of a “pink floor” for girls and a “blue floor” for boys, Hamleys has introduced plain white labelling with red lettering throughout.

Toys have been reorganised by type rather than which gender is expected to want to play with them.

Laura Nelson, a blogger who accused the firm of “gender apartheid” in October, was celebrating what she claimed as a victory yesterday.

She wrote: “In response to the campaign against categorisation of toys by gender and sexist stereotypes, Hamleys has changed its signage.”

However Hamleys denied the changes were prompted by her campaign and claimed that, instead, they were part of planned alterations to “improve customer flow”.'

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Father’s Rights Protest Against Domestic Violence Video

Regarding the article* printed in The Santa Monica Daily Press: Father’s Rights Protest Against Domestic Violence Video. Excerpt:

'The utter lack of balance, of an acknowledgment that women can be abusers also, saddened me. Because I grew up in a house where the woman was as much an inciter as the man, I know from personal experience that a woman is just as capable of domestic violence. I learned how to knife fight from my mom, not my dad. I learned how to shred a person’s ego not in law school but from listening to my mom do it to my father. She would regularly call him a coward, then berate him when he got physical with her. It was a no win situation, she would taunt and terrorize him and then fall back on her status as a woman as why he should not defend himself.

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Petition: Stop the 'I Hate Balls' campaign and its vile depiction of male sexual abuse

Petition here. (Please click 'Read more' to see contact information for Ms. Heigl and her affiliated partners.) Excerpt:

'The depiction of violence such as sexual mutilation and human castration in Ms. Heigl's campaign as humor is nothing short of repulsive. Would a video depicting a man having hopeful thoughts about the legalization of rape of women be humorous? Would a reenactment of a woman being raped on video be amusing and accepted if it were part of a charitable cause? Of course not. Both the acceptance of and the humor surrounding violence against men must be stopped.

In the I Hate Balls campaign, male hatred has been taken to a new low by being attached to a charitable cause essentially equating something positive with male sexual mutilation. Would a man shown in a video hoping to legalize female genital mutilation (FGM) and showing the procedure in a re-enactment be acceptable just because he claims it's just a joke and it helps a charitable cause? One can say in jest that FGM might make mating less desirable for the female and thus help reduce the animal population. Funny? Not at all. FGM is nothing to laugh about and neither is male genital mutilation.'

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NCFM Los Angeles stages protest against Verizon’s male-bashing anti-father video

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Saturday, 12/10/11, the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition For Men (NCFM) held a street demonstration outside Verizon to protest Verizon’s anti-father advertisements that depict fathers as “Monsters.”

Approximately 15 people participated in the rally, including members of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), a faith-based organization founded by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson that has a home for troubled young men. The rally was at the corner of 26th Street and Wilshire Blvd. in Santa Monica.

“Verizon finally pulled the ad, but the company has a history of anti-father ads, and we had to protest years ago for the same thing,” said Marc Angelucci, NCFM’s Vice President. “Also, a lot of Verizon‘s false, stereotyping information on domestic violence is still on their website.”

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Working mums are happier and healthier study finds

Story here. Excerpt:

'A study published by the American Psychological Association found that mothers with jobs were healthier and happier than mums who stay at home during their children's infancy and pre-school years. It found that the best way for mums to balance their working and home life was to work part time, which involved between one and 32 hours per week.

The research involved interviewing 1364 mothers, including 24 percent ethnic minorities, 1 percent without a high school degree, and 14 percent single parents, shortly after their child's birth with interviews and observation over 10 years from 1991.

Lead author Cheryl Buehler, PhD, professor of human development and family studies, at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro said the study found there was no difference between mums who worked part time and full time.'

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