Australian Parliamentary Committee Inquiry - escalation of Indigenous women in detention "disturbing"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Committee finds that the escalation of the number of Indigenous women in detention is disturbing. Indigenous women are critical to the future strength of Indigenous families and communities. They play an important role in the care of children, providing the future generation with a stable upbringing. Continued growth in the number of Indigenous women being imprisoned will have a long lasting and negative impact on the wellbeing of Indigenous families and communities.'

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UK: 'The New Sexism'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I was in a bar, having a nice drink with my boyfriend when a man looked at me from across the room. Suddenly, I exploded into a tirade at my boyfriend about how men are sleazy, stupid, ignorant and how women are by far superior. I eventually stopped and realised that I’d been ranting like this for a good twenty minutes. My boyfriend blinked at me, bewildered. Poor bloke; he’d only come out for a pint.

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Marriage: What’s in It for Men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Second, we must retract the message Boomers sent young women about female empowerment. Indeed, it isn’t a coincidence that marriage rates have plummeted alongside America’s fascination with the feminist movement. Empowerment for women, as defined by feminists, neither liberates women nor brings couples together. It separates them. It focuses on women as perpetual victims of the Big Bad Male. Why would any man want to get married when he’s been branded a sexist pig at “hello”? In the span of just a few decades, women have managed to demote men from respected providers and protectors to being unnecessary, irrelevant, and downright expendable. Consider these examples:

Consider these examples:

#*# Author and journalist Natalie Angier begins an article in the New York Times by writing, “Women may not find this surprising, but one of the most persistent and frustrating problems in evolutionary biology is the male. Specifically#…#why doesn’t he just go away?”

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Report: 'Teen Mom' Amber back in jail

Article here. Excerpt:

'TMZ reports that the troubled reality personality was booked at Madison County Jail in Indiana today because a judge issued a warrant for her arrest. According to The Herald Bulletin, she was taken into custody for allegedly violating the terms of her probation.

Last week, her probation officer filed a report claiming that Amber had violated the terms of her probation in her domestic violence case. She had pleaded guilty to two counts of felony domestic violence in June after MTV aired scenes of her punching and slapping ex-fiance and baby daddy Gary Shirley during season two of the popular docuseries. The judge in her case, David Happe, suspended her two-year sentence and put her on two years of probation.

The sheriff's department also confirmed to our pals at E! News that the 21-year-old mother of Leah is in jail for a probation violation, and that the length of her stay will be "up to the courts."'

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Movie Review: "Barracuda"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sexism is a terrible thing. Women have been oppressed by men all throughout history. While humanity has made fantastic progress in this respect, we still have a ways to go. This is evident, for example, in the world of film and television: women are often portrayed as the weak and the helpless, or else merely as sexual objects. The issue, however, can go both ways; while misogyny is the more pressing issue, it is equally wrong to hate or stereotype men. Misandry is not nearly as common, so I was surprised to see a real-life sexist-towards-men film: “Barracuda,” directed by Louisvillian Shane Woodson and written by Christy Oldham, who also stars.

“Barracuda” is the story of a phone sex operator named Summer (Oldham) who, through her work, encounters the most perverse men imaginable: men who admit to rape, men who fantasize about sexual acts with their daughters, men who have killed women in the throes of passion. Fed up, she takes matters into her own hands and pays each man a visit to obtain a taped confession and bring justice upon them.'

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SlutWalk: Manufacturing Myths about ‘Myths’

Article here. Excerpt:

'SlutWalk is the latest, most visible offshoot of radical feminism. The cornerstones of SlutWalk’s ideology – victim blaming, rape culture, slut shaming – is extremely similar to that of radical feminism on sexual violence. SlutWalk Singapore is no exception. Currently, radical feminism so completely dominates discussions in the fields of women’s self-defence and sexual violence against women that it is extremely difficult to find objective, peer-reviewed case studies and academic papers. These are studies that seek to understand the subject matter, not ‘studies’ that push an agenda by perpetuating dogma.
Radical feminists claim that they are exposing myths about sexual violence. What they do not say is that they are conjuring myths about myths.

So why do radical feminists continue to perpetuate the myth of victim blaming?

The answer lies in the courts.

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Reversing the gender gap: Women surpass men at CSU

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are leapfrogging men into the classroom at the nation's largest university system, redefining the gender gap on California State University campuses in a startling way.

About six out of 10 CSU graduates last spring were female -- a complete reversal over the past four decades. Some campuses, like Dominguez Hills and Stanislaus, have almost twice as many women as men, feeling eerily like women's colleges.

The trend is so pronounced that last month Cal State East Bay held a special one-day "Male Initiative" conference for young minority men, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Missouri Boy, 14, With Down Syndrome Suspended for Allegedly Sexually Harassing Bus Aide

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 14-year-old Missouri boy with Down syndrome whose mother says he “gives people hugs all the time” has been suspended from middle school for allegedly sexually harassing a bus aide, a school official told

Desi Mayberry, Central R-III School District superintendent, told that Aleczander Fujiomoto, of Park Hills, Mo., grabbed an unidentified female bus aide while aboard a school bus last Wednesday and imitated a "sexual act" while on top of the woman, who is no longer considering pressing charges for sexual harassment.

"He grabbed her around her waist, like a bear hug, and then he gets on top of her and moves in a sexual motion, imitating a sexual act," Mayberry said.

The aide then "screamed for help," leading the school bus driver to separate Fujimoto and the aide, Mayberry said. The incident led to a "short-term" suspension for Fujimoto, according to Mayberry, who declined to indicate exactly how many days the boy was banned from school.

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Legal first as father wins right to be named on birth certificate of 12-year-old girls who don't know they are is his children

Story here. Excerpt:

Fathers have won the right to be named on their children’s birth certificates as soon as their paternity is proved.

The new legal ruling means that even if a mother has refused to tell her children who their father is, his identity must be immediately revealed on the amended birth certificate.

This significant development in father’s rights came in an Appeal Court judgement yesterday, in the case of a man who has been fighting a long-running battle to see his 12-year-old twin daughters since DNA results established he is their father.

The mother entered another man’s name as the father, and has not told them who the real father is. None of the people involved can be publicly identified.

As part of on-going legal proceedings, a family judge ruled earlier this year that the girls’ birth certificates must be altered.'

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UK: New social network for women allows users to create inner circle and rate their dates

Article here. Excerpt:

'If a male-only social network was launched that let men rate their former conquests in terms of attractiveness and sexual ability, it probably wouldn't go down very well.

But somehow, a female-only equivalent is OK., which went live yesterday, is a social network, described as 'Sex And The City marries Facebook' - and it bans boys.

It connects through your Facebook profile - although does not let any of your Facebook friends know that you have connected.

'Luluvise uses Facebook to make registration easier. We do not post to walls or make Luluvise information public anywhere or to other Facebook users,' creator Alexandra Chong explained.

Once you've logged on you can see what other women have said about your potential love interests.
More than 500 boys have already submitted their emails to get access to the site, but instead received an email reading: 'Hey Dude, you're a dude.'

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Imposing Gender Equality Rules in Sports: Discrimination or Necessary Evil?

Story here. Excerpt:

'A high school cheerleading squad with hopes of placing in a recent statewide competition was disqualified when the contest ended in the lakeside city of Port Huron, Michigan.

The team's lone infraction? One of the team members is a boy.

As initially reported by ABC affiliate WXYZ, the Lakeview High cheerleaders were formally disqualified only after the competition had concluded. They received no final score—only a "DQ".

Though the disqualification came into play just this past week, Lakeview High's story of a male cheerleader has been brewing for several months.

Long before the recent Port Huron competition, Lakeview High welcomed 14-year-old Brandon Urbas to its cheerleading team. The squad was looking forward to the upcoming 2011-2012 season's series of meets and tournaments.

Upon becoming the school's only male cheerleader earlier this year, Urbas had received support from the school and his peers since day one.'

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UK: Teenager's false rape claim leads to £80 fine despite assault it provoked against falsely-accused

Story here. Excerpt:

'A teenage girl whose false rape allegation led to an innocent man being beaten up and another man sent to jail was let off by police with just an £80 fixed penalty notice.

Jess Cooper was handed the penalty – usually given for minor traffic infringements, anti-social behaviour or environmental offences – for wasting police time.

However, her ‘wicked’ lie led to Andrew Lester being punched and kicked to the floor. He lost eight teeth and his hearing was permanently damaged.

Yesterday a judge who jailed Cooper’s boyfriend over the attack said the police’s decision not to prosecute her ‘beggared belief’.
The judge said he was able to reduce Hollyman’s sentence because the ‘provocation is very significant’. He added that Hollyman, from Walsall, was ‘in many ways’ a victim.'

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Acquitted of rape, Denver doctor sues accuser

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Denver anesthesiologist cleared in criminal court of raping his nanny is now suing his accuser for lost wages and emotional damages in an unusual lawsuit that's bound — once again — to come down to he said, she said.

A jury in February acquitted Jordan Sankel, 47, finding there wasn't enough evidence showing he forced his nanny into sex. Three months later, he filed a slander and abuse-of- process lawsuit against the former nanny, asking for an unspecified amount greater than $100,000.

Her attorneys call the suit an "outrageous" attempt at retribution, and rape awareness counselors shudder at attaching potential civil penalties to filing a police report on an already underreported crime.

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Italian gipsy camp burned down by vigilantes after false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 16-year-old reportedly made up the account to conceal the fact that she had lost her virginity to her Italian boyfriend, but the lie unleashed a chain of events that she could not have foreseen.

She went to the police near her home on the outskirts of Turin late last week to report that she had been raped.

Police officers conducted interviews with dozens of people in the area to try to find witnesses to the supposed attack, and the news of the assault quickly spread.

Up to 500 people staged a peaceful protest march on Saturday in the suburb of Le Vallette but a mob of around 50 peeled off from the rally and headed to a nearby gipsy camp.

As the Romany inhabitants fled, the vigilantes set fire to around 20 makeshift shelters and huts, creating a huge blaze. They threw stones and beat up at least one gipsy man.

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Mother kills her family in Illinois murder-suicide

Story here. This is a murder-suicide of a young mother and her whole family, including the father and her three children. This story is appalling and disturbing, like so many recent stories in the news. What is wrong with some people?

'(AP) EMINGTON, Ill. — A burst of gunfire sent Annelise Fiedler running out of her home to see what the noise was. In the yard next door, she saw 30-year-old Sara McMeen hovering over her baby as if she had dropped her. Fiedler asked McMeen if everything was all right.

"She looked at me and said, 'No, everything is not all right,'" Fiedler told The Associated Press.

Then, Fiedler said, McMeen shot the baby. Fiedler fled for her life.

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