US-UK survey of college students reinforces stereotype of sex-crazed young men

Vicki Larson, in The Huffington Post, reports a study done by U.S. researcher Eric Anderson at University of Winchester in England. In brief, he studied 120 undergraduate men, and 78 percent of those with a partner cheated, "even though they said that they loved and intended to stay with their partner." According to him, most men aren't cheating because they don't love their partner, but because they just want to have sex with others. And society shouldn't pooh-pooh that.

Funny...the thing that could put me at risk of cheating is finding a woman who never says "Oh, honestly..." or otherwise ridicules something I express.

I don't know if he researches infidelity, but a well-known U.S. divorce researcher, Dr. Gottman, has found that the pattern that most reliably predicts divorce is what he calls the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (FAQ #9):

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SAVE: Why Doesn't (The National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse) Care About Female DV Victims?

SAVE E-lert here. Excerpt:

'The National Alliance to end Domestic Abuse (Jewish Women International) is sponsoring a conference on January 12. Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN, will discuss the implementation of routine screening for domestic violence, which was recommended by the Institute of Medicine and will be part of the affordable health care act roll out in 2012.

Campbell has spent over 30 years in advocacy and research of abused women, has written 200 articles and seven books, sits on the boards of four women’s abuse shelters, and chairs the board at Futures Without Violence. One would think she really wants to end domestic violence against women.

One would think that...except...

Jacquelyn Campbell is completely ignoring a major predictor of domestic abuse towards women: their own violent acts.'

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Breakthrough as scientists grow sperm outside the body

Article here. Excerpt:

'Scientists have made a major breakthrough that could lead to infertile men being able to father their own children, rather than using donor sperm.

Researchers in Germany and Israel were able to grow mouse sperm from a few cells in a laboratory dish. The scientists believe that the same technique - using 'germ cells' extracted from the testicles - will eventually work in humans.

The team are now 'working as quickly as possible' to reproduce the result in humans.

In a world first a team headed by Professor Stefan Schlatt, at Muenster University in Germany, were able to grow sperm by using germ cells. These are the cells in testicles that are responsible for sperm production.
Scientists grew the sperm by surrounding the germ cells in a special compound called agar jelly to create an environment similar to that found in testicles.

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Boys raised by traditional families 'do better at school'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a major study, researchers said family structures had a much more significant effect on boys’ early education than school type or even the gender of teachers. It found that boys were much more likely to misbehave, be excluded from school and go on to achieve low grades after rebelling against “emotionally distant” parents.
The pattern is particularly marked in single-parent families where mothers “invest disproportionately less in their sons or feel less warm toward them” than daughters.
Researchers in the United States tested various theories to explain bad behaviour and low standards among boys and concluded that “home-based” influences played a much bigger part than biological differences, the style of early education, teacher gender or peer pressure.

“Boys’ likelihood to ‘act out’ is sharply reduced when faced with larger and better parental inputs,” said the study.

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Australia: Girl, 13, charged after taxi knife attack

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 13-year-old girl has been charged over the assault of a taxi driver who was allegedly cut in the arm with a knife in the NSW Illawarra.
Police say they arrested one of the girls shortly afterwards and also found some cannabis.

The teenager was taken to Lake Illawarra Police Station and charged with being armed with intent to commit serious indictable offence, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, possess prohibited drug and evade taxi fare.

She was conditionally bailed to appear at Port Kembla Childrens Court on January 16 January.'

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"California Lawyer" prints letters re Ginsgburg comments

Remember this from Nov. of 2011? California Lawyer published three letters in the Jan. 2012 issue regarding Justice Ginsburg's comments, none of them supportive of her attitude. Read them here.

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Madame Noire opines... "7 Manly Things We Wish Men Still Did"

Here goes! Excerpt:

'Why is it that everything of the past seems so good, so classic, soo…the way things should be. Decades ago, women were fighting for equal rights but, today, we’re fighting for a return to chivalry. No matter how you cut it, many women want to be treated like ladies and many of us imagine that the world of the 1960s was not only a world mired in charged politics but represented a time when American society was filled with an abundance of manly men. Ok, so maybe our memory is in part clouded by the period drama “Mad Men.”

In any case, sometime between my high school years and full-fledged adulthood, it seems that it’s become okay for men to not take the lead. I think I can speak for many women when I say we’re not too happy about this trend. Here’s a few things that we wish most men still did:

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Pakistani wife kills, cooks husband for lusting over daughter

Article here. Excerpt:

'It all began on Friday when neighbors in the Pakistani town of Karachi smelled a foul odor coming from the residence where Bibi and Abbas lived...

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"New Year's Eve most dangerous night of the year for domestic violence"

Article here. Excerpt:

'SAN DIEGO – December 30, 2011 – Most of us enjoy some harmless excitement and revelry on New Year’s Eve, even if some of us overindulge in a little too much food and drink.

But for many women and men at risk of domestic violence, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are the two most dangerous dates on the calendar.

According to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, domestic violence reports increase as much as 30 percent on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. This comes after lower than average reports of domestic violence between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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India: More women misusing law to harass men, says PASS

Article here. Excerpt:

'THRISSUR: The Purusha Avakasha Samrakshana Samithi (PASS) held its meeting in order to address and redress the grievances of men who claim to be harassed by women misusing the Domestic Violence Act.

The meet held at Alankar Auditorium witnessed four grievances. “We normally hold meetings on the third Sunday of every month, but often have to gather at short notice in the instance of complaints. It is a fact that more and more women are abusing the Act for many reasons, mainly money. It often involves either a divorce or estrangement, sometimes the harassment from the mother-in-law or daughter-in-law, but ultimately it is the man who bears the brunt of the law, in an unfair manner,” PASS treasurer and spokesperson advocate Vincent said.

The law is now highly misused by women. A fair share of such cases is found in the upper strata of society. Manifold false cases of cruelty and violence are hoisted by women urged or instigated by their counsels/advocates hungry for fees and more prey to feed on the gullible.'

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Press Release: Domestic Violence Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'MIAMI, FL, January 01, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- According to a report by the US Department of Human Services and the US Department of Justice, an estimated 835,000 men are physically assaulted by an intimate partner every year. These assaults can be sexual or physical, and this statistic does not include emotional or verbal abuse.

Men are often the victims of domestic violence, but the incidents rarely get much attention. There is a general assumption that men are the violent partners, but statistics indicate that violence against male partners occurs in both same-sex, and male/female relationships. Men are entitled to the same protections as women when they are assaulted, and deserve strong legal counsel who will fight for their rights, and work to protect them against abusive partners.

Social Stigmas and Domestic Violence Against Men

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New York State Senate and the Federal Government: Equality for fathers in the Family Court System

Petition here. Excerpt:

'Are you a father or do you know a father who has been discriminated against in the New York State Family Court system? New York State is a "Mother State" as many are. If the courts make the decision about custody concerning the children they favor the mother. Is this not discrimination? How are we as fathers supposed to have an influence and build relationships with our children based on this minimal time interaction granted by the courts? We as fathers can do anything a mother can do except breast feed. Women fought for equality in the workforce and we are fighting for equality in the home. Many women agree that fathers are discriminated against, if you are a woman and believe this is true and would like to support this petition please sign and show your support.'

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Woman Allegedly Accuses Man With Arabic Surname Of Terrorist Plane Threat After He Ends 4-Day Fling

Story here. Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES (CBS) — A 45-year-old Temple City woman is accused of providing false information to an airline in order to take revenge on a male passenger with whom she had a four-day fling.

Lizet Sariol is expected to plead guilty Tuesday in a federal court.

She is charged with a single felony count of conveying false and misleading information, specifically, implying that a United Airlines flight was endangered, according to a signed plea agreement filed Thursday in Los Angeles federal court.'

Also see Marital Woes Lead Lynwood Woman To Call In False Bomb Threat At LAX

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Bachmann plays gender card as Iowa GOP vote nears

Article here. Excerpt:

'DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Desperate for a late lift in Iowa, Republican Michele Bachmann is increasingly stressing a distinction in the presidential field: She's the only woman competing for the nomination.

The Minnesota congresswoman has made the gender card central to her closing argument. She's urging voters to embrace the idea of a "strong woman in the White House" and is molding herself as "America's Iron Lady" in the vein of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
"I'm an Iowa girl. And one thing I remember about Iowa is we are a state of strong women," Bachmann told the lunch crowd at a 50s-themed burger joint in Mount Ayr. "We need a strong woman to turn this country around, right?"

Longtime residents Margaret Bickers and Mary Davenport, sitting in a booth near Bachmann, nodded in agreement.

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Marquette University Threatens Academic Freedom

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over at the blog Marquette Warrior, John McAdams provides a good example of how unwarranted investigations of campus speech can cause a deeply problematic “chilling effect” at a university. Universities must not pursue investigations of protected expression just because someone submits a complaint; as soon as it is clear that the expression in question is protected speech, the inquiry must end, even if there are other factual disputes. Prolonging the investigation tells everyone on campus that the university will pursue charges against you no matter how frivolous or malicious the complaint. The likely result is that people self-censor and keep their mouths shut rather than risk such investigation and a possible punishment.

It seems that Marquette University, where McAdams is a professor, made just such a mistake this month. According to McAdams, his introductory course in American politics discusses alleged media bias and takes an anti-feminist perspective:

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