I received this URL: via email from an intactivist. Warning: It shows graphic footage of actual circumcisions being performed as well as narratives by doctors about what and how they perform them (ie, using restraints to hold the baby down, etc.). Honestly, I couldn't get past more than about a minute of watching the video on that page. When people tell you that circumcisions don't harm babies or that there is little blood, etc., send them this link and tell them to just watch. Ask them to tell you later how long they could.

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'Men's rights extremists go online'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men's activists have been around for decades, but thanks to the internet they're getting slicker, more organised, more professional, and more visible.

Men's outcomes in some areas really are poor. Male suicide rates are three to four times higher, their life expectancy is lower. Girls often outperform boys at school. Males are more likely to be incarcerated, more likely to be addicted.

But these genuine issues are not the ones that concern the new breed of men's activists. These men are aggrieved because they see misandry - the hatred of males - everywhere in society, from government down.

They have a persecution complex, and aggressively lobby for better rights for men - usually at the expense of women.'

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Parental abductions go unpunished, Canadian dads say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two Canadian fathers whose children were allegedly abducted by their mothers and taken to European countries say authorities have done little to try to enforce court orders and bring them back.

"I'm holding my hands up going, 'Can somebody please do something about this?'" said Calum Hughes, whose five-year-old daughter Livia was allegedly abducted by her mother from B.C. and taken to Italy in 2009.

"Somebody is not doing their job behind a desk," said Gary Mezo, from Thunder Bay, Ont. His two-year-old son Gary Jr. has been in Hungary for a year. Court records confirm his mother took him there without his father's permission.

"I believe Canada has to put its foot down — finally — and do whatever is written in law what has been ordered in court."'

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Norwalk woman gets 7 months in prison for false rape statement

Story here. Excerpt:

'NORWALK -- A 20-year-old woman who falsely accused two men of rape was sentenced to a total of seven months and one day in prison Friday at Norwalk Superior Court.

Brittany Reith, of 7 Commerce St., also received two years of probation after pleading guilty to falsely reporting an incident in the second degree, violation of probation and fourth-degree larceny.

Reith was arrested in June for filing a fabricated sworn, written statement accusing two innocent men of raping her at gunpoint.

As a result of Reith's statement, patrol officers arrested two innocent men on April 7 for felony sexual assault and battery charges.

The charges against both men were dropped after detectives conducted further investigation and found serious inconsistencies in Reith's statement, police said.'

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Wrongfully jailed: Records detail more than 500 mistaken-identity arrests

Story here. While I'm sure some women are subject to mistaken-identity arrests, all the sample stories given are about men. I suspect it's a "hidden problem" mostly men face and so is rarely discussed, such as paternity fraud. Excerpt:

'More than 500 people were wrongly imprisoned in Denver's jails over seven years, with some spending weeks incarcerated or pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit before authorities realized they nabbed the wrong person, a federal court filing shows.

Civil-rights lawyers suing the city and county of Denver assert the documented mistaken-identity arrests "are the tip of the iceberg" and are an undercount of the true magnitude of the problem.

In one case a black man spent nine days in jail after he was arrested on a warrant for a white man wanted on a sex-crimes arrest warrant.

In another, authorities arrested an 18- year-old when they were searching for a man 30 years older.'

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Australia: Parliamentary Report acknowledges ex-"spouses" lodging false complaints against doctors

From Chapter 5 - Related matters raised during the inquiry of the Finance and Public Administration Committee (Senate) report entitled "The administration of health practitioner registration by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)". Excerpt:

'Avant Mutual Group also noted that other complaints have been made by ex-spouses of doctors during family break-ups and anonymously. Avant concluded 'the necessity for AHPRA to be take care in accepting and acting on such complaints including using its emergency powers as set out under section 156, needs to be emphasised'.'

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Many Jails Got No Flu Shots During H1N1 Outbreak: CDC

Link here. Excerpt:

'Jail and prison inmates are at increased risk for exposure to infectious diseases. The steady stream of new arrivals can introduce new types of infectious diseases to facilities, and close confinement makes it easy for diseases to spread, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explained.

The CDC scientists found that 55 percent of U.S. jails -- facilities that house people awaiting trial or serving short sentences -- received no H1N1 vaccine during the 2009-10 outbreak, which means they were not part of the national vaccine campaign.
Most jail inmates are healthy men, but there are also inmates in the highest risk categories for flu, including pregnant women. While the median jail stay is 48 hours, some inmates are detained for months, the study noted.'

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April ‘Dear Colleague Letter’ Was 2011′s Biggest FIRE Fight

Article here. Excerpt:

'Looking back at the year just ending, it’s extraordinarily easy to identify FIRE’s biggest fight of 2011: the dramatic new regulations announced by the federal Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in its April 4 “Dear Colleague Letter.”

In my five years here at FIRE, I can’t remember it ever being this easy to select a topic for my end-of-year review. Simply put, FIRE’s legal work has been dominated this year by OCR’s letter: analyzing OCR’s new requirements of every college and university that accepts federal funding (read: virtually all of them); crafting and publicizing our response and concerns; answering critics of our defense of student rights; tracking the importation of the worst of OCR’s new regulations into proposed federal legislation; documenting the impact OCR’s letter has already had on individual students and schools nationwide; and more.'

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Suit: Boy falls & breaks leg, teacher says crawl back to school

Story here. Excerpt:

'Teachers at a Skokie school forced a 6-year-old with a broken leg and a concussion to crawl back to his classroom across an icy playground, then failed to call for an ambulance, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday.

Kindergartner Rahul Chandani slipped on a mound of snow and hit his head in the playground at Devonshire Elementary School on Jan. 3 last year, but didn’t get any medical help until his mom came to get him, the lawsuit filed in Cook County circuit court by Chandani’s parents Pritam and Priya alleges.

“His teacher told him, ‘You’re a big boy — I can’t carry you,’” the boy’s mother, Priya Chandani, said Wednesday, “She told him to walk back, but his leg was broken so he fell again and then had to crawl at least 200-300 feet back to the school building.

“If someone did that to me as an adult, I’d slap them.”

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US-UK survey of college students reinforces stereotype of sex-crazed young men

Vicki Larson, in The Huffington Post, reports a study done by U.S. researcher Eric Anderson at University of Winchester in England. In brief, he studied 120 undergraduate men, and 78 percent of those with a partner cheated, "even though they said that they loved and intended to stay with their partner." According to him, most men aren't cheating because they don't love their partner, but because they just want to have sex with others. And society shouldn't pooh-pooh that.

Funny...the thing that could put me at risk of cheating is finding a woman who never says "Oh, honestly..." or otherwise ridicules something I express.

I don't know if he researches infidelity, but a well-known U.S. divorce researcher, Dr. Gottman, has found that the pattern that most reliably predicts divorce is what he calls the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (FAQ #9):

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SAVE: Why Doesn't (The National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse) Care About Female DV Victims?

SAVE E-lert here. Excerpt:

'The National Alliance to end Domestic Abuse (Jewish Women International) is sponsoring a conference on January 12. Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN, will discuss the implementation of routine screening for domestic violence, which was recommended by the Institute of Medicine and will be part of the affordable health care act roll out in 2012.

Campbell has spent over 30 years in advocacy and research of abused women, has written 200 articles and seven books, sits on the boards of four women’s abuse shelters, and chairs the board at Futures Without Violence. One would think she really wants to end domestic violence against women.

One would think that...except...

Jacquelyn Campbell is completely ignoring a major predictor of domestic abuse towards women: their own violent acts.'

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Breakthrough as scientists grow sperm outside the body

Article here. Excerpt:

'Scientists have made a major breakthrough that could lead to infertile men being able to father their own children, rather than using donor sperm.

Researchers in Germany and Israel were able to grow mouse sperm from a few cells in a laboratory dish. The scientists believe that the same technique - using 'germ cells' extracted from the testicles - will eventually work in humans.

The team are now 'working as quickly as possible' to reproduce the result in humans.

In a world first a team headed by Professor Stefan Schlatt, at Muenster University in Germany, were able to grow sperm by using germ cells. These are the cells in testicles that are responsible for sperm production.
Scientists grew the sperm by surrounding the germ cells in a special compound called agar jelly to create an environment similar to that found in testicles.

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Boys raised by traditional families 'do better at school'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a major study, researchers said family structures had a much more significant effect on boys’ early education than school type or even the gender of teachers. It found that boys were much more likely to misbehave, be excluded from school and go on to achieve low grades after rebelling against “emotionally distant” parents.
The pattern is particularly marked in single-parent families where mothers “invest disproportionately less in their sons or feel less warm toward them” than daughters.
Researchers in the United States tested various theories to explain bad behaviour and low standards among boys and concluded that “home-based” influences played a much bigger part than biological differences, the style of early education, teacher gender or peer pressure.

“Boys’ likelihood to ‘act out’ is sharply reduced when faced with larger and better parental inputs,” said the study.

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Australia: Girl, 13, charged after taxi knife attack

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 13-year-old girl has been charged over the assault of a taxi driver who was allegedly cut in the arm with a knife in the NSW Illawarra.
Police say they arrested one of the girls shortly afterwards and also found some cannabis.

The teenager was taken to Lake Illawarra Police Station and charged with being armed with intent to commit serious indictable offence, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, possess prohibited drug and evade taxi fare.

She was conditionally bailed to appear at Port Kembla Childrens Court on January 16 January.'

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"California Lawyer" prints letters re Ginsgburg comments

Remember this from Nov. of 2011? California Lawyer published three letters in the Jan. 2012 issue regarding Justice Ginsburg's comments, none of them supportive of her attitude. Read them here.

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