Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2012-01-24 03:49
The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) this coming Thursday at 10am. As you know, we have found many flaws in this bill, which is why we created the Partner Violence Reduction Act (PVRA).
The Partner Violence Reduction Act:
- Gives priority to real victims.
- Reduces false allegations.
- Removes provisions that violate the Constitution.
- Protects families.
- Provides legal assistance for alleged victim and alleged offender.
- Requires third-party accreditation.
- Curbs immigration fraud.
- Makes the law gender-inclusive.
Today we'd like you to call members on the committee. Tell them to reject VAWA and to support the Partner Violence Reduction Act. More info:
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Submitted by Alphamale on Mon, 2012-01-23 23:13
A recent article ( in the Toronto Star has highlighted a judge who was fooled beyond belief. A man was sentenced to four months in jail for raping his wife. Not surprisingly, the wife did not bring the rape charge forward until eight months later. Eight months. I doubt I could even remember what day I had sex with my wife eight months later.
Furthermore, I'm aghast that this man couldn't see this one coming a mile away. As soon as I had read the first few lines it was as clear as day that the couple must be split up and a battle over custody of the children was the impetus behind the sleazy ex-wife. What's so disconcerting is that the judge was so easily fooled. I would have expected a higher standard of justice, but just proves how ingrained the well-oiled female chauvinist machine is in today's society.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2012-01-23 23:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'In remarks that critics have said are disturbingly reminiscent of Aldous Huxley’s famous dystopian novel “Brave New World,” a UK ethicist has argued that since pregnancy causes “natural inequality” between the sexes, women must be liberated from the “burdens and risks of pregnancy” through the use of “ectogenesis”, or artificial wombs.
“Pregnancy is a condition that causes pain and suffering, and that affects only women. The fact that men do not have to go through pregnancy to have a genetically related child, whereas women do, is a natural inequality,” writes Dr. Anna Smajdor in an article that recently appeared in the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.
In her Defense of Ectogenesis, published online December, 2011, Smajdor construes pregnancy as a “medical problem, along with other conditions that cause pain and suffering.” Smajdor is Lecturer in Ethics at the School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice in the University of East Anglia.
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Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2012-01-23 18:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'The male sex drive is to blame for most of the world's conflicts from football hooliganism to religious disputes and even world wars, according to scientists. The "male warrior" instinct means that men are programmed to be aggressive towards anyone they view as an outsider, a study claims.
In evolutionary terms an instinct for violence against others helped early men improve their status and gain more access to mates, but in modern terms this can translate into large-scale wars.
In contrast women are naturally equipped with a "tend and befriend" attitude which means they seek to resolve conflicts peacefully in order to protect their children, researchers said.
Although men's hostile responses most likely evolved to combat the threat from outsiders, they "might not be functional in modern times and are often counterproductive," experts said.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Mon, 2012-01-23 12:59
Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2012-01-23 01:50
Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2012-01-23 01:26
Via email:
My name is Linda Taylor, I am a community Activist in California. Recently I asked California Assemblyman Bill Berryhill to introduce legislation that make child support tax deductible. If you are interested in helping make this law, you should contact Matt Roman - Legislative Director for Berryhill's office at 916-319-2026. Or, fax his office at 916-319-2126.
The decision whether to introduce this legislation is only a week away. Please contact his office ASAP.
Thank you,
Linda Taylor
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 19:18
'The law, which was designed to end discrimination against women, is now discriminating against men. For example:
• Boston University dropped its football program due to Title IX pressures after 91 years.
• University of San Francisco cut football after 64 years.
• Colgate University eliminated men’s baseball after 107 years.
• Cornell University’s men’s fencing team was discontinued after 98 years.
• Princeton University ended its wrestling program for fear of litigation due to an inability to satisfy “proportionality”.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 19:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'In an effort to prove compliance with the gender equality law, CMU issued a survey to all students in the spring of 2009 gauging the interest and ability of female athletes. The survey, which had about 2,200 respondents, concluded there was a very limited interest in adding new women’s sports. However, a repeal in April 2010 – the George W. Bush administration had ruled a survey was sufficient enough – forced schools to adhere to more stringent criteria to prove that they were compliant.
“We went through process and the survey showed that there was not a substantial interest level in additional sports — that we were meeting the needs,” Heeke said. “When the Obama administration came in, that tool was deemed non-compliant and the Office of Civil Rights came back and said you can’t use that anymore. When that went away, we had to start over.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 18:42
Story here. Excerpt:
'A SOUTH African woman appeared in court yesterday accused of leaving a pregnant woman for dead after slicing her open and stealing the unborn child from her womb.
Loretta Cooke (29) from Randfontein in west Johannesburg was remanded in custody at Randfontein Magistrate Court after state prosecutors were granted an adjournment to allow them investigate the case further.
The grisly murder was perpetrated last week, but the police initially thought 34-year-old Valencia Behrens had bled to death after giving birth. In addition, they could not locate the deceased’s newborn baby at the crime scene.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 09:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'New Hampshire currently has the strongest set of domestic violence laws in the country; however, that could all change. Lawmakers held a hearing on Thursday which focused on two bills that would drastically scale back the domestic violence laws currently in place.
One of the bills being considered is House Bill 1581 which would prevent law enforcement from being able to immediately arrest an abuser who has assaulted his or her partner unless the officer has actually witnesses the crime take place. Under the current law, the police can arrest an abuser based on probable cause.
“It’s clear if a police officer sees somebody robbing a bank they ought to be able to arrest them,” says Representative Dan Itse, “Our Constitution is clear. You have to prove to an objective party, a judge, that there is reasonably cause that there is warrant for arrest.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 08:53
Article here. Excerpt:
'Long ago, feminists launched an attack on the concept of manliness, and you can see the fruits of their campaign in the Costa Concordia. Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield, author of Manliness, has said that the "the entire project of modernity can be understood as a project to keep manliness unemployed."
If manliness, a necessary precursor of the virtue of chivalry, is obsolete, why would a crew member risk his life to uphold it? My friend and colleague Carrie Lukas once observed that "gentlemanly conduct isn't about the women at all. It's about the men and their sense of themselves." Today men are discouraged from feeling that there is any intrinsic value in being and acting like a man. If there is no pride, no sense of particular duty to a high cause, why, then, would they possibly surrender a seat on a lifeboat?'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 08:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'Today there is no social norm, so it's every man for himself – operative word "man," although not many of the chaps on the Titanic would recognize those on the Costa Concordia as "men." From a grandmother on the latter: "I was standing by the lifeboats and men, big men, were banging into me and knocking the girls."
Whenever I write about these subjects, I receive a lot of mail from men along the lines of this correspondent:
"The feminists wanted a gender-neutral society. Now they've got it. So what are you complaining about?"
And so the manly virtues (if you'll forgive a quaint phrase) shrivel away to the so-called "man caves," those sad little redoubts of beer and premium cable sports networks.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 02:40
Story here. Excerpt:
'Americans reacted with disbelief and outrage this week after an ABC TV documentary detailed a conspiracy between prosecutors, social workers and school authorities to destroy Julian Wendrow's family.
Wendrow, 56, is a teacher and paint-store owner. He was arrested at his home in Michigan days before a planned family holiday to Johannesburg in December 2007. He was jailed for 80 days, 70 of them in a 2x2m solitary confinement cell, and threatened with life imprisonment while county officials publicly described him as a rapist and a paedophile.
His wife, Tali, was also taken to jail, fitted with an electronic tether and placed under house arrest for alleged complicity in the "rapes". As a result she lost her job as a research attorney.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2012-01-22 02:37
Story here.
'BEATRICE, Neb. (AP) - Rape charges filed against a Wymore man have been dismissed, and the woman who accused him has been arrested on suspicion of lying about the assault and other counts.
Beatrice radio station KWBE ( reports that 27-year-old Jennifer Valenta of Wilber has been charged with perjury, false reporting, obstructing government operations, two counts of prostitution and other counts.
Deputy Gage County Attorney Rick Schreiner says Valenta was arrested Friday in Beatrice. Valenta had reported that she was gang-raped by the Wymore man and three others on Nov. 24.
Schreiner says the investigation into the allegations did not support Valenta's claims, and that she eventually acknowledged fabricating the rape.
Valenta remained in jail Saturday and could not be reached for comment.'
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