Police: Woman Made Up Attack For Boyfriend's Attention

Story here. A young woman in Boulder makes up a story of an assailant in order to get her boyfriend's attention. Excerpt:

'BOULDER, Colo. -- A 20-year-old college student admitted to Boulder police that she fabricated a story about fighting off a knife-wielding black man because she wanted attention from her boyfriend, according to police reports obtained by 7NEWS.

Police on Thursday issued Nina Fiorillo a summons for false reporting after she admitted making up the story about being attacked while walking home early Sunday morning. False reporting to authorities is a misdemeanor carrying a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $750 fine.

The University of Colorado student's bogus claim about an armed attacker at large triggered alarm in the community and an intense investigation by police detectives and patrol officers, according to 43 pages of police reports generated by the manhunt.'

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Oral HPV Infection Strikes Men More Than Women: Study

Link here. Excerpt:

'Almost 7 percent of American men and women are infected orally with the human papillomavirus (HPV), new research reveals, with men showing significantly higher infection rates than women.

In fact, the study found that among those between the ages of 14 and 69, men seem to face a nearly threefold greater risk than women for oral HPV infection.

The authors noted that the gender gap grows even wider with respect to HPV-16, a strain that is responsible for the vast majority of HPV-related cases of oral cancer. Men are five times more likely to be infected with HPV-16 than are women, the study found.

The biggest risk factors for oral HPV infection include sex and tobacco use, the researchers say.'

Ed. note: You will get the following message after opening the link:

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NYPD Commissioner's son in rape probe

Story here. The woman reported the alleged assault three months after the encounter and during that span continued contact with him via text messages and phone calls. I'm going to keep a close eye on this story. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK -- The son of New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is under investigation after a woman accused him of rape, sources tell NBC New York.
Details of her complaint are unknown at this time, but Greg Kelly has not been arrested or charged with any crime.
Kelly's attorney, Andrew Lankler, said that his client was aware of the investigation and strongly denied any wrongdoing.

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Bill Hudson, Goldie Hawn’s Ex, Pens Book on Parental Alienation, Praises Fathers and Families

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bill Hudson, father of Kate and Oliver Hudson and the ex-husband of Goldie Hawn, has authored a new book, Two Versions, in which he claims he was alienated from his children by his ex-wife. According to Amazon.com:

Bill Hudson of the Hudson brothers, ex-spouse of Goldie Hawn, explores in this book aspects of the family dealing with fame, marriage, divorce, and the ugliness that can cause relationships between parent and child to become stilted…he covers the bitter side of divorce, his own foibles, as well as such issues as parental alienation and fathers’ rights. Not a ‘Hollywood tell-all’, but instead an emotional outreach to those who have been in or are in the same situations Bill saw.

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F&F: Victory! F & F Helps Win Child Custody Case in CO Supreme Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers and Families and its legislative representative Michael Robinson have been at the forefront of the fight to protect military servicemembers’ often tenuous child custody rights. We’ve successfully worked to pass military parent legislation in dozens of states, including Ohio, Georgia, California, Indiana, Nevada, and Arizona over the past two years.

While the family court system in general is biased against fathers, Fathers and Families has repeatedly warned that there are fathers who have learned how to work the system against mothers, and use it to their unjust advantage. When this occurs, Fathers and Families is on the side of the mother whose loving bonds with her children are being endangered.

In Re the Marriage of Brandt, decided this week by the Colorado Supreme Court, is such a case. Fathers and Families has been assisting Captain Christine Brandt of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps to regain custody of her 12-year-old son.

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Two teenage girls charged with murder after stabbing death of man

Story here. Excerpt:

'GARLAND, Texas – Two teenage girls in Texas are facing capital murder charges after a man was found stabbed in a motel room, MyFoxDFW.com reports.

Police say 17-year-old Tatina Daniels and 18-year-old Teresa Price were "partying" Monday night in a motel room with the victim, 40-year-old Jesse Morales, Jr.

Authorities did not give details on what happened in the hotel room that night, but said the "party" involved drugs, sex and alcohol.

"At some point during the night, the party got out of hand," Garland Police public information officer Joe Harn said in a news release. "Police believe that led to the death of Morales."

The girls then allegedly took the victim's van and set fire to it.'

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SAVE: VAWA Vote on Thursday: Have You Made the Call?

Reference: http://news.mensactivism.org/node/17895

VAWA Vote on Thursday: Have You Made the Call?

  • Chuck Grassley (202) 224-3744
  • Orrin G. Hatch (202) 224-5251
  • Jon Kyl (202) 224-4521
  • Jeff Sessions (202) 224-4124
  • Lindsey Graham (202) 224-5972
  • John Cornyn (202) 224-2934
  • Michael S. Lee (202) 224-5444
  • Tom Coburn (202) 224-5754
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Canandaigua mom accused of leaving toddler alone, driving drunk and assault

Story here. Notice in these stories there seems to be an emphasis on the fact that the accused or convicted woman is a 'mom'. Umm, forgive me here, but 'moms' don't do stuff like this to their kids. Criminals do. Excerpt:

'A Canandaigua woman was accused of leaving her infant home alone, driving drunk and assaulting a police officer early today.

Ontario County sheriff's deputies stopped Vanessa R. Rosa, 21, of Telyea Street on Route 364 in Gorham, Ontario County, just before 1 a.m. She was allegedly driving outside the appropriate lane, deputies said.

Rosa was also driving without a valid license because hers had been suspended pending a separate DWI arrest that occurred in November, said Ontario County Undersheriff David Tillman. He said charges are pending in that case.

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Businessman to have cosmetic surgery to heal horrific wounds after two years of abuse by his 5ft 1ins girlfriend

Article here. Excerpt:

"A businessman who was beaten so badly by his 5ft 1ins girlfriend that he almost lost his arm is to have cosmetic surgery to heal his horrific scars.

Ian McNicholl, 49, from Hull, suffered two years of abuse at the hands of Michelle Williamson, including one attack where she sprayed bleach in his eyes.

He also suffered fractures to his skull, cheekbones, and nose, three cracked ribs and horrific burns on his arm from an iron at the hands of his ex-girlfriend.

Williamson, who is now serving a seven-year jail sentence for causing grievous bodily harm, also lit cigarettes and shoved them up her partner’s nose after falsely accusing him of having an affair.

On one occasion, she also poured two kettles full of boiling water over him - and even attacked him with a vacuum cleaner.

He added: 'I can completely understand why some men will feel embarrassed speaking out - men generally don’t like talking about their feelings.

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Ob-Gyns Should Screen for Domestic Abuse: Experts

Link here. Excerpt:

'Obstetricians and gynecologists should screen all patients for intimate partner violence, including during prenatal visits, according to new recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
About one in four women has been physically and/or sexually assaulted by a current or former partner, and nearly 324,000 pregnant women are abused by their partners each year in the United States, researchers have found.
"Women of all ages experience intimate partner violence, but it is most prevalent among reproductive-age women," Dr. Maureen Phipps, chair of the college's Committee on Health Care for Underserved Women, said in the news release. "We have a prime opportunity to identify and help women who are being abused by incorporating this screening into our routine office visits with each and every patient."'

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'Trust Women Week' for Female Repro Rights - and Male Repro Rights Are...?

MoveOn.org is leading Trust Women Week, a 'virtual march' for women's reproductive rights. No mention at all of male reproductive rights, or the complete lack thereof. Anyone else feel like it's time MRAs had their own virtual (or real) march for male reproductive rights? I do.

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SAVE: The Senate Judiciary Committee Needs Your Calls Before Thursday's (Jan. 26, 2012) Vote On VAWA

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) this coming Thursday at 10am. As you know, we have found many flaws in this bill, which is why we created the Partner Violence Reduction Act (PVRA).

The Partner Violence Reduction Act:

  • Gives priority to real victims.
  • Reduces false allegations.
  • Removes provisions that violate the Constitution.
  • Protects families.
  • Provides legal assistance for alleged victim and alleged offender.
  • Requires third-party accreditation.
  • Curbs immigration fraud.
  • Makes the law gender-inclusive.

Today we'd like you to call members on the committee. Tell them to reject VAWA and to support the Partner Violence Reduction Act. More info: http://www.saveservices.org/pvra

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Judge bought the lie hook, line and sinker!

A recent article (http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1119764--man-jailed-4-months-for-sexually-assaulting-wife?bn=1) in the Toronto Star has highlighted a judge who was fooled beyond belief. A man was sentenced to four months in jail for raping his wife. Not surprisingly, the wife did not bring the rape charge forward until eight months later. Eight months. I doubt I could even remember what day I had sex with my wife eight months later.

Furthermore, I'm aghast that this man couldn't see this one coming a mile away. As soon as I had read the first few lines it was as clear as day that the couple must be split up and a battle over custody of the children was the impetus behind the sleazy ex-wife. What's so disconcerting is that the judge was so easily fooled. I would have expected a higher standard of justice, but just proves how ingrained the well-oiled female chauvinist machine is in today's society.

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Ethicist wants women to abandon motherhood, use artificial wombs

Article here. Excerpt:

'In remarks that critics have said are disturbingly reminiscent of Aldous Huxley’s famous dystopian novel “Brave New World,” a UK ethicist has argued that since pregnancy causes “natural inequality” between the sexes, women must be liberated from the “burdens and risks of pregnancy” through the use of “ectogenesis”, or artificial wombs.

“Pregnancy is a condition that causes pain and suffering, and that affects only women. The fact that men do not have to go through pregnancy to have a genetically related child, whereas women do, is a natural inequality,” writes Dr. Anna Smajdor in an article that recently appeared in the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.

In her Defense of Ectogenesis, published online December, 2011, Smajdor construes pregnancy as a “medical problem, along with other conditions that cause pain and suffering.” Smajdor is Lecturer in Ethics at the School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice in the University of East Anglia.

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Male sex drive 'to blame for world's conflicts'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The male sex drive is to blame for most of the world's conflicts from football hooliganism to religious disputes and even world wars, according to scientists. The "male warrior" instinct means that men are programmed to be aggressive towards anyone they view as an outsider, a study claims.

In evolutionary terms an instinct for violence against others helped early men improve their status and gain more access to mates, but in modern terms this can translate into large-scale wars.

In contrast women are naturally equipped with a "tend and befriend" attitude which means they seek to resolve conflicts peacefully in order to protect their children, researchers said.
Although men's hostile responses most likely evolved to combat the threat from outsiders, they "might not be functional in modern times and are often counterproductive," experts said.'

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